

单词 眼科

眼科 adjective ()

ophthalmic adj
ocular adj
ophthalmologic adj

眼科 noun ()

obstetrics n






See also:


eye n

small hole
crux (of a matter)

classifier for natural springs and hollow objects e.g. wells, stoves etc.

External sources (not reviewed)

这个重要眼科治疗 项目不仅针对玻利维亚人民(482 200 公民受惠),而且也使毗领国家人口受惠。
This important
[...] project providing ophthalmological care has benefited [...]
not only the Bolivian people (482,200 citizens) but
also the population of neighbouring countries.
眼科索沃的全面发展情况,我们欢迎秘书长报 告(S/2011/281)所作科索沃包括科索沃北部的安全 [...]
Looking at wider
[...] developments in Kosovo, we welcome [...]
the assessment in the Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/281) that the
security situation in Kosovo, including in the north, has remained calm.
委員察悉,香眼科視光 師學會、香港執眼科視光師協會及香港光學會於2010 年 10 月 29日提交聯合意見書 [立法會CB(2)221/10-11(01)號 文件 ],就規管非矯視性隱形眼鏡的分銷及售賣表達 意見。
Members noted a joint submission dated 29 October 2010 from The Hong Kong Society of Professional Optometrists, The Hong Kong Association of Practicing Optometrists and The Hong Kong Optometric Association (LC Paper No. CB(2)221/10-11(01)) expressing views on the regulation of the distribution and sale of non-corrective contact lens.
国家多民族玻利维亚承认,尽管经济封锁对古巴造成重大损失,但古巴仍努 力与玻利维亚人民开展合作,下列数字就是明证:3 700 多万次免费医疗;拯救 33 000 多个生命;在“奇迹行动”中免费做了 514 000 多眼科手术 ,使不论任 何出身或社会地位的玻利维亚人恢复或提高视力。
The Plurinational State of Bolivia acknowledges the effort made by Cuba to cooperate with the Bolivian people, in spite of the significant harm caused by the embargo to its economy.
經過多年發展眼科中心 的低視能服務在業界中得到一致肯定。中心在2008/09成功主辦及協辦多個與低視能有關的培訓班及講座:如為阿曼Al Noor Association for the Blind 低視能中心眼科醫生及視光師,提供了一連4天的培訓;為香港理工大學職業治療學系3年班學生主講「視障之成因及其對視覺功能的影響」;為香港理工大學視光學學院4年班學生提供低視能培訓及實習;為深圳市殘疾人聯合會主講「低視能輔助器及其應用」;為教育局轉介參與融合教育之學校老師,及為香港渣打銀行之員工提供有關視障的成因及預防方法的講座。
With well-established services, the Centre
provided low
[...] vision training programmes in 2008/09 to meet the needs of many, namely; a 4-day low vision training course for an ophthalmologist and an optometrist of Oman; lecture on the common causes of visual impairment and their functional implications for [...]
Year 3 students
of the Faculty of Occupational Therapy of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; low vision clinical training for the final year students of the School of Optometry of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; lecture and workshop on low vision for the Shenzhen Provincial Disabled People’s Federation; lectures for school teachers referred by the Education Bureau and staff of the Standard Chartered Bank on the causes and prevention of visual impairment.
不过,领土政府得以维持一个来访 眼科 医 生 和精神病医生的方案, 并在 2010 年依次安排了各科专家门诊,如泌尿科、胃肠科、心脏科和妇产科。
Nonetheless, the territorial Government was able to maintain a programme
[...] for a visiting ophthalmologist and a psychiatrist, [...]
and programmed a line-up of visiting
specialists during 2010 in areas such as urology, gastroenterology, cardiology, obstetrics and gynaecology.
在“多個聯網”之後加上“(尤其是新界西聯網)”;在“撥款不足 的問題,”之後加上“而該聯網更是在全部 7 個醫院聯網中獲分配資
[...] 源最少的,”;在“於區內”之前加上“特別應盡快落實在將軍澳醫 院開設婦科、眼科及耳鼻喉科、精神科等專科服務,”,及在其後 加上“增設腫瘤科及腦外科,以及”。
To add ", particularly the New Territories West Cluster," after "many clusters"; to add "this cluster is allocated the least resources among all of the seven hospital clusters," after "a long time, and"; and to add "should especially implement expeditiously the
provision of specialist
[...] services, such as obstetrics and gynaecology, ophthalmology and ear, nose [...]
and throat, psychiatry, etc,
in the Tseung Kwan O Hospital, and additionally provide oncology and neurosurgery services as well as" after "Kowloon East Hospital Cluster, and".
这次合作采取了如下形式:(a) 开展技术及后勤合作,在苏丹 达尔富尔 Al-Genaina 建眼科医院 ,该医院于 2006 年 1 月开诊;(b)合作抵抗非 洲和亚洲贫穷国家的视力损害问题;(c)参加世卫组织主办的关于预防失明的会 [...]
在开罗举办的生物伦理公约会议;(e)参加 2007 年在开罗举办的关于干细胞研究 和伦理挑战的国际研讨会。
This collaboration took the following forms: (a) technical
[...] and logistic cooperation on the establishment of an eye hospital in Al-Genaina, [...]
Darfur, Sudan,
