

单词 矿泉水

See also:


mineral spring


mineral water

mouth of a spring
spring (small stream)
coin (archaic)

External sources (not reviewed)

热收缩膜包装技术原本是为补充纸箱包装而设计 的经济型批发包装,而它却突然引发了PET瓶矿泉水令人吃惊的销售增量。
This technology was devised as an economical alternative to the cardboard box for the manufacturing of wholesale
packs, and was instantly adopted as a result of the staggering growth in the
[...] consumption of mineral water in PET bottles.
Kelan water, as one of the regular [...]
clients of SAMDecaux at Qingdao Airport goes this month for the nice and impacting branding wall.
例如,农民、渔民矿泉水公司 都很依赖于同 一流域的不同服务。
The farmer, the
[...] fisher and the mineral water company, for example, [...]
all depend on a watershed for different services.
此后页面图片展示了一台处 理膜矿泉水的机器人码垛 机,配有托盘抓头和层垫加放 装置。
Figure on the following page Row picking robot
[...] palletiser for mineral water bundles equipped [...]
with pallet gripping devices and integrated with a layer-pad column.
食典委注意到肯尼亚鉴于以下事实就启动新工作完成法典委员会天 矿泉水 标准(CODEX STAN 108-1981)中分析方法部分提出的建议,即该标准中没有说明适用于 3.2.17 部分(表面活性剂)、3.2.18(农药和多氯联苯)部分、3.2.19(矿物油)部分和 3.2.20 (多环芳香化合物)部分所提到的一些化学物质的分析和取样程序特定方法;并注意到 修改卫生部分的建议,以便更方便使用且符合建议的天 矿泉水 采 集、加工和营销国际 卫生操作规范(CAC/RCP 33-1985)。
The Commission noted the proposal of Kenya to initiate new work on the completion of the Section on methods of
analysis in the Codex
[...] Standard on Natural Mineral Waters (CODEX STAN 108-1981) in view of the fact that, in the standard, there was no indication of specific methods of analysis and sampling procedures available for a number of chemical substances mentioned in Sections 3.2.17 (Surface active agents), 3.2.18 (Pesticides and PCBs), 3.2.19 (Mineral oil) and 3.2.20 (Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons), and the proposal to revise the Section on Hygiene to make it easier to use and consistent with the Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice for Collecting, Processing and Marketing of Natural Mineral Waters (CAC/RCP 33-1985).
基于不 同原因,利益相关者乐于进行保护,这些原因包括 了“纯利益”(例如一矿泉水公司 完全依赖水的 质量和供应)和保护意识等。
Stakeholders are motivated to conserve for a diversity of reasons
– from ‘pure profit’ (for
[...] example, a mineral water company that depends on water quality and [...]
availability) to conservation concern.
食典委还忆及,瑞士作为天矿泉水 委 员 会主持国主持召开的 会议期间工作组在本届会议期间举行了会议,审议收到的书面意见,并就是否有必要修 正天矿泉水法典标准,和如有必要如何行事,向食典委提出建议。
The Commission also recalled that an in-session working group chaired by
Switzerland, acting as host country for the Committee on Natural Mineral Waters, had met during its present session to review
[...] the written comments received and provide recommendations to the Commission on whether the amendment to the Codex Standard on Natural Mineral Waters was necessary and, in the affirmative, how to proceed.
[...] Acqua Sant’Anna和其他被认为是意大利市场上最好 矿泉水 品牌 的主要特点。
The current advertising campaign (attached) is built around a comparative table
showing key features of Acqua Sant’Anna
[...] and other mineral water brands considered [...]
among the best on the Italian market.
在所回顾的这六个月中,小岛屿之声 (SIV)全球论坛(16,000
[...] 接收者)突出了围绕下列问题所进行的争论:圣文森特和格林 纳丁斯群岛出矿泉水问题、南大西洋阿森松岛非法捕鱼问题、和太平洋库克群岛的 [...]
Aitutaki 发展旅游业的“正确”模式问题。
Also during the six months under review, the SIV global forum (16,000+
recipients) highlighted debates concerning
[...] the export of spring water from Saint Vincent [...]
and the Grenadines; illegal fishing in
Ascension Islands in the South Atlantic; and the “right” type of tourism development for Aitutaki, Cook Islands, in the Pacific.
请务必使用新鲜的冷水,不要加入牛奶 矿泉水 或 其 它任何液 体。
Please only use
[...] fresh, cold water. Never fill up with milk, mineral water and other fluids.
目前参展国家主要有墨西哥、巴西、秘鲁、哥伦 比亚、匈牙利、克罗地亚、波兰、塞尔维亚和保加利亚等。参展产品主要有来自哥伦 比亚的天然酵母、有机咖啡豆和咖啡粉、咖啡饮料、可可饮料、果汁、粮油、有机红 糖粉、有机巧克力、蜂蜜、亚马逊地区水果罐头、果酱和水果饮料、番石榴、青木瓜
等热带水果和特有水果制成的辣酱;来自巴西等国的酒类、花蜜、热带果汁和果肉、 大豆等粮食作物、糖类、腰果、咖啡、饼干等点心、茶叶;匈牙利的土特产、肉类、
[...] 酒类、水果和蔬菜罐头产品、面包和饼干等面粉制品、香肠、奶酪制品;克罗地亚的 酒、果汁等饮料矿泉水。
