单词 | 砌石 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 砌石 noun —masonry n石砌 —stone stepsSee also:砌—build by laying bricks or stones
我們進行斜坡鞏固工程後,會用植被、噴漿或其他美 化硬面,例如砌石硬面保護斜坡。 devb.gov.hk | After the slope upgrading works, [...] the slope surface was protected by vegetation covers, shotcrete or other landscaped hard [...] surfacing such as stone pitching. devb.gov.hk |
此 外,打樁對 現有砌石牆造 成 震 動和施工時間有限 的 因 素 , 也 [...] 限制了 打入工 字 樁 的 選擇。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, the vibration [...] to the existing masonry walls and limited [...]working hours also limit the choice of driven H-piles. legco.gov.hk |
(d) 通往低層平台的花崗岩梯級及尚餘的 砌石 擋 土 牆,應予 保存 legco.gov.hk | (d) the granite steps leading to the lower platform together with [...] the remaining rubble retaining the [...]wall should be preserved legco.gov.hk |
由於沒有 任 何一款 新物料在成本上 較 砌石牆更 具 競爭力,當地政府未 有在公路項目 [...] 的裝設屏障工 程 中 使 用 此 等物料。 legco.gov.hk | Since none of the new materials is cost [...] competitive with masonry walls, the government [...]has not applied any of these materials [...]to barrier systems installed on highway projects. legco.gov.hk |
4.4 沿士丹頓街而建的邊界牆由一道水泥抺面牆構成,該牆以中 間支柱並間以凹壁的形式,建造在不規 則 砌石 擋 土 牆上。 legco.gov.hk | 4.4 The boundary wall along Staunton Street [...] consists of a rendered wall constructed of bays and intermediate pillars built on [...] top of a random rubble retaining wall. legco.gov.hk |
主席先生,除了有系統㆞進行斜坡檢查和維修工作外,政府亦正 手推行穆根士頓教 [...] 授在調查報告內所作的建議,包括實施㆒個決 定 砌石 牆 厚度的計劃、負責並支持進行 研究以改善描繪場㆞特徵的方法,以及成立技術審核委員會。 legco.gov.hk | In addition to undertaking systematic slope inspections and maintenance, the Government is also implementing the recommendations in [...] Professor MORGENSTERN's report relating to [...] measurement of masonry wall thickness, [...]to undertake and support research into improved [...]site characterization and to establish a Technical Review Board. legco.gov.hk |
4.8 古蹟辦表示,通往低層平台的一段花崗岩梯級,連同尚餘的 砌石擋土牆,具有歷史價值。 legco.gov.hk | 4.8 According to AMO, the granite steps leading to the lower platform along with [...] the remaining rubble retaining wall [...]are areas of historic interest. legco.gov.hk |
此外,建議 的新項目將集中於砌石牆之 上,因為根據屋宇署的執法經驗, 這些牆壁會在大部分的分間樓宇單位內被用作室內間隔。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, the proposed new items [...] will focus on masonry walls, which are [...]used in most sub-divided flat units as internal [...]partitions according to BD’s enforcement experience. legco.gov.hk |
大、中型防渗渠道宜采用坡脚或底 面为弧形的非标准形断面,小型渠道宜采用 U 形断面;中小型渠道采用混凝土防渗衬 砌石,提 倡采用标准化设计、工厂化预制、现场装配技术。 wrdmap.org | Large and medium-sized anti-seepage ditches should adopt non-standard cross sections with sloped or arced bottoms. wrdmap.org |
提倡使用灰土、水泥土、砌石等当地材料;推广 使用混凝土和沥青混凝土、塑料薄膜等成熟的渠道防渗工程常用材料;鼓励在试验研 究的基础上,使用复合土工膜、改性沥青防水卷材等土工膜料以及聚合物纤维混凝 土、土壤固化剂和土工合成材料膨润土垫等防渗材料;加强不同气候和土质条件下渠 道防渗新材料、新工艺、新施工设备的研究;加强渠道防渗防冻胀技术的研究和产品 开发。 wrdmap.org | Popularize common materials for mature ditch anti-seepage projects such as concrete, bituminous concrete and plastic film. Encourage the use of geotechnic film such as compound geotechnic film, modified bituminous water-proof materials and anti-seepage materials of polymer fiber concrete, soil solidifying substance and geotechnic synthetic bentonite cushion on the basis of the experimental research. wrdmap.org |
