

单词 短讯

短讯 noun ()

short message n



sexually explicit text message

See also:


short adj
brief adj


shortness n
fault n


information n
news n


External sources (not reviewed)

北京联合国开发署办事处与新闻部合作,通过其国际和平日专用网站,收到 数以百计的在线和短讯。
The UNDP Office in Beijing partnered
with the Department and received hundreds of
[...] online peace messages through its [...]
dedicated website on the International Day of Peace.
它的增值功能如提醒、定位短讯和 通 知可以根据各种需求进行特定调整、支持业务流程。
Its added value features such as alerts,
[...] localisation, messaging and notification [...]
can be tailored to suit a wide range of
imperatives and support business processes.
如果在你短讯前面 没有输入 ‘bid’ 这个字短讯不会 受理,你也不会收到我们的回 复。
If you have not put the word ‘bid’ at the start of your text, it will not be processed and you will not get a reply.
已收集了来自 140
[...] 个国家的个人的 150 000 条短讯,并贴于 www.peaceday.2008.org [...]
More than 150,000 messages were collected from individuals in 140
countries and posted on
[...] www.peaceday.2008.org. Many of the messages were also displayed [...]
on the large monitors in the General
Assembly Hall before the general debate on 23 and 24 September and published in a booklet which was distributed to all Member States.
(a) 报告、确认书、通知及任何其他通讯可传送予客戶提供之客戶地址、电邮地址 短讯服 务号码、电话号码或传真号码。
(a) Reports, written confirmations, notices, and any other
communications may be transmitted to the Client‟s address,
[...] e-mail address, SMS, telephone or fax [...]
number given by the Client.
对于 2008 年国际和平日为和平短讯运动 ,曼谷联合国新闻处与移动电话 公司合作,用英文和泰文发送和 短讯给 170 万客户,而埃里温联合国办事处安 排将秘书长短讯译成亚美尼亚文,发送给当地一家移动电话公司的 600 000 客 户。
For the 2008 International Day of Peace
[...] “Txt4Peace” message campaign, the United Nations Information Service in Bangkok partnered with mobile phone companies to send peace messages in English and Thai to 1.7 million subscribers, while the United Nations Office in Yerevan arranged for the Secretary-General’s text message, translated into [...]
Armenian, to be sent
to 600,000 subscribers of a local mobile phone company.
是否有人遇到过网络欺 凌——包括通短讯、电 邮或社交网站?
Has anyone experienced cyber-bullying – by text, email or on social networks?
在 2008 年国际和平日,经济及社会事务部设在首尔的联合国治理中心启动 了在大韩民国的“为和平短讯”运 动。
On the occasion of the International Day of Peace 2008, the United Nations Governance Centre, a Department of Economic and Social Affairs office in Seoul, spearheaded the “Txt4Peace” campaign in the Republic of Korea.
在为期 10
[...] 天的运动中,通过电邮、网站、电话和 街头运动收集到 2 000 条和短讯。
During the 10-day campaign,
[...] 2,000 peace messages were collected [...]
through e-mail, websites, telephone and street campaigns.
比勒陀利亚联合国信息中心与一个手机业者合作,将和 短讯 发 送 给科 特迪瓦、几内亚比绍、尼日利亚和南部非洲包括南非和斯威士兰在内的 1 300 万客户。
partnered with a cellphone service provider to send peace messages to approximately 13 million subscribers in Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Nigeria, and in southern Africa, including in South Africa and Swaziland.
国际SMS使用相同的统一税率为1学分,每 1 个 短讯。
International SMS uses the same flat rate of 1 credits per 1 SMS.
阁 下 应 核 对 SMS 短 讯 e-Alert 发 讯 人 的 电 [...]
话 号 码 及 电 邮 e-Alert 的 电 邮 / 网 站 地 址 , 确 保 其 属 实 且 由 本 行 发 出 。
You should check the telephone number of
[...] the sender of SMS message e-Alert and [...]
the e-mail / website address for e-mail e-Alert
to ensure that they are genuine and have been sent by us.
若 阁 下 携 带 流 动 电 话 离 开 香 港
[...] 时 , 应 暂 停 SMS 短 讯 e-Alert 服 务 , 因 [...]
为 e-Alert 需 透 过 外 国 电 话 网 络 传 送 到 阁 下 的 流 动 电 话 , 但 外 国 电 话
网 络 的 保 安 无 法 获 得 保 证 。
You should suspend the SMS e-Alert Service [...]
