

单词 瞩目



receive worldwide attention

See also:

gaze at
stare at

External sources (not reviewed)

莫桑比克还指出,该国还努力确保妇女能够更多地投身政府和议会工 作,并取得了令瞩目的成绩。
It was added that efforts have also been made to guarantee the greater participation of women in Government and parliament with significant success.
然后,可以以各种形式使用此信 息--最引瞩目的是提供印刷机和流 程的性能和效率。
You can then use this information in a variety of ways – most notably, to improve the performance and efficiency of your presses and processes.
随着访问者的迅速增加,这些门户网站令瞩目的成 功证实了这样一个基本的假设,即:向教 科文组织的支持者提供有效的在线服务是一项十分重 要的工作。
The impressive success of these “portals”, with their rapid growth of visitors, confirms one of the fundamental assumptions made: the importance of offering effective online “services” to UNESCO constituencies.
在 2010-2011 双年度的第一年,重大计划 II 最重要的特点是加强了国际伙伴关系,特 别强调非洲和性别平等这两个总体优先事项,并开展了备 瞩目 、 广为人知的活动。
In the first year of the 2010-2011 biennium, the most significant feature of MP II was the strengthening of international partnerships, with special emphasis on the two global priorities: Africa and gender equality organization, and with high-profile, high-visibility activities.
虽然这个州的经济、工业和城市发展令 瞩目 , 基 础设施状况良好,但是有关儿童生存、发展和保护的人类发展指数却没有显示出相应的改观。
Despite its impressive economic, industrial and urban growth, and its good infrastructure, the human development indices of child survival, development and protection have not shown commensurate improvement.
安全理事会通过具有标志性意义的第 1325(2001) 号决议是一个重要的里程碑,它把妇女与和平与安全 的问题作为一个独立的专题,使妇女与女孩在武装冲 突局势中遭受的境遇受到国际社会 瞩目。
The adoption by the Security Council of the landmark resolution 1325 (2001) was an important milestone that took up the issue of women and peace and security as a separate thematic issue and brought international visibility to the plight of women and girls in situations of armed conflict.
南南合作高级别委员会应进一步澄清南南合作特设局的报告关系,以便解决 它在联合国开发计划署(开发署)中的独立身分问题,并使特设局更密切地融入开 发署的结构之中,这包括请开发署署长在总部和各区域作出协作工作安排,并让 特设局局长及其区域协调员定期参与所有战略和决策机制的工作和会议,从而提 高特设局的形象和使之更引瞩目, 并确保使南南合作作为贯穿各领域的问题反 映在全机构和全系统两级所有的方案决定之中。
The High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation (HLC) should provide further clarification on the reporting lines of the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation (SU/SSC) with a view to reconciling the issue of its separate identity within the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and effecting closer integration of the Unit within the UNDP structure, including requesting the UNDP Administrator to establish collaborative working arrangements at headquarters and in the regions, and the regular participation of the Unit Head and its regional coordinators in all strategic and decision-making mechanisms and meetings, so as to enhance the profile and visibility of the Unit, and ensure that South-South cooperation (SSC) is reflected as a cross-cutting issue in all programmatic decisions at corporate and system-wide levels.
清华大学重视基础研究、应用研究及科学和知识,取得了令 瞩目 的 辉 煌学术成就。
Placing great importance on basic research,
applied research, and scientific and knowledge,
[...] Tsinghua has attained a prodigious [...]
number of significant academic achievements.
在减疟伙伴关系、联合国(包括其专门 机构,如世卫组织和联合国儿童基金会)及秘书长疟疾问题特使办公室、双边发 展合作伙伴,以及非洲领导人防治疟疾联盟(由
39 个非洲国家元首组成的小组, 致力于终止与疟疾有关的死亡,他们通过季度记分卡追踪进展情况)的持续支持 下,控制疟疾工作仍然是 2011
[...] 年全球发展议程上的高度优先事项,而利用当前 工具加快推动实现全面覆盖的工作继续产生令 瞩目 的 成 果。
With continued support from the Roll Back Malaria Partnership; the United Nations, including its specialized agencies, such as WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund, as well as the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Malaria; bilateral development partners; and the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (a group of 39 African heads of State working to end malaria-related deaths and who track progress through a quarterly scorecard); malaria control continues to be a high priority on the global
