单词 | 眼底下 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 眼底下—in full view as a panoramaless common: right now in front of one's eyes See also:眼底—in full view as a panorama inside the eye fundus of the eye (containing the choroid, retina, optic nerve etc) right in front of one's eyes 眼下adv—nowadv 底下adv—afterwardsadv 底下—the location below sth.
所有 这一切都是在某些人的眼皮底下发生的,而正是这些 人要求保护人权,同时却对以色列在阿拉伯被占领土 [...] 粗暴侵犯人权的行为视而不见。 daccess-ods.un.org | All of his [...] is happeningright under the noses of the [...]very people who call for the protection of human rights while closing [...]their eyes to flagrant Israeli violations of human rights in the occupied Arab territories. daccess-ods.un.org |
然 而,恐怖分子仍然能够钻法律机制的漏洞,有时候他 们得以在我们的眼皮底下逃脱刑法。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, terrorists are still able to exploit loopholes in legal mechanisms, and at times they manage to [...] escape criminal justice before ourvery eyes. daccess-ods.un.org |
毫无疑问,以色列从来没有因 [...] 对巴勒斯坦人民的违法行为而真正承担责任和受到 惩罚,这使它为所欲为,就在国际社会眼皮底下犯下了最近的罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel, no doubt emboldened by the fact that it had never been truly held accountable and punished for its [...] transgressions against the Palestinian people, had committed its recent [...] crimes before the eyesofthe international [...]community. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在,建设活动正在国 际社会的眼皮底下进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | That is being undertaken underthe very nose [...] of the international community. daccess-ods.un.org |
当时医院里都是人,而且完全是在警察的眼皮底下。 daccess-ods.un.org | The hospital was full of people and it was in full view of the police. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,以色列定居者的这种非法行动完全是在以色列占领军的眼皮底 下进行的,而以色列占领军对这些激进的定居者从不实行法制,或让他们为这些 罪行负责。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, typically such illegal actions by Israeli settlers are perpetrated in full view of the Israeli occupying forces, who continue to fail to impose law and order upon these radical settlers or to hold them accountable for their crimes. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列定居者的这些非法行动都是在占领军眼皮底下发生的,而占领军仍 然无动于衷,无需定居者为其行动负责,在他们犯下这些罪行时,继续帮助他们 逃脱惩罚和向他们提供保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such illegal actions by Israeli settlers occur in full view of the occupying forces, who continue to take no action to hold these settlers accountable for their actions and continue to provide them with impunity and protection while they are carrying out these crimes. daccess-ods.un.org |
二十世纪伤痕累累,发生了对犹太人的大屠杀、柬埔寨的大屠杀、卢旺达的 [...] 种族灭绝、斯雷布雷尼察的大屠杀等等,而后两次屠杀是在安全理事会和联合国 维持和平人员的眼皮底下发生的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The twentieth century was marred by the Holocaust, the killing fields of Cambodia, the genocide in [...] Rwanda and the mass killings in [...] Srebrenica, the latter two under the watch of the [...]Security Council and United Nations peacekeepers. daccess-ods.un.org |
西岸,特别是东耶路撒冷的局势严峻,以色列非 [...] 法定居点日趋巩固,定居者无端实施暴力,而且往往 是在以色列当局的眼皮底下这样做,而以色列当局却 很少或根本不采取任何行动加以遏止。 daccess-ods.un.org | The situation in the West Bank, particularly in East Jerusalem, is dire, with the growing entrenchment of illegal Israeli settlers [...] and unprovoked violence committed by [...] those settlers, oftenunder the watch of the [...]Israeli authorities, who have themselves [...]done little or nothing to deter such violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些做法正是在那些口口声声说要扞卫这些法律 的人眼皮子底下继续进行的。 daccess-ods.un.org | These practices continue with the full knowledge of those who claim to protect those laws. daccess-ods.un.org |
韦基奥港是岛上海拔最高的公路,在夏季的酷热底下骑上1,478 公尺并不是件容易的事,但却可将令人赞叹的海景尽收眼底。 ss13.rapha.cc | Col de Vergio, the highest road pass on the island at 1,478m, is no easy climb in the summer heat but offers stunning vistas out to sea. ss13.rapha.cc |
作为教科文组织设在该地区唯一的高等教育机构,它眼下的中心任务是将其活动全面纳入本组织的总体计划。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Its challengenow,as UNESCO’s only presence in the region for higher education, is to integrate fully its activities into the Organization’s overall programme. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此後,主干道可以隧道形式从底下穿过或以天桥形 式跨过海底隧道出入口,继续穿过铜锣湾避风塘,至避风 [...] 塘以东与现时东区走廊天桥连接。 devb.gov.hk | Thereafter, the Trunk [...] Road can pass eitherbelow theCHT portal in tunnel [...]or over the top of the Cross Harbour Tunnel portal [...]as flyover, continuing through the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter to a connection with the existing elevated IEC to the east of the typhoon shelter. devb.gov.hk |
秘书处代表回答说,眼下只有贝尔蒙先生确定的最紧迫的优先事项(有关安全问 题)能用可动用的正常预算和预算外资金来实施,不过这个楼区需要彻底翻修。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The representative of the Secretariat replied that, [...] for thetime being, onlythe most immediate priorities established by Mr Belmont (relating to safety) can be covered, by combining available regular budget and extrabudgetary resources, however the buildings required a complete renovation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由于我们的诊所成立于1996年,我们的服务范围已经扩大到包括LASIK,ICL,白内障手术,角膜移植,眼睑手术,眼底激光和其他治疗。 compareclinic.com | Since our clinic was established in 1996, our range of services has [...] expanded to include LASIK, ICL, cataract surgery, corneal [...] transplants, eyelid surgery, retinallaserand other [...]treatments. compareclinic.com |
