

单词 真金不怕火炼

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External sources (not reviewed)

副主席先生,說到「明刀明槍」,如是 真金不怕 紅 爐 火 」 , 我們沒有欺諞㆟,又 何懼公開諮詢之有?
Mr Deputy President, as regards being open and
above board, since we have cheated
[...] nobody, why should we be afraid to consult the public [...]
if a good anvil really does not fear the hammer.
复活将占据五十七年,并将由一般的判断,从邪恶的分离善,两者通过一 炼 狱 火 刚 刚 gentle,其次为罪人 怕 , 但导致恢复所有。
The resurrection will occupy fifty-seven years and will be followed by the general judgement, the separation of the good from the wicked,
and the passing of both
[...] through a purgatorial fire gentle for the just, terrible for sinners, but [...]
leading to the restoration of all.
調查結果反而會有利銀行向外界宣示 真金不怕 洪 爐 火 ” , 對銀行的商譽 應有正面的作用。
This should have a positive impact on the banks' reputation.
真金不怕紅爐火,我 堅信政府和有關人士亦都會在過程中得 到合理的對待。
As the saying goes, "real gold fears no fire". I firmly believe [...]
that the Government and the persons concerned will be treated reasonably in the process.
正所真金不怕洪爐火,如 果大家,特別是銀行界、政府官員及監 管機構,過去所做的事完全沒有問題,完全可以公開的,為何不讓我們 調查呢?
We often say that a person of integrity can stand severe tests; if everybody, the banking sector [...]
in particular, government
officials and regulatory bodies in particular, have not done anything problematic and can disclose everything, why do they not allow an investigation?
如果政府這項方案真的是一項有進步的方案 真金 是 不 會 怕 紅 爐火 的。
If this package is really a progressive one, it [...]
can stand up to the test.
徹頭徹尾的污蔑,也是一種不負責任的說法 真金不怕 紅 爐
As the saying goes, real gold fears not the test of furnace fire.
超音波清洗方式可用来清金属炼带 ,但 并 不 建 议用其清洗表面以防止您的ORIS密封垫片受损或影响防水功能。
Ultrasonic cleaning can
[...] be used for metal bracelets but is not recommended for [...]
watch heads as gaskets may get damaged and
affect the water resistance of your ORIS.
所 謂真 金 不 怕 紅 爐 火 ”,只 要 自問“行 得 正、企 得 正”, 並 不 是 透過不 正當的經營 [...]
手 法 謀 利,根本 不 用 懼 怕 訂 立 公 平 競 爭 法 。
Genuine gold fears not red furnace fire" goes the saying. [...]
Tell yourself to "walk upright; stand upright", not through foul
play for gain, and fear not a law for fair play.
第 4 节概述头 5 年的勘探方案和日期表,汤加近海采矿有限公司工作计划目 标是:(a) 确定加工和回收多金属结核中的镍、钴、铜和锰的最有效且在环境上 可以接受的方法;确定在销售成品中以什么形式报告这些金属及其有关的基本建 设费用和生产费用;(b) 决定在尽不损害环境的情况下,从海底回收物质的最 佳方式及其有关的基本建设费用和生产费用;(c) 确定进行有经济效益的炼要 求多金属结 核中有什么品级的镍、钴、铜和锰,并且通过勘探确定合同区内可以 确认和界定的这种物质的数量和质地。
The objectives of Tonga Offshore Mining’s plan of work are to: (a) determine the most efficient and environmentally acceptable method to process and recover nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese from the polymetallic nodules, and define in what form these metals would report in a final product for sale, as well as the related capital and operating costs; (b) decide upon the optimum method to recover the material to surface with the minimum of environmental disturbance, as well as the related capital and operating costs; and (c) define what grade of nickel, cobalt, copper and manganese is required in the polymetallic nodules for economic extraction, and determine through exploration what quantity and density of such material can be identified and delineated in the contract area.
黃議員認為,若某人所 言屬實,即使沒有《立法會(權力及特權)條例》 的保障,不應害怕說出真相。
Mr WONG opined that if one was telling the truth,
[...] one should not be afraid to speak out even [...]
without the protection under the P&P Ordinance.
与此同时, 在未采用这种可追溯性系统的南北基伍和马涅马,矿物生产和官方出口有所下降, 因为,要获得不涉及冲突”炼厂 地 位的 炼 厂 和 冶炼厂称,它们自 2011 年 4 月1日起,将只从警示地区购买有锡矿供应链倡议制度标记的材料(见S/2011/738, 第 339 段)。
Meanwhile, in the Kivus and Maniema, where no such traceability systems were introduced, mineral production and official exports have fallen since refineries and smelters seeking conflict-free smelter status stated that from 1 April 2011 onwards they would buy material from red-flag locations only if tagged under the ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative scheme (see S/2011/738, para. 339).