Exhibited products include natural yeast, coffee and cocoa products, vegetables, fruits and fruit juices, oil, sugar, chocolate, honey, jam, chilli sauce, wines, honey,
cashew nuts, crackers, meat, bread,
[...] sausages, cheese, mineral water, native products [...]
and specialties from the different countries, etc.
例如,浓盐酸是一种强酸,PH 值低于 1,然而碳酸液体,矿泉水也具 有酸性反应。
For example, concentrated hydrochloric acid
is a strong acid with a pH value below 1. However carbonated
[...] liquids, such as mineral water also have an acidic [...]
沁人心脾的菠萝串、带有桉木香味的凉爽毛巾以 矿泉水 喷 雾 全天候向客人提供。
Refreshing pineapple skewers, cold towels scented with
[...] eucalyptus and mineral water spray are offered [...]
to residents throughout the day.
它纯净、清爽,比最 好的意大矿泉水还要品质优越。
It’s pure, light and
[...] superior to the best Italian mineral waters.
水处理系统,是用于纯水、矿泉水 和 饮 料配水的净水处理,包括反渗透系统、钠滤器、超滤器、微孔过滤器、多介质过滤器、活性炭过滤器、离子交换器和臭氧设备等组成。
The system includes reverse osmosis systems, sodium filter, ultra filter, micro filter, multi-media filters, activated carbon filters, ion exchange device, ozone equipment and other components.
该地图标明了矿藏和矿物质、岩洞、裂缝、 矿 床 、 泉水 以 及 滑坡的位置,显示出了贝加尔湖的冰冻模式。
It shows the location of mines and minerals, caves, gaps, salt deposits, springs, landslides, and patterns of freezing on Lake Baikal.
d. 「航费」是指为仅包括此处规定的运输、航海期间的三餐食宿和一般船上的食物而支付的航海款项,但不含小
[...] 费、烈酒、酒类、啤酒、汽水饮料、苏打 矿泉水 、 岸 上观光、美容院、理发店及水疗服务、其他附带或个人 [...]
The "Fare" means the amount paid for the Cruise which includes only the transportation as specified herein, full board, and ordinary ship’s food during the Cruise, but does not include
gratuities, spirits, wines, beer, soft
[...] drinks, sodas or mineral waters, shore excursions, [...]
salon and spa services, or any other
incidental or personal services charge or expense.
[...] BALÍRNY)合并并成为它的厂家之一,开始生产药 矿泉水 莎 拉 蒂卡(Šaratica)。
On 1.7.1993, according to the contract concluded with the National Property Fund, the ownership rights to the plant in Sokolnice had been transferred to the company Helios Praha, s.r.o. However, in July 2002 bottling of the medical mineral water Šaratica was started by the company
Ondrášovka s.r.o., which merged with the company MARILA BALÍRNY a.s. on 1.1.2006 and
[...] became one of its production plants.
新:没有对苯二胺,没有间苯二酚专业染膏(超过150种颜色的文件夹),面具和凝胶riflessanti的染料和直接着色:无氨和无染料氧化,氧化高度稳定的乳液:一键常常被忽略,在小瓶中的着色处理,冲洗和非增强,秋季,空调 矿泉水 , 洗 发水,护发素,口罩,个性化的空调挥舞着寒冷和中和永久永久的成功。
New: professional color cream without paraphenylenediamine and without resorcinol (over 150 colors in folder), Masks and Gel riflessanti dyes and direct coloring: ammonia-free and without dye oxidation, oxidizing highly stabilized emulsions: a key and often overlooked, for the success of a coloring treatments in a
vial by rinsing and non-reinforcing, Fall,
[...] conditioners, mineral, Shampoos, conditioners, [...]
masks, conditioners personalized
Permanent for waving cold and neutralizing permanent.
[...] 沙发面料,玩具装饰,购物袋,箱包,拉杆箱,挎包,背包,单肩包等(1)再生PET面料,是一种新型的环保再生面料,其纱线是从废弃 矿泉水 瓶 子 和可乐瓶中提取制成的,又俗称为可乐瓶环保布(RPET [...]
Ingredients: 51% RPET, 49% POLY / 100% RPET density: according to the customer demand door picture: 150 cm gram weight: 180 GSM main use: sofa fabrics, toy adornment, shopping bags, bags, rod box, bag, backpack, shoulder bag, etc. (1) renewable PET fabric, is a new type of
environmental regeneration fabrics, the yarn
[...] from abandoned mineral water bottles and coke [...]
bottle made of extracted, and better known
as the coke bottle environmental protection cloth (RPET fabric).
莎拉蒂卡(Šaratica)矿泉水对遭 受便秘痛苦的人群有好处,但同时对其他的诸如肠胃功能紊乱也有作用,如肠道蠕动障碍,肠道消化不良,糖尿病,手术后的身体状态恢复。
Mineral water Šaratica is suitable for [...]
those who suffer in particular from functional constipation, but also for those suffering
from other functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, e.g. dyskinesias of the biliary tract, biliary and intestinal dyspepsias, diabetic enteropathy, and conditions after surgeries.
塔吉克斯坦拥有丰富的自然资源, 特别水、水力发电和一矿物, 包括金、银、宝石和铀。
The country is rich in natural resources,
[...] significantly water, hydropower, and some minerals including gold, [...]
