

单词 短暂停留

See also:


of short duration

暂停 v

suspended v
pause v

暂停 n

suspension n
pause n

External sources (not reviewed)

莎莉墓地的大山之上短暂停留后, 杰克发现,他只是强烈的浪漫吸引,因为她是他的萨莉。
After Sally comes to short stop on top of the graveyard’s [...]
big hill, Jack reveals that he is just as strongly romantically
attracted to Sally as she is to him.
But the "young springer's" stay in his homeland does not last long.
预定在2013年的航行中,阳光动力飞机将在所有五大洲 短暂停留。
During its voyage scheduled for 2013, the Solar
[...] Impulse will make a stopover in all five continents.
短暂停留时可 替换飞行员,同时可提供一个机会,向当地公众及政治科学机构展示这一项目。
These will allow a changeover of pilots and provide an opportunity to present the project to the public and to political and scientific institutions.
由国家投资收购的程度是一个重要的信号,良好的投资者,但也给投机 短暂 的 停留。
The degree of investment acquired by the country was an important signal to the good investors, but
[...] also to speculators short stay.
2009/10 年度期间拟议预算反映停飞伊斯坦布尔以 及将飞往土耳其特拉布宗的次数减少到每月两次,
[...] 从而减少计划飞行时数,而且不需要因飞 短暂停 留在伊 斯坦布尔而支付给机组人员生活津贴。
The proposed budget for the 2009/10 period reflects the cessation of flights to Istanbul and the reduction in flights to Trabzon, Turkey, to two times a month, resulting in a
lower number of planned flight hours and the non-requirement for aircrew
[...] subsistence allowances for layovers in Istanbul.
拘留地可能是莱蒙尼尔军营,据称一些被拘留者被转 移至其他秘密拘留地之前曾在那短 期 或 暂 时 停留。
The detention site may have been in Camp
Lemonier, which allegedly
[...] has been used on a short-term or transitory basis for several detainees being transferred to secret detention elsewhere.
确定失眠的原因是很重要的,因为它可能暗示着一种危险疾病的存在,被称为睡眠呼吸暂停,也就是睡眠中呼吸 短暂停 止。
It's important to determine the
cause of insomnia, as it may indicate a dangerous disorder called sleep apnea, in which
[...] breathing stops for short periods.
瑞典注意到司法系统存在一些不正常情况,同时有案例表明,一些 被留者经 证明是无辜的,因此鼓励阿富汗重新考虑其对死刑的立场,转而支暂停执行死刑。
Noting that irregularities existed in the justice system and
that there had been cases where
[...] detainees had been found innocent, Sweden encouraged Afghanistan to reconsider its position on the death penalty and move to support the reintroduction of a moratorium on executions.
这种管辖权包括有权在必要时采取临 时措施,在作出最后决定之暂停驱 逐和 保 留 个 案 的事由。
That jurisdiction included the power
to indicate interim measures, if
[...] necessary, to stay the removal and preserve the subject [...]
matter of the case pending final decision.
接待成员国应审查此一情况是暂时 性 困难,同时考虑到 留 时 间 长 短 、个 人情况以及所给予援助款额,以确定受益人是否构成本国社会援助制度不合 理的负担,并于必要时进行受益人隔离。
The host Member State should examine whether it is a case of
temporary difficulties and
[...] take into account the duration of residence, the personal circumstances and the [...]
amount of aid granted
in order to consider whether the beneficiary has become an unreasonable burden on its social assistance system and to proceed to his expulsion.
Park pumps for brief shutdowns.
此外,小组后来了解到,在它访问后,Wulu 镇居民在 2012 年 4 月 25 日逮捕短暂拘留了一 名联合国警察、一名利国警察和一名联利特派团人权干事,他们 是到该营地调查营地管理人监禁外国采矿者一事的。
Moreover, the Panel subsequently
[...] learned that following its visit, Wulu Town residents arrested and briefly detained a United Nations [...]
police officer, an
LNP officer and an UNMIL human rights official on 25 April 2012 who had visited the camp to investigate the incarceration of foreign miners by the camp master.
[...] 苏丹人民解放运动认为,米斯里亚人一年只在阿卜耶 停留 很 短 时 间 ,不应允许 他们在公决中投票。
The SPLM, on the other hand, holds the view that the Misseriya are
[...] only in Abyei for a short period of the year, [...]
and should not be allowed to vote in the referendum.
实行停顿期的目的是要求在确定中选提交书和授予采购合同(或框架协议)之 间短暂的停顿, 以便能够处理对拟议授标提出的任何质疑,从而避免因处置 [...]
已签署的合同而带来更多复杂问题和成本,上文本条评注 [**超级链接** ]对此作 了进一步解释。
