

单词 石印

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 舞蹈、照片、电影、油画、素描、建筑、雕刻 石印 作 品 (WIPO,2003,2979)。
Literary and artistic works include books, pamphlets and other writings,
music, plays, choreography, photography, films, paintings, drawings, architecture,
[...] engraving, lithography (WIPO, 2003, 1979).
沿着正门来到毗邻的Chungdam路口,黑色的大 石 上 印 有 Gucci标识性 石 纹 印 花。
Along the exterior of the main entrance, adjacent to the
[...] Chungdam intersection, black marble features Gucci’s iconic [...]
Diamante pattern.
宝石珠,宝石珠批发印度宝石珠, 半宝石,出口商珠,宝石珠,宝石珠批发,briolettes,石珠,briolette珠,宝石珠,芯片,掘金, 石 , 宝 石 , 印 度 宝 石 珠 ,宝石,半宝石,银首饰,批发商,供应商,批发商珠宝供应,珠,玻璃珠,公司,印度斋浦尔,贵重宝石珠,半宝石宝石珠子。
[...] Beads,Wholesale Gemstone Beads,Indian Gemstone Beads,Semi Precious Beads Exporters,Gemstone Beads, Wholesale gemstone Beads, briolettes, Stone beads, briolette beads, Gems Beads, Chips, Nuggets, Cut stones, Gemstones, Indian gemstone beads, [...]
precious stones, semi
precious stones, Silver Jewellery, wholesaler, supplier, Wholesale Jewelry Supply, bead, beading, company, jaipur, india, precious gemstone beads, semi precious gemstone beads.
[...] 期刊、手稿和音乐,同样也包括重要的艺术和文化作品,例如素描、版画、古代近东 地区的圆筒石印,绘 画、雕塑、装饰品,还有种类繁多的文化物件(cultural [...]
Ruskin)的铅制士兵 玩具(lead soldiers),还有约翰·济慈(John Keats)的一绺卷发。
The Morgan’s collections consist preponderantly of printed books and periodicals, manuscripts, and music, but also contain
important collections of art and cultural
[...] works, such as drawings, prints, ancient near [...]
Eastern cylinder seals, paintings, sculpture,
decorative objects, and cultural artifacts as diverse as Voltaire’s briefcase, John Ruskin’s lead soldiers, and a lock of John Keats’ hair.
如今,现石版印刷利用第一个具有生产规模的柯达统一工作流程解决方案运行,该解决方案集成了 [...]
PRINERGY CONNECT 工作流程和带有 EFI Monarch MIS 的 INSITE 印前门户系统。
Modern Litho-Print now operates the first [...]
production-scale KODAK Unified Workflow Solution that integrates a PRINERGY CONNECT
Workflow and INSITE Prepress Portal System with an EFI Monarch MIS.
展览期间,嘉宾可观赏不同工坊的杰出工艺:制瓶工艺、稻草镶嵌工艺、镀金工艺、纺织与擀毡手艺、高级时装、装饰艺术风格的黑檀细木镶工、金线刺绣、漆艺 石 板 印 刷 、 制扇工艺、制表工艺(由江诗丹顿制表工艺大师演示)、日内瓦传统的“Grand Feu”珐琅微绘工艺以及莳绘(由自京都专程前来的象彦品牌漆艺大师演示)。
In the course of this exhibition, guests were able to admire the work in different ateliers devoted to bottle-making, straw marquetry work, gilding, felt-making, textiles and haute couture, as well as the crafts of Art Deco cabinet-making, gold thread embroidery, lacquering, lithography, fan-making, watchmaking by a Vacheron Constantin watchmaker, the Genevese technique of Grand Feu enamelled miniature painting, and the maki-e technique exercised by a master lacquerer from the Zôhiko company, flown in specially from Kyoto for this exhibition.
(c) 為免令人有強迫的士業使石油氣的 印 象 , 政府 石油 氣成為的士的強制使用燃料之前,不應提高對排放黑煙 柴油的士的定額罰款。
(c) To avoid the impression of forcing the taxi trade to use LPG, the Administration [...]
should not increase the fixed penalty
fine against smoky diesel taxis before LPG becomes the mandatory fuel for taxis.
随着近年来石油和天然气价格持续不断 上涨,以及预期未来的石能源短缺 印 度 的 能源 安全日益受到关注。
With continued and sustained hikes in oil and gas prices in
recent years, as well
[...] as the expected fossil fuel shortages in the future, the security of energy supply in India has generated [...]
increasing concern.
如果藍石是從印度、 泰國或斯里蘭卡來的,它大概會由廣州入清,可以想像一個官人會注意到這麼個材料,讓治石匠雕成鼻煙壺,然後進貢。
If the sapphire came from India, Ceylon, or Thailand—the [...]
three most likely sources—the stone would probably have entered
China through the port of Guangzhou.
只要将你的石送到印度、 比利时和以色列当地的Rapaport办事处,我们就可以处理其他一切事务。
Just bring your diamonds to your local Rapaport office, and we will take care of everything else.
