单词 | 矽谷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 矽谷 —Silicon ValleySee also:矽—silicon (chemistry) 谷 n—valley n • grain n • corn n • sorghum n 谷—surname Gu • paper mulberry tree 谷 pl—butchers pl
政 府和電訊盈 科 所 宣 傳 的 矽谷, 變 為 香 港小市民“仆 直”的 [...] 亂 葬 崗 。 legco.gov.hk | The silicon valley as publicized by [...] the Government and PCCW has become a mass grave for the ordinary people of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
我在矽谷或具有先進技術的地區和國家,也發覺有 香港人的足跡,不過,由於香港過去的經濟特別重視地產、金融,所以不能 [...] 留住我們原來的人才。 legco.gov.hk | In the Silicon Valley or regions and countries [...] with advanced technologies, I have found Hong Kong people. But as our economy [...]used to put particular emphasis on real estate and the financial markets, we failed to retain the talents we had. legco.gov.hk |
我們不但關注全球,亦重視大中華區市場,目前在北京、成都、廣州、香港、上海 、 矽谷 和 臺北都擁有分公司。 ipress.com.hk | We focus on the Greater China market with presence around the globe, including Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Hong [...] Kong, Shanghai, Silicon Valley and Taipei. ipress.com.hk |
上海耀中欢迎Elizabeth [...] Randall女士出任幼儿教育督学,她负责监管香港、中国大陆以及美 国 矽谷 所 有 校区的幼儿教育课程。 ycis-sh.com | YCIS Shanghai welcomes Mrs. Elizabeth Randall as the new ECE Superintendent overseeing [...] the Early Childhood Education (ECE) programmes in all YCIS campuses in Hong Kong, [...] Mainland China, and Silicon Valley, USA. ycis-sh.com |
美國的矽谷作為 一個創業成功的案例,其風險投資資金的支持,對其拓展起到了決定性的作用。 gemconsortium.org | Silicon Valley in the United States [...] is cited by our interviewees as a successful example of entrepreneurship in which venture [...]capital has played a key role. gemconsortium.org |
中關村在中國是一個家喻戶曉的地方,素有「中 國 矽谷 」 之 美譽。 seagate.com | Zhongguancun is very well known in China and it is often [...] referred to as "China's Silicon Valley". seagate.com |
e21摩奇創意總部位於矽谷,在大中國地區擁有廣闊的市場覆蓋面,並設有6家分公司,包括香港、北京、上海、廣州、成都和臺北。 ipress.com.hk | Headquartered in Silicon Valley, e21 Magicmedia [...] has extensive coverage in Greater China with six offices in Hong Kong, Beijing, [...]Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Taipei. ipress.com.hk |
耀中的学校网络涵盖中国香港、上海、北京、青岛、重庆,以及美 国 矽谷。 ycis-bj.com | The YCIS network of schools include campuses in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Qingdao and Chongqing, China, [...] as well as Silicon Valley, US. ycis-bj.com |
與來 自矽谷的一 間公司合作研發USB3.0晶片是其中具代表性的項目,根據該合作計劃, [...] 應科院負責大部份設計,在美國的公司則準備生產,以進佔該增長極速的市場。 legco.gov.hk | The co-development of a USB 3.0 chip with a [...] company of Silicon Valley is an exemplary [...]case. To exploit the rapidly expanding market, [...]the collaboration sees most of the design work done by ASTRI and the company’s headquarters in the U.S. preparing for the production. legco.gov.hk |
美國的矽谷便是 一個 很好的例子,那裏聚集了最多各地、各國的專才。 legco.gov.hk | A good example is the experience [...] of the Silicon Valley in the United [...]States where professionals from all over the world are concentrated there. legco.gov.hk |
鑒 於全球 資 訊 科 技快速發 展,人 力 短 缺 的 [...] 現象並 非 香港獨 有,全 世 界(包 括 美 國 矽谷)亦有這種現象。 legco.gov.hk | In view of the rapid development of IT all over the world, manpower [...] shortage is not a unique phenomenon in [...]Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