silver, precious stones and uranium.
这些法案包括《环境保护法》、《保 护区缓冲带法》、《水法》、《天 泉水 法 》、《污染法》、《森林法》、矿 产法 》、《危险或有毒化学物品法》、《家庭及工业废物法》、《环境影响评估 法》、《禁止在河谷、水库和森林勘探与开采矿产法》。
These include Law on Environmental Protection, Law
on Protected Areas’
[...] Buffer Zones, Water Law, Law on Natural Spring Water, Law on Pollution, Forestry Law, Minerals’ Law, Law on Dangerous [...]
or Toxic Chemicals,
Law on Household and Industrial Waste, Law on Environmental Impact Assessment, Law on Prohibition of Exploration and Exploitation of Minerals at River Basin, Reservoirs and Forestry.
促进生态旅游、游轮旅游、专题活动旅游、 水 旅 游 、扶贫旅游、医疗旅游矿泉疗养 旅游,这已列入许多小岛屿发展中国家的议程,但在该领域的实际发 展普遍有限。
The promotion of
[...] ecotourism, cruise tourism, events tourism, diving tourism, pro-poor tourism, medical [...]
tourism and spa tourism
have been on the agenda of many small island developing States, but actual development in those areas has been generally limited.
[...] 题包括:在土著人民领地内部进行涉及自然资源的采掘和发展项目,包括 矿和 水电项 目;在土著人民的圣地或具有重要文化意义的地区发生的利益冲突导致对 [...]
The issues touched upon by the Special Rapporteur in his observations include extractive and development projects involving natural resources taking
place in indigenous peoples’
[...] territories, including mining and hydroelectric projects; threats [...]
to indigenous peoples’ sacred
places or areas of cultural significance owing to competing interests on those same lands; removals of indigenous peoples from their traditional lands and territories; and the development of national laws and policies that might result in negative impacts on the lives of indigenous peoples.
V. 一般物品及設備
[...] 例如擴音器、對講機、哨子、電池、充電池、急救箱、急救箱補充 品、蒸水/礦泉水、茶 包、意見箱、信箱、許可證框架、黑板/ [...]
白板/水松板、香港街道圖、訪客記錄冊、節日裝飾品、典禮裝飾 品、證件套連掛繩等。
V. General Supplies & Equipment e.g. loudhailers, two-way radios, whistles, batteries, rechargeable batteries,
first aid boxes, first aid box refills,
[...] distilled water/mineral water, tea bags, suggestion [...]
boxes, letter boxes, frames for
approval letter, blackboards, whiteboards, cork notice-boards, Hong Kong street guide, guest record books, festive decorations, ceremonial decorations, name badges with necklaces, etc.
海湾合作委员会宪章》规定的基本目标 是:实现成员国在所有领域的协调、一体化
和建立相互联系,加强各国人民之间 的联
[...] 系,在经济、金融、贸易、海关、旅游、立 法、行政等不同领域制定类似的规章制度, 以及促进工业矿业、农业水利和 动物资 源领域的科技进步,建立科研中心,建立合 资企业,以及鼓励私营部门之间开展 [...]
The Charter of the GCC states that the basic objectives are to effect coordination, integration and inter-connection between member States in all fields, strengthening ties between their peoples, formulating similar regulations in various fields such as economy, finance, trade, customs, tourism, legislation, administration, as well as fostering
scientific and technical
[...] progress in industry, mining, agriculture, water and animal resources, [...]
establishing scientific
research centres, setting up joint ventures, and encouraging cooperation of the private sector.
[...] 面协商和密切合作:参与可持续发展委员会的联合国专门机构、方案和基金以及 关注矿、能源和水资源 的其他组织,包括拉丁美洲能源组织、拉丁美洲采矿组 [...]
员会、海事经济学家国际协会、中美洲海运委员会以及包括世界银行、美洲开发 银行、安第斯开发公司和美洲水和卫生监管机构协会、加勒比共同体以及中美洲 项目在内的多边和双边组织。
The subprogramme will continue to consult and work in close collaboration with the specialized agencies, programmes and funds of the United Nations system that participate in the Commission on Sustainable Development and with
other organizations concerned
[...] with the areas of mining, energy and water resources, including [...]
the Latin American Energy
Organization, the Latin American Mining Organization, the Latin American Parliament, and the Initiative for the Integration of Regional Infrastructure in South America, the Committee on Ports of the OAS, the International Association of Maritime Economists, the Central American Commission on Maritime Transport, and bilateral and multilateral organizations such as the World Bank, IDB, the Andean Development Corporation, the Association of Water and Sanitation Regulatory Entities of the Americas, the Caribbean Community and the Mesoamerica Project.




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