

单词 石屎森林

See also:


Stone Forest, notable set of limestone formations in Yunnan




Lin Sen (1868-1943), revolutionary politician, colleague of Sun Yat-sen, chairman of the Chinese nationalist government (1928-1932)

External sources (not reviewed)

来港外国人,一旦得悉生态旅游的介绍,均叹为观止,发 现香港原来除了石屎森林,还有很多好地方。
They find that apart from the "concrete jungle", there are many good places in Hong Kong.
港 人 需 要 的 不石屎 森林是 一个健 康 的 城 市 , 要 让自然的 [...]
资 源 有 生 存 的 空 间。
Hong Kong
[...] people do not need a concrete jungle, but a healthy [...]
city with room for nature to thrive.
相 反 地,在 香 港 上 空 只 可 看 到一个属 於石 屎 森林表表者 。
In contrast, a bird's view of Hong Kong
[...] shows nothing buta"concrete jungle" in the extreme.
香 港 在 绿 化 方面早 已不是 一 张 白 纸 , 我们已经
[...] 在这弹 丸 之 地 建满高 楼 大 厦 , 建 成 一个又 一个石屎 森林
While Hong Kong has already embarked on the
road of urban greening, the many tall buildings built on this tiny city have already
[...] formed many concretejungles among us.
事 实 上 , 本港一直都被称 为石 屎 森林在 绿 化 及 园 境 方面一向并没 [...]
有一套 整 体 的 规 划,政 府亦从 不积极 作出明 显 的 改 善。
Hong Kong has been
[...] called a concreteforest and there is no overall [...]
planning in greening and landscape.
虽 然 议 案 和修正案 就 限制排放污染 物提出 了多项 建 议,甚至建 议 了各种罚
[...] 则, 但 如果一 个如此 发达石屎 森林了树 木 和 草 , 不 增加自 [...]
然 元 素,老 实 说,也 是 不行的。
Although the motion and the amendments have made many proposals to restrict the emission of pollutants and even suggested various types of
penalty, if there are no trees and grass in
[...] such a developed concrete jungle and if nothing [...]
is done to increase the natural elements,
then honestly speaking, the proposals would still be getting us nowhere.
前两 天,我看到墨西哥城内会进行全城绿化,尤其是屋顶的绿化,我们可以 参考这些例子,让香港这个石屎森林 可引入这些做法。
A couple of days ago, we learnt about how greening was carried out in all of Mexico City, particularly the
greening of rooftops. We can make reference of these examples and introduce such
[...] measures tothisconcrete jungle of Hong Kong.
同时,政府亦可推广日渐 流 行 的 环 保 物 业 管 理 概念, 透 过 公 开 比 赛 等 形 式 , 启 发
[...] 物 业 管 理公司的创 意 , 协 助 市民石 屎 森林绿化 屋 苑 。
The Government can also promote the increasingly popular environmental property management concept, using public contests to stimulate property
management agents to come up with novel ideas to help people make their
[...] housing estatesin theconcrete jungle greener.
主席女士,“政府山”既包含如此丰富的历史及文化元素,将它们贸然 拆卸了事,可能令经历百年沧桑的历史氛围从此湮灭石屎森林 ,实属 可惜。
Madam President, given the rich historical and cultural elements embodied by the "Government Hill", it is really regrettable to see it demolished
without careful consideration, for the century-old history and milieu may
[...] probably vanish intheconcrete jungleas a result.
时 代 》 杂 志 的 旅游专 栏 , 亦 曾提到在香港这石 屎 森林, 西贡、 薄扶林 水 塘 等 一 带 乃 远 足观景 的 好 去 处 , 其中西贡的 海 滩 , 更 属 全港最 [...]
清 澈 和最美 丽的。
The travel column in the Time magazine once also
[...] mentionedthat withinthe concretejungle of Hong Kong, places like Sai Kung and Pokfulam Reservoir [...]
are ideal for hiking
and sight-seeing and that the beaches in Sai Kung are the cleanest and most beautiful in Hong Kong.
其 实,香 港 这石 屎 森林刚 好 欠 缺了绿 色 这种颜 色 , 最多的是石屎 , 欠 缺了树 木 和 草 这两种元 素 。
Concrete ismost commonly found but two elements, namely, trees and grass, are lacking.
我认为要成功发展新界东部为地质公园,便要特别谨慎地做好该区的 水陆交通网络,以确保在不会破坏自然环境、自然生态和景观的大原则下,