The aim of imposing a standstill
[...] period is to require a short delay between the identification [...]
of the successful submission
and the award of the procurement contract (or framework agreement), so that any challenges to the proposed award can be dealt with before the additional complications and costs of addressing an executed contract arise, as further explained in the commentary to that article, above [**hyperlink**].
3 月 8 日,科人阵临时秘书长从加 纳返回时,短暂扣留。
On 8 March, the interim Secretary-General of
[...] FPI was briefly detained upon his return [...]
from Ghana.
如果您购买了具有日期限制的机票,请遵循实际支付票价适用的各项规则,下列一项或多项限制(其中包括,但不限于下列一项或多项限制)可能适用于您的旅行:(1) 可能无法退票,但可交费兑换满足原始机票的所有规则/限制(包括支付全部票价差额)的其他限价机票;(2)
[...] 可能需要收取预定变更/取消费用;或者 (3) 可能限制搭乘特定的航班和/或要求限定时间以及 短 和 /或 停留 时 间
If you have purchased a restricted ticket, depending on the rules applicable to the fare paid, one or more restrictions including, but not limited to one or more of the following, may apply to your travel: (1) the ticket may not be refundable but can be exchanged for a fee for another restricted fare ticket meeting all the rules/restrictions of the original ticket (including the payment of any difference in fares); (2) a fee may apply for changing/canceling
reservations; or (3) travel may be restricted to specific flights and/or times and
[...] minimum and/or maximum stay may be required.
这些儿停留在利勒库拉中心,通常 留 很 短 时 期 ,其中 56%的儿童 留在收容日内最多一个星期,19%最长一个月,其余儿童留在收容所都超过一 个月,也就是说解决他们的问题要多久,就留多久,在某些情况下,解决他们的 [...]
The children stay in Lilleküla centre usually only for a short period of time. 56% [...]
of children stay in the shelter for up to a week,
19% for up to a month, and the rest of the children stay in the shelter longer than a month, i.e. as long as it takes to solve their problem, which, in some cases, may take for up to a year.
(b) 在此种改革生效之前,各国应采取一切可能措施 暂停 将 拘 留 用 作一项 反移徙者措施,并确保不对寻求庇护者、儿童(不论有无家人陪伴)以及贩运、劳 工剥削和虐待的受害者或其他弱势群体实行移徙拘留。
Until such reforms are into effect, States
should take all
[...] possible measures to suspend the application of detention as an anti-immigration measure and ensure that immigration detention is not applied [...]
to asylumseekers, children
(whether unaccompanied or with families) or victims of trafficking, labour exploitation and abuse, or to other vulnerable groups.
[...] 功率高的其他国家,难民确认率过低;经常缺乏正当保障使用加急程序;自动适 用与加急程序有关的留;无暂停效 应 的上诉;缺乏获得法律咨询的机会;大量 [...]
Other systems were marred by poor quality decision making; disproportionately low recognition rates vis-à-vis other countries with similarly profiled individuals and high success rates on appeal; routine use of accelerated procedures
without proper safeguards; the
[...] automatic application of detention in connection with [...]
accelerated procedures; nonsuspensive
appeals; lack of access to legal advice; and large backlogs.
恒 生 银 行 有 限 公 司 ( 「 本 行 」 )留 权 利 暂 停 、 更 改 或 取 消 任 何 推 广 优 惠 及 服 务 [...]
, 而 不 作 另 行 通 知 。
Hang Seng Bank Limited
[...] (the "Bank") reserves the right to suspend, vary or discontinue any promotional [...]
offers and services
at anytime without further notice.
[...] 克、约旦、肯尼亚、科威特、黎巴嫩、利比亚、摩洛哥、阿曼、巴拿马、巴拉圭、卡塔 尔、沙特阿拉伯、阿拉伯联合酋长国、乌拉圭和也门对 暂停 制 定 加工奶酪标准的决定 表达了留意见
The delegations of Algeria, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab
Emirates, Uruguay and
[...] Yemen expressed their reservation on the discontinuation of work on the standard [...]
for processed cheese.
各国可根据其 具体的法律和文化传统,自由废除或 留 死 刑 ,或 宣暂停使用死刑。
States were free
[...] to abolish or retain that penalty, or declare a moratorium on its use, [...]
in accordance with their specific
legal and cultural traditions.
为什短暂停电后,我的 Mirra Sync 和共享服务器无法打开了呢?
Why won't my Mirra Sync and Share Server
