

单词 石破天惊

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[...] 台广播员通常很灵活,但是,如果你的新闻不 石破天惊 , 那 么不要指望过了最后期限还 能播出。
Television and radio broadcasters are generally more flexible; although if
[...] your news is not groundbreaking then don’t expect [...]
it to transcend deadlines.
它的高音单元是导管式设计的,此创新设计最初是应用在我 石破天惊 的 Na utilus鹦鹉螺上。
The tweeter is tube-loaded – a design innovation we first
[...] introduced on our ground-breaking Nautilus speaker.
石破天惊、颠 覆传统的精钢运动腕表,完全与当时所有的创作理念背道而驰,因而掀起了一场划时代的风格革新,不仅使国际制表工业自此完全改头换面,也重新奠定了爱彼坚定明确的独立精神。
A steel sports watch went completely against everything that had been created up until then, and was the start of a revolution that transformed the international watchmaking scene and contributed to reaffirming Audemars Piguet’s unmistakable spirit of independence.
杰克拒绝,并的间距的攻击Bunnymund的域名 破 坏 了在复活节兔子复活节蛋的分布 惊天 动 地的儿童的信仰。
Jack refuses, and Pitch attacks Bunnymund’s domain, ruining the Easter-egg distribution and shattering children’s faith in the Easter Bunny.
[...] 及早處理這件事,萬一有甚麼差池,我相信對香港的打擊,肯定石 破天驚的
On the contrary, if the Hong Kong Government does not
address this issue early, once anything goes wrong, I believe the impact on Hong Kong
[...] would definitely be earthshaking.
在這個原則下,如果說 要弄甚麼資產增值稅或其他,也不是那 石破天 驚 的 事。
On this principle, it is actually not that cataclysmic if capital gain tax or other taxes are put on the table.
然而,这会触发一个囤积在他的本能,和第 天 , 暮 光之城 惊 地 发现他变得更大。
However, this triggers a hoarding instinct in
[...] him, and the next day, Twilight is shocked to have found [...]
him grown larger.
此次會議雖有精彩段落,卻石破天 驚 之 處,不過也呈現因應氣候變遷的具體作為,可是我仍有疑慮,擔心這種「照表操課」的方式無法長久,辦公空間的解決方案總著重於硬體及昂貴科技,常需要高額資金。
For office spaces, the solutions focus on “hard skills” and to some degree expensive technology, requiring large amounts of capital.
被围困在加沙长年遭受占领国以色列集体惩 罚、残酷迫害、扼杀及封锁的 1 500 万巴勒斯坦人, 再次遭到一场蓄意的恐怖、死亡破 坏 行 动的打击, 这次行动已进入第 19 天,举世震惊,难以置信。
The 1.5 million Palestinians imprisoned in Gaza, collectively punished, callously persecuted, strangulated and blockaded for years by Israel, the occupying Power, have been subjected to a new
deliberate campaign of
[...] terror, death and destruction, which continues for the nineteenth day as the entire world watches in [...]
horror and disbelief.
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图 惊 人 的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法 天 [ 见 匪 徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。
This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days received special emphasis in the Ḥasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the
tannaitic and the
[...] apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [pseudo-Messiahs] and corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, [...]
causing men to hate,
persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq.
洞穴内密布华丽的钟石、壮 观的岩层和令 惊 心 动魄 的 石 笋。
The cave is packed with gorgeous stalactites, magnificent rock formations and intimidating stalagmites.
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步減低空氣、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞擊 破 碎 機 ; 增加空氣污染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消減空氣污染滋擾通知書的手續;管石棉的 使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將 廢物排放入公共污水渠;設立㆒項收費制度,就處理工業污水,使之符合標準 而徵收費用,以及立例管制化學廢物的處理,並徵收費用。
They cover controls
[...] of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on [...]
the use and maintenance
of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it.
这项运动担心,新型泳衣设计除其他方面之外,能让游泳运动员更有浮力和更具有流 线型,从而使运动员惊人的速度 破 纪 录
The sport had become concerned that athletes wearing new swimsuit designs
that, among other things, make swimmers more buoyant and
[...] streamlined were breaking speed records at an astonishing pace.