if you are taking a mobile phone outside Hong Kong due to the fact that the security
of any foreign telephone network through which e-Alert may be transmitted to your mobile telephone cannot be guaranteed.
从 2011 年 9 月 13 日至 10 月 31 日,通 过 Safaricom、Airtel、Yu 和 Plus Point 等服务供应商发出短讯。
Messages were sent from 13 September to 31 October 2011 through such service providers as Safaricom, Airtel, Yu and Plus Point.
春节期间,粤、澳旅游局又合作发放手 短讯 , 提 醒来澳的内地旅客入住合法住宿场所,同时把"入住合法旅馆、安心畅游澳门"的宣传内容连结广东省旅游局网页。
During Spring Festival, the Macau and Guangdong
tourism authorities will join forces again to
[...] send mobile messages advising Mainland [...]
visitors to stay in legal accommodation
in Macau. In addition, an internet link to the promotional content "Enjoy a pleasant trip in Macau, stay in Legal Accommodation" is available on the website of Tourism Administration of Guangdong Province.
倘 本 行 同 意 阁 下 ( 或 任 何 第 三 者 ) 与 本
[...] 行 之 间 可 互 相 透 过 电 邮 丶 互 联 网 丶 手短 讯 或 任 何 其 他 方 式 ( 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 除 外 ) [...]
进 行 通 讯 , 阁 下 承 认 该 等
通 讯 存 有 被 第 三 者 截 取 丶 监 察 丶 修 改 或 干 扰 之 风 险 。
If we agree that you may communicate with us
or we agree to
[...] communicate with you (or any third party) via email, the Internet, SMS or any other method [...]
(other than via Hang
Seng Business e-Banking) you acknowledge the risks that any such communications may be intercepted, monitored, amended or otherwise interfered with by third parties.
内幕新闻,新闻学,免费邮箱,股市行情,手 短讯 息 ,算命,搜索引擎。
Inside story news, journalism, free mailbox, stock market
[...] quotation, handset short news, tells fortunes, [...]
search engine.
针对即将来临的5.1长假期,澳门特区政府旅游局印制单张方便旅客在5.1长假期掌握食肆营业讯息,并发送手 短讯 予 内 地旅客,加强旅游讯息通报。
In response to the upcoming May 1st long holidays, Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) has produced pamphlets as a food guide for visitors to obtain local restaurants' operation information during the May 1st long holidays.
想投标的话,你可使用‘伯明翰家居有选择’(Birmingham Home Choice)的网页(参看第 8 页),使用互动式声音识别 电话服务(参看第
[...] 18 页),互动式数码电视(第 19 页)或者短讯(参看第 21 页)。
To make a bid, you can use the Birmingham Home Choice website (page 8), the interactive
voice recognition telephone service (page 18), interactive digital
[...] television (page 19) and SMS text messaging (page 21).
2011 年 9 月 13
[...] 日,内罗毕联合国新闻中心为庆祝国际和平日,启动题为“通 过和短讯促进 和平”的移动电话活动。
On 13 September 2011, the United Nations Information Centre in Nairobi
launched a mobile telephone campaign
[...] entitled “Peace through short text peace messages” [...]
to commemorate the International Day of Peace.
截至二零一一年十二月三十一日止,我们已经推出了两个版本的Coolcloud(基于云计算和云存储),它可以帮助酷派用户同步比如联系人 短讯 息 、 通话记录等日常数据,及分享信息。
As of the end of 31 December 2011, we have already released two versions of Coolcloud (based on cloud computing and storage), which
could help Coolpad users synchronize the ordinary data, such
[...] as the contact, SMS, phone record, [...]
and share the information.
若 有 任 何 看 来 由 本 行
[...] 透 过 e-Alert 服 务 发 出 的 SMS 短 讯 , 要 求 阁 下 以 SMS 短 讯 提 供 阁 下 的 户 口 或 密 码 [...]
资 料 , 阁 下 绝 不 应 回 覆 , 因 为 本 行 绝
不 会 作 出 如 此 要 求 。
You should never respond to a request purportedly from us
via the e-Alert Services to provide your
[...] account or security details by SMS message as we will never make such a [...]
旅游局亦将发送手短讯予计 划来澳的内地旅客,提醒他们尽早订房,如有需要可在旅游局网站查阅房价;亦鼓励他们来澳前先下载《五一游澳门餐饮指南》或到旅游谘询处免费索取。
MGTO will also
[...] send mobile text messages to Mainland visitors [...]
who plan to visit Macau, advising them to make a room reservation
