

单词 石屎



concrete jungle

See also:


excrement n
crap n

External sources (not reviewed)

雖然掉下來石屎只是 很細小,但由於每戶也 石屎 掉下 來,所以便有千多石屎剝落的紀錄。
Although only small chunks of concrete have fallen down, however, since they have fallen from every flat, so there are over a thousand cases of concrete spalling.
那是因為城市化,建築物數量增加 石屎 吸 熱後,在晚上 散發出來,所以晚上的氣溫便沒有那麼寒冷。
With the increase in the number of buildings, the heat absorbed by the concrete will be dissipated at night, thereby making the temperature at night less cold.
為紓減斜坡進行鞏固工程石屎表面在視覺上造成的影響,中大 會為上述 48 幅斜坡進行環境美化和其他環境改善工程。
To soften the visual impact of the hard surface resulting from slope stabilisation works, CUHK will carry out landscaping and other environmental improvement works to the 48 slopes.
[...] 情況,因風鑽造成強力震盪,因而導致已開始鬆脫 石屎 出 現剝落, 令居民擔心有關工程會危害市民或樓宇的安全。
There were similar cases in the past where the force of pneumatic
[...] drills had caused spalling concrete and [...]
residents worried that the works might endanger
their lives or building safety.
樓宇欠妥的問題如 結構損耗石屎剝落 ,不但對樓宇住戶構成安全威脅,亦對其 他樓宇使用者和附近途人的安全構成威脅。
Defects such as structural
[...] deterioration and concrete spalling pose safety [...]
hazards not only to the building occupants, but
also to other building users and pedestrians nearby.
這是港㆟最關注的,因為畢竟不是興建㆒ 個所謂石屎足球場」。
This question is of the utmost concern to the people of Hong Kong because, after all, we are not talking
[...] about building a concrete football pitch.
港 人 需 要 的 不石屎 森林,而 是 一個健 康 的 城 市 [...]
, 要 讓自然的 資 源 有 生 存 的 空 間。
Hong Kong people
[...] do not need a concrete jungle, but [...]
a healthy city with room for nature to thrive.
其實,現時北角 的樓齡超 過 46 年,而且石屎剝落的情況出現。
In fact, the housing blocks of NPE are now more than 46 years old and
[...] there were cases of spalling concrete.
雖 然 議 案 和修正案 就 限制排放污染 物提出 了多項 建 議,甚至建 議 了各種罰
[...] 則, 但 如果一 個如此 發達石屎 森林欠 缺了樹 木 和 草 , [...]
不 增加自 然 元 素,老 實 說,也 是 不行的。
Although the motion and the amendments have made many proposals to restrict the emission of pollutants and even suggested various types of
penalty, if there are no trees and grass in such
[...] a developed concrete jungle and if [...]
nothing is done to increase the natural elements,
then honestly speaking, the proposals would still be getting us nowhere.
在議員召開的個案會議 上,房署的代表答允清理棚釘、維修承托冷氣機 石屎 台 位的外露鋼 筋,以及為未有安裝套筒的消防喉管裝回套筒。
Members held a case conference at which the representatives of HD undertook to remove the scaffolding hooks, repair the exposed reinforcement at air conditioner hoods, and install the missing fire sleeve pipes.
WMN2000掛牆裝置安裝後離牆距離只有20mm,讓您的電視可以更緊貼牆壁,像是牆上一個視窗般華麗,可安全掛裝在磚牆和一 石屎 牆 上
Once in-situ, it stands just
[...] 20mm proud from the wall, enhancing the impression that your TV really is a window on the world.
同時,政府亦可推廣日漸 流 行 的 環 保 物 業 管 理 概念, 透 過 公 開 比 賽 等 形 式 , 啟 發 物 業 管
[...] 理公司的創 意 , 協 助 市民石 屎 森林中 綠 化 屋 苑 。
The Government can also promote the increasingly popular environmental property management concept, using public contests to stimulate property
management agents to come up with novel ideas to help people make their housing
[...] estates in the concrete jungle greener.
一切須由業主負責的維修項目,例 石屎 剝 落 、滲漏和 渠務等,房屋署會確保維修妥當。
For all repair items for which the owner is responsible, such as concrete spalling, water seepage and drainage, the HD will ensure that they are properly rectified.
