

单词 知識

External sources (not reviewed)

本課程要求學 生在生活情境運用所學知識、概 念和技能,了解科學、科技、社會和環 境的連繫,並分析可能遇見的實際問題。
In addition, students are
[...] expected to apply the knowledge, concepts and skills [...]
to real-life contexts, to develop an understanding
of how science, technology, society and environment are interrelated, and to analyse authentic problems they may encounter.
贊同設立「原授專利」制度的成員,大都建議初期把專利申請的 實質審查工作外判予其他專利當局,例如中華人民共和國國知 識產權局。
Most of the supporters of an OGP system suggest that we should make a start by outsourcing
substantive examination to other patent
[...] office(s), e.g. the State Intellectual Property Office of the [...]
People’s Republic of China.
透 過研習與實驗標準,學生可學習到如何使用適當工具與技術,以及多樣性的印刷與電子 資源,邏輯地表達意念,建構出比例模型與圖表以表 知識 , 並 且溝通調查的步驟與結 果。
Through the investigation and experimentation standards, students learn how to use appropriate tools and technology and a variety of print and electronic resources, communicate ideas
logically, construct scale models and
[...] diagrams to communicate knowledge, and communicate the [...]
steps and results of investigations.
此外,學 生將學習更多有關簡單分子物質 知識 , 如 一些共價分子的形狀和非八隅 體結構。
In addition, students will learn more about molecular substances such as the shapes and the non-octet structures of some covalent molecules.
另一名成員建議政府在 擬定版權政策時,考慮創作共用特許及其他開放使用權特 許,以推知識和原 創作品的流通和共享。
To facilitate sharing of information and creative works, another member suggested the Government consider the Creative Commons License and other open-access licenses in formulating its copyright policy.
這種學習幾知識的方 法,有別於學生所熟識的演繹方法。
This approach is different from the familiar deductive
[...] approach to study geometric knowledge.
更進一步,學生必須學習認知控 制變數實驗的必要性,以及科知識 的 累積本質,整合一個領域以上的科 知識 , 研究 科學領域的問題,並瞭解到科學是人類努力的成果,偶而也會因錯誤甚至欺詐而出現瑕 疵。
Further, they must learn to recognize the need for controlled
experiments and the
[...] cumulative nature of scientific knowledge, integrate knowledge from more than one area of science, investigate [...]
issues, and recognize that science is a human endeavor occasionally flawed by mistakes and even fraud.
委員會的工作,是要研究如何處理這些問題, 讓業界可藉着各所大學的研發專 知識 和 設施,增強效益。
The task of the Committee would be to consider how
to tackle these issues so as to enable the industry to
[...] leverage on the R&D expertise and facilities [...]
of the universities.
9.6.3 如有需要(例如涉及公眾利益或為實 踐向社會及工商界提供支援的目 標),獲款機構可能要給予政府和政 府代表不受地區限制、無須繳付版權
[...] 費用和不得撤回的永久特許應用權, 去運用或安排有知識產權;而倘若 獲款機構並無有關擁有權,則要替政 府和政府代表獲取所需的特許應用 權。
9.6.3 If necessary (such as when public interests are involved or in order to fulfill the objective of providing support to the community and the industries), the project applicant may be requested to grant unconditionally to the Government and parties acting on behalf of the Government a nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free
worldwide licence to exploit or
[...] dispose of the relevant intellectual property rights or, [...]
when the project applicant does not
have the ownership, to procure the grant of the requisite licence.
9.6.2 源自有關項目知識產權將由申請機 構擁有。
9.6.2 Any intellectual property rights [...]
derived from the project will be owned by the project applicant.
以下是芸芸例子之中的幾個:發展新四年制課程 中的學科專業英語課程,此爲所有本科學位課程的一個畢業要求;
[...] 習;為文學士與教育學士(語文教育)雙學位課程發展英語學科的 教學内知識;開 發使用電子回應系統,加強互動教學,以提升工 [...]
