单词 | 石英石 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 石英 noun —quartz nless common: sapphire n • beryl n 英石 noun —quartz n英石 —ornamental limestone made in Yingde, Guangdong石英石 noun —quartz n
地層上盤的礦石主要為黃金-重晶石-方鉛礦-閃鋅礦,而中盤為黃金-方鉛礦-黃鐵礦、黃銅礦-閃鋅礦-黃鐵礦及黃銅礦,及下盤為黃金 - 石英石、 黃 鐵礦及黃鐵礦-黃銅礦-細脈浸染狀礦化物。 glencore.com | The ores of the upper stratigraphic level are mainly gold-barite-galena-sphalerites, with gold-galena-pyrite, [...] chalcopyrite-sphalerite-pyrite and chalcopyrite within the middle [...] level and gold-quartz, pyrite and pyrite-chalcopyrite-vein-disseminated [...]mineralisation within the lower level. glencore.com |
身材嬌小的玫瑰,潔白細膩的黃金首飾,德愛玫 瑰 石英 和 粉 紅色藍寶石的的路面存在,在版本白金吊墜手鍊以及版本從595€。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Petite Rose d'Amour, delicate white gold [...] jewelry, rose quartz and pink sapphire pavement [...]exists in version white gold pendant [...]chain bracelet as well as versions from 595 €. en.horloger-paris.com |
低容量石英样品池(ZEN2112) 低容量石英样品 池用于测量粒度及分子量。 malvern.com.cn | Low-volume quartz batch cuvette (ZEN2112) Low-volume quartz batch cuvette [...] for size and molecular weight measurements. malvern.com |
然后您可以从菜单中 选择该构建方案将相关设置直接应用于该化合物的各种多形体(例 如 石英 、 方 晶 石 以 及 柯石 英等)。 crystalimpact.de | Afterwards, you can apply it to the various polymorphs of this compound (e.g. quartz, cristobalite, coesite etc.), simply by selecting the corresponding scheme from the menu. crystalimpact.de |
电池向微小的石英晶体传送电能,而 石英 晶 体 反过来又会产生有规律的恒定脉冲。 hk.ashford.com | The battery sends [...] electrical energy to the tiny quartz crystal, which in turn creates [...]a pulse at regular, constant levels. ashford.com |
高梯度分离过程 机:赤铁矿,褐铁矿,菱铁矿,钛铁矿,铬铁矿,黑钨矿,钽铌矿,以及其他弱磁性矿物的选矿 , 石英 , 长 石 , 霞 石,萤石,硅线石,锂辉石和其他非金属矿物的除铁的应用,和纯化。 chinatrader.ru | Process of High-Gradient Separator The applications of the machine: hematite, limonite, siderite, ilmenite, chromite, wolframite, tantalum and niobium ore, and other weakly magnetic minerals beneficiation; quartz, feldspar, nepheline, fluorite, sillimanite, spodumene and other non-metallic minerals to remove iron, and purification. chinatrader.ru |
金礦石礦化作用僅發生於黃鐵細晶岩蝕變 ( 石英 - 鉀 長石 類交代變質作用)的陡立地層帶,導致形成了使深度狹縮的圓錐網狀脈,並位於花崗閃長岩及輝長岩-閃長岩侵入體的近接觸部分。 glencore.com | Gold ore mineralisation is confined to a steeply dipping zone of [...] beresite alteration (quartz-potassium feldspar metasomatosis) [...]which forms a conic stockwork [...]thinning out with depth and located in the near-contact part of granodiorite and gabbro-diorite intrusions. glencore.com |
主要产品蛭石,膨胀蛭石,云母,石英砂 ,氧化铁红,氧化铁灰,钾长石等。 business-china.com | Main product vermiculite, inflation [...] vermiculite, mica, quartz sand, oxidized iron oxide red, ferric oxide ash, potash feldspar. business-china.com |
已知的這種染色的薔薇石英鼻煙 壺幾乎都是早期的;天然的薔 薇 石英 可 能 是南非洲來的,反正是到了晚清才普及的。 e-yaji.com | Nearly all the known bottles from this type of [...] artificially [...] stained crystal are early, while the real rose-quartz does not seem to have been used extensively [...]until the late [...]Qing period and was possibly imported from South Africa. e-yaji.com |
