

单词 短期内

短期内 noun ()

near future n

See also:

短期 adj

short adj
short term adj




short adj
brief adj


lack v

External sources (not reviewed)

由于这一列报方法短期内不会 改变,以透明的方式分配业务费用的问题仍是一个 面临的挑战。
As this presentation will
[...] not change in the short term, the issue of [...]
a transparent allocation of operating costs remains a challenge ahead.
该代表团指出,关于土著人民的权利,圭亚那 已经短期内走了很长的路。
The delegation noted that, with regard to the rights of indigenous peoples, Guyana had
[...] come a long way in a short period of time.
因 此 ,巴巴多 斯政府 无 法 承 诺短 期内不对所涉责任的性质 作 彻底的 评估 [...]
就 签 署新的条约 。
Consequent to this, the Government of Barbados could
[...] not commit, in the short-term, to signing new [...]
treaties without undertaking a thorough
assessment of the nature of the responsibilities involved.
这种合法性和广泛支持本身是外交的产物, 必须始终是我们的目标,即使 短期内 这 可 能使国家 更难行事。
Such legitimacy and wide support, themselves
the product of diplomacy, must always be our goal,
[...] even when in the short term this can make [...]
it harder for nations to act.
苏丹表示,其杀伤人员地雷问题是可计量的 短期 内应可 解决,但如果不从速提供国际援助,苏丹将需要请求延长其最后期限。
Sudan indicated that its anti-personnel mine problem is measurable and can
[...] be addressed in a short time-frame but if [...]
international assistance is not provided
soon, Sudan would need to apply for an extension of its deadline.
赞比亚:国家工作队讨论是否等国家规划文件出台后才编制新的联发援框架,以确保 联发援框架与第六个国家发展计划(SNDP)保持一致,但考虑到尽管努力使联合国文件符
[...] 合国家计划,但两者周期很难保持一致,而且赞比亚的情势不可能 短期内 有 所 变化,因此 决定开始编制工作。
Zambia: After discussing whether to wait for the national planning document to be ready in order to ensure the UNDAF’s alignment to the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP), the UNCT decided to go ahead with the preparation of the new UNDAF, considering that despite efforts to align United Nations documents to
national plans, the cycles are hardly the same and that the situation in Zambia is
[...] unlikely to change in the short term.
这个项目还有助于基 金确定,如果马上在其核心业务活动中采用一个全面的客户关系管理方案,可能
[...] 为养恤金综合管理系统举措的一部分),但是,如果设立较小的本地应用程序, 以满足客户服务股短期内的最 迫切需要,将使其能够在最终把客户服务管理系 [...]
It also helped the Fund determine that introducing a comprehensive customer relationship management solution right away into its core business activities might not be the most practical, advisable or costeffective action (especially so considering that customer relationship management could be a part of the Integrated Pension Administration System initiative), whereas addressing
the most critical needs of the Client
[...] Services Unit in the short term by building smaller [...]
localized applications would prepare
it better in understanding how to shape the customer relationship management system when it is eventually integrated with the business processes.
财政支持和石油交易将 有助于防止短期内南北苏丹或其中任何一方的经 济发生崩溃,但对于将提供多少财政援助必须小 心,以免其强化负面的政治态度,而只是使问题解 决受到推迟。
Financial support and a deal on oil could help prevent economic collapse in one or both states in the near term, but care must [...]
be taken as to how financial
assistance is offered lest it reinforce negative political dynamics and simply defer the problem.
(b) 在可能的情况下,考虑将儿童的机构安置作 短期内 的 最 终措施,并 且采取一切必要措施安排在替代照料机构中的儿童返回自己家庭
(b) Consider the placement of children
in institutions as a measure of
[...] last resort for the shortest period possible, and take [...]
all necessary measures to allow
children in alternative care settings to return to their families, whenever possible
短期内不会作出明显改变,重新界定人道主义组织的任务授权和管理架 构,因此需要根据其任务、比较优势和实际的实地工作经验在这些组织中进行适当 的分工,以确保每个单独机构及联合国系统集体的一致和有效参与。