[...] 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路石油管道和天然气 管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 [...]
运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度
洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State
capital of Sittwe, and parallel road,
[...] high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that [...]
will create an energy and trade corridor
to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
颜盎镇坐落在一座小山上,有一小 破 旧 的平 顶 石 屋 ,四周绿树成荫,其间点缀着以色列定居者的建筑。
Nestled on a hill, the town of Yanoun is a small
[...] cluster of old flat-roofed stone houses, surrounded on [...]
all sides by a leafy
landscape dotted with the buildings of an Israeli settlement.
主席,我翻查過去5年的紀錄,真的“跌眼鏡”,因為我找來找去 也無法找到一些值得我在議事廳一提 石破天 驚 或打破傳統的政策 或措施,可以令人記得我們今屆的“財爺”曾俊華先生,或讓他可以所 [...]
President, having reviewed the records in the past
five years, to my surprise, I
[...] really cannot find any breakthrough or unconventional [...]
policies or measures proposed by him
that I consider worthy of mentioning in this Chamber ― something that reminds us of the incumbent Financial Secretary Mr John TSANG, or allows him to leave his mark on history, so to speak.
我提出的都不是甚石破天驚的 建議,也不會涉及龐大的公帑開 支。
My proposals here are not any bold ideas and will not involve huge public spendings.
与此同时,通报提到了武装团体开展的行动,但忽略了一个 事实,那就是:这些恐怖团体必须负责的行为包括:杀戮、通过袭击各种机构和
[...] 毁坏公共及私人财产破坏和摧毁基础设施 破 坏 石 油 和 天 然 气管道、铁路和向公 民提供公共服务设施;滥杀平民、士兵和那些维持公共秩序的人员。
At the same time, it mentions the operations carried out by the armed groups, but ignores the fact that those terrorist groups are responsible for acts that include killing, sabotage, and the destruction of infrastructure by attacking institutions
and destroying public and private
[...] property; destroying oil and gas pipelines, the railways, [...]
the facilities that provide
public services to citizens; and the indiscriminate killing of civilians, soldiers, and those who maintain public order.
在古典格雷戈里我们有时会发现修辞学家,在金口从来没有, 惊 人 的 天 赋 阻 止他的艺术需要援助,虽然培训了之前,它一直在精力充沛的流动和思想的话洪流丢失。
In the classical Gregory we may
sometimes find the rhetorician; in
[...] Chrysostom never; his amazing natural talent prevents [...]
his needing the assistance of art, and
though training had preceded, it has been lost in the flow of energetic thought and the torrent of words.
地 球科學課程標準注重於石破壞與風化而形成土壤、地質時間、化石,以及由此所提供 的關於地球歷史的證據。
The earth science standards
[...] focus on the breakage and weathering of rocks to form soil, [...]
geologic time, and fossils and the evidence they
provide about Earth’s history.
到这里,距离海岸很远的地方,大海形成 惊天 巨 浪
And carry away anything that hasn't been secured. Out here, far from the shore,
[...] the sea forms towering waves.
当时,大会因为对这些被占领 土继续存在非法定居做法的深远影响,以及随之出现 的严重的、有系统的侵犯产权现象,还有环境和经破坏深感震惊,决定处理这项问题,并在第六十届和 第六十二届会议上通过了两项决议。
Concern about the extent to which the rules of international humanitarian law were being observed in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan was heightened when the General Assembly, highly alarmed by the farreaching implications of continuing illegal settlement practices in those territories accompanied by serious and systematic interference with property rights, as well as environmental and economic damage, decided to address the matter and adopted two resolutions at its sixtieth and sixty-second sessions.
他在学习方面很困难,但却拥惊人 的足 球 天 赋。
Learning some things was hard, but football was his amazing talent.