程系學生與講師的互動和學生之間的互動(請瀏覽 http://www.eee.hku.hk/~iclass
和 http://mlearning.eee.hku.hk/ 網頁,查 閲這教學發展資助金項目成效)。
The following are just a few examples amongst many: the development of English in the Discipline courses (for the new 4-year curriculum) which is a graduation requirement for all Ug degrees; the use of blended learning and interactive pedagogies to support problem-based learning in dental education; the development of a pedagogical content knowledge in English course for the curriculum of the double degree Bachelor
of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Language
[...] Education); and the development of [...]
interactive class response systems and platforms
using mobile devices to enhance interaction with and between Engineering students (please see TDG project outcomes at http://www.eee.hku.hk/~iclass/ and http://mlearning.eee.hku.hk/). Many of the TDG projects have resulted in either publications or conference presentations.
評估 顧問技術能力所採用的準則包括(i)顧問的經驗 知識 ; (i i)進行研究的方式 和方法;以及(iii)隊伍的成員及其質素。
The criteria adopted for the technical capability
of consultants include (i) consultants’
[...] experience and knowledge; (ii) approach [...]
and methodology in conducting the study;
and (iii) composition and quality of the team.
經審慎考慮後,專責小組認為現階 段毋需修改法例,而應著力落實各項建議的行政措施,在新設立的樹木管理辦事
[...] 處領導下,改善各樹木管理部門之間的協調、加強樹木風險評估、提升樹木管理 的專知識水平 ,以及推廣公眾教育和社區參與。
After careful consideration, the Task Force considered that there was no need to introduce any legislative change at this stage and efforts should instead be channelled to various recommended administrative measures to improve co-ordination among tree management departments under the leadership of the new Tree Management
Office, enhance tree risk assessment,
[...] upgrade professional expertise in tree management [...]
and promote public education and community involvement.
[...] 中課程的理念,同時確保入讀的學生具備所需 知識 、 技能和個人素質, 能從不同的學院/課程中獲益。
They recognise that admissions policy should echo the rationale of the
NSS curriculum, while ensuring that
[...] entrants possess the knowledge, skills and personal [...]
qualities needed for them to benefit
from the different faculties / programmes they join.
6.2.3 如秘書處得悉某項申請牽涉侵犯第三 者知識產權,有關申請將不獲處理 或被否決,直至有關的糾紛或指控獲 [...]
6.2.3 If the Secretariat notices that a
certain application involves breach of
[...] third party’s intellectual property rights, [...]
the application will not be processed
further and may be rejected unless the dispute or allegation has been satisfactorily resolved.
[...] 口,我們建議將這些工程定為第I級別小型工程項目,因為若這 些工程要符合結構、規劃及消防安全方面的要求,一般都須要 訂明建築專業人士的專知識。
For formation of or alteration to door openings to the enclosure of escape staircases or the protected lobby, we propose to classify such works as Class I minor works items, as compliance
with the structural, planning and fire safety requirements on such
[...] works will very often require the expertise of PBPs.
為了向學生提供多元化經驗、均衡的數 知識 與 技能,一個強調 學生主動性、連貫的校本課程是必須的。
To provide a rich variety of experiences and a balanced repertoire
[...] of mathematical knowledge and skills, a coherent [...]
school-based curriculum emphasising
the active role of students in the learning process should be developed.
有些回應者就《公司條例草案》第 5 部所載的三個情況( 上文第 10 段 )
提出了具體意見。他們主要認為,情況(b)要求取得一致書 面決議,難以應用於上市公司;而情況(c)准許任何股東向法庭呈
[...] 請發出限制令,會為上市公司帶來不明確的情況,亦未必能有效 地保障小股東的利益,因為他們可能沒有具備向法庭提出申請知識及/或經濟能力。
Some respondents provided specific comments on the three scenarios under Part 5 of the CB (paragraph 10 above), mainly considering that scenario (b) which requires an unanimous written resolution could not be applicable to listed companies; and that scenario (c) allowing any shareholder to petition to the court for restraining order would create uncertainty for listed companies and might not be effective
in protecting minority shareholders’ interests for they
[...] might not have the knowledge and/or means to apply [...]
to the court.
收購上述業務所產生的商譽指本集團與上述新近收購的業務所產生的協同效益及便於運用本集團的專 知識開 拓 其所在中國地區的商機所獲取的價值。
The goodwill on acquisition of the above business represents value obtainable from synergies with
the Group and opportunities for the Group
[...] to bring its expertise to the proposition [...]
and access to the region of PRC that
are provided by the above newly acquired business.
