

单词 石英岩

See also:

石英 n

quartz n
sapphire n
beryl n

英石 n

quartz n


ornamental limestone made in Yingde, Guangdong

岩石 n

rock n
rocks pl

External sources (not reviewed)

贡兹冰期砂砾和泥灰质;品种繁多 石英 、 石英岩 、 玉 石 、 玛 瑙、 燧石和黑碧玉。
Günzian gravel and clay-limestone; an exceptional variety of quartz, quartzites, jaspers, agates, flint and lydian stone.
據文章所述,香港與其他華南沿岸地區由花崗岩、 岩 、 石英岩 和 斑岩的低山組成。
Hong Kong, along with other parts of the South China coast, was said to comprise low hills made
[...] of granite, slate, quartz rock and porphyries.
3、SRK还建议根据主岩层(推测为铁镁质片麻岩)与磁铁矿-赤铁 石英岩 之 间的预期密度对比和地面重力测量,来确定铁矿资源的大概分布图。
SRK further recommend based on the expected
density contrast
[...] between host rocks (presumably mafic gneiss) and the magnetite-hematite quartzite, ground gravity [...]
survey for the delineation of iron mineralisation.
侵入岩体岩性包括辉长岩、闪岩、 石英 闪 长岩、花岗闪长岩、黑云母花岗岩以及淡色花岗岩。
The lithology of intrusive rocks consists of
[...] gabbro, diorite, quartz diorite, granodiorite, [...]
biotite granite and leucogranite.
於1869年,一位在中國著名的探險家 Baron Von Richthofen
[...] ﹝圖1﹞描述了香港三個主要地質岩層:古老的沉積物,入侵的花 岩 和 石英 斑 岩 及其 「tufas」。
In 1869, Baron Von Richthofen (Figure 1), a renowned explorer in China, described three main
geological successions from Hong Kong: older Sedimentaries,
[...] Intrusions of granite, and Quartz Porphyries and its tufas.
礦化物因沿著易分裂的火山成因的碳酸鹽岩-絹雲母石 英石頁岩層狀 礦化層鑽探至1,460米的深度而顯現。
The mineralisation was delineated by drilling along the
stratified mineralised formation of strongly fissile volcanogenic
[...] carbonate-sericite-quartz shale rock to the depth [...]
of 1,460m.
Maleevsky由存在於火山成因沉澱礦床的七個主要(厚10-150米、寬80-400米及 長500至1750米)透鏡狀及扁平狀的緩傾分層塊狀硫化物組成,並深入角礫 石英岩 傾 斜層內含有細脈浸染狀礦化物的陡傾線狀礦物帶。
Maleevsky comprises seven major (10-150m thick, 80-400m wide and 500-1,750m long) gently dipping stratified massive sulphides of lenticular and tabular
morphology occurring in
[...] volcanogenic-sedimentary deposits changing with depth into steeply dipping linear zones with vein-disseminated ore mineralisation [...]
in underlying sequences of brecciated quartzites.
1906年期间对酒店Quisisana扩建工程,被发现由医生和自然纳齐奥西隆Cerio卡普里属于旧石器时代下,如犀牛默克公司,在亚洲象primigenius(猛犸),连同熊属spelaeus动物的武器仍然进攻和防御作为燧石打制和沉没在粘土和古湖盆地是山谷的黄绿赤泥混 石英岩 型 ch ella尖。
In 1906 during the extension work of the Hotel Quisisana, were found by the physician and naturalist Ignazio Cerio Capri remains of animals belonging to the Lower Paleolithic, such as Rhino Merck, the Elephas primigenius (mammoth), along with the weapons of Ursus spelaeus offense and defense as cusps of chipped flint and quartzite type chella sunk in clay and mixed in the red mud of the ancient lake basin that was the valley of the Chartreuse.
长长的枝蔓上开满芳香的白色小花,覆盖 英 吉 利 海峡和大西洋沿岸 岩石 和 沙 丘上。
Cochlearia spreads its long stems
covered in small, fragrant white flowers
[...] over the shoreline rocks and sand dunes of the English Channel and Atlantic Ocean.
因為這個花岩石(含雲母石英) , Kaiteriteri的沙灘才會有如此的顏色和質感。
Due to the granite rocks which contains Mica and Quartz, Kaiteriteri [...]
beach sands are in golden color.
於1893年 S.B.J. Skertchly 在他的著作 《Our Island – A Naturalist’s Description of Hong Kong》
[...] ﹝圖3﹞中提出,香港﹝當時只包括香港島、九龍半島的界限街以南及昂船洲﹞由花崗岩和火山岩﹝包括長石 石英 斑 岩 ﹞ 所 組成。
In his 1893 book, “Our Island – A Naturalist's Description of Hong Kong” (Figure 3) (at that time, Hong Kong consisted only of Hong Kong Island, a portion of the Kowloon Peninsula south of Boundary Street, and Stonecutter's Island),
S.B.J. Skertchly recognized that granite and
[...] volcanic rocks, including feldspathic quartz porphyry, [...]
formed Hong Kong Island.
隨著香腸構造的薄透鏡狀地層變為接近垂直的富礦体,火山成因並含粘 土粉砂岩的綠泥石-絹雲母石英石 頁 岩 的 近 接觸部分的分層細脈浸染狀多金屬礦石發生了折疊斷層,並出現在向下延伸至580至725米深度的65至80個 [...]
