

单词 眼色素层黑色素瘤

See also:


melanoma (type of skin cancer)


black pigment

External sources (not reviewed)

其中韩国大热的#2 Blueberry Ganache色号,层淡黄色是用于眼周中和加光,均匀黯沉肤色,以及中 黑眼 圈 色素 , 提 升光泽。
2 Blueberry Ganache is the Korean hits, the color of
[...] pale yellow is used to neutralize and brightening, even dullness, reduce the pigment of dark circles and to brightening.
2、位于眼内部位肿瘤,多为视网膜母细胞瘤、脉络 黑色素瘤 等 , 主要表现为 眼 压 升高、眼痛、头痛,视力减退等。
2、When the tumors are located inside the eyes, they usually
are retinoblastoma and
[...] choroidal melanoma, which mainly presented with ocular high pressure, eye pain, headache and poor eye sight.
此外,最近的研究表明,青年尤其婦女罹患 黑色素瘤 皮 膚癌有增加的趨勢。
In addition, recent studies have
[...] shown that non-melanoma skin cancers are [...]
on the rise among young adults, particularly women.
眼部的原发性癌症,例黑素瘤,甚 至可能完全没有临床症状,或是只能在非常彻底的眼科检查下才能被发觉。
Primary cancer of the eye, such as melanoma, may be completely [...]
asymptomatic (showing no overt symptoms) and can only be
detected on a very thorough eye exam.
利用二维凝胶技术黑色素瘤蛋白 进行分离,产生的图像被送到Ludesi公司,公司利用它们专有的图像分析系统对这些图像进行分析。
Proteins from the tumors were separated on [...]
2D gels, and the resulting images were sent to Ludesi for analysis using their
proprietary image analysis system.
公司今天宣布,费城宾夕法尼亚大学、马里兰州贝塞斯达的国 眼 科 研 究所和国家卫生研究院、北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的研究人员利用Ludesi公司的二维凝胶图像和数据分析,发现 黑色素瘤 潜 在 的治疗靶点。
Ludesi Corporation, developer of the award-winning Ludesi Image Analysis Service and the Ludesi REDFIN software for two-dimensional electrophoresis gels, today announced that researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, National Eye Institute
and National Institutes of
[...] Health in Bethesda Maryland, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have been able to discover potential therapeutic targets for melanoma tumors using Ludesi's 2D gel image and data analysis.
但是,本周发表在《科学快讯》中的2项新的研究证明,大约71%的人 黑色素瘤 在 TE RT基因中具有2种体细胞突变中的1种,该基因编码端粒酶的1个亚基;端粒酶是覆盖在染色体端部的酶。
Two new studies in this week’s issue of Science
Express, however, demonstrate that about 71
[...] percent of human melanomas harbor one of two [...]
somatic mutations in the TERT gene, which
encodes a subunit of telomerase, the enzyme that caps the ends of chromosomes.
只要一次单纯的晒伤起疱就可以使您患皮肤癌的可能性增加一倍,更糟的是,甚至可能会在日后患 黑色素瘤。
It only takes getting blistering sunburn once to double your chances
[...] of getting melanoma later on in life.
从客户提供原样或潘通色卡打小样,经指定 AATCC GRETAGMACBETH  美标灯箱光源( D65 、
[...] TL84 、 CWF 、 U3000 )确认后,做大货头缸对比标准样 OK 后,后续大货缸差控制在 灯箱下 同一色系美标灰卡 4 级,或 DATA COLOR CMC DE 值在同一象限 0.7 以内(出于后加工层、贴膜复合 色 变 色 考 虑 ,目测最重要,电脑 色 往 往 有盲区,判断方面不如 眼 灵 活 ),关键不能偏浅(不能超过 3% ),这样方便大货后加工成品缸差在可控范围内。
Provide customers with the intact or the Pantone to play the sample, specified the AATCC GRETAGMACBETH American standard light box light source (D65, TL84, CWF, U3000) to confirm the cylinder head of the bigger cargo contrast to the standard kind of OK, subsequent cargo tank differential control gray cards of the same color American standard light box under 4, or DATA COLOR CMC DE values ​​within the
same quadrant 0.7 (for
