单词 | 眼镜蛇 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 眼镜蛇 noun —cobras plExamples:印度眼镜蛇—Indian Cobra (Naja naja) See also:眼镜 pl—sunglasses pl 眼镜 n—eyeglass n 蛇 n—snake n • snakes pl 蛇—serpent
不过,眼镜蛇指挥 官推出第二个较小的HAARP阵列在密克罗尼西亚的一个小岛上,和第二个较小的粒子炮隐藏在斯普林菲尔德镇的主 要 眼镜蛇 安 装。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, Cobra Commander unveils a second smaller HAARP array on an islet in Micronesia, and a second lesser particle cannon hidden in the town of Springfield, a major Cobra installation. el.seekcartoon.com |
申诉人坚持认为2003 [...] 年签署的赦免a仅 是理论上的,并不能保护他不受亲政府 的 眼镜蛇 民 兵 的迫害。 daccess-ods.un.org | The complainant maintains that the [...] amnesty signed in 2003a is purely notional and does not protect him from persecution [...] by the pro-government Cobra militias. daccess-ods.un.org |
太阳能供电stratellite网络部署低于电离层, 使 眼镜蛇 保 持 一个隐蔽的全球通信网络。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A solar powered stratellite network is deployed just below the ionosphere, allowing Cobra to maintain a covert worldwide communication network. el.seekcartoon.com |
眼镜蛇指挥官警告他的部队,他不会容忍任何企图对他作为一个展示他的严重性,他杀死主要Bludd,发现他的尸体在华盛顿。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Cobra Commander warns his [...] troops that he will tolerate no attempts against him, and as a show of his seriousness, he kills [...]Major Bludd, and has his dead body found in Washington DC. el.seekcartoon.com |
不过,眼镜蛇指挥 官的下落不明,他的保险柜的房间,后来发现空公爵在他的最后报告,记录。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, Cobra Commander’s whereabouts remain unknown, as his safe room was later found empty, as documented by Duke in his final report. el.seekcartoon.com |
在倒叙中,蛇眼回忆作为一名学生,他的时间,他不成功地试图阻止他的导师的暗杀手中 的 眼镜蛇 风 暴阴影佣兵工作。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In flashbacks, Snake Eyes recalls his time as a student, and how he unsuccessfully attempted to prevent his mentor’s assassination at the hands of a Cobra mercenary working for Storm Shadow. el.seekcartoon.com |
被称为萤火虫眼镜蛇手术 触发一个特殊的导弹包,通过墙上的联合国大厦,在曼哈顿,纽约,部署了一个小的全息投影仪。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | A Cobra operative known as Firefly fires [...] a special missile package through the wall of the United Nations building in Manhattan, [...]NY, which deploys a small holographic projector. el.seekcartoon.com |
区指挥官的“眼镜蛇”部 队持续阻止联科行动和专家组的检查。 daccess-ods.un.org | The zone commander’s “Cobra” unit continuously prevents inspections by UNOCI and the Group of Experts. daccess-ods.un.org |
与此同时,其他板的弗拉格乔斯学习从拨号音,卫星通信是下降,由于过热的电离层,并最 终 眼镜蛇 的 活 动跟踪的HAARP阵列,卫星,和西伯利亚的粒子加农炮,位于退役的俄罗斯弹道导弹下方导弹复杂。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Meanwhile, the other Joes on board the Flagg learn from Dial Tone that satellite communications are down due to the superheated ionosphere, and eventually trace Cobra’s activity to the HAARP array, the satellites, and the Siberian particle cannon, which lies beneath the decommissioned Russian ballistic missile complex. el.seekcartoon.com |
杜克大学做他的方式控制中心,发现 眼镜蛇 指 挥 官下令他的手下粒子炮瞄准华盛顿特区,然后将他们杀害,并把自己反锁控制中心内的一个安全的房间内。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Duke makes his way to the control center, and discovers that Cobra Commander ordered his men to aim the particle cannon at Washington, DC, then killed them, and locked himself inside a safe room within the control center. el.seekcartoon.com |
12 月,它在其祖格迪迪的总部部署了 22 辆“眼 镜蛇”轻型装甲车,包括 2 辆救护车。 daccess-ods.un.org | In December, it deployed 22 “Cobra” light armoured vehicles, including 2 ambulances, to its Zugdidi headquarters. daccess-ods.un.org |
