单词 | 眼见得 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 眼见得 —clearly(dialect) obviouslySee also:眼见—right away 眼 n—eye n 见得—seem • (in a negative or interrogative sentence) be sure 见得 v—appear v
在中国上课让我们得以立刻开始学习语言,以及在 亲 眼见 识 下认识中国文化。 amccsm.org | Having the course in China has allowed us [...] to start learning the language straight [...] away and to learn about the Chinese culture whilst seeing it with our own eyes. amccsm.org |
这 毋庸置疑的提升了波兰的国际形象,因为大 家亲眼见证我 们成为了经济迅速发展并有着 [...] 稳定法律基础的国家。 paiz.gov.pl | This undoubtedly improves the global image of Poland, [...] because we are now seen as partners with [...]a strongly growing economy and stable legal rules. paiz.gov.pl |
能力建设要取得成功,应该着眼于更 大的政策框架和发展目 标,并寻求在受益国保留知识和专长。 daccess-ods.un.org | To be successful, capacity-building should look at the larger policy framework and development objectives and seek to retain knowledge and expertise in the beneficiary country. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然后来珍妮体重长了一斤多,但是瘦削的脸上的一 双 眼 睛 还是 显 得 很 大 ,她需要继续食用营养糊。 unicef.org | Even though the little girl had gained over [...] half a kilo since, her eyes were still huge in her [...]too-thin face and she needed to continue being fed with the nut paste. unicef.org |
在中国期间,丽贝卡将住在当地人家里,参观当地工厂,她自己拥有和希望拥有的很多东西(时装、手机、平板电视)都是中国制造,她还将 亲 眼见 证 一 个人口大国朝着同一个目标齐心协力所 取 得 的 成就:个人在大规模生产、组织和奋斗中取得进步。 shanghaibiennale.org | While Rebekkah is in China she will stay with a host family, visit factories where much of the objects she owns or aspires to own (fashion clothing, mobile phones, [...] flat-screen TVs) are [...] produced and witness first hand what can be achieved when a massive-scale, national population pulls [...]together towards [...]one common goal: individual improvement through mass production, organization and hard work. shanghaibiennale.org |
我们必须赢得信任,表明我们实施了高质量的计划,能够带来有意义的、 看 得见 的转 变。 unesdoc.unesco.org | We have to inspire the trust, and demonstrate that we deliver quality programmes that lead [...] to meaningful and visible transformations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
通常详细说明 实况调查团调查结果的很长书面报告, 不 见得 能 更 容易充分说明复杂的情况,或 可能无法吸起广泛受众的注意。 daccess-ods.un.org | The long written reports that generally detail the results of a fact-finding mission may not make it easy to fully explain the complexities of a situation, or may fail to engage a broad audience. daccess-ods.un.org |
我在世服宏图工作了六年,亲眼见证 了 许多公司与我们共同成长,直到自己足够强大、能够购买自己的办公空间和进一步发展。 servcorp.com.cn | I've worked for Servcorp for six [...] years and I've seen so many companies [...]grow with us until they are big enough to buy their [...]own office space and develop further. servcorp.com.cn |
透过这项活动,顾客得以深入了解 Gucci 值得骄傲的深厚品牌传统,并于现场 亲 眼见 证 工匠制作每一个 Gucci 皮革产品的卓越手工技艺:手工缝制手柄、组装竹节手柄、准备编织用的皮革条,以及手工压印顾客的姓名首字母缩写。 gucci.com | This initiative offers a unique insight into Gucci’s time honored traditions as clients can witness first hand the superb craftsmanship involved in producing every item in Gucci’s leather goods collection: artisans hand-stitch handles, assemble bamboo handles, prepare leather strips for woven stitching and hand emboss customer’s initials during the events. gucci.com |
他作为亲善大使的第一份工作是访问联合国儿童基金会于哥本哈根的供应司, 亲 眼见 到 了基金会为帮助150万南亚受海啸影响的儿童所开展的重要工作。 unicef.org | Within days of his appointment, Mr. [...] Beckham travelled to UNICEF’s Supply Division [...] in Copenhagen to see the crucial work [...]being done to aid children affected by the [...]devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. unicef.org |
眼见巴勒 斯坦儿童被压在瓦砾之下和被以色列的战争机器灼伤而不予制止 的人,不会得到子 孙后代的原谅,子孙后代将追究他们对这场惨剧的责任,因为 他们没有强力采取解决办法,为巴勒斯坦儿童提供应受到的保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | Future generations will not forgive those who watched Palestinian children crushed under the rubble and burned by Israel’s war machine and will hold them responsible for this tragedy for not enforcing a solution that provides them with the protection they are entitled to. daccess-ods.un.org |
在起草该文件时,来自教科文组织总 部外办事处、与可持续发展有关的教科文组织教席、教科文组织教育研究机构以及与教科文 组织保持正式关系的非政府组织等的反馈 意 见得 到 了 考虑。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Feedback from the UNESCO field offices, UNESCO Chairs concerned with sustainable development, UNESCO education institutes and NGOs with official status with UNESCO was taken into consideration while drafting the document. unesdoc.unesco.org |
没有任何社区是单一的,因此还应努力确保在这一 进程中少数群体内部的不同意见得到 倾 听和考虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since no community is homogenous, efforts should also be made to ensure [...] that the diverse views within minority [...]groups be heard and taken into account in the process. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,由于 具有适当的保障,“绿色经济”办法可能是一种潜在工具,促使经济行动者认识 到他们的活动对环境造成的影响,以及生态系统提供的服务, 着 眼 于 确保 获 得更 好的社会收益和生态效益。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, with the appropriate safeguards, “green economy” instruments could be a potential tool to make economic actors aware of the environmental impact of their activities and of the services provided by the ecosystems with a view to ensuring better social returns and ecological benefits. daccess-ods.un.org |