which opened in January 2006; (b) cooperation on combating visual impairment in needy countries in Africa and Asia; (c) participation in a WHO-sponsored meeting on the prevention of blindness; (d) participation in a convention on bioethics organized by the World Medical Association, WHO, the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences and the Islamic Organization for Medical Sciences in Cairo; (e) participation in an international seminar on stem cell research and ethical challenges, Cairo, 2007.
何鸿章先生听罢立即要求他的北京办公室联系中国中医研究 眼科 医 院 ,结果于2001年在这家医院开设了OCT扫描室。
As soon as H.E. Ambassador Eric Hotung listened to
his advice, he asked his office in Beijing
[...] to contact the eye hospital of China [...]
Academy of TMC with the result that an OCT
scanner room had been established in the Hospital in 2001.
為響應世界視覺日,香港盲人輔導會及香港執 眼科 醫 生 會攜手主辦的「視覺2020 : 看得見的權利 [...]
世界視覺日2009 ﹣香港站 • 『青光眼No Way』公眾敎育及免費青光眼篩查活動」經已圓滿舉行。
To echo the World Sight Day, the Hong Kong Society for
the Blind (HKSB) and the Hong Kong
[...] Association of Private Eye Surgeons (HKAPES) jointly [...]
organized ‘Vision 2020: The Right
to Sight World Sight Day 2009 – Hong Kong “Glaucoma No Way” Public Education and Free Glaucoma Screening Programme’.
眼科護理 產品公司愛爾康(香港)有限公司委託香港大學民意研 [...]
究計劃,於2008年3月進行一項有關本港室內眼敏感致敏原的問卷調查,成功訪問了511名眼敏 感患者,調查報告由港大民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀博士於今天舉行的新聞發布會上發表。
Eye care company Alcon (HK), [...]
Ltd. has commissioned The Hong Kong University Public Opinion Programme (HKUPOP) to conduct
a phone survey in March 2008. The survey findings of 511 eye allergy patients were presented by Dr. Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of HKUPOP at today’s press conference.
項目很可能有助紓緩本眼科診所的壓力,因為項目的成 果是一副內置軟件的目鏡,患者可於家中使用,進行所需的治療。
The project would probably help to release the pressure
[...] facing the local Eye Clinics as the project [...]
deliverable, a pair of goggles with
software, can be used at patients‟ home to carry out the needed treatment.
於過去,麥先生曾擔任香港稅務學會會長;香港實習企業網絡督導委員會副主 席;國際扶輪3450地區總監;香港專業教育學院(青衣)實習企業督導委員會及國際扶輪
[...] 會計師公會稅務委員會之委員;道路安全議會、稅務聯合聯絡小組、醫院管理局公眾投訴委 員會、香眼科醫院 與九龍醫院之醫院管治委員會之成員;以及香港政府中央政策組非全職 [...]
Previously, Mr. Mak had served as the president of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong; the vice chairman of Steering Committee of Hong Kong Network of Virtual Enterprises; the governor of Rotary International District 3450; the chairman of Practice Firm Steering Committee of Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi) and District Rotary Foundation Committee of Rotary International District 3450; a treasurer of The Hong Kong Road Safety Association and Senior Citizen Home Safety Association; a member of taxation committee of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants; a member of the Road Safety Council, Joint Liaison Committee on Taxation, Hospital Authority Public
Complaints Committee, Hospital Governing
[...] Committee of Hong Kong Eye Hospital and Kowloon [...]
Hospital; and a part-time member of Hong
Kong Government’s Central Policy Unit.
養和醫院及其陳蔭燊視力矯正中心於2012年再獲殊榮,分別奪得《讀者文摘》信譽品牌2012「醫院」及 眼科 手 術中心(LASIK)」組別金奬。
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital and its Guy Hugh Chan Refractive Surgery Centre received
awards in 2012, namely the Reader's Digest Trusted Brands in
[...] Hospital Category and Eye Surgery Centre (LASIK) [...]
全球眼保健领域的领导厂商博士伦公司和领先 眼科 激 光治疗技术公司Technolas Perfect Vision [...]
Bausch + Lomb, the global leader in eye health, and Technolas Perfect Vision GmbH
[...] (TPV), a leading ophthalmology laser company, [...]
have entered into a definitive
agreement providing Bausch + Lomb with an option to purchase all outstanding and unowned TPV shares for a total company value of up to EUR 450 million, based on the achievement of certain milestones and earnouts.
娇韵诗所有眼护产品均经过皮肤测试 眼科 医 生 认证,质地温和不刺激眼睛,同样适合眼睛敏感者和隐形眼镜配戴者使用。
All Clarins eye care treatments have [...]
the same pH as healthy tears, and are suitable for contact lens wearers and even the most sensitive eyes.