development agenda in 2011, and the accelerated
[...] drive to achieve universal coverage with today’s [...]
tools continues to produce impressive results.
我们与瓦塔拉总统及其团队一样充满信心。他们 在危机期间表现出令瞩目的耐 心和冷静,目前正从 科特迪瓦人民的利益出发,夜以继日作出努力,以成 功应对危机后挑战。
We feel confident, as President Ouattara and his team, who showed remarkable patience and sangfroid during the crisis, are working day and night to successfully meet the post-crisis challenges for the benefit of the Ivorian people.
一些更令瞩目的新 法律包括第 5767-2007 号《增加劳动者人数和缩小社会差距(负所得税)法》(《增加劳动者人数和缩小社 会差距(负所得税)法》”),本法力求减少贫困和提高劳动参与率,向低收入者提 供劳动报酬。
Some of the more prominent new laws include the Increasing Participation in the Work force and Reducing Social Gaps (Negative Income Tax) Law 5767-2007, (the “Increasing Participation in the Work force and Reducing Social Gaps (Negative Income Tax) Law”) which endeavours to reduce poverty and increase work force participation rates, providing remuneration for labor to low income-earners.
此外,还值得骄傲的是,厄 瓜多尔获得正式成员资格将提升拉丁美洲和加勒比 国家集团在委员会中的代表比例,使巴勒斯坦人民 的事业在拉丁美洲和加勒比地区更加引 瞩目。
Furthermore, it was also a source of pride that its membership would boost the representation of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States in the Committee, and give greater visibility to the cause of the Palestinian people in the Latin American and Caribbean region.
这次区域筹备会议是一次令瞩目的 努 力,继承了 1990 年同在宗甸举行的 世界全民教育会议的传统。
The regional preparatory meeting was a notable effort in the tradition of the World Conference on Education for All, which also took place in Jomtien in 1990.
他说,在防治疟疾的斗争中,儿基会已经作出了令 瞩目 的贡 献,它是负担得起的抗疟药物倡议的创始成员,该倡议名为“负担得起的抗 疟药物筹资机制”,它为在私人部门和公共部门购买药品者提供补贴,以确保患 者得到负担得起的有效治疗和药物。
In the fight against malaria, he said, UNICEF had made a remarkable contribution as a founding member of the affordable medicines for malaria initiative, known as the Affordable Medicines Facility — malaria, which subsidizes private-sector and public-sector drug buyers to ensure that patients have access to effective treatments and drugs at affordable prices.
小组委员会注意到 2012 年令瞩目的空间相关活动,包括 Landsat 系列卫 星四十周年。
The Subcommittee noted the remarkable space-related events in 2012, including the fortieth anniversary of the Landsat series of satellites.
对于 2012 年上半年的绩效,INTRALOT Group 首席执行官 Constantinos Antonopoulos 先生表示:“INTRALOT 的业务在 2012 年第二季度获得了一些令瞩目的发 展:从运营的角度看,最重要的业绩有两项,一是更新了马耳他的彩票执照,并延续了 10 年的运营权,新执照能保证我们不间断运营马耳他国家彩票业务,二是通过与 Scientific Games 合作为德国国家体育彩票运营机构 Oddset 提供支持,进入德国体育博彩市场。
Commenting on the results INTRALOT Group CEO, Mr. Constantinos Antonopoulos, noted: “INTRALOT had some very interesting developments during the second quarter of 2012: From an operational view, the most important developments were the renewal of our Lottery license in Malta for another 10 years, a fact that guarantees our uninterrupted operation of the country’s National Lottery and our entry into the German sports betting market through the cooperation with Scientific Games for the support of Oddset, the State operator of such games in the country.
随着 2003 年 12 月 2 日的第 51/2003 号《残疾人机会平等、不歧视和无障碍通行法》及其实施细则的 批准与通过,西班牙在这方面已经取得了令 瞩目 的 成 绩与进步。
The evolutionary trend actually began with the adoption of the important Act No. 13/1982 of 7 April 1982 on social integration of the handicapped (LISMI), culminating in the adoption of Act No. 51/2003 of 2 December 2003 on equality of opportunity, nondiscrimination and universal accessibility for persons with disabilities (LIONDAU) and its enabling regulations.