金属软管的材质为1.4541不锈钢 ,并 真 空 退 火 处 理
These metallic hoses are made of 1.4541 stainless steel and are vacuum annealed.
另外还有九名发言者的论文着重讨论了 1970 年代 和 1980 年代所开发采矿技术的分析,1970 年代和 1980 年代所制定的示范采矿单 位;过去为深海采矿而确定的项目经济意义和成本模式;先驱制度所依据的经济、 技术考虑因素以及国际海底管理局的规章;可能把空间程序应用于深海海底采 矿;多金属结核采矿提升系统的状况;红土镍矿 炼 的 进展以及可能适用 金属 结炼的情况;针对金属硫 化物的技术开发以及可能适用结核采矿的情况; 以及用于石油及天然气的立管技术进展以及可能适用于结核采矿的情况。
There were also nine other presenters, whose papers focused on an analysis of mining technologies developed in the 1970s and 1980s and model mining units envisaged in the 1970s and 1980s; project economics and cost models that had been developed in the past for deep seabed mining; the economic and technical considerations underpinning the pioneer regime and the Authority’s regulations; possible use of space applications for deep seabed mining; the status of lift systems for polymetallic nodule mining; advances in nickel laterite processing and possible applications to polymetallic nodule processing; technology development for polymetallic sulphides and possible applications to nodule mining; and advances in riser technology for oil and gas and possible applications to nodule mining.
提供给总统府办公室的其他非官方 金 主 要 来自以下各方:科特迪瓦海关 署以“回扣”形式提供的在科特迪瓦海港阿比让和圣佩德罗港获得的关税“折扣”, 国家官方彩票机构,科特迪炼油公司( Société ivoirienne de raffinage)以 及科特迪瓦咖啡可可豆业管理委员会(Comité de Gestion de la Filière Café Cacao)。
Other unofficial funds supplied to the office of the Presidency were derived mainly from the Ivorian customs agency in the form of “kickbacks” from customs tax “discounts” at the seaports of Abidjan and San Pedro, the official national lottery, the Ivorian oil refinery company (Société ivoirienne [...]
de raffinage), and the Ivorian management agency
for cocoa and coffee (Comité de gestion de la filière café cacao).
不願 改善生金 的 真正原因 ,相 信還是楊局長一 再 強 調 的財政持 續 能力的 考慮,怕 增加生 果 金 會 增加公 共 開支, 引 致 高 額 的財政赤 字 。
The real reason behind the Government's refusal to improve on the fruit grant is believed to be the factor of financial sustainability which Dr YEOH, [...]
the Secretary for
Health and Welfare, has stated repeatedly.
我想問局長,鑒於強積金基本上存在很多問題,並涉及很複雜的 處理方法,當局會否在強積金的檢討過程中,一併考慮全民退休保障計 劃,確保退休人真正享有安逸生活的保障,而不像現時般經常擔心強金不斷萎縮,怕被基金公司徵收大量收費及行政費,以致在退休時 只得一個“桔 ”?
May I ask the Secretary, given that a number of problems basically exist in the MPF System and a lot of complicated handling methods are involved, whether or not the authorities will, in the course of conducting a review of the MPF System, also consider a universal retirement protection
scheme, so as to ensure that
[...] retirees can truly enjoy protection in terms of leading a comfortable life, rather than worrying all the time about the continual shrinkage of their MPF benefits and getting nothing when they retire [...]
because of the substantial
amount of fees and administrative charges levied by fund companies, as in the present situation?
但是,法院 认为,这一情况怕不能成 为评价法院工作量的信息依据,因 真 正 重要的是: 就数量而言,提交案件与已决案件之间的平衡情况不断变化;就质量而言,后者 在程序上和实质上较为复杂。
However, according to the Court, this is considered somewhat uninformative in terms of evaluating the Court’s workload, as what really counts, in quantitative [...]
terms, is the varying
balance between cases filed and cases decided and, in qualitative terms, the latter’s procedural and substantive complexity.
VANADIS 4 EXTRA是经粉末金炼钢工 艺生产的有极好的耐磨性和高韧性组合的 冷作模具钢。
Vanadis 4 Extra
[...] is a powder metallurgical cold work tool steel offering [...]
an extremely good combination of wear resistance
and ductility for high performance tools.
