

单词 睦谊

睦谊 ()


See also:


harmonious adj



friendships pl

Betula japonica
birch tree

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管叙利亚在物质方面的力量非常有限,但 出于兄弟谊和睦邻关系,它还是为其境内的难民提供了而且还在继续提供各种帮助。
The Syrian Arab Republic has offered and is continuing to offer these refugees
all possible assistance, as dictated by its
[...] fraternal and neighbourly links, despite [...]
its very limited material resources.
[...] 才能促进本组织的崇高目标,维护国际和平与安全, 以及加强各国和各国人民之间的谊 和 睦 邻 关 系。
It is only through our joint efforts that we can promote the lofty goals of the Organization,
maintain international peace and security and strengthen
[...] friendship and good-neighbourly relations [...]
between nations and peoples.
伟大胜利是战后接受谊、博爱和睦 邻 理念教育的一代代人 最重要的精神财富和道德指南。
The Great Victory is the highest spiritual value and a moral reference point for all post-war generations who were brought up on the ideals of friendship, brotherliness and good neighbourliness.
第四,泰国认为只有在谊和睦邻关 系的基础上共同努力,泰国和柬埔寨才 能够克服当前的困难,造福两国和两国人民。
Fourthly, Thailand believes that only
by working together on the basis of
[...] friendship and good-neighbourliness can Thailand [...]
and Cambodia overcome the current differences
for the benefit of the two countries and peoples.
建立多国海军合作武装 BLACKSEAFOR 是为了通过海军部队相互之间的进一步 合作与交流,进一步推动黑海国家之间的 谊 、 睦 邻 关 系和相互信任,并加强本 区域的和平与稳定。
A multinational naval cooperation force, BLACKSEAFOR was established to further promote friendship, good-neighbourly relations and mutual trust among the States of the Black Sea, and to strengthen peace and stability in the region by deepening cooperation and interaction among naval forces.
这实际上而且从来就不是一个简 单的国名问题,而是 真诚努力确保在我们这一动荡不 安的地区一劳永逸地排除任何收复失地、试图改写历
[...] 史和国界的观念,使 我 们 后代能在没有任何猜疑和彼 此仇恨,而在谊和睦邻相 处的希望中成长。
Another issue that needs our attention is that of the name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, which is not really and has never been a name issue per se, but instead a sincere effort to ensure that in our volatile region we put behind us, once and for all, notions of irredentism, of attempting to rewrite history and borders, so that our children can be
raised not with suspicions and bitterness towards each other but with
[...] friendship and hope for living next to each other.
The role of youth in promoting
intercultural understanding has been stressed in conjuncture with the
[...] International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures.
在 2010 国际文化睦年框 架内,教科文组织促进不同文化间对话的行动尤其得到推动,教科文组织 被大会指定为国际文化睦年的 牵头机构。
UNESCO action to promote dialogue among cultures
had been
[...] given special impetus in the framework of the 2010 International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures, for which UNESCO had been designated as lead agency by the General [...]
教育,包括正规和非正 规教育、终身教育、可持续发展教育和学会 睦 共 处 ,应成为帮助消除贫困、扩大机会和分 享经济增长的好处的推动力。
Education, including formal and non-formal education, lifelong learning, education for sustainable development and learning to live together should serve as a mobilizing force for helping to reduce poverty, increase opportunities and sharing the benefits of economic growth.
最后,从政治和外交角度,葡萄牙可以利用与该区域葡萄牙语国家的优先联 系以及与西非经共体的关系,提高 睦 邻 关 系重要性的认识,倡导加强政治经济 [...]
Lastly, from a political and diplomatic perspective, Portugal can use its privileged contacts with lusophone countries in the region and its relations with
ECOWAS to raise awareness regarding the
[...] importance of good-neighbourly relations, [...]
the fostering of political and economic ties
and the need for joint efforts to combat common threats to peace and stability.
举行会议和起草政策文件,特别是利用与 联合国人权事务高级专员办事处合作项 目待雇用的国际咨询人的服务,向国民议 会委员会 A 提供有关宪法事务、司法、行 政、地方权力和政府立法的咨询意见,并
促进按照真相、接纳与和解委员会的建议 及秘书长关于声张正义与和解问题的报
[...] 告(S/2006/580)制订赔偿计划,包括设立 一个团结基金 是 敲定真相、接纳与和解委员会/真相与谊委员会的概念文件;建立后续工作小 组,其中包括一名国际咨询人。
Provision of advice, through meetings and draft policy papers and particularly through the services of an international consultant to be hired through a project with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, to the National Parliament’s Committee A on constitutional affairs, justice, administration, local power and Government legislation and promotion of the establishment of a reparation scheme for the human rights victims in line with recommendations of the Truth, Reception and Reconciliation Commission and the report of the Secretary-General on justice and reconciliation (S/2006/580), including the establishment of a solidarity fund Yes A concept paper on
the Truth, Reception
[...] and Reconciliation Commission/Commission of Truth and Friendship was finalized; [...]
a follow-up working group
was formed, which included an international consultant.
[...] 话,对世界上不同文化和民族的个人和人民之间的和平、谅解和 谊 至 关重要, 而对属于不同文化、宗教和信仰的人表现出的文化偏见、不容忍和仇外心理则导 [...]
Convinced that respect for cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity, as well as dialogue among and within
civilizations, is essential for peace, understanding
[...] and friendship among individuals and [...]
people of the different cultures and nations
of the world, while manifestations of cultural prejudice, intolerance and xenophobia towards people belonging to different cultures, religions and beliefs give rise to polarization and disturb social cohesion, generating hatred and violence among peoples and nations throughout the world
阿尔 巴 尼亚指 出,在黑 山 的阿尔 巴 尼亚少数民族是 两 国谊的 桥梁,他们 享 有民主社会的所有自由。