首顆石是在印度被 河水的砂礫沖出來,主要沿著印度德干高原的東側:戈爾康達(Golconda)數千年來一直是鑽石的唯一生產非凡出眾寶石的產地,例如傳奇的Hope(重44.5克拉的藍色鑽石)、重105.6克拉的Koh-i-noor(意謂光之山)和重189.6克拉的Orloff。
The first diamonds were washed
[...] out of river gravels in India, mainly along [...]
the eastern side of the Deccan Plateau in India:
Golconda remained the only source of diamonds for thousands of years, producing extraordinary gemstones such as the legendary Hope, a blue 44.5 carat diamond, the 105.6-carat Koh-i-noor (Mountain of Light) and the Orloff, weighing 189.6 carats.
该财团由中国石油天然气集团公司 (CNPC,40%)、马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas, 马来西亚,30%)印度石油天然气公司 OVL 子公司 (ONGC Videsh,印度,25%)、Sudapet 公司(苏丹, 5%)所有。
The consortium was owned by CNPC (40 per cent), Petronas (Malaysia, 30 per cent), ONGC Videsh (India, 25 per cent) and Sudapet (Sudan, 5 per cent).
伊拉克巴格达7月28日电-安哥拉国家石油公司Sonangol的一位官员周日在此间称,美国的西 石 油 公司 、 印 尼 国 家 石 油 公 司目前正在与安哥拉Sonangol就勘探伊拉克Qaiyarah和Najmah油田的事宜进行谈判。
Baghdad, Iraq, 28 July – US oil
[...] company, Occidental Petroleum Corp and Indonesia’s Pertamina are [...]
negotiating a partnership with
Angola’s Sonangol for exploration of the Qaiyarah and Najmah oil fields in Iraq, an official from the Angolan state company said in Baghdad Sunday.
鑽石貿易公司(Diamond Trading Company)的執行長指出印度對鑽石珠 寶的需求在2010年暴增32%。
In 2010, India saw a 32% growth in its demand for diamond jewelry, according to the CEO of the Diamond Trading [...]
钻石纹图案作为Gucci的经典设计始于1935年,于近期被Giannini重新诠释, 石 纹 图 案被 印 在 经 过手工打蜡处理的柔软小牛皮上,呈现出一种棕色叠影交错的复古效果。
The Diamante pattern, a classic Gucci design first introduced in 1935 and recently relaunched by Giannini, is embossed on soft calfskin that is hand waxed to confer a vintage effect in degrading shades of brown.
Diamond exports to India will increase by [...]
4.89% while imports from Belgium will increase by 5.13% and from the USA 6.05%.
一个范围更为有限的方案(Team-9)向八个西非国家提供购买印 度产品和服务的 5 亿美元的信贷额度,这八个国家是 印 度 出 口 石 油 的 国家或印度公 司在其领土上进行石油勘探的东道国。
in lines of credit to eight West African countries to buy Indian products and services, which export oil to India or are host to Indian companies prospecting for oil.
最近在区域合作方面的事态发展,包括土库 曼斯坦-阿富汗-巴基斯坦-印度石油管道项目协议的 签署,将为区域合作提供更大的推动力。
The recent developments in regional cooperation, including the signing
of the agreement on the
[...] Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project, [...]
will provide added impetus to regional cooperation.
半导体硅、化合物半导体材料、有机半导体材料、磁性材料(铁氧体)、电介体材料、电子零部件材料、电子零部件金属材料、永久磁铁、结合磁铁、压电陶瓷、水晶材料、非铅系压电材料、液相法材料、电极材料、压电薄膜(ZnO、AIN、PZT)、蓝 石 、 聚 合物、 L T C C 印 刷 电路板、Si等。
Semiconductor Silicon, chemical compound semiconductor materials, organic semiconductor materials, magnetic materials (ferrite), dielectric materials, electronic parts materials, electronic parts metal materials, permanent magnets, bond magnets, piezoelectric ceramics, quartz materials, non-lead piezoelectric materials, liquid phase method materials,
electrode materials, piezoelectric
[...] film (ZnO, AIN, PZT), sapphire, polymers, LTCC substrates, glass substrates, [...]
Si, etc.
邮轮拍卖会是一种独特的娱乐形式,拍卖项目包 印 刷 物 、 石 版 画 、水彩画、油墨画,专业的拍卖师欢迎您在香槟中度过一段愉快的竞拍时光。
Onboard art auctions are a fun form of
[...] entertainment; from fine prints to lithographs, water [...]
colours and oils, our professional
auctioneers welcome you with a glass of champagne for a fun afternoon of bidding and bargain hunting.
在阴处和潮湿的地方山坡上,石裂 缝; (100-)500-2300米福建, [印度,印度尼 西亚,日本,老挝,缅甸,巴基斯坦,泰国,越南 ].
Shady and moist places on slopes, rock crevices; (100--)500--2300 m. Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam].
