

单词 眼神不好

See also:


expression or emotion showing in one's eyes
eyesight (dialect)
meaningful glance




no good

External sources (not reviewed)

为此,起重机司机需要一好眼他必须在距地面约10米高的操作台上,精确完 厘米之差的工作。
The crane
[...] operator, sitting in a cab some 10 meters above the ground, needs areallygood eyeforsuch precision work.
(d) 弘扬女企业家利用 国家中尚未挖掘的经济潜力。
(d) Promote women
[...] entrepreneurship tomake betteruseof untapped economic [...]
potential in least developed countries.
此外,一些委员提到,由联合国系统另一组织审议的案件并不妨碍公约与建议委员会 也对其进行审议,因为第 104EX/3.3 号决定中所列的程序与联合国现有的类似程序相比具有 特性,主要是它涉及的是个案 庭自居,本着对话、协商和相互理解的并注意保密。
Several members pointed out that the fact that a case was being considered by another agency in the United Nations system did not prevent the CR from considering it as well, because of the specific features of the procedure under 104 EX/Decision 3.3 as against similar procedures in the United Nations system, among them its
[...] and non-judicial nature, the search for an amicablesolution in a spirit ofdialogue, conciliation and mutual [...]
understanding, and confidentiality.
在新庄朋友家的日子,看到许多被烧伤的人踉踉跄跄地走着的情景,我自己也会不禁伤 心流泪,
Since I couldn‘t keep from crying at the sight of these
[...] people, I shut my eyesin an effort not tosee them.
我们已多少看见人堕落的肉体神眼何其丑陋,我们接体的审判此,我们 还看见己和天然的人都是敌挡神的,因此我们欢迎基督的死内里的工作们经历基督,并在他 复活生命的大能里凭他而活。
We have seen something of the ugliness of man's fallen flesh intheeyes of God, and we agree with God's judgement upon it.
(c) 体现相互尊重促进解和信息共享。
(c) Carried out in the spirit of mutual respect, aimed at promoting better understanding [...]
and information sharing.
使徒保罗说:“自从造天地以来,上帝 的永能明明可知的,虽眼 不,但藉着所造之物,就可以晓得, 叫人无可推诿。
Apostle Paul states the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made.
(c) 体现相互尊重促进解和信息共享 [ ,并更好地理 解缓解努力对于实现长期全球目标的有效性 (d) [ 增进发展中国家缓解行动执行的透明度 [。
(c) Carried out in the spirit of mutual respect, aimed at promoting better understanding and information sharing [and a better understanding of the effectiveness of mitigation efforts towards a long-term global goal
(d) 提高人们的健康认识并了解保健的好处; (e) 加强卫生立法; (g) 照群体,如老人、儿童、 残疾儿童,重视 其他保健问题, 尤其是口腔保健
(g) Totake good care of prioritized groups such as old aged, children groups, disable children and other health problems, especially mental, eyesand mouthhealth care
督应该由该monophysites否认天主 家谁的理论,对已行使人类活动,将人类行为,人类的认知行为,显然是错误的确认为男子倒卧在没有区分人类或混合(theandric的)活动基督,而纯粹是神圣的活动,将知识,而儿子已在共同与父亲和圣灵,并其实神性。
It was notsupposed bythebest Catholic theologians who attacked the doctrine that the [...]
Monophysites denied Christ to have
exercised human activities, human acts of the will, human acts of cognition; the error was clearly recognized as lying in the failure to distinguish between the human or the mixed (theandric) activity of Christ as Man, and the purely Divine activity, will, knowledge, which the Son has in common with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and which are in fact the Divine Nature.
我们愿意每个人首先让主耶稣的王权管理我们个人的生 命,以致我们能彼此相爱、接纳、饶恕、互相鼓励、造就、建 立基督的身体(教会)使、主耶稣的王权扩展、 伸张至家庭、社会、城市及国 层面。
Each one of us as an individual is willing to let King Jesus to rule over our life and has the first priority to our life, so that King Jesus can help us to love one another, to accept, forgive,
encourage each other to buildup the Body of Christ (The church); so
[...] that the Kingdom ofGod and Dominionand Rulership of King Jesus will extend from individuals, families, societies, cities, nations and all overthe world through His Body, the Church of [...]
Jesus Christ.
这一点非常重要,因为一旦晚上休 不好天就会 神不性情变得急躁,且难以集中精力学习。
This is important because without a quality rest every night you will lose energy, become more irritable and find it difficult to concentrate on your studies.
此外,多花一些时间倾听您的下属,尤其是在交流过程中保持 眼神,试着了解他/她的情绪是如何影响工作动力和能力水平的。
Learn to understand how their feelings affect their motivations and energy levels.
然而他笔下的孩童清楚认识到自身他们站立在画面中心,以淩厉 眼神着成人观众的位置,一个有能力掌控世界的位置。
They stand at attention, glaring up in accusation at the audience placed in the position of the adults that control their world.
它 尤其通过民间社会参与,尤其是注重妇女权利的保护等措施,达成顺利推进 重建工作的政治上的协商一致。
