


classifier for long objects such as guns





wise and farsighted



External sources (not reviewed)

当车身翻倒时,采用钢铁与铝合金混合物制造的A柱,两枝固定式防翻滚保护杆 (roll-over bar) 会保护乘客舱。
In the event of the vehicle overturning, A-pillars made out of a mix of steel and aluminum and two roll-over bars protect the passenger compartment.
As Zhongxing Xindi was the substantial shareholder ofRuide,Ruideis therefore a connected person of the Company under the Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.
这些研究发现,冰可能含有大肠杆菌、大肠菌群和各种 微生物,原因是制冰的水源水质差劣,或在制造或处理冰的过程中欠缺 衞生,或是兩者同时发生。
These studies showed that E. coli, coliforms and a variety of microorganisms could be present in ice demonstrating either the poor quality of source water used or a lack of hygiene in production or handling or both.
(e) 每间工厂应对运作或使用中的机器须加防护栅栏的部分加设坚固的保护 栏,例如(aa)原动机的各移动部件及与原动机相连的每个飞轮;(bb)每个水 车及水轮机的上水道及尾水道;(cc)车床头架突出的工料杆的任何部分;及 (dd)除非防护栅栏已安装就位或其防护栅栏之坚固程度可确保对工厂所雇 佣的每个工人的安全,否则下列机器须加装防护栅栏:(i)发电机、电动机 或旋转转换器的各部件;(ii)传动机器的各部件;及(iii)任何机器的危险部 件。
(e) In every factory the following shall be securely fenced by safeguards of substantial construction which shall be kept in position while the part of machinery required to be fenced are in motion or in use, namely (aa) every moving part of a prime mover, and every fly wheel connected to a prime mover; (bb) the head-race and tail-race of every water wheel and water turbine; (cc) any part of a stock-bar which projects beyond the head stock of a lathe; and (dd) unless they are in such position or of such construction as to be as safe to every person employed in the factory as they would be if they were securely fenced (i) every part of an electricity generator, a motor or rotary converter; (ii) every part of transmission machinery; and (iii) every dangerous part of any machinery.
亚洲的经济方面,则由 於经济增长强劲、杠杆率较低,且区内政府愿意及有能力采取适当的抗周期措施,基础较为稳固。
Asian economies start from a more secure foundation with stronger economic growth, lower leverage and the political will and capacity to take the appropriate counter-cyclical measures.
由於本集团认为可信赖和合作性强的供应商对本集团是非常重要且有益处,故本集团向康铨、 立 德 及 弘 德 采 购 本 集 团 产 品 所 需 要 的 组 件,使 本 集 团 对 该 等 组 件 在 质 量、及 时 交 货 等 方 面 获 得 保 证,从 而 得 以 控 制 本 集 团 生 产 所 需 大 部 分 组 件 的 供 应,康 铨、立 德 及 弘 德 可 稳 定 地 生需 数 量 的 产 品,以 按 售 予 独 立 第 三 方 产 品 价 格 相 同 基 准 厘 定 的 具 有 竞 争 力 的 价 格,提 供 优 质 产 品 与 服 务。
Each of Kangquan, Lead and Hongde is consistently able to produce the quantity of products required by Ruide and provide quality products and services at competitive prices which were determined on the same basis as the prices of the products sold to independent third parties.
将滑杆一直往左拉,直到您之前观赏的片段出现,然後放开滑鼠,程式就 会从该片段开始播放。
Click and drag the slider tab to the left until you see the part of the show you wish to watch or listen to, then release the mouse button.
如 果让这些排水口排放到「浅水」构思所形成的内湾,预计该处的 水质会恶化至与铜锣湾避风塘西南内湾相约的程度,即大肠杆菌 含量有可能高达 5,000 cfu/100mL,而水质指标之一是将大肠杆菌 含量控制到 180 cfu/100mL,在泳滩评级制度中,超出该水平的水 质即属「差」。
) With the discharge from these outfalls into the embayed water area created by the “shallow water” idea, it is anticipated that poor water quality conditions similar to those at the southwest corner of the CBTS may result, with the potential for similar E. coli content of up to 5,000 cfu/100mL, compared to a water quality objective that includes limiting E. coli content to 180 cfu/100mL below which limit (under the beach grading system) water quality is considered “poor”.
