

单词 砂积矿床

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

其 他矿产资源包括金、银、铂、铁、煤、镍、大理石 砂 岩。
Other substantial and
[...] prospective mineral and mining resource deposits include gold, silver, platinum, iron, coal, nickel, marble, and sandstone.
然而,开采通常具有系统性,尽管 在外围进行一些积矿床的开 采,开采主要集中于产量较高的原生矿藏。
However, mining is generally systematic and, despite some alluvial mining at [...]
the periphery, it is largely focused on higher yield primary deposits.
必须指出,金伯利进程钻石专家工作组提出预估时,使用了冲突前的积 矿床开采数据。
It is important to note that the KP WGDE used
[...] pre-conflict alluvial mining data to produce [...]
its estimates.
(f) 在矿床方面 ,采矿试验后的矿区地图,尽可能用最小标度突出地貌变化; (g) 受排放羽流再积物影 响的主要底栖动物的痕量金属含量。
(g) Levels of trace metals found in dominant benthic fauna subjected to resettled sediment from the discharge plume.
该项目旨在为积矿床开采 者澄 清土地保有权并将其正式化,作为金伯利进程证书制度要求的加强钻石监管链进 [...]
The project seeks to clarify and formalize land
[...] tenure rights for alluvial miners as part of the process [...]
of strengthening the chain of
diamond custody required by the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme.
由于积矿床开采与目前正在 Séguéla 开采的原生矿床相比产量 [...]
较低,专家组认为,这些预估数字可能偏于保守,而且使用冲突前的数据来估计 Séguéla 的生产已再精确。
Because alluvial mines produce a [...]
lower yield than the primary deposits that are now being mined in Séguéla, the Group maintains
that these estimates are likely to be conservative and it is no longer accurate to use pre-conflict data to estimate Séguéla’s production.
鼓励 鼓励
[...] 鼓励 鼓励金伯利进程通过手工和积砂矿 生 产 工作组并在钻石促进发展倡 议的协助下,确保执行 [...]
2005 年《莫斯科宣言》阐述的各项建议
the Kimberley Process, through its Working
[...] Group on Artisanal Alluvial Production and [...]
with the assistance of the Diamond Development
Initiative, to ensure implementation of the recommendations set forth in the Moscow declaration of 2005
The sand bed retains the solids [...]
and creates a filtrate nearly free of suspended matter.
奥利维尔酒庄葡萄地质的种类和性质与波尔多左岸从索泰尔纳(Sauternes) 到圣-艾斯戴夫(Saint-Estèphe)的大部分列级葡萄酒产区相一致,即古老的河床在海洋 沉积物上打开了一个槽口并形成了凹槽, 床 上 的 砂 砾 冲 积 沉 积 物 重 新沉积在粘土和石 灰岩构成的第三地层上,在圆丘山坡上露头。
The variety and nature of the soils at Château Olivier are like those of most Grand Cru Classé wines on the left bank of the
Garonne, from
[...] Sauternes to Saint-Estèphe: alluvial gravel deposits corresponding to former riverbeds dug into marine sediment, lying on clay-limestone beds from the tertiary [...]
era and pushing through the surface of the mounds.
如果有任何一个无论是气体、液体还是固体状态的石油积聚,或有任何其 他床下矿物沉积,跨越本条约所述界线,而且位于界线一侧的这种积聚或 沉积可以全部或部分从界线另一侧开采,双方将寻求商定最有效地开采这些 积聚或沉积的方式,并商定公平分享这种开采所产生的惠益。
If any single accumulation of petroleum, whether in a gaseous,
liquid or solid state, or
[...] if any other mineral deposit beneath the seabed, extends across the lines described in [the] Treaty, and the part of such accumulation or deposit that [...]
is situated on one side
of the line is recoverable wholly or in part from the other side of the line, the two Parties will seek to reach agreement on the manner in which the accumulation or deposit shall be most effectively exploited and on the equitable sharing of the benefits arising from such exploitation.
科特迪瓦冲突之后,开采活动开始从 积矿床 开 采 向原生矿床开采转变, 因此必须提高开采技术,改进设备和矿工的组织与管理。
The post-conflict change
[...] in Ivorian mining activities from alluvial to primary [...]
deposits has necessitated improved mining
techniques, better extraction equipment and the organization and management of miners.