in earliest advance and check local room rates on MGTO's website when in need; via SMS, the office also encourages visitors to download the "Macau Food Guide for the May 1st Vacation" online prior to their Macau trip or obtain the guide pamphlets at MGTO's information counters upon arrival so that visitors can gain more useful information.
发短信至马来西亚、台湾、中国、香港、新加坡手机网络 – NZD0.09/sms (不过有一点要注意的是2degrees目前只和Maxis及Digi设置好,假如 短讯 到 ce lcom、u mobile等有可能会收不到。
Text message to Malaysia, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore mobile numbers – NZD0.09/text (However, text message will be received by Maxis and Digi subscribers only.
证 券 及 基 金 覆 盘 通 知 」 只 会 以 SMS 流 动 电短 讯 方 式 通 知 客 户 有 关 证 券 /基 金 交 易 结 果 及 认 购 新 股 分 配 结 果 。
For the Securities and Investment Funds Instant Order Confirmation Service, customers will only receive the execution results of the relevant securities/ investment funds trading orders and IPO subscription allotment results via mobile phone SMS text.
雖然我們並不預期通訊環節短期內 冒升成為主要的增長動力,但長遠而言此行業 的重要性將會穩步上升。
While we do not expect the telecommunications sector to emerge as a leading driver
[...] of growth in the short term, the sector [...]
will steadily grow in importance over the longer term.
[...] 通过虚拟或真实的专题讲座,在地区和国家层面的教育部高层会议上推广和倡导课程 设置改革和创新;开发一系列短的 政策 简 讯 , 强调课程设置者和开发者面临的主要 政策挑战。
The services which the IBE should offer, in addition to the organization of the ICE sessions, include: facilitating policy dialogue among a broader range of stakeholders from inside and outside educational systems; encouraging and contributing to policy dialogue among basic and secondary education and teacher education policy-makers and specialists; promoting and advocating for more support to curriculum reform and innovation at high-level Ministry of Education meetings through issue- or theme-specific conferences – virtual or real – at the
regional and national levels; and
[...] developing a series of short policy briefs highlighting [...]
the major policy challenges facing
curriculum designers and developers.
例如: 如果将两个控制输入端都设置为“本地/远程”,一个输入端信号为高 (1),另一个输入端信号为低
[...] (0),则“手动/自动”和“升/降”功能既无法借助于前置面板上的 F 按键完成,也无法通过远程讯的输入端或串口实现。
If you have set both control inputs to "Local/Remote", and the signal is high (1), but low (0) on the other control input, the "Manual/Auto" and "Raise/lower"
functions are not possible with either the F keys on the front panel or the inputs
[...] for remote messages or serial interface.
关于分发和传播从以前执行经验中总结的教训的活动,提议的数据库和提议的讯都需 要更多关于目标对象的信息;数据库和 讯 被 认为是分发和传播总结的经验的综 合战略的一部分,请高级监测和评价干事就如何把这些活动作为这一战略的一部分提供更 [...]
With respect to activities for the dissemination and communication of the lessons learned from previous implementation experiences, more information was needed on
the target audience
[...] for the proposed database and the proposed newsletter, both of which had been seen as part of an [...]
overall strategy for
the dissemination and communication of lessons learned, and the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer was asked to provide more information on how those activities would be part of such a strategy.
理事会正在寻求问题短 期解 决办法,但需要找到普遍定期审议资金问题的长期解决办法,避免采取临时 [...]
While searching for a solution to
[...] the problem in the short term, the Council [...]
needed to also find a long-term solution to
the question of resources for the universal periodic review process to avoid ad hoc measures, which risked undermining the principle of equal treatment for all States.




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