单词 | 矗立 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 矗立verb—standv矗立—standing tall and upright (of large building)See also:矗—lofty 矗adj—uprightadj
在上村(Gornja VAS)矗立着的圣安东教堂隐士,自豪与巴洛克式Bigocci的祭坛,从1468的。 instantworldbooking.com | In the Upper [...] Village (Gornja vas)stands the churchof St. [...]Anton the Hermit, which prides itself with baroque Bigocci altars from 1468. instantworldbooking.com |
在呈方形的博物馆裙楼中央矗立着一座高58米的“风帆”,形象地隐喻了港口中扬帆待发的船只。 chinese-architects.com | The analogy of a ship in a port is developed further in the symbolism of the two “sails” with a height of 58m each located almost in the middle of the museum square. chinese-architects.com |
优雅妩媚的项链带着一丝「美好年代」(Belle Époque)的气质,彷佛花都夜空中闪闪发光的艾菲尔铁塔就矗立在眼前。 piaget.com.cn | Feminine, elegant and exuding a distinctly Belle-Époque charm, this jewelry creation evokes the dazzling magic of the Eiffel Tower shining into the Parisian night. piaget.com |
在尽可能少占用入口广场的前提下,带有LOGO的高耸的塔楼矗立在前,张贴海报的信息墙居于一隅,除了最大限度地利用空间之外,还被折叠开敞的屋顶所遮蔽。 chinese-architects.com | Under the [...] premiss of using up as little space [...]as possible of the entrance square, this proposal had an overlooking tower [...]incorporating a logo placed in front and a corner wall where information posters could be placed. chinese-architects.com |
这里是所有阿根廷国家公路的起点,矗立着Los Dos Congresos纪念碑,是National Congress国会所在,包括上议院和下议院。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | It exhibits the monument to Los Dos Congresos, and is the seat of the National Congress, which houses the Senate and House of Representatives. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
这尊由混凝土与绿色皂石外层材料堆砌而成的巨大雕像矗立在700多米的山顶,与科巴卡巴纳海滩(Copacabana)遥遥相望,瓦克提供的硅烷/硅氧烷混合物可让这座巴西人避难所免受自然环境的侵袭。 wacker.com | A silane/siloxane mixture supplied by WACKER now protects Brazil’s national sanctuary above the Copacabana against the harmful environmental influences that the giant concrete and soapstone figure is exposed to 700 meters up. wacker.com |
它的背后,在众多的图标,矗立着一座巨大的十字架救主画形象。 mb-soft.com | Behind it, [...] among numerous icons, standsalargepainted image [...]of the Crucified Saviour. mb-soft.com |
这5座大风车,每年的发电量可供4000户家庭使用,就像生态城的守卫者,矗立在生态城的南部门户。 tianjinecocity.gov.sg | These 5 wind turbines, which provide enough power for [...] 4000 households, stand like guardians [...]at the southern entrance to Tianjin Eco-city. tianjinecocity.gov.sg |
该网站是在南城墙Vattaro的合格 - 一个小环礁珊瑚戒指,旁边矗立着海洋中的一个岛屿。 oceanyachtaurora.ru | The site is at the southern wall Vattaro - a small atoll of coral ring with a [...] pass, next towhichstands an island in the ocean. oceanyachtaurora.ru |
印度门(India Gate) -在新德里的中心矗立在42米高的印度门(India Gate),“弧德凯旋”像在一个十字路口的中间拱门。 volunteeringindia.com | India Gate - At the [...] centre of New Delhi stands the 42 m high India [...]Gate, an "Arc-de-Triomphe" like archway in the middle of a crossroad. volunteeringindia.com |
伦敦外交和联邦事务部外边矗立着一座纪 念碑,纪念巴厘爆炸事件 202 名受害者,其中包括在 [...] 那天丧生的 28 名英国人;我每天触景生情,将此铭 记在心。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am reminded of this each day; outside the Foreign and Commonwealth [...] Office in London stands amemorial to the [...]202 victims of the Bali bombings, including [...]28 British people who died that day. daccess-ods.un.org |
看板一登录时代广场,便因其简单而大胆的设计,随即从第47大街到百老汇之间矗立的所有看板中脱颖而出,成为时代广场的瞩目焦点。 ba-repsasia.com | The simple yet bold design on 47th [...] street and Broadway stands out among the [...]maze of flashing lights in Times Square. ba-repsasia.com |
伊利大教堂本身也值得一游:它的塔式建筑矗立於沼泽之上,并於 1322 年旧有高塔倒塌後,建成了罕见的多边形灯塔。 visitbritain.com | Ely itself is well worth a look – it towers impressively above the surrounding fenlands and has a rare octagonal lantern, built when the old tower collapsed in 1322. visitbritain.com |
位于北上川河口附近的神社,它虽受到了海啸严重的侵袭,但这巨石却耐住了强烈的震动,依旧矗立于一方。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | As it is located close to the mouth of the Kitakami-gawa River, the shrine was severely affected by the tsunami, but the giant rock survived the enormous quake (the rock is the one with a rope in red and white). en.tohokukanko.jp |