执行该法的条例除其他外,包括《1980 年关于法令颁布前的勘探者的深海海底采矿条例》、《1980 年关于勘探许可证的深
海海底采矿条例》、《关于商业采收执照的深海海底采矿条例》、第 103-426 号公 法、1994 年 10 月
[...] 31 日颁发的《授权内政部长谈判制定关于利用外大陆架上的沙 砾、……关于利用外大陆架上砂、 砾 和贝壳 积 资 源的法令和贝壳 积 资 源的 法令》、美国内政矿产管理局 1999 年 12 月颁布的《在外大陆架开采石油、天 然气和硫磺以外的矿产准则》。
The implementing regulations to this Act include, inter alia, Deep Seabed Mining Regulations Affecting Pre-Enactment Explorers 1980, Deep Seabed Mining Regulations for Exploration Licenses 1980, Deep Seabed Mining Regulations for Commercial Recovery Permits, Public Law 103-426, An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to negotiate agreements for the use of
Outer Continental Shelf sand, gravel and shell resources,
[...] enacted on 31 October 1994, and Guidelines for Obtaining Minerals other than Oil, Gas and Sulphur on the Outer Continental Shelf, [...]
issued by United States Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, in December 1999.
所有这些措施所需要投资大大高于 积矿床 开 采 所需的投资。
All of these measures require investment that is significantly greater
[...] than that required for alluvial mining.
专家组在行业会议同卢旺达当局进行了协商,据他们说,除非洲 砂 公 司和 Semico 外,卢旺达还有两家矿公司 也被暂停 矿 , 原 因是他们参与为在吉塞尼省 收缴的 500 公斤锡矿非法加标记。
Apart from APT and Semico, two Rwandan mining companies had been suspended because of their involvement in illegal tagging of 500 kg of tin ore seized in Gisenyi, according to Rwandan authorities with whom the Group consulted during industry conferences.
壳牌公司在1985到1987年之间对Gum Flat残积/淤积矿床进行 了钻探,主要采用了RAB钻井,以及一些反循环钻探和少量的岩心钻探。
The Gum Flat eluvial/alluvial deposits were [...]
drilled by Shell Metals between 1985 and 1987 using mostly RAB drilling with
some RC and limited core drilling.
阳光油砂股份有限公司(SUNSHINE OILSANDS LTD)是位于加拿大阿尔伯塔省的阿萨巴斯卡 砂 区 占有 面 积 最 多 的无合伙人 砂 租 约 开发商之一。
Sunshine Oilsands Ltd. is one of the
largest non-partnered
[...] developers of oil sands leases by area in the Athabasca oil sands region, which [...]
is located in the province of Alberta, Canada.
但是,在最不发达国家中,贸易情况出现好转的国家仅占少数,而石油矿 砂价格大幅上涨带动的商品价格激增,是这种贸易好转的主要因素。
However, this improved trade performance only occurred in a few least developed countries and was largely driven by the surge in commodity prices, with oil and mineral prices rising significantly.
边 界疏漏有利于非法采矿。开始出现土地和产权纠纷,纠纷不仅 砂矿 行 业 ,而且砂矿行业与工业行业之间发生。
Border porosity facilitates illegal mining, and land and title disputes are beginning to arise, not only within the alluvial sector, but also between the alluvial and the industrial sectors.
阳光油砂股份有限公司(“公司”)今天宣布,2013年1月11日(卡尔加里时间),公司与中海油田服务有限公司(“中海油服”)签署了一份“谅解备忘录”(“MOU”),双方将在有关在加拿大开展多元热流体油砂勘探技术开发合作方面进行友好协商和互相沟通,如果意见一致,双方将签署合作协议,根据协议,中海油服将在公司所属 砂矿 区 开 展热流体试验,以确认多元热流体技术和其他油砂勘探相关技术的可行性。
("COSL") to amicably negotiate and communicate with each other in respect of cooperation in developing multiple thermal fluid oilsands exploration technology in Canada and, if acceptable, sign a cooperation agreement under
which COSL will conduct thermal fluid
[...] tests within the oilsands areas of the [...]
Company in order to confirm the feasibility
of multiple thermal fluid techniques and other relevant technologies with respect of oilsands exploration.
现今,将矿砂封闭 在陆地上的最常见做法是修建尾矿坝,然后以水下废物 填充,以尽量减少氧化。
The most common practice today for the
[...] containment of mine tailings on land is through [...]
the construction of tailings dams,
which are then filled with waste materials kept underwater to minimize their oxidation.