Innovation will ensure that we have attractive products for our markets, and a steady supply of new technologies, products, applications and customers.
国内方面,除其他促进尊重土著人的工作外, 危地马拉很重视世界土著人国际日,这一天在文化 和运动部协调下组织了各种相关活动,其中第八届 玛雅语言会议尤瞩目。
At the national level, among other activities aimed at promoting respect for indigenous peoples, Guatemala had observed the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People by organizing activities and events under the coordination of the Ministry of Culture and Sport, including the eighth Mayan language symposium.
亚历山大街是赫尔辛基其中一条最知名的购物街,街上店铺的圣诞橱窗在人潮中争妍斗丽,很自然地成为购买过节礼物者 瞩目 焦 点
Aleksanterinkatu, one of Helsinki’s best known shopping streets, is a natural focus for gift seekers.
Highlights of his technical achievements include his involvement in development of the first test for large-scale evaluation of sprinklers designed to protect exterior glass curtain walls; design of special furnace test apparatus for fire resistance evaluation to aid development of low-cost school buildings; and many others.
尽管过去几十年来亚洲及太平洋取得了令 瞩目 的 经 济增长, 但贫穷仍然是亚太区域面临的一个重大挑战,在最不发达国家尤其如 此。
Despite impressive economic growth in past decades, poverty continues to be a major challenge in Asia and the Pacific, particularly in the least developed countries.
国家农业生产各个领 域取得的令瞩目的成 就不仅有助于改善委内瑞拉 人的收入和生活水准,而且还增进了他们的预期寿命 和福祉。
The resounding success achieved in different areas of national agricultural production was helping not only to raise the income and standard of living of Venezuelans, but also to increase their life expectancy and well-being.
家鸽在行为、羽饰和色彩图案上的引人注目的差异使得超过350个的品种得以确立;达尔文在很久以前就被它们所吸引,他多次称鸽子是生物多样性的令 瞩目 的 例 证。
Domestic pigeons, whose striking differences in behavior, feather ornaments and color patterns have led to the establishment of more than 350 breeds, long ago captured the attention of Charles Darwin, who repeatedly referred to them as dramatic examples of biodiversity.
以昭和41年竣工的数寄屋桥交叉路口的索尼大厦为开端,四丁目交叉路口的三爱大厦、号称银座最大的东芝大厦、银座狮王大厦、名铁MELSA、资生堂The•Ginza等,备 瞩目 的 楼 宇如同雨后春笋般拔地而起。
In 1966, the completion of the Sony Building at the Sukiyabashi intersection was the start of high profile buildings popping up one after another, including the Sannai Building on the 4-Chome intersection, the Toshiba Building that is the largest building in Ginza, the Ginza Lion Building, Meitetsu Melsa, Shiseido The Ginza, and more.
俄罗斯联邦和美利坚合众国拥有世界上 90%以
[...] 上的核武器,近期这两个国家签署的关于削减战略 武器的新条约是一项令瞩目的成 果,必须以此为 基础,而不能弱化它,而且它将促进第一主要委员 [...]
The recent signing of a new strategic arms reduction treaty by the Russian Federation and the United States of America, Powers that held over 90 per cent of the world’s nuclear
weapons between them, was a remarkable
[...] success that must be built upon rather than [...]
minimized, and that would facilitate the work of Main Committee I.
当时美中关系中没有任何事情是注定的,而仅仅三十年这个关系就成为世界上最 瞩目 、 最重要的双边关系这样的前景几乎是不可想象的。
Nothing about U.S.-China relations was preordained back then, and the prospect that in just three decades this relationship would become the most high-profile, important bilateral relationship in the world was virtually unimaginable.
但是去年其他备瞩目的案例指出电信设备巨头华为和中兴(HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063)存在类似的潜在非法行为,被怀疑向伊朗销售或试图销售货物,可能违反美国或联合国制裁。
But other high-profile cases in the past year have pointed to similar potentially illegal behavior by telecoms equipment giants Huawei and ZTE (HKEx: 763; Shenzhen: 000063), which are suspected of selling or trying to sell goods to Iran, possibly in violation of US or UN sanctions.




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