例 如在處理 危 險
[...] 山 坡 時 , 最常見 的 辦 法是石 屎 。
In the handling of dangerous slopes, for instance, the most
[...] common method is shotcreting.
該公園應以園林自然風貌為主,不宜過份人 工化,特別是盡量減石屎水泥路面。
The park should feature primarily natural view but without excessive artificial structures and cement hard surface paving in particular.
僱主須履行一般性的責任條款,然後視乎實際情況,以決定在 雷暴、下大雨的情況下,是否仍要進行何鍾泰議員剛才所說的諸如 石屎的 工作,還是應該停止進行。
Employers should perform according to the general liability clauses and decide in the light of the actual situation whether such work as grouting, as mentioned by Dr Raymond HO, should be carried out in thunderstorm or heavy rain, or whether it should be suspended.
至於牽涉的範圍,那是很簡單的,便是引 石屎 剝 落的兩條鐵,其他都 不包括在內,所以範圍是比較窄。
Nothing else is included, so the scope is quite narrow.
主席:“跟私人樓宇石屎剝落 情況作一比較”並不是你剛才補充質詢的一 部分,政府官員現在未必有資料可以作答。
PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): Since a comparison with the
[...] situation of concrete spalling in private buildings [...]
is not part of the supplementary
put by you just now, the public officer may not have the information now to give a reply.
另 一個巿 民經常面對, 而 政 府 卻 愛理不 理的問題是,當價值 數以百萬元 計 的 新 樓 宇 建 成,巿 民 買 樓 入 伙 後 , 才 發 現 樓 宇 內有滲 水 的 問題, 也 出 現 貨 不對辦, 諸 如 牆 身 厚 度不一、喉 管 生石 屎 剝 落 , 新建成 一年樓 宇的外 牆 紙 皮 石 已 剝 落 掉 到 街 上。
Another problem which people often encounter, but which has received only lukewarm responses from the Government is: After a person has purchased a newly completed flat worth millions, he finally moves in, only to find that there is water seepage inside his unit, and there are many problems of shoddy workmanship such as uneven thickness of walls, rusty pipes and spalling off of concrete.
更改 / 加石屎 / 磚塊間格 牆
[...] addition of concrete/ brick partition wall
[...] 一些英國專家,專家告訴他們如果要拆除這類鐘樓,必須有專家在場才可清 拆,不是隨便找工人鑿石屎便可 清拆和保存這座鐘樓的。
When I met with Secretary Michael SUEN just now, quite a number of people from civic groups told me that the experts hired from the United Kingdom had told them that if this kind of clock tower was to be demolished, it was imperative that experts be present
and it would not do to find just any
[...] worker to smash the concrete if this clock [...]
tower is to be dismantled and preserved.
有一點更為重要的是,主席,當你把農地鋪上水泥建成一個“貨 櫃長城”,即使你把土地收回來,重新鑿 石屎 , 是 否可以迅間把它 恢復為一塊農地,或可以栽種花草樹木的地方呢?
President, a more important point is that when a piece of farmland has been turned into the "Great Wall of Containers" with the laying of cement on it, can you convert it back into farmland or a piece of land that you can grow trees and flowers instantly even after you have taken the land back and removed the concrete?
WMN2000掛牆裝置安裝後離牆距離只有20mm,讓您的電視可以更緊貼牆壁,像是牆上一個視窗般華麗,可掛裝在磚牆和一 石屎 牆 上,而安裝最多只需要兩口轉孔,就可以安全穩妥地固定您的電視。
An integrated spacer lets you expand the distance between your TV and the wall flip-out legs allow you to lift the screen away from the wall while you connect up the cables.
在距石屎天花 30厘米处安装以石膏板造成且厚度不少於3厘米的假天花,并於假天花上铺上不少於10厘米厚且比重不少於50kg/m3的玻璃棉。
Install false ceiling made of gypsum board with minimum thickness of 3 cm , which is 30 cm away from concrete ceiling and false ceiling paved with glass wool with a minimum thickness of 10 cm and a minimum specific weight of 50 kg /m3.
Gallery首度來港參展,畫廊創辦及主理人Dominique Levy親身帶同十多件展品來港:身價不菲的Andy
[...] Warhol毛澤東畫像;Jeff Koons的彩畫、石屎及鍍鋼雕塑成的仿塑膠藝術模型;中國籍藝術家張桓以香灰繪描的超巨型畫作,還有Pablo [...]
