

单词 矿主

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 在铜和(或)镍矿生产有限,但预计将在十年内成为铜和 矿主 要 供 应国 的国家采用特许权使用费或盈利分享制度。
(c) The use of royalty or production-sharing systems in countries that have
had limited copper
[...] and/or nickel mine production but are expected to become substantial copper and nickel mine suppliers [...]
by the end of the decade.
31 据当地民间社会代表说,4
[...] 月初,第 103 团团长Josué Biyoyo上校向 Nyabibwe的矿主勒索钱财。
Josué Biyoyo, the 103rd regiment Commander, had
[...] extorted money from miners in Nyabibwe, according [...]
to local civil society representatives.
矿主席通 常是营地历史上最早开设特许经营区的采掘者,大多数人声称持 [...]
有 C 类许可证。
Mining chairmen are usually diggers [...]
who opened concessions early on in the history of the camp and most claim to be Class C licence holders.
据称,这些暴徒是矿主雇用 的,但有报道称,当地警察曾阻拦来到浑源的记者调查兰成长死亡的真相。
The thugs allegedly
[...] were hired by the owner of the coal mine, but local police [...]
reportedly obstructed the activities of journalists
who went to Hunyuan to investigate Lan's death.
加莱海峡经济上长期依赖矿主要是 煤炭开采,但是,自二战以来,经济已变得更加多元化。
Economically the Pas de Calais was long
[...] dependent on mining- primarily coal mining, however, [...]
since World War II, the economy has become more diversified.
在海尔布隆,盐的水平矿床有40米厚,而 矿主 要 供 应化工领域的工业用盐,最终产品从塑料杯到手机以及道路化冰用盐等,不一而足。
Here in Heilbronn, where the horizontal
salt deposits are up to 40 metres
[...] thick, the mine is focused primarily on industrial salt [...]
used in the chemicals industry,
with end products ranging from plastic cups to mobile phones and road de-icing salt.
我们期望能与分销商密切合作,在 矿主 和经 营者的帮助下,不断改进现有产品, 开拓改善煤矿安全的全新途径。
We look forward to working closely with our distribution
[...] partners and with mine owners and operators [...]
to enhance our current offerings and explore
new ways of adding to mine safety.
[...] 制度等方面研究在以下几类国家进一步确立缴费制度:(a) 过去十年间才开始铜 和镍矿生产的国家;(b) 预计将于十年内开始铜和镍矿生产和(或)勘探活动日益 扩大的国家;(c) 铜和镍矿生产有限但预计将在十年内成为铜和 矿主 要 供 应国 的国家。
Further elaboration of the payment system may be provided through studies on, inter alia, the use of royalty or profit-sharing systems in (a) countries where copper and nickel mine production only started in the past decade; (b) countries where copper and nickel mine production is expected to start this decade and/or where exploration is growing; and (c) countries that
have had limited copper
[...] and nickel mine production but are expected to become substantial copper and nickel mine suppliers by [...]
the end of the decade.
立法和煤矿安全专家报告说,煤矿安全问题源于不完善的法律框架、惩办不力、煤矿监督不力、不遵守的煤矿安全法规和煤矿关闭指令,以及对煤矿检查员、煤矿操作人员 矿主 的 培 训力度不够。
Legislative and mine safety experts reported that mine safety problems stemmed from an inadequate legal framework, weak penalties, poor mine supervision, noncompliance with
mine safety regulations and mine closure orders, and inadequate training for mine
[...] inspectors, mine operators, and miners.
SRK公司的研究显示,确定东部推断资源的煤碳勘探结果被认为是Waratah公司西部获准开发矿产 矿主 申 请 的侧面延伸,倾斜值约为0.5至1.5 %。
The SRK study has shown that the coal measure sequences identified in the Eastern Inferred Resources are interpreted to be laterally continuous in Waratah's western granted tenements and tenement applications with dips in the order of 0.5 to 1.5 %.
(e) 改善获取资金,包括小额信贷的机会,特别是当地社区、妇女、小 型企业、个体矿者和小农主的机 会。
(e) Improve access to finance,
including microfinance, in particular by local communities, women, small
[...] businesses, artisanal miners and small farm holders.
波兰的硫矿藏是世界上最大矿床 之一 ,主 要位于波兰东南部的Staszów和Tarnobrzeg [...]
Sulphur deposits, one of the biggest in the
[...] world, are situated mainly in south-eastern Poland, [...]
around Staszów and Tarnobrzeg.