Stratified vein-disseminated polymetallic ores in the
near-contact part of volcanomictous
[...] chlorite-sericite-quartz shales with clayey siltstones [...]
underwent folded dislocation and
occur at 65-80 dip extending down to the 580-725m depth as thin boudinaged lenses changing into subvertical ore shoots.
C.M. Weld 在 一份1914年刊登於 《Transcations of the
American Institute of Mining Engineers》
[...] 的文獻中,概述了香港的地質情况,指出香港的岩石主要為花崗岩,在西北部有片岩和板岩,而在東南部則是玄 岩 和 石英 斑 岩 , 並特別提到花崗岩中包含了受高温變質的沉積岩。
In a 1914 paper in the Transactions of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, C.M. Weld summarised the geology of Hong Kong as consisting chiefly of granite,
with schists and slates in the
[...] northwest, and basalt and quartz-porphyry in the southeast, [...]
particularly noting the baked
sedimentary inclusions in the granite.
此外, 中心还可以与很多国家中从事岩溶学专题研究(如岩溶水文地质学和洞穴学等)
[...] 地利格拉茨大学的水文地质系、新西兰奥克兰大学的地理系、德国不来梅大学的 实验物理研究所、土耳其赫色特普大学的岩溶水研究中心、波兰西里西亚大学的 地理学院、斯洛文尼亚波斯托依娜的岩溶研究所、美国俄亥俄州查尔斯镇的岩溶 水研究所英格兰赫德斯菲尔德大学 石 灰 岩 研 究 小组,以及美国国家公园管理 局洞穴与岩溶计划署。
Furthermore, the centre has close collaborations with karst research institutions of many countries which deal with special topics of karst science, such as karst hydrogeology, speleology, etc. such as Centre d’Hydrogéologie, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland; Department of Hydrogeology, Graz University, Austria; Department of Geography, University of Auckland, New Zealand; Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany; Center of Karst Water Research, Hecetteppe University, Turkey; Institute of Geography, University of Silesia, Poland; Karst Research Institute, Postoina, Slovenia; Karst Water Institute, Charles
Town, Ohio, United
[...] States of America; Limestone Research Group, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom; National Park Service Cave and Karst Program, [...]
United States of America.
其 他的矿产资源包括金、银、铂、铁、煤、镍、大 石 和 砂 岩。
Other substantial and prospective mineral and mining resource deposits include gold, silver, platinum,
[...] iron, coal, nickel, marble, and sandstone.
金礦石礦化作用僅發生於黃鐵細岩 蝕 變 ( 石英 - 鉀 長石 類交代變質作用)的陡立地層帶,導致形成了使深度狹縮的圓錐網狀脈,並位於花崗閃長岩及輝長岩-閃長岩侵入體的近接觸部分。
Gold ore mineralisation is confined to a steeply dipping zone of
[...] beresite alteration (quartz-potassium feldspar [...]
metasomatosis) which forms a conic stockwork
thinning out with depth and located in the near-contact part of granodiorite and gabbro-diorite intrusions.
近红外光谱的其他优点是可采用多种多样的采样材料,比如用于实验室样品分析和在线检测 石英 玻 璃 和聚乙烯袋。
Other advantages of the NIR spectral region are the variety
of sampling materials that it can be used
[...] with, such as quartz glass and polyethylene [...]
bags for lab sample analysis and
for in-line process measurement.
粘结性能:由于液体SBS和沙索必德等高分子材料的存在,使得彩色沥青混合料既具有较好的耐磨性,较高的强度,又具有超强粘结性和柔韧性,适应高等级路面,与花岗岩、玄 岩 、 天 然大 石 、 石英 砂 等 矿料的粘结性强,粘韧性大于6N.m,韧性大于3 N.m。
Performance bond: SBS and Sasol will be as liquid polymer materials such as the existence of Germany, making the color of asphalt mixture has both good wear resistance, high strength, but also has superior adhesion and
flexibility to adapt to high level
[...] surface, and granite, basalt, natural marble, quartz sand and other [...]
mineral aggregate bond is strong,
sticky toughness than 6N.m, toughness greater than 3 Nm.
位于该地区西北部的皮尔巴拉,是雄伟壮观的远 岩石 和 峡 谷之乡。
The Pilbara, in the northwest of the region, is
[...] magnificent ancient-rock and gorge country.
[...] 所有地理区域,因此也将有利于更加合理地涵盖所有各 岩石 艺 术
The proposed Centre would build on an existing network of research institutes and centres in Spain, covering the entire
geographic territory of the country, thereby also facilitating a more relevant coverage of all