是项策略使 M&G 为第三方 客户(如退休金基金)提供大量创新的专业固定收入及相关策略,其中包括杠杆融资及基础设施投资。
This has allowed M&G to offer third-party clients, such as pension funds, an innovative range of specialist fixed income and related strategies, including leveraged finance and infrastructure investment.
指引列明九類经由食物传播的主要致病菌 ( 例如沙门氏菌類、李斯特菌、大肠杆菌 O157 及霍亂弧菌等) 的安全水平, 并把即食食品的微生物质素分级,以反映食物的衞生情况。
These guidelines stipulate the safety limits of nine major food borne pathogens such as Salmonella species, Listeria monocytogenes, E. coli O157 and Vibrio cholerae, as well as providing a classification of microbiological quality of ready-to-eat food for reflecting the hygienic status of the food concerned.
多项其他因素亦会不时变动(见常问问题 5.2 及 5.4),因此挂鈎资产价格的上升未必会导致权 证或牛熊证的价格出现相应於实际杠杆比率的增幅,甚至不会导致权证或牛熊证价格有任何升 幅。
A number of other factors also change all the time (see FAQs 5.2 and 5.4) and, therefore, a mere rise in the underlying asset’s price may not necessarily lead to a corresponding increase to the extent of the effective gearing, or to any increase at all in the warrant or CBBC price.
甲. 综合性的设计 y 广场需与邻近的地方和谐地结連 (如天星小輪、钟樓、五支旗杆、海运大厦、 星光行、星光大道、文化中心、太空馆、前水警总部、西九龍文化区等等)。
A. Integrated design y The piazza needs to be integrated in harmony with the vicinity (e.g. Star Ferry, Clock Tower, five flag-posts, Ocean Terminal, Star House, Avenue of Stars, Cultural Centre, Space Museum, the former Marine Police Headquarters, West Kowloon cultural district, etc).
Pull the exit door release lever to open the exit door.
协议之其中一方为平和金融有限公司(“交易商”)为香港证券及期货监察委员会注册杠杆式外汇交易商(中央编号 AAV553),注册办公地点为香港中环皇后大道二十九号怡安华人行二楼二零一室,而另一方於本协议後详述於客户资料声明 (“客户”)之名称。
PEACE TOWN FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED whose place of business, registered office, licensing status with the SFC (CE No. AAV553) (“the Dealer”) on the one part and the party whose name, address and description are set out in the Client Information Statement (“the Client”) hereinafter attached on the other part.
执行秘书又说,亚太区域能否成功地应对这些挑战和共同脆弱性取决 于能否进行正确领导、以及能否作政策抉择、建立伙伴关系、具备 强有力的机构和实现民主治理。
The Executive Secretary added that the success of the region in addressing the challenges and shared vulnerabilities would depend on good leadership, enlightened policy choices, partnerships, strong institutions and democratic governance.
香港讯】专攻企业级数据仓库及企业分析方案的全球领袖Teradata Corporation(,美国纽约证券交易所交易代码:TDC)宣布Teradata 巨量数据专用平台 1650 (Teradata Extreme Data Appliance 1650) 正式上市,该产品是首款能以非常经济相宜的价格,透过分析大量历史数据,为企业提供全新智能的平台。
Teradata Corporation (NYSE:TDC) today announcedthe worldwide availability of the Teradata Extreme Data Appliance 1650, which is the first platform to cost effectively analyze massive amounts of historical data yielding fresh enterprise intelligence for smart, profitable business decisions at one-tenth the cost per terabyte of stored data, as compared to a traditional data warehouse.
采用LED技术的日间行车灯镶嵌在保险杆的嵌入式电镀上 ; 而在散热器格栅的下面,大型电镀款的保护杆为车头加添无限神采,自信十足。
The daytime running lamps featuring LED technology are integrated in a chrome insert in the bumper, and beneath the radiator grille the generously sized chrome-look underguard completes the self-confident appearance of the front.
如果您想了解更多空气污染对人体健康的影响,请与圣西生或其他北京和睦家医院全科医生预约咨询,电话(010) 5927 7500。