另外还有九名发言者的论文着重讨论了 1970 年代 和 1980 年代所开发采矿技术的分析,1970 年代和 1980 年代所制定的示范采矿单 位;过去为深海采矿而确定的项目经济意义和成本模式;先驱制度所依据的经济、
技术考虑因素以及国际海底管理局的规章;可能把空间程序应用于深海海底采 矿;多金属结核采矿提升系统的状况;红土镍矿提炼的进展以及可能适用多金属
[...] 结核提炼的情况;针对多金属硫化物的技术开发以及可能适用结核采矿的情况; 以及用石油及天然气 的立管技术进展以及可能适用于结核采矿的情况。
There were also nine other presenters, whose papers focused on an analysis of mining technologies developed in the 1970s and 1980s and model mining units envisaged in the 1970s and 1980s; project economics and cost models that had been developed in the past for deep seabed mining; the economic and technical considerations underpinning the pioneer regime and the Authority’s regulations; possible use of space applications for deep seabed mining; the status of lift systems for polymetallic nodule mining; advances in nickel laterite processing and possible applications to polymetallic nodule processing; technology development for polymetallic sulphides and possible
applications to nodule mining; and advances in riser
[...] technology for oil and gas and possible applications [...]
to nodule mining.
与联合国气候变化框架公约秘书处的工作合作:(a) 气候公约秘书处承认拉 丁美洲和加勒石油天然气 公司区域协会气候变化工作组自 1999 年成立以来开 展的工作,在 2004 年 12 月于布宜诺斯艾利斯召开的缔约方第十次会议期间接受 拉丁美洲和加勒石油天然气 公司区域协会为作为京都议定书缔约方会议的气 候变化框架公约缔约方会议及其附属机构的正式观察员;(b) 在气候变化框架公 约的该次会议上提交了拉丁美洲和加勒 石 油 天 然 气公司区域协会关 石 油天 然气 工业对拉丁美洲和加勒比地区温室气体减排所做贡献的报告;(c) 拉丁美洲 和加勒石油天然气 公司区域协会参加了 2005 年 11 月和 12 月在加拿大蒙特利 尔举行的缔约方第十一次会议。
Cooperation with the work of the
secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change:
[...] (a) in recognition of the work developed by the ARPEL Climate Change Working Group since its creation in 1999, the secretariat of the Framework Convention accepted ARPEL as an official observer to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and its subsidiary bodies, during the tenth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in December 2004 in Buenos Aires; (b) ARPEL report on the contribution of the oil and gas industry to greenhouse gas emissions reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean was presented at the same Conference; (c) participation of ARPEL [...]
at the eleventh Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in November and December 2005 in Montreal, Canada.
向邻国终点站运输马石油和天然气的活动在某些方面需要更详细研究, 即:不同国家的规章的一体化和统一;与马里共有沉积盆地的邻国达成的谅解和/ [...]
Certain aspects of the
[...] transport of Malian oil and gas to terminals [...]
in neighbouring countries need more detailed study,
namely: integration and harmonization of the regulations of the different countries; and understandings and/or arrangements with neighbouring countries with which Mali shares sedimentary basins.
[...] 涉及以下判斷:(i)資產日後在商業上可行的可能性及斷定其商業上可行的時間;(ii)根據 預石油及天然氣價格計算的日後收益;(iii)日後開發成本及生產開支;(iv)就計算可收回 [...]
This assessment involves judgment as to: (i) the likely future commerciality of the asset and when such commerciality should
be determined; (ii) future revenues
[...] based on forecasted oil and gas prices; (iii) [...]
future development costs and production
expenses; (iv) the discount rate to be applied to such revenues and costs for the purpose of deriving a recoverable value, and (v) potential value to future E&E activities of any geological and geographical data acquired.
破坏或摧毁了 14 000 所住家以及公共建筑、学校和 整个工业场地,在一些地方造成破 坏 令人 震 惊。
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) estimates that the Israeli operation damaged or destroyed 14,000 homes, as well as public buildings, schools and entire industrial estates, leaving destruction in some places that is shocking to see.
西班牙最重要的鸡蛋生产商之一 Grupo Avicola la
[...] Cresta,最近以非常壮观的方式增加蛋鸡的数量:15 万只鸡分养在 7 列和带两层媒天花板的惊人的 12 层鸡笼里,这差不多是世界上最高的鸡笼了。
Grupo Avicola la Cresta, one of the most important Spanish egg producers, has increased its bird number in a
spectacular way: 150,000 laying hens distributed on seven rows and impressive
[...] twelve tiers with two intermediate ceilings.




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