我們建議引入一項第I [...] 級別及兩項第III級別小型工程項 目以規管非承重磚造牆(即只包括砌石 牆 )的 裝設工程。 legco.gov.hk | We propose to introduce one Class I and [...] two Class III minor works items to regulate the installation of non-load bearing [...] block walls (i.e. only masonry walls). legco.gov.hk |
4.3 面向城皇街梯級的一道牆,其結構與荷李活道沿街的不規則 砌石牆相 若,多處位置隨着階梯的坡度呈梯級狀。 legco.gov.hk | 4.3 The wall fronting the steps of Shing Wong Street is similar in construction [...] to the random rubble wall along Hollywood Road. legco.gov.hk |
經濟司答:主席先生,政府會採取㆔項措施:首先,在條款㆖會明文規定使用者不能使用 車輛運載貨物,只可以用船;第㆓,政府會在這幅土㆞的沿邊豎立欄杆,令承建商即使想 違背協議改由陸路運載貨物,亦會遇到㆒定的困難;第㆔,政府現在正考慮在第十六區的 隔離欄杆之外,另再設立㆒個㆗立區,可能在這內種植樹木及 堆 砌石 塊 等,這樣違例者除 了要攀爬欄杆外,還會遇到其他困難。 legco.gov.hk | Thirdly, the Administration is considering, apart from barricades, a buffer zone in which trees and stones will be used to fence off the area, so as to pose another obstacle to those who go against the law. legco.gov.hk |
修 訂 麥 加 利地質 烈 度表上第 VII 級( 感 應效果:懸掛物 件 抖 動、人 們 站 立 困 難 、 鬆 脫 [...] 瓦片下 墮 )地震的重 現 期 估 計 為 350 年 至 400 年,而 烈 度表上第 [...] VIII 級 ( 感 應效果: 若 干砌石 牆塌下 、 濕 地 及 陡 坡 出 [...]現 裂 痕 ) 的地震,則估 計 每 2 500 年發生 1 次 。 legco.gov.hk | The return period for a major earthquake of Intensity VII on the Modified Mercalli Scale (MMS) (effect: hanging objects quiver, difficult to stand, fall of loose tiles) is estimated to be 350 - 400 [...] years, and Intensity VIII on the MMS [...] (effect: fall of some masonry walls, cracks in [...]wet ground and on steep slopes) could be once in 2 500 years. legco.gov.hk |
4.2 沿荷李活道而建的擋土牆屬不規則 砌石 牆 類型,並非以方狀 石按層鋪砌。 legco.gov.hk | 4.2 The retaining wall along Hollywood Road is of a type known as random rubble walling built of irregular unsquared stone not in courses. legco.gov.hk |
較 早 前 , 香港大學地 理 系 的 詹 志 勇 教 授 指 出 , 科 士 街 的 護 土 牆 ,是用 古老的 砌 石 方 法 築 成,連同在 縫隙茁壯成長的大 樹 , 大 概 已 經 有 七 、 八十年的歷 史 。 legco.gov.hk | Prof JIM Chi-yung of the Department of Geography, University of Hong Kong, pointed out earlier that the retaining wall in Forbes Street was constructed with an ancient masonry skill. legco.gov.hk |
4.5 現址這面的邊界牆由幾種不同類型的牆身組成,包括不規則 砌石牆,以及為配合鴨巴甸街的斜度而採用階梯形式,並以凹壁和中 [...] 間支柱結構建造的水泥抺面牆。 legco.gov.hk | 4.5 This boundary of the site has walls [...] constructed of several different types [...] including random rubble walls and rendered [...]walls of bays and intermediate pillars [...]built to a stepped formation to suit the inclusion of Aberdeen Street. legco.gov.hk |
对于实心砖墙、水泥墙以及石砌墙, 在安装 Supress 清水墙板之前,应该先安设 2x4 木壁骨 或轻钢壁骨,以消除不平现象。 supressproducts.com | Solid brick, concrete or masonry walls should be furred out with 2x4 wood or lightweight steel studs prior to the installation of Supress. supressproducts.com |
面向中國大陸的西北牆身,主要以花 崗 石砌 築 , 子牆較矮且沒有炮口設置,這主要顯示其對外海的防禦作用以及對當時中國官方的友好姿態。 macaumuseum.gov.mo | The walls facing the Chinese mainland are primarily built of granite and do not consist of any battlements, indicating that the fortress was built only for defence against attack from the sea. macaumuseum.gov.mo |
使用自然色彩的木质、纯朴的工作台面与 砖 石砌 块 、瓷砖、玻璃橱柜、揉面槽,凹槽以及吸油烟机。 scavolini.cn | Woods and natural colours, rustic [...] work-tops and masonry, ceramic tiles, [...]glass-fronted cupboards, kneading troughs, recesses and chimney hoods. scavolini.us |
在未禁止这种做法的某些国家中,产出水被弃置于可 能未衬砌不透 水隔层的废水池中,甚至直接倒入河流或海洋中。 daccess-ods.un.org | In some countries where the practice is not banned, produced water is disposed of in waste ponds, which may not be lined with impermeable barriers, or even dumped directly into streams or oceans. daccess-ods.un.org |