印刷中料表面平滑、色水穩定、展平良好,可滿足客戶高 印 刷 之 木紋 石 紋 高 級感需求。
The printed middle layer use PVC sheeting shows very smooth surface, steady color and
good layflat enabling to meet the high-grade
[...] requirement of wood/stone pattern during high speed printing by customers.
在 Forex Control
[...] 外汇交易平台上,您可以进行多种金融工具的交易,如 石 油 、 股票指数 印 度 、 英国富时指数、德国法兰克福 DAX 指数、法国巴黎 [...]
CAC 指数、意大利 MIB 指数、日经指数、道•琼斯指数、美国纳斯达克、英国股市、欧洲证券交易所、巴西、俄罗斯、香港、新加坡。
On the Forex Control - forex trading platform
you can trade many financial
[...] instruments such as: Oil, Stock Indices (India, FTSE, DAX, [...]
CAC, MIB, NIKKEI Stock Dow Jones
, NASDAQ , UK Stock Markets , European Stock Exchanges , Brazil , Russia , Hong Kong , Singapore .
到 1982 年, TERI 的职能扩展到能源、环境研究,
[...] 可持续发展研究,寻找解决城市能源问 题的策略,协助形成和发印度石油天 然气工业。
By 1982, TERI’s activities had expanded into research in the fields of energy, environment, and sustainable development, ranging from finding
environment-friendly solutions to rural energy problems to helping shape the
[...] development of the Indian oil and gas sector.
葫蘆、銀、象牙; 平唇,突出微凹底,以四件笵模製成,兩正面都模印開光中花卉圖,一面為牡丹湖石圖,另一面為菊花 石 圖 , 側面 印 獸 首 啣環耳,給頸內及唇內緣安銀襯裏,其上加象牙襯裏
Gourd, silver, and ivory; with a flat lip and protruding, slightly concave foot; from a four-part primary mould, with a garden scene on each main side, one with peonies growing beside a perforated natural rock formation, and the other with chrysanthemums in a similar setting, each contained within a thin, raised frame, the narrow sides with mask-and-ring handles, the inner neck and a slim area of the inner lip lined with silver, with an additional inner neck and lip of ivory that, when in place, largely obscures the silver
印度的钻石例子 在这方面或许具有启发性。
The example of diamonds in India may be enlightening [...]
in this regard.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近印度洋 海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路石油管 道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 [...]
洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项
目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being
[...] constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural [...]
gas pipelines that
will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
[...] 宇署在視察僭建物時,如懷疑該僭建物含有石棉物料,會 於發出勸諭信及相關命令時,附上環保 印 製 有 關 石 棉管 制的小冊子,以供業主或處所擁有人瞭解須清拆的僭建物 是否含有石棉物料,以及須採取的措施及正確處理含石棉 [...]
The BD will co-operate with the EPD in its enforcement action regarding the clearance of UBW. During inspection, if the BD
suspects that there is asbestos containing material in an UBW, it will enclose
[...] a pamphlet on asbestos control published by the EPD with its advisory [...]
letter and relevant
order to help the landlord or occupier of the premises understand whether there is asbestos containing material in the UBW to be cleared, the measures to be taken and the proper way to handle asbestos containing waste.
2007 年 9
[...] 月,大规模支持民主的抗议活动爆发时 印 度的 石油部 长 Murli Deora 正在访问缅甸,准备签署石油勘探协议(之 [...]
前刚因在缅甸能源争夺战中输给中国而受到总理办公室的公开 指责)。
In September 2007, just as massive pro-democracy
[...] protests broke out, India’s petroleum minister, [...]
Murli Deora visited Myanmar to sign exploration
agreements (after being publicly reprimanded by the prime minister’s office for losing out to China in the country’s energy stakes).
在执行局一六五届会议的 165EX/决议 5.2-II 决定成立一个关于本组织理事机构运作费 用的工作组,由 12 成员组成(每组出两人参加),大会主席(A. 贾拉利先生),财务与行 政委员会主席(V. 卡拉马诺夫先生)和特别委员会主席(L. 德斯普拉德尔女士)12 个会员 国代表是:第一组:J.R. 蓬加先生(西班牙),C. 阿特金森女士(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合 王国);第二组:E. 米哈埃斯库先生(罗马尼亚),M. 波洛多娃女士(斯洛伐克);第三 组: R. 洛佩斯·德拉阿莫先生(古巴),S. 坎贝尔女士(牙买加);第四组:N.D. 萨巴瓦 尔女士印度),T. 石野先 生(日本);第五组(a):G. 阿斯富先生(埃塞俄比亚), M.S. 舍亚先生(坦桑尼亚);和第五组(b):K. 维吉尼女士(阿尔及利亚),M.M. 巴胡 姆女士(埃及)。
At its 165th session, the Executive Board, in 165 EX/Decision 5.2 – II, decided to set up a Working Group on the operating costs of the governing bodies of the Organization, composed of 12 members (two members from each group), the President of the General Conference (Mr Ahmad Jalali) and the Chairpersons of the Finance and Administrative Commission (Mr Vladimir Kalamanov) and of the Special Committee (Ms Lil Despradel).




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