将眼镜蛇持续暴露在9 ℃以下能导致其死亡,但短期将 眼镜蛇 暴 露 在耐受低温以下的热环境中对其无直接的致死影响。 actazool.org | A prolonged [...] exposure of cobras to temperatures lower than 9 ℃ was lethal, but a brief exposure of cobras to the temperatures [...]lower than their [...]lower limits of thermal tolerance does not necessarily increase the mortality of animals. actazool.org |
2000年4月6 日,亲政府的眼镜蛇民兵曾去申诉人老家搜查并杀害 了他的母亲。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 6 April 2000, Cobra militias close [...] to the Government searched the complainant’s family home and killed his mother. daccess-ods.un.org |
与眼镜蛇部队 交火后,火石和斯嘉丽管理创建一个开放,允许公爵和蛇眼获得进入该设施。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After exchanging [...] fire with Cobra forces, Flint [...]and Scarlett manage to create an opening, allowing Duke and Snake Eyes to gain access to the facility. el.seekcartoon.com |
格鲁吉亚内务部用“眼镜 蛇”轻 型装甲车在停火线进行巡逻使人们感到局势紧张。 daccess-ods.un.org | The deployment of “Cobra” light armoured vehicles by the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs to patrol the ceasefire line contributed to the perception of tensions. daccess-ods.un.org |
眼镜蛇指挥 官使用的投影机,广播消息,以组装的联合国代表,他要求所有的国家在地球上转控制其资源 的 眼镜蛇 组 织 在24小时内,否则将面临不分青红皂白的攻击后,他们的首都城市。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Cobra Commander uses the projector to broadcast a message to the assembled UN representatives, in which he demands that all nations on earth turn control of their resources over to the Cobra organization within 24 hours, or [...] face indiscriminate attacks upon their capital cities. el.seekcartoon.com |
眼镜蛇射击 这个二次粒子炮弗拉格,那颗已经撤离的载体。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Cobra fires this secondary particle cannon at the Flagg, sinking the already evacuated carrier. el.seekcartoon.com |
经过反复通过暴力夺取政权的企图都失败了 , 眼镜蛇 指 挥官想出了一个新的计划,以恢 复 眼镜蛇 的 金 融投资,同时,抓住世界大国的控制。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After repeated attempts to seize power through brute force have failed, Cobra Commander comes up with a new plan to recover Cobra’s financial investments, and seize control of world power at the same time. el.seekcartoon.com |
摩西告诉拉美西斯让希伯来人去,证明神的力量改变自己的的牧养工作人员到埃 及 眼镜蛇。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Moses tells Rameses to let the Hebrews go, demonstrating the power of God by changing his shepherding staff into an egyptian cobra. seekcartoon.com |
坑道鼠淘汰复苏项目Manhigh技术,建立一个攻击平台,能够达到的stratellite阵列,没有激活每个stratellite的防御大 炮 眼镜蛇 的 的 轨道stratellite网络。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Tunnel Rat manages to knock out Cobra’s orbiting stratellite network by reviving technology from Project Manhigh, building an assault platform capable of reaching the stratellite array, without activating each stratellite’s defensive cannons. el.seekcartoon.com |
Queen Cobra 系列完美捕捉了眼镜蛇神秘 迷人的魅力,以强而有力的创作理念引领时尚潮流。 brand.swarovski.com | The mysterious appeal of the snake is captured in [...] the Queen Cobra theme. brand.swarovski.com |
仅是理论上的,并不能保护他不受亲政府 的 眼镜蛇 民 兵 的迫害。 daccess-ods.un.org | The complainant maintains that the [...] amnesty signed in 20031 is purely notional and does not protect him from persecution [...] by the pro-government Cobra militias. daccess-ods.un.org |
闪闪发亮的双环戒指上缀有一颗象征禁果的大仿水晶, 而 眼镜蛇 的 深 红色仿水晶眼睛与镶满黑色仿水晶的身驱形成强烈对比,相得益彰。 brand.swarovski.com | Shimmering in the double ring is a large crystal symbolizing the apple, [...] the forbidden fruit and the intense [...] red color of the snake’s crystal eyes flash dramatically [...]against the black crystals of its body. brand.swarovski.com |