與 使用以石砌或水泥 建成的傳統屏障相比, 所有新產 品 的重量均 [...] 較 輕。 legco.gov.hk | All of the new products are lighter than [...] traditional masonry or cement barriers. legco.gov.hk |
大量项目信息的 堆砌不是有效的管理所需要的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Information on a multitude of projects is not what is needed for effective governance nor for good management. unesdoc.unesco.org |
二是针对外环线及天津大道的突出问题进行集中整治:外环线重点对白色垃圾严重的路段进行清整,完成津淄桥至津港桥及友谊路路口等点位,清运垃圾渣土488吨;天津大道针对主线跨河桥和支线上跨桥土护坡未 护 砌 硬 化 造成的养护界限模糊、坡面环境脏乱、雨水冲刷土护坡造成变形、隔音板擦洗等情况进行桥区综合整治,(清运垃圾渣土48吨,冲洗隔音板1110米,擦洗栏杆3.4万米,擦洗公里牌70个,清洗防抛网2660延米,擦洗波形钢护栏5000米,冲洗 侧 石 2 0 万 米 ,清理伸缩缝3382延米,清理收水井1863个)。 sdgxsz.com | The two is directed to the outer ring and Tianjin Avenue problems undertake centralized punish: link key on white trash serious road cleaning, complete Jin Bridge to Hong Kong bridge and friendship road crossing point, garbage removal slag488 tons; Tianjin avenue to main line and branch [...] line bridge bridge soil [...] without lining hardening caused by maintenance fuzzy boundaries, slope environment dirty, rain erosion soil deformation caused by scrub, sound insulation board of Bridge District comprehensive improvement, ( removal of waste residue48 tons, flushing sound insulation board of 1110 meters,34000 meters scrub scrub railings, KM70 brand, cleaning and polishing net 2660Yanmi, scrubbing the corrugated steel guardrail5000 meters, flushing side stone200000 meters, clean [...]joints3382Yanmi, clean water collecting well1863). sdgxsz.com |
通过加强覆盖统计资料编制过程每一“建 筑 砌 块 ” 的国家统计系统,来遵行 改进统计系统的原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | The principle of improving statistical systems is undertaken through the [...] strengthening of the national statistical system covering each of [...] the building blocks of the statistical [...]production process. daccess-ods.un.org |
这尊由混凝土与绿色皂石外层材料堆 砌 而 成 的巨大雕像矗立在700多米的山顶,与科巴卡巴纳海滩(Copacabana)遥遥相望,瓦克提供的硅烷/硅氧烷混合物可让这座巴西人避难所免受自然环境的侵袭。 wacker.com | A silane/siloxane mixture supplied by WACKER now protects Brazil’s national sanctuary above the Copacabana against the harmful environmental influences that the giant concrete and soapstone figure is exposed to 700 meters up. wacker.com |
在瓦达吉尔锡皮屋顶、砖墙砌成的 医疗中心的其他地方,护士们给儿童分发抗生素和除寄生虫药物,进行针对肺结核和麻疹的免疫接种工作。 unicef.org | Elsewhere in the tin-roofed, brick-walled health centre at Wadajir, nurses give children antibiotics and deworming medicines, and immunizations are administered for tuberculosis and measles. unicef.org |
政府當 局 向 委員保證,當污水收集隧道開始運 作後,地下水便不會流 入隧道, 因為所有隧道均 會 鋪砌上 混凝土 的 永久襯層,而且 污水是以隧道外地 下水相 同 的水壓貫滿隧道。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration assured members that no groundwater would enter the sewage collection tunnels after they were put into operation, as these tunnels would be permanently lined with concrete and would carry sewage at the same hydrostatic pressure to that of the external groundwater. legco.gov.hk |
本㆟對政府怠慢的態度萬分遺憾,並且要求政府今日確實回覆何時公布新 政策,不要再砌詞推搪。 legco.gov.hk | I find the Government’s slighting attitude most deplorable, and I demand that the Government should not make any more excuse in its reply today and to say for certain when the new policy will be announced. legco.gov.hk |