To learn more about air pollution’s effect on health or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Saint Cyr or another Family Medicine physician, please contact the BJU Family Medicine Department at (010) 5927 7500.
江诗丹顿行政总裁Juan-Carlos Torres先生于2006年4月26日(星期三) 出席在巴黎举行的Action Innocence筹款晚宴,并在会上捐赠一枚特制的江诗丹顿腕表予大会,以示品牌一直对Action Innocence的支持。
During the fund-raising evening for Action Innocence organised under the patronage and in the presence of Bernadette Chirac on Wednesday 26 April in Paris, Juan-Carlos Torres, the CEO of Vacheron Constantin, offered the association his company's continued support by donating a unique piece for the evening's auction.
作为联合国秘书长和我个人,我曾有幸与已故总 统在解决区域和全球问题方面合作,他执着 精神令我受益匪浅。
As Secretary-General of the United Nations and personally, I had the honour of working with the late President in addressing regional and global issues, and I benefited greatly from hiswisdom and his commitment.
Our services: Repair and decoration, building and construction works, turnkey construction, concrete, curbs, road plates, fence plates, rings, lids and bottoms of the wells, stairs, landings, trays and trays slabs, panels and floor slabs , lintels, beams and bolts, poles and piles, mortars, concrete pipes, boxes and flower beds, foundations, aerocrete, aerated concrete, expanded clay lightweight concrete, lightweight aggregate blocks, bricks Private, facing brick, cinder blocks, FLOATING, stairs, beams, metal windows, windows PVC adhesive for tiles, paving tiles, paving bricks, garages, concrete, reinforced concrete, masonry, metal, finishing materials, timber, bulk and binding materials, plumbing, heating, etc.
综合体总楼面面积逾25万平方米*,其中包括总楼面面积逾10万平方米、共300家零售店铺及餐饮选择的时尚购物街区,一家由太古酒店经营与管理、拥有100间客房的都会风尚酒店、服务式公寓以及一座国际甲级办公心(PINNACLE ONE)。
The mixed-use development will be conveniently accessible from the interchange station of Metro Lines 2 and 3 and offers a total gross floor area of over 250,000 sqm*, comprising a 100,000-sqm open-plan shopping mall that offers 300 retail and dining outlets, a 100-room intriguing urban hotel managed by Swire Hotels, serviced apartments as well as the Grade A office tower, Pinnacle One.
装满水的运动,被裹住的管配备GST深一个中,通过microperforations couronnevalve在潜水周期逐渐并倾向於当供水压力的增加,从而发送环境压力,以通过一个杠杆的双重针。
GST Deep One was fitted with a tube wrapped around the movement that is filled with water, through a microperforations couronnevalve during a dive cycle and tended gradually when the water pressure increased, thereby transmitting the ambient pressure to a double needle through the one lever.
除在登上或離开越矿飞車时外,在越矿飞車上,乘客须时刻保持 系上为其座位提供的安全带和保持锁上为其座位提供的安全欄杆。
(1) A passenger shall keep the safety belt provided for his seat fastened and keep the safety bar provided for his seat locked at all times whilst aboard the Mine Train except when mounting or dismounting from the Mine Train.
在制定仔细的长期需求模型,华特迪士尼采用了不 同数据来源,包括第三者的预测( 包括世界旅游组织,咨询和 环球通视预测机构) ,加上来自香港旅游发展局的实际旅游数字,以及 华特迪士尼的内部调查数据。
In developing its detailed long-term demand model, TWDC used a variety of data sources, including third party projections (including World Tourism Organisation, Euromonitor, and Global Insight), historical tourism figures from the Hong Kong Tourism Board, and Disney’s own internal survey data.




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