

单词 真相大白

See also:


the truth about sth.
the actual facts

External sources (not reviewed)

所以,我们应该从正面角度来看问题,不要负面地看, 亦应该以找出真相的心态来看,是对是错也好,也能得到终结,希望 能真相大白
Therefore, we should look at the issue from a positive rather than negative perspective.
When the truth comesout, the [...]
killing stops.
如果再看第(一 )部分的答覆及附件 A,便真相大白来政府是把占了 56% 的来自菲律宾和印尼的外籍佣工加在一起统计。
It turns out that the Government has included in its calculation foreign domestic helpers from the Philippines and Indonesia who account for 56% of ethnic minorities.
我也不 明 白 大 家 为 何会反 对
[...] 李永达议员提出 的 要求, 我们只 是 索 阅 文 件,这 样 便 可真相大 白
I also donot understand why Memberswould [...]
oppose the request made by Mr LEE Wing-tat.
何俊仁议员表示,由於该宗个案仍真 相大白员不应接受只由有关人士所作的解 释。
Mr Albert HO
[...] said thatas thetruth aboutthe case had [...]
yet to be ascertained, Members should not accept merely the explanations of the relevant persons.
It’s been an emotional week for Liverpool fans with recent disclosure of documents from the tragic Hillsborough disaster back in 1989.
因为立法会成立一个小组委员会,接着引用《权力及特权条 例》的话,只会使这件真相大白它可进行公公正正的聆讯及调查, 令这件事无论内外、从苦主至银行,以及政府的监管机构,所有行为及 监管工作,均可以显示出来,这才可确立香港国际金融中心的地位。
If it can conduct hearings and investigations in an impartial manner, it will reveal all acts of the victims and the banks, and the work of the Government's regulatory bodies in the incident, which would help establish Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre.
我认为,按照维 持和平行动部的计划于
[...] 9 月份举行的研讨会将探讨所 有这些问题,澄清事实,正式使 真相大白
And I think that the seminar that will be conducted in September, as planned by the
Department of Peacekeeping Operations, will cover all these issues, give clarity and just
[...] re-establish the truth for the record.
[...] ‘我们强调,不忘过去的罪行或错误而无论其在何时何地发生,明确谴 责过去的种族主义悲剧并将历 真相大白下,是国际和解和在正义、平 等和互助的基础上建立起社会的基本要素’(第 [...]
106 段)。
We emphasize that remembering the crimes or wrongs of the past, wherever and whenever they occurred,
unequivocally condemning its racist
[...] tragedies and telling the truth abouthistory, are [...]
essential elements for international reconciliation
and the creation of societies based on justice, equality and solidarity’ (para. 106).
如果立法局的质疑可真相大 白何不好呢?
Besides, if an inquiry by this Council can help
[...] to bring outthetruth,what is the harm [...]
in having it?
既 然 有这麽 多 质 疑 , 这 麽 多 疑 问 , 作为政 府 , 为 何 不 坦 荡荡地 拿 出所有文件,让 人 了 解清楚,真相大 白
Given that there are so many doubts and questions,
why can the Government not
[...] produce all the relevant documents to let people gain a clear understanding andknow the truth?
When I listened to Mr CHIM Pui-chung's speech just now, I thought we would soon get the lowdown on these incidents, but what he was telling us was in fact to forget these incidents.
所 以 , 无论他 是否是事件的始 作 俑 者 ,董 先生亦应有机会 在 调查委 员会面前作 证 , 让 他 有机会 接受提 问 、 呈 交 有 关文据,以及澄 清他在这事
[...] 中所扮演的 角 色 , 或由委员会把 事件查 清 楚 ,使真 相 大 白
Thus, whether Mr TUNG initiated everything or not, he will be given the opportunity to give
evidence before the committee, to receive
[...] questions, to producerelevant evidence and [...]
clarify his role in the whole affair.
取 得 文件之 後 , 是 否表示我们已 能 得真相大 白
Even after we have obtained the documents, does it
[...] mean that we can find out the truth?
张文光议员:我想问政府,政府当然可以要求取得梁振英的同意,但 单是特首选举所涉及的极重大公众利益,是否已经可以把涉及梁振英
[...] 或戴德梁行的资料呈交立法会,让全真相大白下,也令特首选 举可以在公开透明的情况下进行?
Of course, the Government can obtain LEUNG Chun-ying's consent. But solely in view of the extremely crucial concern of public interest at stake in the Chief Executive Election, is it already justified to submit information relating to LEUNG Chun-ying or the DTZ
Debenham Tie Leung to the Legislative