在本色木料的柜台中央矗立着冰柱,新鲜的寿司材料在冰的表面渗出的水分和冷气的守护中愈显鲜嫩光泽。 ginza.jp | Ice water and cool air flowing from the surface of an ice pillar in the center of the unfinished wood counter chills the sushi toppings, leaving them fresh and moist. ginza.jp |
在波特兰市南面 30 英里(48 公 里)处,矗立着一个由 6,994 块太阳 能板组成的太阳能电池阵,旨在每年 生产约 197 万千瓦时的清洁可再生能 源。 sapagroup.com | A 6,994 panel solar array, located 30 miles (48 kilometres) south of the city of Portland, is designed to produce some 1.97 million kilowatt-hours of clean, renewable energy annually. sapagroup.com |
充气饰柱不断膨胀,巍然矗立,苍虬有力。 shanghaibiennale.org | Taking large inflating breaths, it increases in strength and size. shanghaibiennale.org |
它的三个堡垒:香格里拉概念,圣伊格纳西奥DE洛约拉和生力啤酒仍矗立在自己的角落。 imperialpalace-cebu.com | It’s three bastions are: La Conception, San Ignacio de Loyola [...] and San Miguel still standsontheir corners. imperialpalace-cebu.com |
洛克斯多万(Roykstovan)有着已有900多年历史的传统草皮屋顶农舍,科克爵波尔(Kirkjubøur)今天还矗立着中世纪建造的教堂。 hihostels.com | History lovers will be fascinated by the Føroya Fornminissavn (historical museum) which features artefacts from the Viking Age to the early 20th century, the 900-year-old traditional turf-roofed farmhouse Roykstovan, and the medieval Episcopal centre at Kirkjubøur. hihostels.com |
矗立在社区中心的Nakoma会所的设施包括户外游泳池,设备齐全的健身房和体育中心,宽大惬意的休息厅,访客住宿套房,驻社区管理员,可谓应有尽有。 polyhomes.com | Standing at the heart of the [...] community, the Nakoma Club features an outdoor pool, landscaped terrace, fully-equipped fitness [...]studio and gymnasium, screening room, great room lounge, guest suites, resident concierge and much more. polyhomes.com |
直至前不久,比利时为唯一的一所纺织业的高级工程师学校还矗立在Verviers,并且在今天还有数所教育机构注册了培训羊毛制品不同行业技术工人的课程。 iwansimonis.com | Until recently, the only college of higher education for textile engineers in Belgium was to be found in Verviers, and these days there is also a network of schools participating in the training of skilled workers for the various wool trades. iwansimonis.com |
这些矗立在人们面前的大山,就像我们的教学计划,看起来似乎难以逾越。只有到达山巅的人,才能得到应有的奖赏;常人不可及的美景,属于选择攀登的人。 infoq.com | The mountains provided visual metaphors for the almost insurmountable obstacles facing the program, the rewards that come from reaching the peak, and the beauty inherent in the people that chose to join in the climb. infoq.com |
德国建筑师梅尔(Jüergen Mayer H.)最终胜出,更打造出当今世上极为美丽的艺术品,Metrosol [...] Parasol这栋建筑物因此而生,但西维尔也是矗立西班牙南部2000年的美丽城市,两者差异如此之大,为何能巧妙互补,而非相互抵销对方价值? thisbigcity.net | A German architect, Jüergen Mayer H. (also known as [...] J. Mayer H.), did just that, but also created one of the most fascinating [...] pieces of art that stands ontheground today. thisbigcity.net |
在斯洛伐克的Mondi SCP工厂里,你会得到更多:除了可以看到Váh江上景色以外,在滑雪场和雪山矗立的地平线上,还有Ružomberok周边的城镇。 spectrum.andritz.com | At Mondi SCP's mill in Slovakia, you get something more: a view of the Váh River running alongside, ski slopes and snow-capped mountainson the horizon, and the town of Ružomberok surrounding the site. spectrum.andritz.com |
朗廷的历史可以追溯到1865年,矗立在英国伦敦市中心的朗廷酒店隆重开业,成为欧洲历史上首家名副其实的「豪华酒店」,造就了酒店业璀璨不朽的传奇。 langhamhotels.com.cn | It takes its name from the legendary Langham in London which was opened in 1865 as Europe's first Grand Hotel. langhamhotels.com |
在这座城市的其他地方,还可以看到夹在公寓楼间的中国古代庙宇,从中飘出的香烟溢满街道;葡国教堂和壁垒矗立于山顶,俯瞰城市繁忙的景象;殖民建筑与现代化办公楼及设施并肩耸立;来澳飞机降落在这座城市的国际机场,而与此同时,古老的中国帆船在铜色的水中像五百年前一样向前航行。 ccadvog.com | Elsewhere in the city, old chinese temples squeeze between apartment blocks and from there the smell of burning incense wafts onto the streets; Portuguese churches and fortresses sit on hilltops overlooking [...] the bustling movement of the city; [...] colonialarchitecture stands side byside with modern [...]office tower blocks and facilities, [...]and incoming aircraft climb down from the sky above to land on the city's International Airport while old Chinese junks cut through the copper waters in much the same way they did five hundred years ago. ccadvog.com |