我们实现了在这一特大型钼铜矿床中扩大高品位区的主要目标,并且在 主矿 床 2公 里处发现了一处新的斑岩铜矿化区域。
We have accomplished our main goal of expanding the higher-grade zones within this very large molybdenum-copper deposit and have discovered a significant new zone of porphyry copper mineralization situated over 2 kilometres from the main deposit.
现有的财政文书没有关于收集资源税,例如暴利税和额外利润税的最佳规 定,而在这方面主要矿产公司继续进行的谈判有透明度不足的问题。
Existing fiscal instruments do not optimize the collection of resource rents, such as windfall
and additional profit taxes, while continuing
[...] negotiations with major mining interests poses a challenge [...]
to transparency.
同其他许多发展中国家一样,博茨瓦纳无法充 分受益于全球化所带来的机遇,因为大量的约束条
[...] 件(包括有限的资源、作为内陆国家的状况以及狭 隘的矿产为主的经 济基础)限制了其进入现有市 场的机会。
Like many other developing countries, Botswana was hindered from benefiting fully from the opportunities presented by globalization, since a number of constraints — including limited
resources, its status as a landlocked
[...] country and a narrow, mineral-dominated economic [...]
base — restricted its access to existing markets.
在他的职业生涯中,他曾在所主要 的 采 矿 国 家 和地区工作过,并一直居住在欧洲和北美。
During his career, he has
[...] worked in all the major mining countries and regions [...]
and has lived in Europe and North America.
拉丁美洲合法范围矿(MPE)的优 主 题 和重点是--(可行性,可持续性和生产率;开发 信息和改进信息的利用;良好的管理与工作安全;当地经济的附加值与多元化………)。
Priority themes and lines of action for the LawScale Mining in Latin America [...]
(MPE) – (viability, sustainability and productivity;
generating information and improving the access to information; good management and work security; added value and diversification of the local economy, etc.).
例如,虽然气候变 化很可能是西藏高原环境变化主因 ,但 采 矿 是 一 些地区土地退化的另一个原 因。
For instance, while climate change is
[...] most probably the main driver of environmental changes on the Tibetan plateau, mining is another driver [...]
of land degradation in some areas.
实地项目:开展成员国和区域经济共同体的能力建设,以增大非洲在国际贸易中的份 额(1);开展区域经济共同体能力建设,以实施贸易和运输便利化的法律法规(1);执 行萨哈拉以南非洲运输方案的工作计划(1);将区域一体化纳入国家发展计划 主流 (1);将《非洲矿业远 景》纳入次区域 矿 政 策 统一框架 主 流 (1 );维护非洲区域 一体化观察站(1);支持非洲同行审议机制和治理进程(1)。
(iv) Field projects: building the capacity of member States and regional economic communities to increase Africa’s share of international trade (1); building the capacity of regional economic communities to implement legal instruments for trade and transport facilitation (1); implementation of the work programme of the Sub-Saharan Africa
Transport Policy
[...] Programme (1); mainstreaming regional integration into national development plans (1); mainstreaming the African Mining Vision into subregional mining policy harmonization [...]
(1); maintenance of the Observatory on Regional Integration in Africa (1); support for the African Peer Review Mechanism and governance processes (1).
食典委还忆及,瑞士作为天矿泉水 委员 主 持 国 主 持 召 开的 会议期间工作组在本届会议期间举行了会议,审议收到的书面意见,并就是否有必要修 [...]
The Commission also recalled that an in-session
[...] working group chaired by Switzerland, acting as host country for [...]
the Committee on Natural Mineral
Waters, had met during its present session to review the written comments received and provide recommendations to the Commission on whether the amendment to the Codex Standard on Natural Mineral Waters was necessary and, in the affirmative, how to proceed.
我们还与该区域的公司、民间社会团体以及政府合 作,确保刚果主共和国的矿产贸易不会帮助武装团 体。
We are also working with companies, civil society groups and
Governments in the region to ensure that the
[...] trade in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s minerals does not help armed groups.
在同次会议上,智利代表代表里约集团发言:重申里约集团支持阿根廷在 与联合王国主权争 端中的合法权利;回顾了 2010 年 2 月 22 日和 23 日拉丁 美洲和加勒比国家元首和政府首脑在墨西哥举行的团结峰会上通过的关于在 群岛周围大陆架勘矿物燃料问题的宣言和特别公报;反对大不列颠及北爱尔 兰联合王国在群岛的军事活动,这些军事活动违背了该区域寻求以和平手段解 决争端的政策;还回顾了 2010 年 10 月在圣地亚哥就该问题通过的声明(见 A/C.4/66/SR.2)。
At the same meeting, speaking on
[...] behalf of the Rio Group, the representative of Chile: reiterated the Group’s support for the legitimate rights of Argentina in the sovereignty dispute with the United Kingdom; recalled its declaration and special communiqué on the exploration for [...]
fossil fuels on the
continental shelf around the Islands, adopted by the Heads of State and Government of Latin America and the Caribbean gathered at the Unity Summit held in Mexico on 22 and 23 February 2010; rejected the military activities of the United Kingdom in the Islands, which ran counter to the region’s policy of seeking a solution to the dispute through peaceful means; and also recalled the declaration on that matter that had been adopted in Santiago in October 2010 (see A/C.4/66/SR.2).