[...] processing coating, film composite color color to consider, the most important visual, computer color tend to have blind spots, to judge not as good as the human eye is flexible), the key [...]
can not be lighter
(not more than 3%), so convenient for large cargo processing finished cylinder in the controllable range.
多數痣是良性的(不癌),但是非典型痣,可演變成惡 黑色素瘤 , 是 一個潛在性致命的皮膚癌。
Most moles are benign (not cancerous), but atypical moles (Dysplastic Nevi) may develop
[...] into malignant Melanoma, a potentially [...]
fatal form of skin cancer.
统的影响”、“毒理机制和方法”(2008 年);“产后甲醛暴露对老鼠海马状突起和 大脑半球的锥体细胞数量、细层体 积 的影响:一个体视学研究”(2007 年);“黑激素可防止甲醛诱导的老鼠前额 层 神 经毒害:免疫组织化学和生物化学研 究”(2007 年);“咖啡酸苯乙酯对防止老鼠因吸入香烟烟雾造成肝损伤的保护作 [...]
用”(2007 年);“W-3 必需脂肪酸对防止甲醛诱导老鼠前额皮层神经元损伤的保
护作用”(2007 年);“W-3 脂肪酸在老鼠脑缺血再灌注模型中的保护作用”(2007 年)。
(2008); “Effects of post-natal formaldehyde
exposure on pyramidal
[...] cell number, volume of cell layer in hippocampus and hemisphere in the rat: a stereological study” (2007); “Melatonin prevents formaldehyde-induced [...]
neurotoxicity in
prefrontal cortex of rats: an immunohistochemical and biochemical study” (2007); “The protective effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) against liver damage induced by cigarette smoke inhalation in rats” (2007); “Protective effects of W-3 essential fatty acids against formaldehyde-induced neuronal damage in prefrontal cortex of rats” (2007); “Protective effects of W-3 fatty acids in a rat focal cerebral ischaemia-reperfusion model” (2007).
黑眼圈是指眼皮下方形成的一圈色泽暗沉带,其主要原因是血液微循环不足而造成 色素 沉 积
Puffiness can be temporary (caused by insufficient sleep, etc.) or permanent, resulting from water retention due to slow circulation [...]
or lack of firmness.
最致命的皮肤癌形式—黑色素瘤的 产 生与过度暴露在紫外线照射下密切相关,紫外线照射可以是来自于太阳光或日光浴床。
The deadliest form
[...] of skin cancer, melanoma, is strongly associated [...]
with excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UV),
which can come from sunlight, tanning booths and sun beds.
修饰性色素颗粒有助于改黑眼圈 , 同时提亮眼周区域,使明眸更有神采和活力。
Corrective pigments help minimize the
[...] appearance of dark circles, while illuminating the eye contour area [...]
for an energized look.
仅仅一次出现水疱的深度晒伤就能使您日后患上皮肤癌或恶 黑色素瘤 的 机 率增加一倍。
It only takes only one blistering sunburn to double your chances of getting skin
[...] cancer, or worse, melanoma later on in life.
内部— 计时器的正反面为可透视的防炫目蓝宝石水晶制成—
[...] V4的前卫架构保持不变(钨金属直线形块,成系列的两对发条匣平行设置并以传动带相连),但后处理完全重制:底板涂覆高度耐腐蚀 黑色 镀 钌 涂 层 , 夹 板以日内瓦波纹装饰。
Inside — and visible through the timepiece’s anti-reflective sapphire crystal front and back — the V4’s avant-garde architecture remains unchanged (tungsten ingot linear mass, two pairs of barrels in series, set in parallel and linked by belts), but the finishes have
been completely revisited, with a
[...] high-resistance black ruthenium coating on the back plate [...]
and the Côtes de Genève decorated bridges.
面向色彩调整的预设置 利用新的面向色彩调整的预设置,轻松操作或纠 正层颜色,使您能够反转层、 对摄 影 素 材应 用反转伽玛校正、从图像中提取亮度值并执行其 它特定任务。
Easily manipulate or correct the colors of a paint layer with new presets for Adjust Color that enable you to invert layers, apply inverse [...]