处于晚间和白天15 ℃以下气温个体的体温与气温呈显著的正相关,表 明 眼镜蛇 在 低温和缺乏热斑块的环境中是体温调节的顺应者。 actazool.org | Body temperature was positively correlated with air temperature when temperatures were lower than 15 ℃, but varied independently with air temperature during the day when air temperatures were higher than 15 ℃. actazool.org |
爬虫动物园让Segian接触到蜥蜴、 眼镜蛇 、 蝰 蛇、红树林蛇及非洲鲶鱼。 systematic.edu.my | The Reptile Park let the Segians get acquainted [...] with iguanas, cobras, vipers, mangrove snakes or feed African [...]catfish. systematic.edu.my |
早在1950年代,丁雄泉初至巴黎发展即崭露头角, 与 眼镜蛇 画 派 成员如:阿雷钦斯基 (Pierre Alechinsky)、乔恩 (Asger Jorn) 等艺术家共同举办联展,并活跃于欧洲画坛。 ravenelart.com | Walasse Ting first came to prominence in the 1950s, shortly after arriving in Paris. Ting's works were shown in joint exhibitions with members of the CoBrA avant-garde art group, such as Pierre Alechinsky and Asger Jorn, and he became an active member of the European art scene. ravenelart.com |
由于担心被眼镜蛇民兵 杀害,他于2000年4月9 日离开刚 果去金沙萨,又从金沙萨前往布鲁塞尔,随后去了米兰,然后到达瑞士并于 [...] 2000年4月17 日申请庇护。 daccess-ods.un.org | Afraid of [...] being killed by the Cobras, he left the Congo [...]for Kinshasa on 9 April 2000. daccess-ods.un.org |
2005, XT5三轮车叛徒“忘我”设计师系列全不锈钢机身和框架铬油底壳和正时链罩编织软管珍珠白与黑色内饰鬼火焰翼子板 350 雪佛兰小块引擎 (294 惠普 (约: 325 HP) 自动过驱动传动器与转换器巡航控制系统B和M黑色海洋地毯拉绒铝破折号的半透明窗口/语言LED'spflame主题的前叉, 通气孔盖, 值覆盖, [...] 香烟/电源插头盖自定义侧面反映了扩展/更宽的挡泥板更宽的轮胎: 全新轮胎 (库珀眼镜蛇) 美国 赛车车轮上锁的 (可拆卸) 硬质行李箱盖卡扣黑色行李箱盖完整的三轮车灰尘覆盖黑色可拆卸的硬顶 [...](照片可应要求提供) (2) 地板杯座先锋AM [...] / FM磁盘系统的前制动后盘式制动器空气悬架手工缝制的镶座气喇叭有线平 4 大拖车插头猫眼尾灯,前转向灯更多的照片可根据请求调用巴里 ,823. robert5.com | 2005, Renegade Ecstasy Designer Series XT5 Trike All stainless steel body and frame chrome oil pan and timing chain cover Braided hoses Pearl White with black trim ghost flames on fenders 350 Chevy Small block engine (294 HP (approx: 325 hp) Automatic over-drive tramsmission with B and M Shifter cruise control black marine carpet brushed aluminum dash with translucent window/guages LED's flame themes on front forks, breather cover, value covers, cigarette/power [...] plug cover custom side mirrors extended/wider fenders [...]wider tires: BRAND NEW Tires (Cooper Cobra) on American Racing wheels lockable [...](removeable) hard trunk cover snap on black trunk cover complete trike dust cover black removable hard-top (photo available upon request) (2) floor cup holders Pioneer AM/FM Disk system front brake rear disk brakes air ride suspension hand sewn seat inserts air horns wired for flat 4 trailer plug cat-eye tail lights larger front turn signals more photos available upon request call Barry ,823. robert5.com |
选项和功能包括:: 惠而浦冰箱, [...] 洗衣机和烘干机, 3 空调机组, 建伍显示器, Weldex相机, CD换碟机, [...] 百色娱乐套餐, 2 纯平索尼电视, 眼镜蛇CB无线电, 国王圆顶卫星, 建伍导航系统, [...]阿拉丁VCM, Harmony万能遥控器, 智能巡航, 卫星广播, 万能逆变器, [...]电齿轮矫直机, 固特异轮胎, 全自动电动遮阳篷, 无钥匙进入, 毒蛇安全系统, 特大号床的主人套房, 遥控窗帘的所有窗口, 运行在天花板上的灯, 红酒架...等等! robert5.com | Options and features include: Whirlpool refrigerator, washer and dryer, 3 air conditioning units, Kenwood monitor, Weldex camera, CD changer, [...] Bose Entertainment package, 2 flatscreen [...] Sony televisions, Cobra CB radio, King [...]dome satellite, Kenwood navigation system, [...]Aladdin VCM, Harmony universal remotes, smart cruise, satellite radio, Magnum inverter, power gear levelers, Goodyear tires, automatic electric awnings, keyless entry, Viper security system, king sized bed in master suite, remote controlled curtains for all windows, running lights in the ceiling, wine rack...and much more! robert5.com |