

单词 眼不见为净

See also:


right away

External sources (not reviewed)

在喷漆的前道环节:如冲压车间或组装车间,因不可避免的原因,会导致如凹点,凸点,坑等表面缺陷;这些缺陷,在车体钣金件喷漆前 为 肉 眼不 可 见。
Even inevitable disturbances at the early production stages prior to applying the paint work (e.g. in the press shop or body shop) may cause
defects such as dents, bumps, sink marks, etc.
[...] which might not be visible to the eye while the vehicle [...]
is still unpainted.
两法庭 2010-2011 年订正批款 总为毛额 578 315 900 美元(净额 525 414 900 美元)(见大会第 65/252 和 65/253 号决议)。
The revised appropriations for
the two Tribunals for 2010-2011
[...] total $578,315,900 gross ($525,414,900 net) (see General Assembly resolutions 65/252 and 65/253).
今天不是我亲眼见到这浩瀚无边的北海,我还会 为 黄 河 是天下无比的呢!那样,岂不是被有见识的人永远笑话了!
If I had not come to your gate, I should have been in danger of continuing in my ignorance, [...]
and been laughed at for long by sensible people.
这种净持久的眼影采 用秋日最时尚的颜色 为 您 的双眸增添光彩。
Pure, lasting eyeshadows shade, define, highlight and line in fall’s most fashionable colors.
这 毋庸置疑的提升了波兰的国际形象, 为大 家亲眼见证我们成为了经 济迅速发展并有着 稳定法律基础的国家。
This undoubtedly improves the global image
[...] of Poland, because we are now seen as partners with a strongly [...]
growing economy and stable legal rules.
秘书为上文第 1 段所述 3 项任务提出的 2010 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日期间所需追加资源毛额 1 045 100 美元 (净额 1 044 000 美元)(见 A/64/349/Add.6)。
The Secretary-General proposed additional requirements for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2010 in the amount of $1,045,100 gross ($1,044,000 net) for the three missions indicated in paragraph 1 above (see A/64/349/Add.6).
在塞浦路斯,普遍管辖权适用于:(a) 《刑法》所列的某些犯罪行为,如海
盗行为(见表 1);根据有约束力的国际公约或条约适用塞浦路斯法律惩罚的罪行;
[...] 目标针对塞浦路斯境内的不动产、犯罪要件之一是某种作为 不 作 为 的 犯罪 行为 (见表 1 );(b) 具体立法所针对的某些罪行,如《国际刑事法院罗马规约》所列 [...]
的罪行(见表 2)。
Universal jurisdiction is applicable in Cyprus: (a) by virtue of the Criminal Code to certain prescribed crimes, such as piracy (see table 1), to offences for which the laws of Cyprus are applicable by virtue of any binding international convention or treaty; and to offences whose one constituent element is an act or omission, the
object of which is immovable
[...] property situated in Cyprus (see table 1); (b) by virtue of [...]
specific legislation on certain
offences, such as crimes under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (see table 2).
十一.2 秘书长为第 34 款请拨的所需资源在重计费用为 63 916 100 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期订正批净增加 3 589 300 美元(5.9%)(见 A/66/6(Sect.34), 表 34.3)。
XI.2 Regular budget resources requested by the Secretary-General for section 34 amount to
$63,916,100 before recosting,
[...] reflecting a net increase of $3,589,300, or 5.9 per cent, over the revised appropriation for the biennium 2010-2011 (see A/66/6 (Sect. 34), [...]
table 34.3).
缺少的根本要素是要找出克服流行的、误导人的看法,克服那种认为儿童自由的、自发 的游戏是无聊的和无足轻重的的看法,和克服那种 为 成 人结构化的、相对 净 的 、 不 鼓励 人的、标准化的干预能满足儿童内在的户外游戏需要的看法。
The fundamental missing element is finding ways to counter the popular, misguided sentiments that children’s free, spontaneous play is frivolous and unimportant and that structured, relatively sterile, uninspiring, standards-based interference by adults can serve the inherent outdoor play needs of children.
关于导致出净增的若 干因素,见预算文件第 29F.7 段。
The net increase is attributable to a number of factors explained in detail in paragraph 29F.7 of the budget [...]
见认为眼下的 问题性质复杂,需要拨出充足的时间加以审议,这样才 能做出旨在实现长期解决方案的慎重决定,并且应在必要时重新考虑工作组的 [...]
The view was expressed that the complex nature of the issues [...]
at ha nd necessitated the allotment of sufficient time for
deliberations, so that measured decisions aiming at long-term solutions could be taken and that the envisioned schedule for the work of the Working Group should be revisited, as necessary.
眼见巴勒 斯坦儿童被压在瓦砾之下和被以色列的战争机器灼伤 不 予 制止 的人不会得 到子孙后代的原谅,子孙后代将追究他们对这场惨剧的责任,为 他们 没有强力采取解决办法,为巴勒斯坦儿童提供应受到的保护。
Future generations will not forgive those who watched Palestinian children crushed under the rubble and burned by Israel’s war machine and will hold them responsible for this tragedy for not enforcing a solution that [...]