gamma correction to photographic
sources, extract luminance values from an image, and perform certain other tasks.
爱莲娜美白面膜」高亮白效果、高浓度左旋维生素C诱导体+天然植物萃取精华液,可渗透到角 层 的 呈 面,高亮白效果可以抑 黑色素 的 生 成,防止黑斑、雀斑,水嫩有弹性,高保湿的浸透皮肤而使皮肤亮丽而有透明感,亮白净化充分保湿,改善因阳光所形成的老化问题。
Elena clean whitening mask," highlighted the effect of white, high concentrations of vitamin C L +-induced natural plant
extracts Essence, the
[...] permeable cuticle was the face, white highlighted the effect of inhibiting melanin production, [...]
and to prevent Spots,
freckles, MOISTURE flexible, high-moisture of the skin by soaking beautiful skin and a sense of transparency, clean white full moisture to improve as a result of the formation of the sun's aging problem.
事实上,鉴于外来干涉的历史,此类药方不仅 在社会各层的眼中是可疑的,而且还有可能导致问 题的加剧。
In fact, given the history of foreign
interference, such prescriptions will not only
[...] be suspect in the eyes of various segments [...]
of society, but may also have the potential to exacerbate the problem.
这项研究的一项重要发现黑色素瘤 的 动 态特征,这也强调了在多个时间点研究疾病进程,获取生物标记和发现治疗靶点的必要性。
An important finding in the study was the
[...] dynamic nature of melanomas which highlights [...]
the need to study the disease progression
at multiple time points for biomarker and therapeutic target discovery.
一般而言這些黑痣都是無害的,但有些卻演變為可以危害性命的惡 黑色素瘤。
Generally speaking they are harmless, but some will
[...] changed to malignant Melanoma.
太阳能供电stratellite网络部署低于电 层 , 使 眼 镜 蛇保持一个隐蔽的全球通信网络。
A solar powered stratellite network is deployed
[...] just below the ionosphere, allowing Cobra [...]
to maintain a covert worldwide communication network.
用於遮黑眼圈或小面色素,可 把整個掃面平均沾上遮瑕膏,以塗抹方式抹於色素上,用於眼部位置可掃尖塗抹眼角及眼頭等細小位置。
To cover dark eye circles or larger area of pigments, [...]
sweep product /concealer evenly on the whole area, while painting
lightly around eye corners and small area of the eyes.
但假如醫生懷疑黑色素瘤或皮 膚癌,會建議先把墨痣切除及進行活組織檢驗,以更準確斷症。
But if melanoma or skin cancer is suspected, [...]
removing the mole and doing a biopsy for accurate diagnosis will usually be recommended.
与此同时,其他板的弗拉格乔斯学习从拨号音,卫星通信是下降,由于过热的电 层 , 并最 终 眼 镜 蛇 的活动跟踪的HAARP阵列,卫星,和西伯利亚的粒子加农炮,位于退役的俄罗斯弹道导弹下方导弹复杂。
Meanwhile, the other Joes on board the Flagg learn from Dial Tone that
satellite communications are down due
[...] to the superheated ionosphere, and eventually trace [...]
Cobra’s activity to the HAARP array,
the satellites, and the Siberian particle cannon, which lies beneath the decommissioned Russian ballistic missile complex.
天然抗氧葡萄籽油中的亞麻油酸和原花色素,產生相輔相成的作用,加快細胞分裂,強化肌膚組織循環再生,顯著淡化 眼 圈 及預 防 黑色素 沉 澱 ,深入瓦解眼部浮腫及鬆弛的問題。
The natural antioxidants from grape seed oil, Linoleic Acid and Oligo Proanthocyanidin (OPC), are inter-actional to accelerate cell division, and strengthen the skin tissue significantly.
长达1,250 mm的照明装置,分别配置了红、绿、蓝色和中性白光LED模块,被稳妥的安装在地板上,并向上照射在幕墙 素 的 双 层 板 上 ,通过红、绿、蓝、白的 色 混 合来达到彩色效果。
The 1,250 mm long lighting units with individual LED points in red, green, blue and
neutral white are attached to the floor and shine
[...] upward onto the two panels of the wall elements in a colour achieved by RGBW mixing.




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