塞尔维亚政府必须将逮捕逃犯的明确承诺转变为具体 行动和看得见的结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of Serbia must translate its expressed commitment to arrest the fugitives into [...] concrete action and visible results. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会敦促所有缔约国在可能情况下让儿童了解收养、监护或其他安排 的影响,并通过立法确保儿童的意 见得 以 表 达。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee urges all States parties to inform the child, if possible, about [...] the effects of adoption, kafalah or other placement, and to ensure by [...] legislation that the views of the child are heard. daccess-ods.un.org |
卫星 覆盖率的眼前差距也得到解决。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Immediate gaps in satellite coverage have been addressed as well. unesdoc.unesco.org |
温和的眼部妆前乳,“3-D”色素令眼 周 柔滑 、 得 到 更 好的防护, 使 眼 部 妆 容更持久。 clarinsusa.com | Gentle make-up primer, with “3-D” [...] pigments, smoothes and protects eyelids while extending the wear of eye shadow. clarinsusa.com |
我一直觉得材料和审美方式是身体,而肢体语言可能可以是文学性质的,但是文学性质 不 见得 就 是抒情性质的,所以我的身体可以走到另一边,干巴巴的走一圈,我反而就自由了。 shanghaibiennale.org | I’ve always thought that materials and aesthetic practice are a body, and the limbs may be language of a literary type, but literariness is not necessarily affective, so my body can walk the other way, walk pointlessly round in a circle, but at least I’m free. shanghaibiennale.org |
委员会重申其关切 (CRC/C/15/Add.237,第32段) ,即,社会上对儿童的传 [...] 统态度继续限制着对他们的意见的尊重,以及缔约国尚未采取足够的措施确保儿 童的意见得到应 有的考虑,特别是在法庭、学校、相关的行政和其他程序中和家 庭内,以及在其他机构乃至社会上。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee reiterates its concern (CRC/C/15/Add.237, para. 32) that traditional attitudes towards children in society continue to limit respect for their views and that the State party has not [...] taken sufficient measures to [...] ensure that the views of the child are given due consideration, especially [...]in courts, schools, [...]relevant administrative and other processes and within the family, other institutions and society at large. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,为了增加新水源,达尔富尔混合行动将勘察 [...] 20 个 场地,再钻探 28 个井眼(见 A/65/740,第 25 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In parallel, the Operation intends to enhance new water sources by surveying 20 sites and drilling 28 [...] additional boreholes (see A/65/740, para. 25). daccess-ods.un.org |
在陆地上探索怀托摩的自然风景,游览绵羊和奶牛农场,了解该地区令人惊叹的地质信息, 亲 眼见 证 To mos(石灰岩洞穴)和洞穴的早期形成。 cn.yha.co.nz | Witness Tomos (limestone shafts) and the beginning formations of caving systems. yha.co.nz |
因此,我国政府认为,不应再有任何借口阻止向卢旺 达移交案件,如果要让卢旺达人亲眼 看 到正 义 得 到伸张,那么当务之急就是将案件移交给我国司法机关。 daccess-ods.un.org | My Government is therefore of the considered view that no pretext should remain to prevent the transfer of cases to [...] Rwanda and that if the ends of justice are [...] to be served in the eyes of Rwandans it is imperative [...]that cases be transferred to our jurisdiction. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个意见得到了许多代表团的支持。 codexalimentarius.org | This view was supported by many [...] delegations. codexalimentarius.org |
第一,我们得以亲 眼目睹 行政部门与议会之间薄弱的政治关系、各种挑 战、期望以及深刻的分歧,我们知道,这一分歧导致 [...] 总理在我们访问结束后数日辞职。 daccess-ods.un.org | First, we were able to witness first-hand [...] the weak political relations between the Executive and the Parliament, the challenges [...]and expectations as well as the increased divisions, which, as we know, led to the resignation of the Prime Minister a few days after our visit. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然这两个部应当继续主张由各个政府间机构给予更有力、更明确的指示, 来制定一种战略眼光,但是,在得到 这 种指示之前,可以在这两个部采用一种更 有战略性的方法,来尽善利用现有的资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the Departments should continue to advocate for stronger and clearer guidance [...] from the intergovernmental bodies in [...] defining a strategic vision, until such guidance is received [...]there is room for a more strategic [...]approach to the optimal use of existing resources at the level of the Departments. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果没有其它选择,FDA 会认为就得到病人和护眼专业 人士同意下间中向外科医生提供 非抗冲击镜片的零售商行使执行处理权是合适的。 fuzziday.com | If there is no alternative, FDA would consider exercising enforcement discretion with respect to a retailer who may provide the surgeon with nonimpact-resistant lenses on a temporary basis with the knowledge and consent of the patient and eye care professional. fuzziday.com |
从联合国系统各实体收到的答复都同意这一建议,只是有些机构 觉 得 可 以调 整着眼点, 鼓励联合国系统所有组织都密切地在次区域协调机制的框架内开展工 作,以期促进联合国系统与区域经济共同体之间的互动、协调与合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The responses received from United Nations system entities were in agreement with this recommendation, although there was a sense that it could be refocused to encourage all United Nations system organizations to work closely in the context of the Subregional Coordination Mechanism with a view to facilitating interaction, coordination and cooperation between the United Nations system and the regional economic communities. daccess-ods.un.org |