provides them with
the protection they are entitled to.
该亚摩兰,作为董事和这些院校的成员被 为 ( 见 阿 莫 拉),成为了犹太法典的发起人,而且它最终节录标志着以同样的方式结束了amoraic倍说,该tannaim期由完成该米示拿一样的mishnah的犹大一编译,犹太法 不 是 一个作者或多个作者的工作,但对许多世代,他们的辛劳终于在一书在其独特的模式导致了集体劳动的结果发展。
The Amoraim, as the directors and members of these academies were called ( see Amora), became the originators of the Talmud; and its final redaction marked the end of the amoraic times in the same way that the period of the Tannaim was concluded by [...]
the compilation of the Mishnah of Judah
I. Like the Mishnah, the Talmud was not the work of one author or of several authors, but was the result of the collective labors of many successive generations, whose toil finally resulted in a book unique in its mode of development.
脑部将这不等性解读为所见物体 的深度感觉,而产生立体视觉;距离越远,则立体视觉消失,这是因 眼 睛 的 视轴几乎平行,脑部接受来自两眼的影像几乎没有差异;对于远的物体,大脑使用其它可获得的视觉暗示而产生深度感觉;我们可能注意到很多其它动物,例如鸽子、兔子和大多数的鱼,有全景的视力,它们的眼睛是在它们的头上,两眼之间的小重迭使其拥有非常广阔的视野,这使得它们不会有立体视觉。
At greater distances the sense of stereoscopic vision is lost because the eyes’ visual axes are essentially parallel and the brain perceives no difference between the images in each eye.
(b) 加添新的(b)项,案文如下:“如法官任期超过九年以上,其超过九年以
[...] 上的任期每多一个月即可多得三百分之一的退休金,退休金最高 为 年 薪 净额 (不包括 工作地点差价调整数)的三分之二。
(b) A new subparagraph (b) is inserted, which reads as follows: “If the member has served for more than nine years, he/she shall receive one threehundredth of his or her retirement benefit for each
further month beyond nine years, up to a maximum pension of two thirds
[...] of the amount of the annual net base salary (excluding [...]
post adjustment)
他作为亲善大使的第一份工作是访问联合国儿童基金会于哥本哈根的供应司, 眼见 到 了 基金 为 帮 助 150万南亚受海啸影响的儿童所开展的重要工作。
Within days of his appointment, Mr.
Beckham travelled to UNICEF’s Supply
[...] Division in Copenhagen to see the crucial work being done [...]
to aid children affected by the
devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
根据 2007 年 6 月 22 日第五不限成员名额非正式协商会议经协商一致核 可的订正提案,2008-2009 两年期经常概为净支出154,623,038 欧元,其中包 括为执行《国际公共部门会计准则》而预拨的经费。
In accordance with the revised proposal endorsed by consensus at the fifth meeting of the open-ended informal
[...] consultation on 22 June 2007, the regular budget estimates for the biennium 2008-2009 will consist of net expenditures of €154,623,038, including provisions [...]
for the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
用户只要简单按下控制器上的“开火”按钮,便可以朝着对方的飞行器发射 眼 看 不见 的 红外线光束,只要对方的Bladestar飞行器总共被击中三次便会被击落。
A simple press of the "fire" button on the controller enables users to fire invisible infrared beams at an opponent's flyer - a total of three hits will knock the player's Bladestar flyer from the skies.
会议商定,关于串通问题的论述应当包括以下各点:(a)串通是在两个 或多个供应商或承包商、或者在一个或多个供应商或承包商与采购实体联手操
[...] 格,人为地将价格保持在高位,也可能影响到提交书的其他方面(如所提议的 质量);另外,串通可能涉及相互约定瓜分市场,人为哄抬价格或者人为地造成 提交书其他方面发生扭曲,串通还可能涉及相互约定不递交提交书,或以其他 方式使公平竞争发生扭曲;(c)串通 为 可 能 违反有关国家的法律;(d)串通涉及 有关各方串谋的意图;(e)采购实体的代表卷入串通的事情 见不 鲜。
It was agreed that the discussion of collusion should include the following elements: (a) collusion occurs where two or more suppliers or contractors, or one or more supplier(s) or contractor(s) and the procuring entity, work in tandem to manipulate the market in a way detrimental to obtaining an optimal outcome in the given procurement; (b) the manipulation might affect the price, keeping it artificially high, or other elements of a submission (such as the quality offered); alternatively, it could involve an agreement to share the market by artificially inflating prices or artificially distorting other elements of a submission, or an agreement not to present submissions or otherwise to distort fair competition; (c) collusion would probably violate the law of
the State; (d)
[...] collusion involved the intention of the parties concerned to collude; and (e) the complicity of representatives of the procuring entity in collusion was not uncommon.
这一做法 也揭示了性别内歧视和不平等的关键方面,然而在迄 为 止 的 努力 不见 其踪 影,为应对 暴力的举措将所有妇女都一视同仁毫无差别。