It noted that the Albanian minority in Montenegro was a bridge of friendship between them and enjoyed all the freedoms of a democratic society.
执行秘书在演讲中首先提请经社会回顾第二次世界大战结束后出现的 重大过渡时期,并指出在这一过渡时期内具有远见卓识的亚太领导人和决策 者汇聚一堂,努力在彼此之间建立起团结、合作和 谊 的 新 纽带。
The Executive Secretary commenced her statement by reminding the Commission that, in the period of great transition following the Second World War, Asia-Pacific leaders and policymakers of vision and foresight had come together to forge new ties of solidarity, cooperation and friendship.
独立、和平和谊是朝 鲜民主主义人民共和国外交政策的基本目标和对外活 [...]
Independence, peace
[...] and friendship are the basic ideals [...]
of the foreign policy and the principles of external activities
of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
联合国区域间犯罪和司法研究所(代表 联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案网各研究所)、马耳他主权军事教团、阿拉伯国 家联盟和谊会世界协商委员会的观察员也作了发言。
Statements were also made by the observers for the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (on behalf of the institutes of the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme network), the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the League of Arab States and the Friends World Committee for Consultation.
宪章》第五十五和五十六条要求本组织及全体成员 国,以创建实现各国之间和平睦邻 友好关系所必需的稳定和福祉为着眼点,促 进普遍尊重和恪守所有人的人权和基本自由。
Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter require the Organization and all its Member States with a view to the creation of stability and well-being, which are necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations, to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all.
We will continue to work together towards promoting regional cooperation, common prosperity and friendship.
正如 2 月 10 日法国总统在巴格达指出,在我们 同它一道努力,使它完全重返国际社会之时,伊拉克 可以信赖法国的谊。
As was indicated by the French President in Baghdad on 10 February, Iraq can count on the friendship of France as we work with it towards its full reintegration into the community of nations.
(b) 厄立特里亚是一个多宗教社会和一个世俗国家,基督教和伊斯兰教在我 国睦共处 1 300 多年,然而布什政府于 2005 年无中生有地将厄立特里亚列为 “实行宗教迫害的关切国家”。
(b) Although Eritrea is a multireligious society and a secular State wherein Christianity and Islam have coexisted in mutual harmony for over 1,300 years, the Bush Administration mendaciously labelled Eritrea in 2005 as “a country of concern for practicing religious persecution”.
尽管有上述问题,希腊仍然致力于实现迅速以相互商定的办法解决名称问题 的目标,以有利于发展安全理事会第 817(1993)号决议和第 845(1993)号决议规 定的和平睦邻友好关系,同时恪守《临时协议》。
Notwithstanding the above, Greece remains committed to the objective of reaching speedily a mutually agreed solution to the name issue in the interests of peaceful and good-neighbourly relations in accordance with Security Council resolutions 817 (1993) and 845 (1993), while scrupulously abiding by the Interim Accord.
[...] 程,在这一过程中促进了对其他国家和民族的不同文化和传统的了解,并培养了 国际和平、容忍、平等和谊精神
At primary and secondary schools children are taught on subjects like world geography, world history and ethics and law, in the course of which understanding of different cultures and traditions of other
countries and nations are promoted and the spirit of international peace, tolerance, equality
[...] and friendship is cultivated.
越南再次重申它与古巴人民的谊、 合 作和团结,并决心与世界上其他爱好 和平、自由和正义的人民一道,尽力帮助古巴人民克服不道德的非法封锁和禁运 [...]
Once again, Viet Nam confirms its
[...] friendship, cooperation and solidarity [...]
with the Cuban people and resolves to do its utmost
with other peace-, freedom- and justice-loving peoples in the world to help the Cuban people overcome the consequences of the immoral and illegal blockade and embargo policy.
宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利有利于他们居住国的政治和社会稳定”, 以及“在基于法治的民主范围内,作为整个社会发展的必不可少的部分,不断促
[...] 进和实现在民族或族裔、宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利,必然会有助于 增强各国人民间和各国家间的谊与 合 作”。
It is notable that the Declaration states in its preambular paragraphs that “the promotion and protection of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities contribute to the political and social stability of States in which they live” and that “the constant promotion and realization of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, as an integral part of the development of society as a whole and within a democratic framework
based on the rule of law, would contribute to the strengthening
[...] of friendship and cooperation among [...]
peoples and States”.
社会重返厅单独或与其它组织合作举办未成年人休闲活动,如参观博 物馆展览、夏令营和野外郊游等,从而加强有份参与的青少年之间的 谊 , 扩大 他们的兴趣。
The DSR organizes, individually or in co-operation with other associations, leisure initiatives for the minors, such as visits to museums and exhibitions, summer camps and field trips, among other activities.
在本报 告涉及的这一时期,应巴黎市长和世界 谊 城 联 合会(FMCU )和国际地方当局联盟 (IULA)主席的邀请,教科文组织参加了创建“当地城市与政府联盟”(CGLU)这一新的 世界组织的大会;该联盟系由“国际地方当局联盟(IUCA)”、“世界 谊 城 联合会” (FMCU)和“世界大都市协会”(Metzopolis)这三个现有的大组织合并而成。
During the period under review and at the invitation of the Mayor of Paris and the presidents of the World Federation of United Cities (FMCU-UTO) and the International Union of Local Authorities (IULA), UNESCO participated in the congress establishing the new world organization “United Cities [...]
and Local Governments” (UCLG), formed by
the merger of the three major existing organizations, namely IULA, UTO (United Towns Organization) and Metropolis.




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