Since no significant changes to redefine the mandates and governing structures of humanitarian organizations can be expected in the short run, adequate division of labour among them is necessary to ensure the coherent and effective engagement of each individual agency and of the United Nations system collectively, based on their mandates, comparative advantages and actual experience in the field.
因此,非洲国家在短期内须处 理的关键问题之一,是如何遏止这种非工 业化态势,提高制造业和现代服务业在经济中的比重。
Therefore, one of the critical
issues that African countries have
[...] to address in the short-to-medium term is how to halt [...]
this process of deindustrialization
and increase the role of manufacturing and modern services in the economy.
[...] 增长速度超过了亚太区域同世界其他地区的贸易,但用区域内贸易和 需求增长取代与其他地区贸易的程度 短期内 仍 然很低,不足以抵消 发达经济体市场复疲弱造成的影响。
Although intraregional trade has been growing faster than the region’s trade with the rest of the world, the extent of
replacement of growth in
[...] intraregional trade and demand remains too low in the short term to sufficiently [...]
make up for the sluggish
recovery in the markets of the developed economies.
缔约国还应确立明确和适当的规则和程序,规定个人从遭拘押即刻起就登记 入册,并确保短期内将之送交法官。
The State party should also set clear and appropriate rules and procedures on the registration of
persons from the outset of their detention and on ensuring that they are brought before
[...] a judge within a short period of time.
但中国已经在苏丹石油产业发展和运营上投 入巨资,使得南北苏丹在短期内对 于 中国及其国 有石油巨头——中国石油天然气集团公司来说仍然 非常重要。
But the considerable investments that have been made in developing and operating the oil sector mean that the Sudans will remain important for China and its state-owned oil giant, CNPC, in the short to medium term.
证明文件称,黑 木物流公司有能力短期内提供 3 000 枚 H.Gr 84 型破片杀伤榴弹。
According to the documentation, Darkwood Logistics had the capacity to deliver 3,000 H.Gr 84
[...] fragmentation grenades in a short period of time.
尽管这种平衡可能很难实现,但目标应当是为了长期收益而 短期内 公 平 分摊 此类启动后融资产生的危害,而不是为了启动后融资所涉其他人的利益牺牲某 [...]
Although potentially difficult to achieve, the goal might be fair apportionment of any harm that arises
from such
[...] post-commencement finance in the short term with a view to the long term gain, rather [...]
than the sacrifice of one
member (and its creditors) for the benefit of others involved in the post-commencement finance.
基于非常模块化的系统和组件间的简便连接, 短期内 很 容易 做出并实现计划。
Thanks to a very modular system and simple connections between the components planning is easy and can be done in a timely manner.
短期内加入 该《公约》有困难的国家则可考虑采用该《公约》中订立 的相关标准,并探讨使用符合《公约》中所列明的其他机制的可能性,同时 [...]
Countries that would find it difficult to accede to [...]
the Convention in the short term may consider adopting the standards
contained in the Convention, as well as exploring the possibility of using other mechanisms that are consistent with that convention and avoiding the use of different standards in any bilateral and multilateral agreements into which they may enter.
当然,这 些措施还未能让我们看到疟疾明显减弱,但 短期内 控 制 该灾难性疾病带来了希 望。
Although they have not yet led to a clear regression of the disease, these measures allow hope that malaria will be under control in the near future.
库存使用比比较正常合理的情况下,小麦和谷物价 短期内 可 能 会暴 涨,而且,由于食用量和工业用量上升,预期小麦耗用量会增加,因而还可能 [...]
Nevertheless, in a context of a relatively healthy stock-to-use ratio for total grains (20 per cent) and
all wheat (28 per cent) for 2010/11, wheat
[...] and cereal prices are unlikely to increase [...]
sharply in the short term, although a
projected increase in wheat consumption due to increasing human consumption and industrial uses might yet increase the pressure on supplies of stocks.
基于我们在韦特海姆的工厂的自 行设计和生产能力,我们可以短期内 就设计和生产出特定的产品。
With our in-house engineering and manufacturing, we can design and produce