今天,3,000平方尺的现代化中心已扩大到提供广泛 眼科 服 务 ,包括屈光手术,治疗老花眼,白内障手术,角膜移植,青光眼和糖尿病反眼的筛查和治疗,年龄相关性黄斑变性的治疗,眼部管理炎症和葡萄膜炎,视网膜服务,oculoplastics手术,近视儿童和更多的控制程序。
Today, the 3,000 sq ft modern centre has expanded to provide
[...] a wide range of eye services, including [...]
refractive surgery, presbyopia treatment,
cataract surgery, corneal transplants, glaucoma and diabete eye screening and treatments, age-related macular degeneration treatments, management of ocular inflammations and uveitis, retinal services, oculoplastics surgery, myopia control programmes for children and more.
眼科镜头 和其他弯曲表面的反射率。
Measures reflectance of ophthalmic lenses and other curved surfaces.
专科治疗由定期在监狱诊所提供 服务的外部医生(整形外科、神经科 、 眼科 ) 提 供,或者在军事医院(妇科)或公 立医院提供。
Specialist care was provided by external physicians who regularly provided services at the clinic (orthopaedic surgery, neurology, ophthalmology) or at the military hospital (gynaecology) or at a public hospital.
23 个社区转诊医院、30
[...] 个康复病房、13 个保健中心、 两眼科诊所 以及公共卫生实验室正在提供服务。
Services are being provided at 23 community
referral hospitals, 30 rehabilitation wards, 13
[...] health centres, two eye surgery clinics [...]
and the Public Health Laboratory.
这是一种主要由花青素原组成的物质,具有独特的抗自由基的功效。在医药领域,海岸松主要用来改善循环系统、心血管 眼科 问 题
Used in medicine to improve circulatory, cardiovascular and ophthalmic problems, Pycnogenol® is an important active ingredient used in cosmetics.
本院位於中環診所眼科中心 亦已遷至莊士大廈3樓,將一如以往,繼續為病人提供各類普 眼科 服 務 ,包括診症、角膜切割激光矯視手術(LASIK)檢查及白內障普查。
Our Eye Centre at the Central Clinic has been relocated to the 3rd floor of the same building, providing general ophthalmology services like [...]
general consultation,
LASIK screening and full cataract screening.
Eye expert warns that extended [...]
lens wear with low permeable lenses will lead to corneal oxygen deficiency, a condition that
will jeopardize ocular health if unattended.
公司今天宣布,费城宾夕法尼亚大学、马里兰州贝塞斯达的国 眼科 研 究 所和国家卫生研究院、北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的研究人员利用Ludesi公司的二维凝胶图像和数据分析,发现了黑色素瘤潜在的治疗靶点。
Ludesi Corporation, developer of the award-winning Ludesi Image Analysis Service and the Ludesi REDFIN software for two-dimensional electrophoresis gels, today announced that researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, National Eye Institute and National Institutes of Health in Bethesda Maryland, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have been able to discover potential therapeutic targets for melanoma tumors using Ludesi's 2D gel image and data analysis.
高血压和糖尿病等系统性疾病会在视网膜血管系统中留下蛛丝马迹,显现在视网膜上,您 眼科 医 生 将可能是第一个诊断出其中某一个问题的人。
Systemic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes can leave telltale signs in the
vasculature system that is visible on the
[...] retina, and your eye doctor will potentially [...]
be the first to diagnose one of these problems.
Q-Switched Excimer lasers for opthalmic procedures.
初步檢查後,奧比斯的義眼科醫生 ,來自Valley Eye Associates、在威斯康辛州大學擔任臨床助理教授的Michael [...]
Vrabec認為桑哥的個案對當地Preah Ang Duong醫院(我們的東道主),以及由老撾和緬甸來訪的醫生來說,將會是個非常寶貴的教學題材。
Dr. Michael Vrabec,
[...] ORBIS volunteer ophthalmologist from Valley Eye Associates [...]
and assistant clinical professor at the University
of Wisconsin, in the United States, conducted Song's preliminary examination and believed that Song’s case would have great teaching value for the local ophthalmologists at Preah Ang Duong Hospital, the host eye center, as well as the visiting ophthalmologists from Laos and Myanmar.
Synteract 公司总部位于加州 Carlsbad, 在北卡罗来纳州研发三角园区、堪萨斯州 Overland Park 和捷克共和国布拉格设有办事处,公司在 广泛的治疗领域
[...] 拥有临床试验的专项技能,包括肿瘤科、中枢神经系统 (CNS)、心血管科、呼科和眼科等强 项领域。
Headquartered in Carlsbad, California, with offices in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Overland Park, Kansas, and Prague, Czech Republic, Synteract has clinical trial expertise in a wide range of therapeutic
areas, including a strong emphasis in oncology, central nervous system (CNS),
[...] cardiovascular, respiratory, and ophthalmology.




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