

单词 瞭望点

See also:


towards prep


visit v
look towards v

External sources (not reviewed)

在夏天,水塔是十分受欢迎瞭望点 , 从那高处可俯视汉科和邻近的海域。
In the summer it is also
[...] a popular vantage point, offering spectacular [...]
views of Hanko and the sea.
[...] (Viking hill) 是岛上最突出瞭望点。
Viking Hill is the island’s
[...] most prominent lookout point.
高二十公尺的盐瓶 (Saltkaret) 瞭望塔, 位于斯维德约哈门自然路径的 点 ; 被 称为"高海岸"的瑞典世界自然遗产,只不过在那儿五十公里之外。
The 20-metre Saltkaret (salt shaker) watchtower marks one end of the nature trail at Svedjehamn.
一些 代表团要求进一步整合预期成果, 望 今 后的 C/5 重点更加突出,工作重点 4 项下的预期成果尤为如此。
A number of delegations called for further concentration
[...] of expected results and wished to see better focus in [...]
the future C/5 document, particularly
with regard to the results expected under MLA 4.
委员会还重申其先前 表达的点,即:希望达到 的目标不仅是要适当补偿不带家属工作地点的工作人 [...]
The Commission also reiterated its previously
[...] expressed view that the desired goal was not only to [...]
adequately compensate staff serving
in non-family duty stations, but also to ensure that, ultimately, all aspects of compensation were harmonized.
18 时 30 分 一支敌方以色列巡逻队的队员用探照灯对 Markaba 黎巴嫩陆军观察哨瞭望塔照射 5 分钟。
1830 Members of an Israeli enemy patrol directed a searchlight for five minutes towards the observation tower at the Lebanese Army observation post at Markaba.
瞭望台曾作为新年日出的观点被推 广,我们在这里能够看见第4反应堆冒出的黑烟,还有大量被污染的废水泄漏流入太平洋。
From the top of the lookout, which is promoted for the New Year’s sunrise spectacle, we could view black smoke rising from the reactor 4 and the Pacific Ocean into which a vast amount of contaminated water was leaking.
甚至东正教的教士和僧侣(俄罗斯和希腊基督教的古老形式,本质上是复制在古代地中海教堂举行的仪式)在19世纪、20世纪在阿陀斯(Athos)半岛做与太阳能 点 和 小 腹能量相关的冥想,这个颇有效果的冥想被称作“上帝在腹 瞭望 ” ! 很遗憾弗兰科把这个冥想和基督教一起传播,导致斯拉夫族曾经强大、超然领导地位的消失,斯拉夫人的身心也同时被削弱。
Even Orthodox priests and monks (Russian and Greek archaic form of Christianity that copies ceremonies performed in ancient temples in the Mediterranean) worked in the 19th and 20th century (e.g. at Athos peninsula) powerfully with the center in solar and energy in stomach; this effective meditation method was called a “view of God in the stomach!
各缔约国应向委员会提交一份它望 授予 重点保护资格的文化财产目录。
Each Party should submit to the Committee a list of cultural property for which it intends to request the granting of enhanced protection.
主席,我要重申,我和我的 同 事 已 花 了 很 多時間,望瞭解這 宗 個案的 資 料 , 可 是 我們得 不到合 作 , 亦 因 為 船 公司是在外地 註冊, 並在外地法庭 進 行有關 程 序 , 所以我們索取不到這方面的資料。
Madam President, I have to reiterate that my colleagues and I have spent a lot of time in order to obtain more information of this case, but we did not get the co-operation, besides, as the shipping company is registered in a foreign country, and the relevant procedure is carried out in a court of law in a foreign country, we therefore are unable to obtain information in this respect.
[...] 国家通过的《阿拉木图行动纲领》中期审查宣言, 为数百万的人们重点燃了希望,这 些人梦想着将 产品运到海之尽头,并予以安全存放;希望其货物 [...]
能够不受限制地进行流通;能够全面利用其具有竞 争优势的部门;能够从全面参与全球贸易所带来的
机会中受益;最后他们希望参与全球化进程和享受 全球化所带来的全部好处,并以此脱离他们国家的 地理境遇给他们带来的贫困。
Indeed, by adopting the Declaration on the midterm review
of the Almaty Programme of Action,
[...] they had given renewed hope to the millions of [...]
people who dreamed of being able to transport
their products as far as the sea and store them securely; to circulate their goods without restrictions; to exploit fully those sectors where they had a competitive advantage; to benefit from the opportunities offered by their full participation in global trade; and, lastly, to participate in, and enjoy all the benefits of, globalization, thereby escaping from the poverty imposed on them by the geographical situation of their country.
作为“参加特奥会”活动的一部分,演员 Arnold
[...] Schwarzenegger 和特奥会运动员一起,在中国的长城 点 亮 了 希 望 之 火
As part of the “Campaign for Special
Olympics,” actor Arnold Schwarzenegger joins Special Olympics athletes to
[...] light the Flame of Hope at the Great Wall [...]