通过声纳信号的发射程度,与同样频率的已知背景程度作对照, 就可以自动并迅速地了解 磨床上所产生的高频率噪声的主要信息,如 床砂 轮 与 修正器或工件的最初接触;砂轮与这些 部分的不正常或剧烈接触(撞击);以及与修正器部件的接触
By monitoring the level of these emissions, referenced against known background levels at the same frequency, key events can be automatically and quickly detected on the grinding machine as they occur.
Frisson”其实是法语中寒意或哆嗦的意思,完美地诠释了这款手表 砂矿 物 晶体表面,荧光的蓝色指针和透明的硅表带下呈现出来的冰冷外表。
Frisson” is in fact french for chill or shiver and perfectly
describes the icy look of this timepiece
[...] with its frosted mineral crystal, luminous [...]
blue hands and transparent silicon strap.
但是,北基伍矿业局的官方统计数据表明,有几家公司,包括中国有色金 属,继续从刚果民主共和国东部进 矿砂 ( 见 附件 50)。
Several companies, however, including China National Nonferrous Metals, continue to import mineral ore from the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo according to official statistics from the
一些所需的能量可由内部热量交换器提供,因此不仅可 减少所需的空气量,而且可减少必要的流 床 面 积。
Some of the energy required is
provided by internal heat exchangers which reduces the amount of air needed and also reduces
[...] the necessary fluid bed area.
章,向国际会议投递了约 125 篇文章(可应要求提供完整列表)。主要专题:海岸 地貌、大陆架和斜坡的积过程 、被动和活动大陆边的构造和地球动力学、海矿床和天 然气水合物,地理信息系统制图。
Main topics: marine and coastal geomorphology, sedimentary processes on the
continental shelf and slope, tectonics and
[...] geodynamics of passive and active continental margins, submarine mineral deposits and gas hydrates, GIS mapping.
[...] 地的特征而定;其中包括:矿石/矿物的性质 矿床 的 深 度;掘出物质及其周围 岩石的化学成分;原生物质;地形;气候和修复方法。
The environmental impacts associated with mining activities, which vary from region to region depending on mining and disposal
technologies and local features, include the
[...] nature of the ore/mineral; the depth of [...]
the deposit; the chemical composition of the
extracted matter and the surrounding rocks; naturally occurring substances; topography; climate; and reclamation practices.
第四系孔隙水主要贮存 于积相、海积相的粉细砂、中粗砂 、 砾 石和卵石中,含(透)水层厚度 2.3~12.0m,主要接受 大气降水和河水补给,并向河流排泄或补给底部基岩裂隙含水层。
Pore phreatic water of quaternary system are
[...] mainly stored in sands of powder, coarse sand, gravel and pebbles in alluvial facies and Marine [...]
facies, the thickness
of water layer is 2.3 to 12.0m, mainly get water supplies from atmospheric precipitation and alimentation of rivers, and it also flow into rivers or supply bedrock fissure water layer in the bottom.
捷克斯洛伐克解体后,设立了一个捷克-奥地利混合委员会, 以继续履行 1960
[...] 年《捷克斯洛伐克共和国政府与奥地利联邦政府间关于开采共 有天然气和石矿床的协 定》所规定的任务。
After the disintegration of Czechoslovakia, a Czech-Austrian Mixed Commission was set up to continue to fulfil the tasks arising from the 1960 Agreement between the Government of
the Czechoslovak Republic and the Austrian Federal Government on the Exploitation of
[...] Shared Natural Gas and Oil Deposits.
1960 年《捷克斯洛伐克共和国政府和奥地利联邦政府关于共同开采石油和天 然矿床的协 定》的一个具体特点是在技术上合理的开采系统方面只有一个缔约 [...]
A specific feature of the 1960 Agreement between the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic and the Austrian Federal Government on the
Exploitation of Shared Natural Gas and Oil
[...] Deposits was that the raw material was used [...]
only by one contracting party (Austria)
with regard to the technically rational system of mining.
鹦鹉螺公司与其合作伙伴 Teck Resources, 一家加拿大主要的矿业公司,还在俾斯麦海发现了更多海底块状硫化物休 矿床, 使这一区域已确定矿址的总数达到 18 块。
In conjunction with its partner, Teck Resources, a major Canadian mining company, Nautilus has also discovered additional dormant sea floor massive sulphide deposits in the Bismarck Sea, bringing the total identified sites in this area to 18.




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