单词 | 真面目 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 真面目—true identityless common: true colors Examples:不识庐山真面目—lit. not know the true face of Lushan Mountain fig. can't see the forest for the trees See also:面目n—lookn appearancen 面目—facial features
书中写道:“不料声明甫播出, 却为学生作了免费而功效弘大的宣传,为看看这个‘甚麽女神像’的庐山真面目,广场再次聚集数十万之众。 legco.gov.hk | It is written in the book that "the issue of the notice had unexpectedly become a free round of effective propaganda for the statue [...] among students who [...] swarmed tothe Square totake a look at what this "statue of a so-and-so Goddess" is like, thus throngingthe Square withhundreds [...]of thousand people again. legco.gov.hk |
撇开这神秘感,我们就可以看到行政局的真面目:是㆒群就近、 有点随意挑选、但不合时宜的兼职顾问。 legco.gov.hk | Ignore the mystique, and we can see the Executive [...] Council for whatit really is:aconvenient [...]but anachronistic group of somewhat randomly selected, part-time advisers. legco.gov.hk |
但我 意想不到,今日陆恭蕙议员就像㆒个㆝真的女孩,问了㆒个㆝真的问题,却揭露了很 多事情,揭露了立法局内同事的真面目。 legco.gov.hk | Yet, it is beyond my expectation that an innocent question betokening almost girlish innocence raised [...] by Miss Christine LOH today has laid bare many things [...] and showed the truecolours of Members of [...]the Legislative Council. legco.gov.hk |
我们现时的污水问题这样严重,显示推出 「污染者自付原则」目标概念背後的真面目,就是政府最关注的是财政,而非效率。 legco.gov.hk | That our sewage problem is now [...] critical indicates the truecolour behind the concept of thepurpose of[...]introducing "polluters pay principle" [...]— which is finance, not efficiency, that the Government is concerned about. legco.gov.hk |
这是目前共产党的真 面目,亦是香港㆟到了今时今日仍担心共产党、害怕共产党的原因。 legco.gov.hk | Thisis the “truecolours”of the CCP and [...] this also explains why, even now, the people of Hong Kong are still wary of the [...]CCP and why they are scared of the CCP. legco.gov.hk |
如果我们有方 法认清楚特首参选人的真面目而不加以利用,不替香港市民查找真 相,及早避免凡此种种的情况,那麽我们不单愧对自己、愧对港人, [...] 亦愧对下一代。 legco.gov.hk | If we have a means to learn [...] clearlyabout the trueface of a ChiefExecutive [...]candidate but does not make use of it and refuse [...]to find out the truth for the Hong Kong public, so as to avoid all such instances at an early stage, not only would we fail to meet our own expectations, we would also fail to meet the expectations of Hong Kong people and the next generation. legco.gov.hk |
周梁淑怡议员是次动议充分反映出自由党『只顾经济主导,何必关注民生』 [...] 的㆒贯作风,更彻底暴露官商勾结以保奸商利益,携手扼杀妇女平等就业机会的真面目。legco.gov.hk | The motion moved by Mrs Selina CHOW has fully shown the consistent stand of the Liberal Party to "care only about economic growth and not the people's livelihood". It has also thoroughly exposed the true picture of collusion between the Government and businessmen to [...] protect the interests of these wicked businessmen and [...] how theyjoin hands to deprive women [...]of equal opportunity of employment. legco.gov.hk |
我很希望市民能够认清这 些议员的真面目。 legco.gov.hk | I very much hope that members of the [...] public can seethe true facesof these Members [...]clearly. legco.gov.hk |
因此,以色列露出 了它的真面目,要欲使其有系统的侵略、种族主义和 扩张主义持久存在,并不顾所有人的呼吁,拒绝和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, Israel showsits true face, perpetuating [...] its systemic aggression, racism, expansionism and rejection of peace in defiance of all those calling for it. daccess-ods.un.org |
但刚才陈伟业议员将关注妇女就业权益联委会立场书的声明整篇读 出,其㆗包括「彻底暴露官商勾结,以保奸商利益,携手扼杀妇女平等就业机会真面 目」等字眼。 legco.gov.hk | However, the Honourable Albert CHAN just read out the entire Statement of Standpoint lodged by the Joint Committee on Concern for Women Employment Right: "... exposed the true picture of collusion between the Government and businessmen to [...] protect the interests of these wicked businessmen and how [...] they join hands todeprive women of equal opportunity [...]of employment. legco.gov.hk |