of China.
(b) 必須制訂建築物高度限制以 保存從港島各處瞭望點望 向山脊線的公眾景觀、確保 與附近的建築物協調一致、 避免出現高樓大廈所產生的 壓迫感,以及增加從海港眺 望的視覺滲透度。
(b) The building height restrictions were required for preservation of public views towards the ridgelines from various vantage points on the Hong Kong Island, ensuring compatibility with nearby buildings, avoidance of the sense of pressure generated by tall buildings and enhancement of visual permeability from the harbour.
印度尼西亚注意到柬埔寨最近通过的反腐败法, 望 该 国 继续 点 关注 打击家庭暴力和贩运妇女和儿童的问题。
It highlighted the recent adoption of the
[...] anti-corruption law. It hoped that combating domestic violence and trafficking in women and children would continue to be priorities.
(b) 在 2011 年 11 月做完审计之后,法国对几内亚的海上行动提供了支持, 为几内亚海军提供资源,以便其确保边界侦查和加强设于科纳克里港 瞭望设 备
(b) Following a November 2011 audit, France has been supporting the Guinean State’s sea-based action by providing the Guinean navy with the means to carry out reconnaissance of its borders and upgrade the equipment of the lookout post in the port of Conakry.
罗兰贝格咨询公司提供给瞭望东方 周刊》的一份研究报告认为:由于中国航空流量明显的区域不平衡性的存在,航空公司赢利能力的好坏还主要依赖于所拥有的航线资源。
A research report provided by Roland Berger Strategy Consultants concludes that because of the existence of regional imbalances in China's aviation industry, the profitability of aviation companies mainly depends on their air routes.
您 家庭裡的任何成員如需要幫助,或對因殘疾而行動不 便等有疑問,或望瞭解有關對殘疾人服務的任何情 況,請您與當地學校校長聯繫。
If any member of your family needs assistance or has any questions regarding mobility impaired issues or handicapped access, please contact the principal of your local school.
玻利维亚望阐明一点,它 不接受打着“绿色 经济”旗号的市场环境保护主义,这样将会为自然 [...]
功能带上价格标签,将它们变成一个新的私人投资 和投机的商业部门。
Bolivia wished to make clear that it would [...]
not accept under the banner of “green economy” a marketstyle environmentalism
that would put a price on the functions of nature, turning them into a new business sector for private investment and speculation.
使儿童有机会通过媒体表达自身的 点 和 期 望 , 不仅参与儿童的 方案,而且参与制作和传播各种信息,包括作为记者、分析员和评论员,以 [...]
(x) Opportunities for children to express
[...] their view and expectations in the media [...]
and be not only engaged in children’s programmes,
but also involved in the production and transmission of all kinds of information, including as reporters, analysts and commentators in order to support an adequate image of children and childhood in the public.
要插入退订的文字和链接至邮件,请在邮件编辑器 点 击 希 望 插 入 的位置,然后点击主菜单插入,选择退 订文字/链接。
To insert the unsubscription link to the HTML or text message, click the place in the message where you want the link to appear and click the Insert menu and select Unsubscription Text and Link.
[...] 设和平委员会组织委员会中的任期即将届满,因此我 们希望我们已为委员会的工作做了 点 贡 献 ,并且望这将 有助于对全世界冲突后局势中的建设和平挑 [...]
As we approach the end of our period of membership of the
Peacebuilding Commission
[...] Organizational Committee, Thailand hopes that we have contributed [...]
in some small way to the work of
the Commission, and that it will lead towards a more efficient, flexible and comprehensive approach to peacebuilding challenges in post-conflict situations around the world.
於1973年成立巧新企業有限公司,以OEM型態,從事即熱式瓦斯熱水器的生產,交於國內各知名廠牌銷售,受到巿埸肯定,我 瞭 解 熱水器出廠後經由各銷售管道分佈於各個家庭使用,攸關人民生命財產安全,在品質方面是極為重要的,所以本公司以品質第一為目標的理念,要求各同仁確實做到,提高與本公司往來的客戶對本公司產品信任、交貨準時、品質優良,彼此都能長期合作愉快。
Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production, handed over to the domestic each well-known trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we understood the water heater left the plant distributes by way of each sales pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect was extremely important, therefore this company take the quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to achieve, enhanced punctually with this company intercourse customer to this company product trust, the delivery, excellent in quality, each other all could the long-term cooperation be happy.