本廠毗鄰海岸公速公路沿海,位於峇六拜工業中心 (通稱檳城矽谷)。 seagate.com | Near the sea, along the main coastal road, the plant is located in the industrial centre of Bayan Lepas, popularly known as [...] Penang's Silicon Valley. seagate.com |
原 本 的 所 謂 矽 谷,真 的是“直”,令 很 多小市民“仆 直”。 legco.gov.hk | The silicon valley as originally conceived has turned out to be a "valley of death" [...] for many ordinary Hong Kong people. legco.gov.hk |
因應美國客戶的需求,奇力新甚至在加 州 矽谷 成 立分公司,與美國客戶在design階段建立無時差的緊密合作關係,此一佈局已有亮眼的成果。 chilisin.com.tw | To better serve the need of US-based [...] customers, Chilisin has set up a branch [...] office in Silicon Valley, California to [...]seamlessly cooperate with clients as early [...]as the design stage without delay. chilisin.com.tw |
同時,香港佔盡地理優勢,緊貼內地的 龐大市場,十分適合發展成類似矽谷 的 “ 創意園”。 legco.gov.hk | At the same time, Hong Kong, being adjacent to the huge market on the Mainland, has a [...] vantage geographical position and is very suitable for developing into a "creative [...] park" similar to the Silicon Valley. legco.gov.hk |
我 想 指出,這 些 租 戶 有不少 原 本 是 在 香 港 其他商業樓 宇 租用了寫 字 樓,只 是 因 為 數 碼 港 低廉和 特惠的 租金才搬 往 那裏,這 些均不 是 新 公司,它 們 不 是 因為 要建立 矽谷而 被 吸 引 搬 往數碼 港 的 。 legco.gov.hk | I must add that before they moved to the Cyberport, many of these tenants in fact used to rent their offices in commercial buildings elsewhere in Hong Kong, and their move was largely induced by the low and preferential rental rates offered by the Cyberport. legco.gov.hk |
在 1999 年時聲稱要 在 亞 洲 建 立 矽谷的 宏 圖 大計, 可 說 是 胎 死腹中 [...] , 死 因有待 調查。 legco.gov.hk | In any case, it is still true that the very ambitious plan of [...] establishing a silicon valley in Asia has largely [...]fallen through, with the causes of death yet to be investigated. legco.gov.hk |
議員可能注 意 到 , 十多日前報章曾 報 道 三 藩 市和矽 谷 因為加 州 的 電 力 系 統 不能配 合 需 求 , 以 致 停 電 及 須 輪 流 供 電 , 雖 然 兩 者 的 情況可能不盡 相同, 但我相信無人 希望 香 港 出現大停電 , 或須輪 流 供 電 的 情況。 legco.gov.hk | Members may note the press reports some 10 days ago about the failure of the electric system in California to cope with the demands in San Francisco and Silicon Valley, which have resulted in power outages and rotation supply. legco.gov.hk |
同時,我們應該為培訓大學生和專才做好配套,例如我們 可以參考美國矽谷的方式,將大學人才和產業發展跟科研機構結合在 [...] 一起,以便令產業可配合就業一併發展。 legco.gov.hk | For example, we can make reference to the approach adopted [...] in the Silicon Valley of the United [...]States, where the university talents and development [...]of industries are combined with scientific research institutions to enable the development of industries and employment. legco.gov.hk |
於 1997 年 在 美 國 加 州 矽 谷 創 立 , 總 部 設 於 加 [...] 州 門 洛 帕 克 ( Menlo Park ) , 辦 事 處 遍 設 台 北 、 香 港 、 上 海 、 北 京 及 漢 城 等 地 。 hk.dbs.com | Founded in Silicon Valley, California, USA [...] in 1997, Octosoft Corp. is headquartered in Menlo Park, California, with offices [...]in Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and Seoul. hk.dbs.com |