[...] turn on after a brief power outage?
[...] 提供專車前往一些旅遊景點遊覽,或提供一些旅遊優惠,甚至是為過短暫停留的旅客提供一短暫停留的 酒 店旅遊套餐,將有助吸引部分內 地旅客經香港前往其他國家,也有助大嶼山發展為商業、購物和消閒 [...]
If the Hong Kong Airport can follow the examples of other places in providing travellers with designated coaches to go to some tourist destinations for sightseeing or provide some travel
concessions, or even
[...] provide transit travellers with some brief-stay hotel and tour packages, it will [...]
help attract some mainland
tourists to go to other countries via Hong Kong and thereby facilitate the development of Lantau into a commercial, shopping and leisure community.
362 163. 因风化问题驱逐外国人,一部分受如下情况限制:㈠ 外国人在国内的地 位363 或其家庭的地位;364 ㈡ 外国人可能豁免签证义务或某些其他相同性质的 义务;365 ㈢ 行为发生时,外国人在国内留时间 长 短 ; 36 6 ㈣ 外国人在驱逐 理由未显示出来之前进入国家领土;367 ㈤ 外国人对国家利益构成的威胁;368 ㈥ 外国人来自的国家不受驱逐国特殊规定或关系的约束;369 ㈦ 行为发生时外 国人为贩运的受害者;370 ㈧ 外国人暂时居留身份
The expulsion of an alien on grounds relating to morality may depend in part on the alien’s
[...] residency status,363 or the residency status of the alien’s family;364 (2) eligibility for exemption from visa or other such requirements;365 (3) length of stay in the State’s territory at the time of the relevant act;366 (4) having entered the State’s territory prior to the grounds for expulsion becoming evident;367 (5) threat to national [...]
(6) involvement of aliens from a State not having a special arrangement or relationship with the expelling State;369 (7) status as a victim of trafficking when committing the relevant act;370 or (8) transitory status.371The alien’s dependents may be subject to expulsion under this heading if grounds exist to expel the alien.372 164.
比如差旅管理方面,以下措施相结合,使工作人员差旅费减少了近 80%,与会者差旅费减少了
[...] 56%:改革理事机构旅行程序;取消公务舱旅行短 期停留的出 差任务除外);修改出差政策,减少与会者的生活日补贴;加强旅行 [...]
One example is the area of travel management where a combination of the following measures account for a reduction of close to 80% in staff mission travel and 56% in participants travel: changes in travel processes for Governing Bodies; the
abolition of business class travel
[...] (except for missions of short duration); modifications [...]
in the mission travel policy and
reductions in DSA to participants; strengthening of travel planning process and tools, renegotiation of travel management contracts to reduce transaction cost.
如果需暂时将 猫咪安置在社区内的临时场所完成术后恢复 短 期 停留 , 一 定要注意接 收的猫咪数量不要超过临时场所的收容能力,在猫咪恢复后尽早放归。
If the cat needs to be temporarily housed for recovery or short-term stay, the number of cats in the house [...]
cannot exceed its capacity,
and they must be released immediately after recovery or adoption opportunities must be actively found.
如果我们有理由相信法律规定必须这样做或者为了遵守有关政府机关或金融机构出具有关预防犯罪的建议,我们 留 在 任 何时 暂停 或 终 止您的Skrill (Moneybookers)帐户的权利。
We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your Skrill (Moneybookers) Account at any time if we reasonably believe to be required to do so by law or in order to
comply with recommendations issued by
[...] a relevant government authority or recognised body for [...]
the prevention of financial crime.
我们赞成将债务人的“营业所”(这一向是一个很难定义的概念,如《阿根 廷国际私法法》草案(第 2016-D-04 号)第 6
[...] 条所示)定义为债务人使用人工以 及货物或服务从事短暂性经 济活动的任何经营地,目的是指明有关程序是否 [...]
We welcome the definition of the “establishment” of a debtor (always a difficult concept to define, as shown, for example, by article 6 of the draft Code of Private International Law of Argentina, No. 2016-D-04) as any
place of operations where the debtor
[...] carries out a non-transitory economic activity [...]
with human means and goods or services,
the aim being to indicate whether the proceeding at issue is a non-main proceeding.




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