[...] different types of rock art.
[...] 地的特征而定;其中包括:矿石/矿物的性质;矿床的深度;掘出物质及其周岩石的化学成分;原生物质;地形;气候和修复方法。
The environmental impacts associated with mining activities, which vary from region to region depending on mining and disposal technologies and local features, include the nature of the ore/mineral; the depth of the deposit; the
chemical composition of the extracted matter and
[...] the surrounding rocks; naturally occurring [...]
substances; topography; climate; and reclamation practices.
身材嬌小的玫瑰,潔白細膩的黃金首飾,德愛玫 石英 和 粉 紅色藍寶石的的路面存在,在版本白金吊墜手鍊以及版本從595€。
Petite Rose d'Amour, delicate white gold
[...] jewelry, rose quartz and pink sapphire pavement [...]
exists in version white gold pendant
chain bracelet as well as versions from 595 €.
这些合作伙伴是:国际大地测量和地球物理联合会、国际地理学联合会、国际土壤科学 联合会、国岩石圈计 划、伦敦地质学会、荷兰应用地球科学院 TNO、国际土壤参考资料 中心、国际工程地质师与环境学会、国 岩石 力 学 学会、国际土力学与岩土工程学会、国际 第四纪研究联盟和美国地质学会。
These include the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, the International Geographical Union, the International Union of
Soil Sciences, the
[...] International Lithosphere Programme, the Geological Society of London, the Institute of Applied Geosciences TNO in the Netherlands, the International Soil Reference and Information Centre, the International Association of Engineering Geologists and the Environment, the International Society of Rock Mechanics, the [...]
International Society
of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, the International Union for Quaternary Research and the American Geological Institute.
低容石英样品池(ZEN2112) 低容石英样品 池用于测量粒度及分子量。
Low-volume quartz batch cuvette (ZEN2112) Low-volume quartz batch cuvette [...]
for size and molecular weight measurements.
(b) 存保委員會應研英國在 北岩銀行事件後對當 地 存 款保險計劃所作的修 訂,以及最新的國際存款保險原 則,以考慮這些修訂及原則是 否適用 於香港。
(b) the Board should study the
changes that are made
[...] to the United Kingdom scheme in the wake of Northern Rock and the new international [...]
principles for
deposit insurance when they emerge to consider what application they may have to Hong Kong.
445 系列玻璃密封晶体 - CTS 宣布推石英晶体产品平台的开发成果 - 445 [...]
445 Series Glass Seal Crystals - CTS announces
[...] development of a quartz crystal product [...]
platform, the 445 series.
[...] 屿是公约第 121 条第 3 款意义上的一岩石,它 可以通过一个简单的解释性声明 [...]
这样做,但是,如果它把参加公约与否取决于这一解释的被接受,这就构成必须 按照这种方式处理的一项保留,并且在这种情况下适用准则 3.5.1。
For example, when expressing its consent to be bound, if a
State wishes to say that in its view, a
[...] given island is a rock in the sense of [...]
article 121, paragraph 3, of the Convention,
it may do so through a simple interpretative declaration, but if it makes its participation in the Convention subject to the acceptance of this interpretation, that would constitute a reservation that must be treated as such, and in this case, guideline 3.5.1 would apply.
为了在这种矿物环境中生长和繁殖,阿尔卑斯柳草发展出来不少特殊的性质:强大的地下根茎,可以吸收深藏 岩石 中 的 水分;通过长出嫩芽自我繁殖的能力——就像自我克隆——这种能力使其得以在荒凉的地区开疆拓土。
In order to grow and multiply in this mineral environment, Alpine Willow Herb has developed some very special features: powerful
underground roots capable of capturing water
[...] hidden deep in the rocks, and the ability [...]
to reproduce itself by growing shoots –
like clones of itself – which allow it to colonize such an inhospitable region.
地層上盤的礦石主要為黃金-重晶石-方鉛礦-閃鋅礦,而中盤為黃金-方鉛礦-黃鐵礦、黃銅礦-閃鋅礦-黃鐵礦及黃銅礦,及下盤為黃金 石英石、 黃 鐵礦及黃鐵礦-黃銅礦-細脈浸染狀礦化物。
The ores of the upper stratigraphic level are mainly gold-barite-galena-sphalerites, with gold-galena-pyrite,
chalcopyrite-sphalerite-pyrite and chalcopyrite within the middle
[...] level and gold-quartz, pyrite and pyrite-chalcopyrite-vein-disseminated [...]
mineralisation within the lower level.




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