但是, 既 然 面 试 有 其 必要性 , 我们亦不会 加 以 禁止, 而只是希望学生能以真面目示人,这样才能 达到教改的目 的 。 legco.gov.hk | We only hope that students [...] would present theirtrue selves at the interviews forthe objective ofthe education [...]reform could only be thus achieved. legco.gov.hk |
潘佩璆议员:主席,上星期三,一项根据《公共财政条例》动议的临 [...] 时拨款决议案在议会中被否决,这让议会上了一课,亦可能让政府上 了一课,但同时也告诉了我们,某些议员的真面目是怎 样的。 legco.gov.hk | DR PAN PEY-CHYOU (in Cantonese): President, last Wednesday, the Vote on Accounts Resolution under the Public Finance Ordinance was negatived in the legislature. The legislature has learnt a [...] lesson from this and perhaps so has the Government, but at the same time, it [...] also shows us thetrue faces ofsome Members. legco.gov.hk |
我希 望政府官员能透过今次机会,再次认清香港社会的真面目,拿出诚意 和决心,让我们这个两极化的社会更趋公平。 legco.gov.hk | I hope this motion debate provides an opportunity for [...] government officials to get a clear [...] understandingof the true picture of our society, [...]I also hope that they will show us their [...]sincerity and determination to make our polarized society fairer. legco.gov.hk |
重要的是阿拉伯国家统一立场,加强阿拉伯国家联盟的作用,采取行动,掌 握科学知识,确保购置保护免受大规模杀伤性武器伤害的必要设备;它们还 要继续努力揭露以色列不加入国际公约的 真面目 daccess-ods.un.org | It is essential to unify the Arab position, step up the role of the League of Arab States and take action to acquire scientific knowledge and secure the necessary equipment for protection against weapons of mass destruction; it [...] is also vital to continue [...] the effortsto showup Israelas a State that is not a party [...]tothe international conventions daccess-ods.un.org |
在此之前的两年,我曾被派往英国进行 为期两周的考察,以了解货柜的真面目和观察货柜码头的运作实况。 legco.gov.hk | Only two years before that, I had been sent to the United Kingdom for two weeks to see what containers looked like and to observe how container terminals operated. legco.gov.hk |
因此,以色列在国际社会面前暴露了它的真面目。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, itshows itstrue face to the international community, which we have been trying to expose for decades. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,在占领后不久,人民认清了该政权的真面目,在铁托元帅的领导下,早在占领的两个半月之后, [...] 从 1941 年 6 月开始,组织了抵抗运动。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, very soon after the occupation, the [...] population recognizedthe true nature ofthe regime [...]and organized the resistance movement, [...]which, under the leadership of Marshal Tito, began as early as June 1941, two and a half months after the occupation. daccess-ods.un.org |
本㆟不 [...] 禁要问,既然商㆟可以成功透过电影、电视、漫画塑造黑社会的英雄形象,我们高 质素的政府为何不能同样㆞利用这些媒介,揭开犯罪活动和黑社会的真面目呢?legco.gov.hk | I cannot help but ask, if businessmen can successfully portrait heroic images of the triads through movies, television and comics, why cannot our [...] high-quality Government make use of the same [...] media to reveal the truefeatures of criminal [...]activities and the triad society? legco.gov.hk |
只有当参观者登上屋顶平台后,保护区的真面目才终于全部展开。 chinese-architects.com | Only after the visitors climb onto the roofdeck, the scenery of the reserve fully reveals itself to them. chinese-architects.com |
美 国经常 [...] 挥 舞 “ 人权"大棒 , 到 处打人,今次为了石 油 而 发 动 战 争 , 完 全 漠 视 伊 拉 克 的国家主权和平民百姓的人权,彻底暴 露 了其霸 权主义的真 面 目。legco.gov.hk | Flaunting the banner of human rights, the United States frequently bullies other countries. It has started a [...] war for the oil interest this [...] time around, intotal neglectof the sovereignty of Iraq and the human rights of the Iraqis. legco.gov.hk |