假如出現任何阻延,今不能立即就 這事進行表決的話,怕真的會 像王國興議員剛才所說一般,須延至 本月30日過後才有機會再次審議類似的撥款決議案。
If there is really delay and the matter cannot
[...] be put to the vote today, then I am afraid the situation as described by Mr WONG [...]
Kwok-hing would arise,
that is, similar resolutions on funding will have to be delayed until after 30 March.
如果局長有信心告訴我們,不用怕 , 租 金不會 加很多,調整的升幅是很低而已,過去 10 [...]
Does the Secretary have the confidence to tell us not to
[...] be worried, that the rents will not be increased [...]
by a large margin and
that the rate of increase will be very low as the figures over the past decade were on the low side?
Kaina 上校坚守阵地一周,在政府施加压力 不 断 有 人投降后, 火焚 烧果(金)武装 部队基地,然后逃离鲁丘鲁,袭击与卢旺达和乌干达接壤的 Bunagana [...]
村,并在 10 天后重新出现在马西西。
Kaina had fled from Rutshuru after setting fire to parts of the FARDC base and attacked [...]
Bunagana, a village bordering both
Rwanda and Uganda, before reappearing in Masisi 10 days later.
加沙地带和以色列的儿童不分昼 夜的 火 中 担惊 受 怕 , 正 展现出各种令人担心的、社会及心理方面的压力症状,包括尿床、病理性重现、做恶梦、畏惧进入公众场合、害怕孤独及性情孤僻等。
Symptoms include bed-wetting, flashbacks, nightmares, fear of going out in public, fear of being alone and withdrawal.
公司拥有主要技术装备包括:日本NKK50吨超高功率电弧炉一座;70吨LF钢包精炼炉一座;70吨 VD真空精炼炉一 座;三机三流16米半径连铸机一台;美国720轧机组成的 金 钢 大 棒材半连轧机组,并配有完善、先进的附属配套设备及设施,整套的物理、化学检测及气体分析设备。
The company’s main technology and facilities include one Japanese NKK 50-ton ultra-high power electric arc furnace, one
70-ton LF steel-coat ladle refining furnace,
[...] one 70-ton VD vacuum refining furnace, one 3-engine-3-flow 16m-radius continuous caster, and a semi-continuous rolling production assembly for alloy steel bars and rods [...]
consisting of American
BIRDS BORO (φ720mm) rolling mill which is equipped with leading and completed supplementary facilities and physical and chemical testing equipment and gas analyzer.
伊朗和叙利亚通过提供火、培训和 金 —— 这一切都粗暴违反了第 1701(2006)号决议和今天的 决议——来支真主党 ,而在这两国的支持下,真主 党正在黎巴嫩各地,包括在利塔尼河以南和联黎部队 行动区,建立致命的武库。
With Iranian and Syrian
[...] support through arms, training and financing — all of which are flagrant violations of resolution 1701 (2006) and of today’s resolution — Hizbullah is building [...]
a deadly arsenal throughout
Lebanon, including south of the Litani River and in the area of UNIFIL’s operation.
用于反应和难金属的真空熔炼提纯 ,切割和焊接,热敏和非热敏微结构,结构化表面处理,以及金属和电解质的高速蒸发设备和技术,以上必须要有关键部件作为其基础,如电子枪和等离子源,并且此技术能够用于许多的制造业中。
Equipments and technologies of the
research institute for vacuum
[...] melting and refining of reactive and refractory metals, for [...]
cutting and welding, for thermal
and non-thermal microstructuring, for structured tempering of surfaces as well as high-rate evaporation of metals and dielectrics arose from key components, such as electron beam guns and plasma sources, and were used in many branches of industry.
我同意湯家驊議員的這種智慧,我們擔心特首將來如果真 的作出干預時,並非怕他要 求該局進行過多的調查,而是 怕 他 因 為 不想 該 局調查某些特大上市公司或有特別背景的上市公司而干預其調查,我真 的害怕這點
We are worried, that in future if the Chief
Executive is to intervene,
[...] not so much about he wants the FRC to conduct excessive investigations, but his intervention in the investigation of some mega listed companies or those with a special background because he does not want the FRC to investigate into these companies.
部 分 食 肆 東 主 也 向我反映, 即使政 府 增加酒 稅 , 他 們不 可能將加幅轉 嫁 至 消 費 者 身 上 , 所以寧 願增加經 營 成 本 ,怕影響生 意真 是 “有苦 自 己 知 ”。
Some restaurant owners have also
reflected to me that it is unlikely that
[...] they can pass the price increase on to consumers if the Government increases the liquor duty, because they fear that this will affect their businesses.




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