A number of examples were found where UNESCO had contributed to, or was contributing to, integrating the provisions of the five conventions into national and local policies. This was particularly the case for the World Heritage Convention, and to lesser extents the Intangible Heritage Convention and the Illicit Traffic Convention.
作品从人物的脸部表情出发,到微妙 眼神和的肤质、虚幻的发色,以及人物肤色的雾面处理和母亲头发的釉面处理所形成鲜明对比,人壹种超现实的感觉。
Both the expressions of their
[...] faces, and thesoftness of the skin and the unreal hues of their hair, plus the contrast between the matte of their skins and the glazed finish of the enveloping hair, removes this scene from the real world and bring it closer toastate of [...]
pure feeling.
看到联合国的旗帜在地面飘扬,人们就会相信, 一个更来就 他们的苦难即将过去, 而他们高兴的是因为他们的安全和生存到 威胁。
People who see the United Nations flag flying on the horizon believe thatabetter future is at hand, hope that their grief is coming to an end, and are pleased because their security and their very existence are no longer threatened.
[...] 采取的方针拒绝暴力,反对叛教和一切形式的恐怖主义意识形态,鼓励伊拉克各 民族发扬符合国际人权标准的 宽容
Thus, the approach that has been adopted is one which rejects violence and condemns “takfiri” (apostate) and terrorist
ideologies in all their forms, encouraging a
[...] spirit of friendship and tolerance among [...]
all the people of Iraq in keeping with international human rights norms.
Croso 女士表示,”关 因此符合人权,而”的理线型的,而是具体的和特定的,没有蓝图。
Ms. Croso expressed thatwell living” is concerned with the present time, and therefore is in tune with human rights, and that the idea of “well living” is not linear but context-specific and without a blueprint.
准分子激光角膜屈光手术,即我们俗称的“近视手术”,能够使近视患者获得、摆脱框 和隐 带来便近年来受到越来越多的近视患者青睐。
Excimer laser corneal
[...] refractive surgery, commonly called “corrective eyesurgery,” helps near-sighted patients improve [...]
their vision.
电焊是一种在瞬间强电流作用下产生的一种高温作业.它主要是使同一种(或不同种)金属在高温下溶解而融合在一起,但在此同时会产生一种强烈的光线,而其中的紫外线对人的眼睛视网膜会造成不可想象的伤害,业内人士称为"被电焊打到了",因此在电焊作业时一定要保的眼睛,佩戴一付真正安全的防护眼镜,BASTO电焊眼镜,真正保护您的 眼不害.
It is mainly the same ( or different ) metal dissolved at high temperature and fused together, but at the same time will produce a strong light, and ultraviolet on human eye retina can cause unimaginable the harm, the industry called" to be welded hit", so the welding work must protect their eyes, wearing a really safe protectiveeyewear,BASTO welding glasses, toprotect your eyesfrom being hurt.
任何见过的大屏幕上,“小鸡快跑”是今年最大的原始的喜剧评论家和观众的一被誉为 少皆宜的娱乐!” (罗杰·艾伯特,罗杰·艾伯特的MOVI ...
Unlike anything ever seen on the big screen, "Chicken Run" is the year's biggest original comedy, hailed by critics and audiences alike as"magical entertainment for all ages!
重量仅为普通玻璃的1/2,抗碎裂性能为普通硅玻璃的12-18倍,机械强度和韧性大于普通玻璃10倍以上,硬度相当于金属铝,具有突出的耐候性和耐老化性,能耐有机酸、碱、盐及低级醇,并且价格低廉,已广泛地应用于宾馆、酒店、商场、体育馆、 机场候机楼、候车亭等户内广告灯箱;膜材光栅由于透过性 不好 现象严重,操作复杂,废品率高,逐步被板材光栅替代;片材光栅由于厚度薄,线数高,造成了视场角很小。
Weight is only common glass 1/2, resistance to shatter glass for ordinary performance of silicon 12-18 times, mechanical strength and toughness is 10 times greater than common glass, aluminum, hardness is equivalent to having outstanding weathering and aging resistance, alkali, salt and organic acids, and low prices, lower alcohol, has been widely used in hotels, restaurants, stores, gymnasium, airport terminal bus stop, indoor advertisements, etc. Due to the membrane material, through performance of grating YanYun "phenomenon, complex operation, scrap ratehigh,gradually been plank grating replacement, Sheet thickness thin, line grating due to high number, caused the view is small.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、育,由于父 母或 监护人或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
更广义的说,办事处也改善了与区域办 事处(圣地亚哥、蒙得维的亚、哈瓦那)之间的关系,并欢迎在拉丁美洲和加勒比海
[...] 办事处主任之间形成的谅解和合作的其于蒙得维的亚(2006 年 11 [...]
月)举 行的会晤上,可以清楚地看到这点。
In more general terms, the Office has also improved its relations with the regional
offices (Santiago, Montevideo and Havana)
[...] and welcomes thegood spirit of understanding [...]
and cooperation developed among all
Heads of Office in LAC, which became manifest at their meeting in Montevideo (November 2006).




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