[...] specialized equipment in short runs in our facilities [...]
in Wertheim.
图书制作专家 Sagim
[...] 通过投资柯达 PROSPER 1000 印刷机,短期内将其订单增加了 20% 并提高了利润率。
Book production specialist Sagim has increased
its orders by 20 percent and stretched
[...] profit margins on short runs, following [...]
its investment in the KODAK PROSPER 1000 Press.
金融全球化削弱 了一短期内在有大量资本撤出时控制快速私人资本逆向流动的能力,也削弱 了应对由此产生的金融动荡和经济萎缩以及实施反周期金融和宏观经济政策的 能力。
Financial globalization lessened the ability to control rapid private capital flow reversals, when substantial amounts of capital can be withdrawn from a country in short periods, or to counter the resulting financial turmoil and economic contraction and implement countercyclical financial and macroeconomic policies.
在区域层面,非洲粮食危机应对 计划于2008年设立,旨短期内减少 贫困 和营养不良并在中、长期确保可持续的粮 [...]
At the regional level, the Africa Food Crisis Response (AFCR) initiative was established in 2008
with the aim to reduce poverty and
[...] malnutrition in the short term, and to ensure sustainable [...]
food security in the medium to longer term.
鼓励尚未将儿童问题纳入本国总体法治工作的国家这样做,并制定和 执行一项全面的少年司法政策,以此预防和处理少年犯罪问题,以及除其他外
[...] 促进使用替代措施,如转送教化和恢复性司法,还要遵守关于将剥夺儿童自由 作为最后的不得已之策并只在 短期内 使 用 的原则,并尽一切可能避免对儿童作 审前羁押
Encourages States that have not yet integrated children’s issues into their overall rule of law efforts to do so, and to develop and implement a comprehensive juvenile justice policy to prevent and address juvenile delinquency, as well as with a view to promoting, inter alia, the use of alternative measures, such as diversion and restorative justice, and complying with the principle that deprivation of liberty of children should be used
only as a measure of last
[...] resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time, as well [...]
as to avoid, wherever possible,
the use of pretrial detention for children
在审咨委 2009 年报告中,“审咨委强调了明确查明监督事务司和管理当局在 开展评价工作方面的作用以及以何种手段确保管理当局独立开展评价的重要
[...] 性”,以及“审咨委对人口基金是否有充足的资源和适足的合格人员 短期内有 效执行这项政策表示关切”。
In the AAC 2009 report, “the AAC stressed the importance of clearly identifying the roles of DOS and management in conducting evaluations as well as the means by which the independence of evaluations conducted by management would be assured” and “the AAC expressed concern as to whether
UNFPA has sufficient resources and appropriately qualified people to effectively
[...] implement the policy in the short-term”.
可再生,可再生能源 相对于地球自然循环而言,短期内 是 可 持续的能源资源,它包括各类无碳排放的技 [...]
renewables/renewable energy Energy sources
[...] that are, within a short time frame relative [...]
to the Earth’s natural cycles, sustainable,
and include non-carbon technologies such as solar energy, hydropower, and wind, as well as carbon-neutral technologies such as biomass.
管理层指出,建立这样的系统以便在工发组织内各个级别和对所有活动提供全面的审计跟踪记 录需要大量资源,其实施可能会由于缺乏资源而 短期内 受 到 限制。
Management noted that the establishment of such a system providing a comprehensive audit trail at all levels and for all activities within UNIDO
would be very resource intensive and its implementation might be
[...] constrained in the short term due to a lack of [...]
总得来说, 双边和多边技术援助方案依然是弥补这些不足的最
[...] 适当办法,但或许需要用其他机制来补充这些传统办 法,以便短期内帮助 地方行政当局向人民提供急需 的服务,同时加快启动长期的整体体制改革方案。
Bilateral and multilateral technical assistance programmes will generally remain the most appropriate means to remedy such weaknesses, but it may be necessary to complement these traditional approaches with other mechanisms to help local administrations to
deliver urgently-needed services to the
[...] population in the short term while jump-starting [...]
a coherent programme of institutional reform in the long term.




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