低压紫外杀菌灯具备最广泛的应用性,其中包含七种主要类型的灯管:标准型和高输出 型 石英 杀 菌灯 , 石英 U 型 和 H型灯,标准型和高输出型软玻璃灯及软玻璃H型灯。 light-sources.com | Low pressure mercury lamps have the widest range of application possibilities with seven main lamp types – standard and high-output quartz germicidal lamps, quartz compact and GU lamps, standard and high-output softglass lamps, and softglass compact lamps. light-sources.com |
近红外光谱的其他优点是可采用多种多样的采样材料,比如用于实验室样品分析和在线检测 的 石英 玻 璃 和聚乙烯袋。 foss.cn | Other advantages of the NIR spectral region are the variety [...] of sampling materials that it can be used [...] with, such as quartz glass and polyethylene [...]bags for lab sample analysis and [...]for in-line process measurement. foss.nl |
445 系列玻璃密封晶体 - CTS 宣布推出石英晶体产品平台的开发成果 - 445 [...] 系列。 digikey.cn | 445 Series Glass Seal Crystals - CTS announces [...] development of a quartz crystal product [...]platform, the 445 series. digikey.ca |
石英流通 样品池(ZEN0023) 为Zetasizer增加用于粒度测量的流通功能。 malvern.com.cn | Quartz flow cell (ZEN0023) [...] Add flow capability for size measurements to the Zetasizer. malvern.com |
石英晶体 具有独特属性,在压缩或弯曲的情况下,晶体表面会恒定电压或脉冲。 hk.ashford.com | Quartz crystals have a unique [...] property in that when they are compressed or bent, they conduct a constant voltage, or pulse, on their surface. ashford.com |
石英通常指天然水晶或矿物,而“熔 融 石英 ” 是指 将 石英 晶 体 加热到2000摄氏度而生产出来的玻璃 (折射率较低)。 cn.filmetrics.com | The word quartz usually refers to the natural crystal or mineral as opposed to the phrase “fused quartz” which refers [...] to the glass that is created out of a manufacturing process which involves heating quartz crystals to temperatures of around [...]2000 degrees Celsius (which has lower refractive index). filmetrics.com |
突然間,我們理解為什麼今天的小房子Noirmont(JURA)的多元化 為 石英 , 儘 管她的職業信仰辯護機械年。 zh.horloger-paris.com | And suddenly, we understand why [...] today, the little house Noirmont (Jura) is [...] diversifying into quartz, despite the profession [...]of faith she defends mechanical years. en.horloger-paris.com |
闪光灯管用可过滤紫外线的高 级石英玻璃 和超高强度的电极制造,具有最大限度的使用寿命。 profoto.cn | The optimized flash tube is made by high grade UV-free filtered quarts glass and heavy duty electrodes to maximize lifetime. profoto.com |
灯体可由下列几种材料制成:可以同时透过254和185nm辐射(高臭氧管) 纯 石英 , 可以阻止185nm紫外输出的含 钛 石英 ( 低 臭氧),和可以输出电极处产生的254nm紫外光的高硼玻璃(低臭氧)。 light-sources.com | The lamp body may be made [...] of pure fused quartz that will transmit both 254 and 185nm radiation (VH glass), quartz with Titanium [...]added to block out most [...]of the 185nm radiation (L glass), or of a “soft” glass formulated to transmit 254nm Electrode radiation (L glass). light-sources.com |
硅生产的原材料石英砂从 埃及、挪威和西班牙被运往Holla。 wacker.com | Quartz gravel – the starting material [...] for silicon production – is shipped to Holla from Egypt, Norway and Spain. wacker.com |