一旦我们能鼓起勇气承担自己的经验,看到这些经验的真面目,感 觉它 们,我们自然能够恢复自己的生命蓝图。 avatarepc.com | When we summon the courage to take ownership of our experiences, to see themjust asthey are, to feel them, we will recover the blueprints of our lives. avatarepc.com |
草案能够将黑社会丑陋的真面目暴露出来,他们涉及的形形种种活动,在草案附 表 1 及 2 清楚列明。 legco.gov.hk | The White Bill can actually reveal the seamy side of the triads and the various kinds of activities, which are listed in Schedules 1 and 2, which they engage in. legco.gov.hk |
他们说这些话, [...] 要是出於误解,就反映了他们浅薄的政治识见;但若是出於刻意扭曲的话,则暴露了他们 对民主的真面目,在声称维护港㆟利益的背後,其实对民意毫不尊重。 legco.gov.hk | If based on deliberate distortion, they reveal the speakers' genuine views towards democracy: Behind their statements paying [...] lip service to the rights of the people of Hong Kong, they [...] in facthave no regard for the wishes [...]of these people at all. legco.gov.hk |
我却认为这次只不过是㆒个化 装舞会,没有㆒个㆟是以真面目见㆟。 legco.gov.hk | But I think it is only a fancy dress party where everyone is not quite what they seem. legco.gov.hk |
你投诉了,收到的回信却没有详 细告知结论为何,只告诉你一个分类及分类的原因,甚麽支持的资料、证据 和对比是完全无从得知的,这便是现有制度的真面目了。 legco.gov.hk | Except for the classification and the reasons for such classification, he would absolutely not be informed of any supporting information, evidence and comparisons. legco.gov.hk |
随后,他对 [...] “促进和保护人权分委员会”所采取的行动表示欢迎,认为这是为恢复历史真面目所作的一 项重要的补充,因该行动旨在提请“国际社会注意大规模和明目张胆地侵犯人权的案件,因 [...]为这些案件可被视为反人类罪,而且无视奴隶制、殖民主义和各种征服性战争给世界上许多 [...]人造成的巨大苦痛,迄今未受到惩罚”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He then welcomed as an indispensable complement to the restitution [...] of the historical truththe initiative of [...]the SubCommission on the Promotion and [...]Protection of Human Rights to draw the “attention of the international community to the cases of massive and flagrant violations of human rights which should be considered as crimes against humanity and which have, to date, benefited from impunity, in spite of the tragic suffering which slavery, colonialism and wars of conquest have inflicted on numerous peoples of the world”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
对於这次的不幸事件,我希望全港市民真的要擦亮眼睛,看清楚 那些政党及议员的真面目,看 清楚他们是否“说一套、做一套”, [...] “口 一套、心一套”, “明一套、暗一套”。 legco.gov.hk | This isall very unfortunate. I hope all the people of Hong Kong can see [...] clearly the true face ofthesepolitical [...]parties and Members. legco.gov.hk |
不能指望美国 能够说出其军事项目的真相,因为美国将不得不面对它对遭受核爆炸影响的国家所负的责任,特别是 在美国正在努力从大气中清除辐射,使其落在地面 上的时候。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United States could not be [...] trusted to tell the truth aboutits militaryprojects becauseit would have to faceits responsibilities [...]towards countries [...]affected by nuclear explosions, especially when it was working to remove radiation from the atmosphere and let it fall to Earth. daccess-ods.un.org |
项目厅指出,它认真看待对其已改进的系统控制进行监测和管理,并表示 注意到本组织在项目存在期间对项目的管理和监测方面努力做到不断改进。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNOPS statedthat it takes the monitoring and management of its improved systems controlsseriously,and that it is mindful of the continuous improvements that the Organization strives to achieve in the management and monitoring ofits projects throughout [...] their life cycle. daccess-ods.un.org |
在面粉机上使用新的技术,可以提高我们的教学水平,提高对行业专家的培训水平,这真是太 好了!”副主任和国际谷物项 目面粉磨制课程管理人员Mark Fowler说道。 foss.cn | It is always great to have new technology in the flour mill to enhance our teaching for our students and industry professionals who come to Kansas State for training,” said Mark Fowler, associate director and flour milling curricula manager for the International Grains Program. foss.us |