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示
[...] 59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或 '幾少',顯示大部分市民均瞭解廣 深港高 鐵的內容及對社會影響,本人現按照《財 [...]
務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港高速鐵路撥款,並以獨立機
構的民調評估市民對廣深港高速鐵路的認 知程度,在確定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白廣深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響 後才重新申請撥款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the
entire XRL project, indicating that most
[...] people do not understand the substance [...]
and social impact of the XRL, I now move
under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
該調查首先詢問了受訪者過去五年來是否曾到國外旅遊,該問題是 望瞭 解 與 外國接觸經驗的多寡,對形成「世界公民」意識強弱的影響。
The survey began by asking if the respondents had traveled to other countries in the past five years, which aimed to investigate how the experience of contact with other countries would affect people's self-perception on global citizenship.
自 2012 年 12 月 25 日至 2013 年 12 月 25 日,在以 22°40′05″N、113°44′45″E 为中心,100 米 为半径范围内划定海上过驳安全作业区;过驳作业时,作业安全水域设置相应警示标志,希过往 船舶从作业区域旁经过时,加强值班,注 瞭望 , 与 过 驳作业船保持适当安全距离,谨慎驾驶,严 禁进入安全作业区。
South China Sea - Zhujiangkou - Gongsha Channel - Safety Operation Area(T) From 25 December 2012 to 25 December 2013, insert Cargo Transhipment Safety Operation Area, radius 100m, centered on 22°40′05″N,113°44′45″E. And there will be caution mark when is working.
小組委員會尤其關注的事宜,包括管理局的成員組 合是否平衡;管理局的組成機制是否透明、公正和客觀;管理
[...] 局的程序是否高度透明,可讓公眾知悉 瞭 解 其 決策過程;公 眾是否有足夠的渠道,取得關於管理局的計劃及活動的資料; [...]
上須就其決策和公共資源的運用向立法會及公眾負責;以及公 眾和相關界別人士會否廣泛及有系統地參與該項發展計劃的 規劃及推展工作。
The Subcommittee is especially concerned whether there will be a balanced composition of the Authority; whether the mechanism for constituting the Authority would be transparent, fair and objective; whether the Authority's proceedings will
be highly transparent to enable the public
[...] to know and understand its decision-making [...]
process; whether there will be adequate
public access to the information on the Authority's plans and activities; whether there will be sufficient checks and balances to safeguard public interest; how far the Authority will be held accountable to LegCo and the public for its decisions and disposal of public resources; and whether the public and stakeholders will be extensively and systematically engaged in the planning and implementation of the project.
(B) 為反映該址的歷史價值,並訂立可持續的新用途,除其他設施 以外,該項目應在建築群內設立一所法治博物館,以及多項藝 術及文化設施,包括規模不大的演奏廳、黑盒劇場、藝廊/演 講廳、藝廊/展覽場地和附屬設施,但不會設 瞭望台
(B) To reflect the historical significance of the site and establish sustainable new uses, the project should provide within the CPS Compound, inter alia, a law and order museum and various arts and cultural facilities including a modest size auditorium, a black-box theatre, a gallery/lecture hall, gallery/exhibition space and ancillary facilities.
如果你望得到一个点击的 图片,或者想添加链接注释到图片上,你需要创建一个Annotation对象,并添加到图片上,你不需要指定位置(你可以使用0,0,0,0),该位置会内部更新以适合该图片。
If you want a clickable image, or would like to [...]
add a link to the picture on the Notes, you need to create a Annotation
object, and add to the picture, you do not need to specify the location (you can use 0,0,0, 0), the location will be updated to fit within the picture.
为回应这一问题,美国的代表和若干其它代表称这位代表的 点 令 他 们很望,认 为他在阻碍决定草案的通过。由于他没有参加非正式小组,因此没有 [...]
机会听取决定缘由的清晰解释,也不能像其它持保留意见的与会者一样,表达 自己的关切并一起探讨解决问题的办法。
Responding, the representative of the United States and several other
[...] representatives expressed disappointment that the representative [...]
was blocking
adoption of the draft decision, given that he had not participated in the informal group, where clear explanations of the rationale for the decision had been given and where he could have voiced his concerns and joined discussions on ways to address them, as other participants with reservations had done.




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