[...] 作适当的发展,以吸引更多市民和游客前往这些特别的地方,感受香港石 屎森林另一面。
I believe that in order to successfully develop the eastern part of the New Territories into a geological park, it is necessary to put in place, with particular caution, a sea and land transport network in that area, so as to ensure that appropriate development can be carried out on the premise of not damaging the natural environment, the natural ecology and the scenery while attracting more members of
the public and tourists to these special places to appreciate another
[...] aspect of this "concrete jungle" called Hong Kong.
正因为多层大厦林立,香港一直被称为石 屎森林
A large number of multi-storey buildings has long earned
[...] the name of a "concrete jungle" for [...]
Hong Kong.
幸好,在这个石屎森林,尚有一些类似遮打花园的活动 空间,可以让吸烟人士“唞一唞、松一松”,一方面可以松驰一下,亦可避 免对其他非吸烟者造成滋扰。
Fortunately, there arestill places like the Chater Garden within the"concrete jungle", [...]
where smokers can "sit back and relax".
当时我们看到一些湿地旁边的农地的持有 人有部分是大发展商(亦即现时的数大发展商),这些荒废的农地原为 一些不错的湿地,但发展商却将之填满混凝土,使原本可让雀鸟栖身 的地方变为石屎森林 完全破坏最初的保育意义。
But then, the developers just
[...] filled the sites withconcrete,turningthe habitats of birds into concretejungles and defeating [...]
completely the original nature conservation purposes.
许多人也觉得香港只是一石屎森林果我们在这石屎森林找到一两件或一两座可以引起我们回忆的建筑 物,其实会令我们这石屎森林 不少。
A lot of people think of Hong Kong as nothing but a
[...] concrete forest andif in this concreteforest wecan find one or two buildings that would evoke our recollection of the past, it would rightly give a touch of life to this otherwise drab and lifeless concreteforest.
有时候 ,香港市 民 想 散散心 , 他们即 时 想起的,也 是 往 外 国 或 内地旅 行
[...] , 因为对於他们来说 ,香港只 是 一个谋 生的地 方石 屎 森林
Sometimes, Hong Kong people want a break for themselves and what would immediately come to their minds is a trip to an overseas country or
mainland China because to them Hong Kong is just a place to earn a living, which
[...] is nothing more thana concrete jungle.
在大部分 人 ( 包括旅 客 ) 的 心
[...] 目 中 , 香港是个大城 市石 屎 森林处 都是高 楼 大 厦 , 但有多少人 [...]
知道香港的 面 积 有 超 过 四 成 是 保 留作自 然 护 理 、 康 乐、教育和 旅游用途的 区域呢?
In the opinion of most people (including tourists), Hong Kong
[...] is a big city,a concrete jungle crowded with [...]
tall buildings and high-rises.
主席女士,当 国 际 上
[...] 普遍认 为 香港是布 满 高楼大 厦石屎 森林後 , 香港其实拥有超过 40%的 [...]
土 地 是 郊 野 公 园 和 自然保 护 区 ,其中 米 埔 沼 泽 保 护 区 和 后 海 湾 内 湾 拉姆萨尔 湿
地更是国际 知名的 重 要 候 鸟栖息 地 。
Madam President, when Hong Kong
is commonly regarded by people all over the
[...] world asa concreteforest packed with high-rise [...]
buildings, over 40% of our
land is actually country parks and natural reserves.
长 远 而言, 城 市 规划的架构及政策必须进 行 全 面 改 革 , 增 加 透 明 度 , 并 循 民 众 参 与 的 方向前进, 一方面达 致石 屎 森林建 城 市 绿 洲 ;另一方 面 能够提 供 合 理的居所, 以 缔 造 真 正 具 有质素的居住环境。
In the long run, the town planning framework and policy must be comprehensively reformed to increase their transparency and to allow public participation.
一切须由业主负责的维修项目,例 石屎、渗漏和 渠务等,房屋署会确保维修妥当。
For all repair items for which the owner is responsible, such as concrete spalling,water seepage and drainage, the HD will ensure that they are properly rectified.
虽然掉下来石屎很细小,但由於每户也 石屎来,所以便有千多石屎的纪录。
Although only small chunksof concretehave fallen down, however, since they have fallen from every flat, so there are over a thousand cases of concrete spalling.