Hirst、Alexander Calder等的藝術作品。
L&M Gallery (from New York) focused on post war America., the founder and director Dominique Levy especially paid a trip to Hong Kong with over ten exhibits – the famous Mao portrait by
Andy Warhol, colour painting and
[...] faux-plastic (made in concrete and steel) sculptures [...]
by Jeff Koons, ash painting by Chinese
artist Zhang Huan as well as art work by Pablo Picasso, Damien Hirst, Alexander Calder and more.
廢物回收亦是另一個明顯的例子,可看出行政長官的確有決心要糾正過 去港英政府所遺留下來的一些“蘇 屎 ”。
The waste recovery programme is another typical example demonstrating the Chief Executive's determination to put right the nasty mistakes made by the British-Hong Kong Government in the past.
因此,我很希望政府既要處理自己的“蘇 屎 ” , 同樣 地,作為房屋及規劃地政局局長的,亦要考慮對於未建成的住宅物業,是否 [...]
Therefore, I very much hope that the Government will
[...] deal with "the aftermath". Similarly, [...]
the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands
should consider whether it is necessary to conduct further studies on the provisions regarding uncompleted residential properties, so as to facilitate fair dealings in a transaction.
[...] 們或許會夢想成真,但最重要的是“雞肋”不要變成“雞骨”,如果吃了雞 骨,便會很容易哽着,吃不下去,如果使之變成“ 屎 ” 則會令員工境況更 慘。
President, my second expectation is to earnestly make an appeal to the Government. Since the labour unions have already fought for this for many years and their dreams may come true now, it is most essential that the "chicken rib" will not turn into "chicken bone" for people may be easily choked if
they eat chicken bone, and if it is
[...] turned into "chicken shit", then the situation [...]
of the staff will be even more miserable.
鑒於本地石油產 品價格經常加快減慢及各油商調整價格 的步伐趨於一致,石油產 品零售價格往往又未能真確地反 映入口成本價,本會促請政府積極考慮 石 油 行業引入公平 競爭法及其他有效措施,包括要求競爭政策諮詢委員會關注 本石油市 場可能出現的不公平競爭模式,並委託該委員會 就有關情況作出監察和研究,以增 石 油 行 業的競爭性和提 高產品價格的透明度,從而避免寡頭壟斷,促進公平競爭和 保障商戶及市民免受高油價之苦。
That, as the adjustments of local oil product
[...] prices are always quick in going up but slow in coming down and the pace of price adjustments by various oil companies tends to be synchronized, while oil product pump prices often fail to truly reflect import costs, this Council urges the Government to actively consider introducing a fair competition law and other effective measures for the oil industries, including requesting the Competition Policy Advisory Group to take heed of any unfair mode of competition [...]
that may emerge in the local oil market, and entrusting the Group
to monitor and study the situation, with a view to increasing competition in the oil industries and enhancing the transparency of product prices, thereby avoiding oligopoly, promoting fair competition and safeguarding commercial clients and the public against high oil prices.
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步減低空氣、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞擊式破碎機;
[...] 增加空氣污染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消減空氣污染滋擾通知書的手續;管石棉的 使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將 [...]
They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement
notices to air pollution offences; controls
[...] on the use of asbestos; controls on [...]
the use and maintenance of waste treatment
plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it.




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