设计精美的客房可将周边美景尽收眼底,内设万豪 Revive 床上用品、液晶电视、免费高速上网接入、会议设施和豪华的大理石浴室等,商务休闲两相宜。 marriott.com.cn | Smartly designed guests rooms offer great views, Marriott Revive bedding, LCD TV, complimentary high-speed connectivity in all guestrooms as well as meeting facility, and a luxurious marble bathroom. marriott.co.uk |
秘书长认为,现行做法的替代办法,即为应计的离职后健康保险福利 部分或全额供资,将使:(a)眼下和未来的费用得以解决;(b) 费用得到 更好地匹配,从而使福利费用计在接受雇员提供服务时期的预算下;(c) 对会员国长期缴款的要求得以减少,因为投资收益开始补充预算;(d) 无 供资的离职后健康保险债务的增长得到遏制,使之不会变成联合国的一 项更沉重的负债(同上,第 45 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General believes that the alternatives to the current approach, namely, partially or fully funding the after-service health insurance liabilities as they accrue, would (a ) address both immediate and future costs; (b ) enhance the alignment of costs so that the costs of the benefits are incurred under the budgets receiving the services from the employees; (c ) reduce the long-term contribution requirements by Member States as investment earnings begin to supplement budgets; and (d ) contain the growth of unfunded after-service health insurance obligations from becoming a greater liability on the United Nations (ibid., para. 45). daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,缔约国得出结论,她那些似是而非,含糊其词的言词,不可置信,而她所谓眼下从事政治活动的说法无可信之处。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party therefore concludes that her testimony, which remains vague and unclear, is implausible and that her claim of current political activity is not credible. daccess-ods.un.org |
眼下本案与将某人送回可能遭酷刑之地的案例毫不相关。对于典型的案例,遣送发生之际 才有可能出现违约现象的属时原因是符合逻辑的思维,因为违约取决于当事人是 否被遣送回去的情况下才存在。 daccess-ods.un.org | The currentcase does not have anything to do with possible cases of deportation to a place where a person might be tortured; in that type of case, it is logical to consider ratione temporis the possible violation at the moment that the ordered deportation occurs, since the violation depends on the circumstances that exist in the country to which the person is sent. daccess-ods.un.org |
有意见认为眼下的问题性质复杂,需要拨出充足的时间加以审议,这样才 能做出旨在实现长期解决方案的慎重决定,并且应在必要时重新考虑工作组的 预期工作时间表。 daccess-ods.un.org | The view was expressed that the complex nature of the issues at ha nd necessitated the allotment of sufficient time for deliberations, so that measured decisions aiming at long-term solutions could be taken and that the envisioned schedule for the work of the Working Group should be revisited, as necessary. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿尔及利亚作为文件 S/2011/24 所载的决议草案 的提案国,敦促安全理事会 15 个成员应对眼下的挑战,确保及时通过该决议草案。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a sponsor of the draft resolution contained in document S/2011/24, Algeria urges the 15 members of the Security Council to step up to the challenge at stake and to ensure its timely adoption. daccess-ods.un.org |
眼下的问题是,如何在冲突后和危机局势中推动执 行任务规定和承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | The question now ishow to [...] advance the implementation of the mandates and commitments in post-conflict and crisis situations. daccess-ods.un.org |
从底下横越海底隧道的横越处,在南面受到警官俱乐 部地基限制,在北面亦受到海底隧道出入口结构限制(如 [...] 上文指出,若再向北移至海底隧道出入口结构区以外,将 会对海底隧道造成高至不能接受的损害风险)。 devb.gov.hk | Thecrossing under the CrossHarbour [...] Tunnel is restricted southwards by the foundations of the Police Officers’ Club and [...]northwards by the extent of the Cross Harbour Tunnel portal structure (crossing any further north, beyond the zone of the Cross Harbour Tunnel portal structure, would result in unacceptably high risk of damage to the Cross Harbour Tunnel). devb.gov.hk |
接下来的世界本身是各种位于 - [...] 在地球上,在天空,在太阳或月亮 - 但最常用的地底下,而导致的生活设想,有一个沉闷和影子,或多或少存在着要么无能,或作为一个世俗的追求和对生活的乐趣更高或理想化形式活跃的延续。 mb-soft.com | The next world itself is variously located -- on the earth, [...] in the skies, in the sun or moon -- but [...] most commonly under theearth; while the [...]life led there is conceived either as a [...]dull and shadowy and more or less impotent existence, or as an active continuation in a higher or idealized form of the pursuits and pleasures of earthly life. mb-soft.com |
解放斗争在痛苦中催生出今天的非洲,虽然我们有一千零一个理由抱怨命运 不公,但我们也承认,手拿武器夺取或是私底下赐予的这份自由,为所有人开辟 了新的天地。 daccess-ods.un.org | The liberation struggles have painfully brought forth the Africa of today, and despite the myriad reasons that we have to bemoan our fate, we recognize that this freedom, whether achieved through armed struggle or granted in a duplicitous way, has opened up new horizons for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
强烈主张当局有责任保护该国人民,在国家当局未能这样做时,承担 这一责任,并呼吁奉行“人民第一”,而不是眼下的“军事第一”政策,以平等 发展程序,粮援及粮食安全作为补充,同时适当尊重“不进入,无粮援”原则, 再加上充分的监督 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) To advocate strongly for the responsibility of the authorities to protect the people of the country, taking on that responsibility should the national authorities fail to do so, and to call for a “people first” rather than the current “military first” policy, complemented by an equitable development process, food aid and food security, with due respect for the principle of “no access, no food”, coupled with adequate monitoring daccess-ods.un.org |