塔吉克斯坦拥有丰富的自然资源, 特别是水、水力发电和一矿物, 包括金、银、宝石和铀。
The country is rich in natural resources, significantly water,
[...] hydropower, and some minerals including gold, [...]
silver, precious stones and uranium.
(h) 对专家组 2010 年最后报告(S/2010/596)中规定的刚果 主 共 和 国 矿产 进 口商、加工业和消费者尽职调查准则的执行情况作出评价,并继续与相关论坛 [...]
(h) To evaluate the implementation of due
diligence guidelines for
[...] importers, processing industries and consumers of Congolese mineral products, [...]
as set out in the final
2010 report of the Group of Experts (S/2010/596), and to continue its collaboration with relevant forums.
其 他矿产资 源包括金、银、铂、铁、煤、镍、大理石和砂岩。
Other substantial and
[...] prospective mineral and mining resource deposits [...]
include gold, silver, platinum, iron, coal, nickel, marble, and sandstone.
政府对于矿业价值的看法:全球各国政府当前盛行多种形式的资源民 主 义 , 表现 矿 业 私 有化和征用,以及暴利税、资源税和出口管控等诸多方面,导致矿业公司更加难以准确预测生产计划、了解长期风险概况或随着时间的推进开发用以指引决策的模型。
Governments eye the mining prize: Governments around the
world are exercising several forms
[...] of resource nationalism, from mining industry privatization [...]
and expropriation to windfall
taxes, resource taxes and export controls, making it harder for mining companies to accurately forecast production schedules, understand long-term risk profiles or develop models to guide decision making over time.
能源用主要在矿物燃料带动下的快速增长,正是人类快要突破地球可持续 性界限的原因,因为它导致全球变暖和生物多样性丧失,并且扰乱氮循环平衡和 [...]
It is rapidly
[...] expanding energy use, mainly driven by fossil fuels [...]
that explains why humanity is on the verge of breaching
planetary sustainability boundaries through global warming, biodiversity loss, and disturbance of the nitrogen-cycle balance and other measures of the sustainability of the Earth’s ecosystem.
在过去八个月中,发生在巴布亚的最引人注目的暴力事件是发生在自由港连接蒂米卡(Timika)和谭巴架佩亚(Tembagapura)城镇 主 要 矿 区 道 路沿线的一系列枪击事件,目标是自由港或者准军事警察的车辆,如机动旅。
The most dramatic violence in Papua over the last eight months
has been the series of shootings
[...] along Freeport’s main mining road linking the towns [...]
of Timika and Tembagapura, aimed at
either Freeport vehicles or those of the paramilitary police, Brimob.
中国的确向存在资源利益的国家派 遣了维和人员,例如利比里亚(木材)、刚果主共和国(矿产资源)、苏丹(石油)138 –但它也 向自然资源较少或根本没有任何自然资源的国家 [...]
派遣维和人员,如,西撒哈拉(MINURSO)和中 东地区(UNIFIL和UNTSO)。
While China has indeed sent peacekeepers to countries with resources of interest
to it – such as Liberia
[...] (timber), the Democratic Republic of Congo (minerals) and Sudan (oil)138 [...]
– it has also sent peacekeepers
to areas with few or no natural resources, such as Western Sahara (MINURSO), and the Middle East (UNIFIL and UNTSO).
与此同时, 在未采用这种可追溯性系统的南北基伍和马涅马 矿 物 生 产和官方出口有所下降, 因为,要获得“不涉及冲突”冶炼厂地位的精炼厂和冶炼厂称,它们自 2011 年 4 月1日起,将只从警示地区购买有矿 供 应 链倡议制度标记的材料(见S/2011/738, 第 339 段)。
Meanwhile, in the Kivus and Maniema, where no
such traceability
[...] systems were introduced, mineral production and official exports have fallen since refineries and smelters seeking conflict-free smelter status stated that from 1 April 2011 onwards they would buy material from red-flag locations [...]
only if tagged under
the ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative scheme (see S/2011/738, para. 339).




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