不要以比补充(资源)更快的速度使用任何属于大自然的东西,例 煤炭 森林
Do not use anything belonging to nature
[...] such asoil,coal or forest, at a greater rate [...]
than you can replenish it.
那是因为城市化,建筑物数量增加 石屎 後,在晚上 散发出来,所以晚上的气温便没有那麽寒冷。
With the increase in the number of buildings, the heat absorbed by the concretewill be dissipated at night, thereby making the temperature at night less cold.
为纾减斜坡进行巩固工程石屎在视觉上造成的影响,中大 会为上述 48 幅斜坡进行环境美化和其他环境改善工程。
To soften the visual impact of thehard surface resulting from slope stabilisation works, CUHK will carry out landscaping and other environmental improvement works to the 48 slopes.
我们必须为可持续使矿产、土地森林 类和其他自然资源创造就业和机会,保护资源的传统拥有 者和使用者的权利,增添价值并坚持价格公平。
We must build jobs and opportunities for the sustainable use of our
[...] oil, our mineral wealth, our land, our forests, our fishand other [...]
natural resources, protecting
the rights of traditional owners and users of the resources, adding value and insisting on fair prices.
平均有 23%的学校管理部门提供了全日制教育建 议,不同的州百分比不同,而来自新的联邦州的比率比较高,因为基础设施是已 经存在的 (萨79%、73 %、萨尔:39 %、柏林:38 %、汉堡: 27 % 、梅克伦堡-前波莫瑞州:26 % 、勃兰登堡:25 % 、巴登-弗腾堡: 12 %、下萨益格-荷尔斯泰因:11 %)。
An average of 23 per cent of school administrations offer full-day places - a percentage that varies according to the Länder, with the highest figures coming from the new Länder where
the infrastructure
[...] already existed (Saxony: 79per cent; Thuringia: 73 per cent; Saarland: 39 per cent; Berlin: 38per cent; Hamburg: 27 per cent; Mecklenbourg-Vorpommen: 26 per cent; Brandenburg: 25 per cent; Baden-Württemberg: 12 per cent; Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein: [...]
11 per cent).
高级别互动专题辩论的目的是召集国家元首和政府首脑、主要部长和高级官 员、联合国机构和布雷森林负责人、知名发展人士、私营部门和民间社会 [...]
伞式组织的首席执行官和负责人,针对对形成最不发达国家下一个十年发展战略 至关重要的上述专题,开展多方利益攸关方讨论。
The aim of the high-level interactive thematic debates was to bring together Heads of States and Governments, key ministers and senior
officials, heads of United Nations
[...] agencies and the Bretton Woods institutions, [...]
eminent development personalities, chief
executive officers and heads of private sector and civil society umbrella organizations in a multi-stakeholder discussion on the above-mentioned themes, which are crucial in shaping the least developed countries’ development strategy in the next decade.
秘书长的报告提供了有关私营和公共部门业务连续性管理活动和规 划工作的资料(A/64/472,第 17 至 19
[...] 段),包括有关联合国系统各机 构、基金和方案以及布雷森林采取的相关措施的资料(同上,第 [...]
20 至 22 段)。
The report of the Secretary-General provides information on business continuity management activities and planning in the private and public sectors (A/64/472, paras. 17–19), including information on related
measures taken by the United Nations agencies, funds and programmes
[...] and the Bretton Woods institutions [...]
(ibid., paras. 20–22).
会议重点指出了在植树森林和农林间作等方面的协同合作机遇, 以修复退化土地森林且鉴于对土地和水资源的需求不断增长,恳请粮农组织 支持成员国开展这方面的工作。
The Conference highlighted synergistic opportunities related to restoration of degraded lands and forests, through reforestation, forest rehabilitation and agroforestry, and requested FAO to support member countries in these efforts, noting the increased demand for land and water resources.




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