This approach also reveals critical aspects of intra-gender discrimination and inequality, which up until now have been invisible in efforts to treat all women homogenously in the responses to violence.
更加令人惊诧的是,委员会 受理的绝大多数指控均来自于所谓的非政府组织,其总部位于“第一世界”的首 都,它们手持放大镜审视发展中国家,却对自己周围发生的事情视 不 见 , 正所 谓“只见邻眼中的稻草,不见自 己 眼 中 的 大梁”。
Even more surprising is that the overwhelming majority of the allegations which the Committee receives comes from so-called nongovernmental organizations based in the capitals
of the First World,
[...] which scrutinize developing countries, and do not see what is going on in their immediate environment.
答:如果只是佩带,那么我建议购买SI级别的钻石, 为净 度 是 肉 眼 最 不 容 易 发现的特征,一颗1克拉以下的钻石,SI和VS和VVS级戴在手上是感觉不出净度,但能感觉出大小,颜色和切工的。
A:If you only wear, then I recommend buying diamonds SI
[...] level, because the visual clarity is not easy to find the best features [...]
of a 1 carat diamond below,
SI and VS and VVS grade is worn on the hands not feel the purity, but could feel the size, color and cut workers.
不是想伟大的设计师们让时装 为眼 睛 和 身体的魅力(写的人自然是一个过去或当代的伟大设计师的粉丝),但我们永远不会厌倦去记住一个依然徒劳没有质量的作品,自我归咎于生命的短暂。
We do not want the big fashion designers who make of fashion a poem for the eyes and the body [...]
(the writer is obviously a
fan of the greatest, past and contemporary, designers), but we will never be  tired to remind them that creativity without implementation remains a self-referred and short-lived, futile exercise.
所需额外经费目前估为 129 341 800 美元,其中 8 700 000 美元可以通过重新优先安排利用现有 2009/10 年期间核定资源来提供,所需额外经 净额 120 641 800 美元(见表)。
The additional requirements are currently
estimated at
[...] $129,341,800, of which $8,700,000 can be accommodated through reprioritization of the utilization of currently approved resources for 2009/10, resulting in net additional requirements of $120,641,800 (see table).
海关命令》第 115 节规定,海关官员可在陆地或领水扣押有合理理由怀疑 违反此项命令或违反此项命令的任何规定,或违反所发给的执照或许可证的任何 限制或条件的所有犯罪货物,连同扣押任何容器、包装、运送工具、运载这些货 物或其用途与此犯罪或违规为有关联的船舶(注 净 吨 位 不 超过 200 吨)或飞 机以及有合理理由认为与此案有联系的任何簿册或单据。
provides that an officer of customs may, in any place either on land or in territorial waters, seize all goods in respect of which there has been or there is a reasonable cause to suspect that an offence has been committed against this Order or any breach of provision of the Order, or of any restriction or condition imposed on any licence or permit which has been granted, together with any receptacle, package, conveyance, vessel not exceeding 200 tons net registered tonnage, or aircraft, in which the same may have been found or which has been used in connection with such offence or breach, and any book or document which may reasonably be believed to have a bearing on the case.
在 5%的无风险利率基础上,图 45 中显示利用 100 期网格计算出的战略值为 2767 万美元,为净现值为 1500 万( 1 亿-500 万-8500 万),这 意 味着延迟投资和等待信息成熟不确 定 性明朗的战略期权的价值为 1267 万美元。
At a 5% risk-free rate, the strategic value is calculated at $27.67 as
seen in Figure 45
[...] using a 100-step lattice, which means that the strategic option value of being able to defer investments and to wait and see until more information [...]
becomes available
and uncertainties become resolved is worth $12.67M because the NPV is worth $15M ($100M – $5M – $85M).
不涌时是一弘清见底、明净如镜 、池底由地下喷出的含硅物质凝结成的五彩缤纷或蔚蓝或橙红的底面;涌泉开始喷涌前,先从池底冉冉轻烟飘渺而上,犹如美女的面纱,渐渐地池中喷出水泡,池面掀起涟漪,轻烟也渐成浓雾,直至池水达到沸点,突然水声澎湃、水花乱溅,几十道晶莹漱艳的水柱,此起彼落地射向崆穹,如银色的烟花,在空中不断爆炸,令人 为 观 止!
Philip Chung is not crystal clear when, bright and clean as a mirror, the bottom of the silicon material ejected from the ground condenses into a colorful or blue or orange-red underside; springs start spewing before the start on the bottom and slowly smoke misty as if the veil of beauty, spray pool gradually blisters, pool deck set off ripples, smoke gradually became thick fog, until the water reached boiling point, a sudden sound of surging water, spray splashing chaos, dozens of brilliant [...] [...]
crystal clear rinse water column, after another to fired Kong Mountain dome, such as silver fireworks exploded in the air constantly, amazing!




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