玻璃/石英玻璃的加工设备和系统 玻璃/石英玻璃 的加工设备和系统 根据我们在热加工和机械加工玻璃方面的传统优势和经验,研 发设计精良的生产线和系统。 arnold-gruppe.de | Glass / Quartz glass processing machines and systems ased on our tradional values and experience regarding the thermal and mechanical processing of glass and our ability to develop highly-engineered producon lines and systems. arnold-gruppe.de |
同時應立法禁止銷售鎢絲燈泡:包括石 英燈泡,並制訂有關的執行措施。 procommons.org.hk | In the meantime, the sale of incandescent light [...] bulbs (including halogen lamps) should [...]be banned through legislative means, together [...]with corresponding enforcement measures. procommons.org.hk |
您可以阅览SII生产的实时时钟(S-35190A,S-35390A系列 ) 和 石英 振 动 子的匹配性评价结果以及详细的匹配性报告。 sii-ic.com | For details of matching report which indicated the matching evaluation result between SII RTC (S-35190A, S-35390A) and a SII Tuning Fork Crystal, refer to the following PDFs. sii-ic.com |
Piaget 品牌石英机芯完全是在 Piaget 制造厂内开发与设计, [...] 具备长达几年的运转自主和高度的精密准确, 为您的日常使用带来了极大的舒适和方便。 piaget.com.cn | Piaget quartz movements are entirely [...] developed and produced in the Manufacture Piaget. piaget.com |
尽管便宜的石英表銷 售不断成長,仍然无法逃脫裁員和关闭分厂的命运。 oris.ch | Despite its production of [...] increasingly cheap quartz watches, it is [...]unable to avoid job losses and branch closures. oris.ch |
石英(化 学名:二氧化硅)中的两个氧原子被煤炭中的碳原子清除之后,生成冶金级硅。 wacker.com | The carbon in the coal removes the two [...] oxygen atoms from the quartz (chemical name: silicon [...]dioxide) – leaving liquid metallurgical-grade silicon. wacker.com |
於1869年,一位在中國著名的探險家 Baron Von Richthofen [...] ﹝圖1﹞描述了香港三個主要地質岩層:古老的沉積物,入侵的花崗岩 和 石英 斑 岩 及其 「tufas」。 hkss.cedd.gov.hk | In 1869, Baron Von Richthofen (Figure 1), a renowned explorer in China, described three main [...] geological successions from Hong Kong: older Sedimentaries, Intrusions of [...] granite, and Quartz Porphyries and [...]its tufas. hkss.cedd.gov.hk |
於1893年 S.B.J. Skertchly 在他的著作 《Our Island – A Naturalist’s Description of Hong Kong》 [...] ﹝圖3﹞中提出,香港﹝當時只包括香港島、九龍半島的界限街以南及昂船洲﹞由花崗岩和火山岩﹝包括 長 石 質 石英 斑 岩 ﹞所組成。 hkss.cedd.gov.hk | In his 1893 book, “Our Island – A Naturalist's Description of Hong Kong” (Figure 3) (at that time, Hong Kong consisted only of Hong Kong Island, a portion of the Kowloon Peninsula south of Boundary Street, and Stonecutter's Island), [...] S.B.J. Skertchly recognized that granite and [...] volcanic rocks, including feldspathic quartz porphyry, [...]formed Hong Kong Island. hkss.cedd.gov.hk |
由于高速、高频晶体元件日益增加的需要,以及新消费性产品的市场需求, 德键的陶瓷石英晶体 谐振器,采用最新的高频 AT [...] 切技术,高稳定性及信赖性,小型化的表面贴装尺寸,符合最新的工业需求,提供了元件工程师多重选择的现成解决方案,以满足今天全球市场的动态的需求。 token.com.tw | Due to the increasing requirements for high-speed, high-frequency components as well as the demand of [...] new consumer applications to the market, [...] Token's ceramic housed crystal units [...]resonators provide component engineers with [...]a vast range of readily available solutions, necessary to meet the dynamic requirements of today's global market. token.com.tw |