[...] 認為自由不能無邊無際,有創作空間及言論自由之餘 知識 和 資 訊的 傳遞和自由亦是並行的。
Opinions also cited that freedom cannot be left boundless, the
[...] communication of knowledge and information [...]
should go parallel with freedom of speech and rooms for creativity.
此外,集團將可以中華煤氣豐厚的財務資源為後盾,繼續在企業以 至區域管理方面受惠於中華煤氣的專 知識 和 管 理支援。
Furthermore, the Group will have continued support from HKCG’s abundant financial
resources and continue to benefit from
[...] its operational expertise and managerial [...]
support at the corporate and regional management levels.
a) 提高市民對《修訂規例》的意識及認識; b) 提高市民對營養素和其對健康影響的意識及認識; c) 使市民懂得運用營養標籤,長遠而言,使運用營養標籤成為日常健康飲食的一 部分;以及 d) 協助業界明白新的標籤規定和獲得有關技 知識 , 以 便更好地遵從有關規定。
a) To increase public awareness and understanding of the Amendment Regulation; b) To increase public awareness and understanding of nutrients and their implications for health; c) To empower the public to use NL and incorporate the use of NL as part of their healthy eating routine in the longer term; and d) To facilitate the trade to understand the new labelling requirements and to acquire
這些書院 將會提供清晰的學術方向、豐知識 和 多元文化,並將會透過讓學生參與 社區項目,促進體驗和服務性學習。
These Colleges will offer rich intellectual and cultural diversity [...]
with a strong academic orientation, and will promote
experiential and service learning through engaging students in community projects.
(6) 成立和經營教育、教學或研究機構,並給予和舉行講座,獎學金,獎勵,展 覽,課程和會議,以推廣和教導或傳播一般 知識。
(6) To establish and carry on institutions of education, instruction or research and to provide for the giving and holding of lectures, scholarships, awards,
exhibitions, classes and meetings for the promotion and advancement of education or
[...] the dissemination of knowledge generally.
[...] 應清晰的地區專長),分銷彼此的產品及共 知識 和 技 能(例如信用研究)繼續協同工作。
However they continue to work together by managing money for each other with
clear regional specialism, distributing each other’
[...] products and sharing knowledge and expertise, [...]
such as credit research.
(iv) 項目本身或進行項目所設 計、開發、製造或創造的項 目成果或材料或其任何部 分,侵犯或被指稱侵犯了第 - 46 三者知識產權
(iv) the project or the project deliverables or materials developed or produced or created
in the project or any part thereof infringes or is
[...] alleged to infringe the intellectual property rights of a third party.
註冊中醫應致力提高專知識和技 能,同時要進行 持續進修,以保持高度的專業水準。
He should maintain a high standard of practice
by exercising competent professional judgment and by continually
[...] striving to improve his knowledge and profession skills.
[...] 傳染性疾病的重要措施,因此本調查主要著眼於公眾在個人、食物及環境衞生等方面知識、態度、認知和習慣。
As maintaining good personal, food and environmental hygiene practices are important preventive measures against infectious diseases, the
main foci of the present survey are
[...] therefore public knowledge, attitudes, awareness [...]
and practices on personal, food and environmental hygiene issues.
學生承諾若得悉或有理由相信有關 知識 產 權由第三者個人或與 人共同擁有,須盡快通知 VTC。
Each student undertakes to promptly report to VTC if he / she knows or has reason to believe that the right of the Intellectual Property materials belongs to someone else solely or jointly with him / her.
b) 二零零九年八月至二零一零年六月 — 加深認識,重點在於向業界繼續提供支 援,以便他們更好地遵從有關規定;舉辦導師培訓工作坊,使教育界持分者具 備所知識;舉 行宣傳活動,增加市民對營養標籤的接受程度,更多運用營養 標籤來選擇食物。
continuing support to the trade to enhance compliance, equipping educational stakeholders by conducting train-the-trainer workshops and organising publicity activities to increase acceptance and use of NL in making food choices.




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