得到Napster創辦人Sean Parker的賞識,Facebook開始在矽谷立足的同時,伙伴間卻出現分歧,繼而更對簿公堂。 think-silly.com | He catches the eyes of Napster founder Sean Parker later [...] on, and when Facebook establishes itself [...] in the Silicon Valley, their differences [...]start to surface and inevitably made public in the courtroom. think-silly.com |
12)華裔成功地在矽谷創立 了許多新公司,並且培育了臺灣在製造優質電腦和晶片方面的聲 譽。 wcec-secretariat.org | 12) Ethnic Chinese have been very successful in starting new [...] firms in Silicon Valley and in developing Taiwans [...]reputation as a quality manufacturing [...]centre for computers and chips. wcec-secretariat.org |
PAM在二零零四年於矽谷創立 ,在上海、深圳、台北及東京設有技術與業務中心。 ipress.com.hk | PAM was founded in Silicon Valley in 2004 and has [...] technical and business centers in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Taipei and Tokyo. ipress.com.hk |
隨 香港資訊 科 技 行 業 近 年的發展 , 我 們 的公司已 [...] 跟 很 多 美 國的公司 ─ 包括矽谷的公司 ─ 建 立 了 廣泛聯繫。 legco.gov.hk | With the development of Hong Kong's IT industry in recent years, our companies [...] have established an extensive connection with many companies in the United [...] States, including those in the Silicon Valley. legco.gov.hk |
這家急速竄紅的加拿大公司,才剛因股價暴跌而摔得七葷八素。這是從惠普自相矛盾地放棄在個人電腦領域的公認領導地位,和AMD在眾人期待之下首次推出Bulldozer處理器,卻因為表現奇差而導 致 矽谷 一 片 噓聲之後,最新的科技新聞頭條了。 benchmarkemail.com | In a vertiginous plunge from the stars to the stalls, RIM is a primary participant in a Keystone Kops sequence of self-inflicted calamities that have made worldwide tech headlines lately, from HP’s paradoxical abandonment of its undisputed leadership in the personal computer arena, to AMD’s premiere of the long awaited Bulldozer microprocessor - which so thoroughly underperforms that it has been greeted by catcalls across the silicon universe. benchmarkemail.com |
我相信如果能做得到,而且科研產品化的氛圍做得好, 便能吸引更多資金,正如美國矽谷般 有 一個良好的氛圍,令香港可以 變成一個科技創業的基地。 legco.gov.hk | More so, the Government should recommend these products to Guangdong province. I believe if this can be achieved and if a good milieu for scientific research is [...] established, as in the case of the favourable [...] milieu in Silicon Valley in the United States, [...]more investment will be attracted [...]to Hong Kong to make it a base for entrepreneurship in science and technology. legco.gov.hk |
今天, 聖 何 賽 已 發 展 成 較多人 認識的 矽 谷 。這些 城 市 發 展 成 高 科 技 中心, 不 是 因為政 府有政 策 , 也 不 是 因為當 地 立法機 構 曾 就 高 科 技 進 行 辯 論;只 是 因為市 場 對 高 科 技 有 需 求 。 legco.gov.hk | These cities developed into high technology centres, not because the government had a policy, and not because their local legislatures had a debate on high technology. legco.gov.hk |
本人之 所以再次提及印度 ─ 這是本人今年第二次提及印度了,是因為印度在資 訊科技軟件方面發展相當成功,很多 在 矽谷 的 公 司都是將編寫程式工作分銷 ("out source")到印度去,在編寫完成後交回 矽谷 包 裝 ,然後才輸往全球。 legco.gov.hk | The reason why I mentioned India again — this is the second time that I mentioned India this year — is India has been quite successful in developing IT software. legco.gov.hk |
香港如要成 為 矽谷網 絡 的 亞 洲 重 點 之一, 我 們 仍須努 力加把 勁 , 並 且 要 注意兩 個 方 向 , 便是中 小學課 程 必須加入邏 輯 學 , 或考慮 在 邊 境成立科學 工 業區。 legco.gov.hk | As regards the Frontier, we certainly have to speak on the progress of the democratic development as this is also part of the education process. legco.gov.hk |