[...] Council, so thatall the truth can beexposed under [...]
the sun and the Chief Executive Election
can be conducted in an open and transparent manner?
失踪者的家 属,包括据称在
[...] 1996 年阿卜萨利姆监狱屠杀中被杀 的逾 1 200 名囚徒的家属,仍在等真相大白张 正义。
The families of the disappeared, including over 1,200
prisoners allegedly killed in the 1996 Abu Salim prison massacre, continue to
[...] wait for thetruth and forjustice tobe done.
[...] 法庭,与我们亦不无关系,只要我们在这里代替司法机构完成其不能 履行的调查责任,真相大白便有机会展开更严格的司法程序,大 [...]
So long as we can complete on behalf of the Judiciary the duty of
investigation that the Judiciary cannot
[...] perform to uncover the truth, therewill be a [...]
chance for more stringent judicial procedures
to commence on the premise of suspected criminality on his part.
有 人 解释,提出这项 决 议是基於 行 政长官 在 杨光事件中 绕 过 正常程 序 , 因 此 要 透 过 《立法会( 权 力及特
[...] 权 ) 条例》,将 行 政长官 的 所 谓 “ 罪 证 ” 公 诸 於世,真 相 大 白下 。
Some people explain that this motion is proposed because the Chief Executive has bypassed the normal procedure and the Council has therefore to invoke the
Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to bring his guilty
[...] acts into light, to uncover the truthtothe public.
必 须 了 解 当 年 南 京 大 屠 杀 的 真 相
[...] , 使 杀 人 者认清 所 犯 的 错 误 , 并 且 寻 求和解 。 我们只能真 相 大 白, 才 能 谈 宽 恕 ;而没 有 宽 恕 , 也 就 没 有和解 。
We can only forgive what we know and reconciliation is impossible without forgiveness.
我国决心坚定,坚持认为关于 1990 年 代期间巴尔干武装冲突的失踪人员和受害者真相大白下。
My country is firmly
[...] resolved to insist that the truth beestablished regarding [...]
all the missing persons and victims of the
armed conflicts in the Balkans during the 1990s.
Preventive healthcare and education is the bedrock for quality of health.
主席,立法会是 香港最 高 的 民 意 机构, 我们身 为 立法会议员,有责任 向 市民解释及 交 代社会 上 大家关心 的 一些问题 和 原因,而 我们今 次 成立专 责 委 员会,最 主 要 的 目 的 不 单 止 是 调查真 相 , 同 时亦要真 相於 社 会,让广白 真情况是 怎 麽样的 。
Madam President, the Legislative Council is the highest institution that represents the people. As Members of the Legislative Council, we are a dutybound to explain to the people what causes some problems of their concern and account for the issues involved.
摩洛哥希望通过政治意愿,加强联合国 2001 年通过 的《从各个方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易的行动纲 领》,以巩固和平,执行现有律文书,并制订新法规,特别是 要规范常规武器的转让和走私,以控制常规武器的流通。
With regard to the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects, adopted by the United Nations in 2001, Morocco has indicated its wish to see the Programme strengthened by significant efforts and a genuine political will with a view to building peace, implementing existing legal instruments and introducing new legal rules, inter alia to regulate the transfer and brokering of conventional weapons so as to control their circulation.
政府应努力推动对话、真相与和解委员会的成功和持续存在,主要通过如 下方面:(a) 加强其职责,包括真相、正义与和解;(b) 帮助委员会与不同调查
[...] 机构和机制建立联系(如国家调查委员会和特殊调查科);(c) 通过明确严重侵犯 人权行为、查明侵权责任人及找出其根源,充分考虑到查 真相 临的
The Government should work to ensure the success and sustainability of the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, including by: (a) strengthening its mandate, including truth, justice and reconciliation; (b) coordinating the work of the various investigative bodies and mechanisms (National Commission of Inquiry and Special Investigative Unit) with that of the Dialogue, Truth and Reconciliation Commission; and (c)
acknowledging the major challenge
[...] of uncovering truth by identifying serioushuman rights [...]
violations, their perpetrators and their root causes.
不能指望美国 能够说出其军事项目真相为美国将不得不面 对它对遭受核爆炸影响的国家所负的责任,特别是 在美国正在努力清除辐射,使其落在地面 上的时候。
The United States could notbe trusted to tell the truth aboutits military projects because it would have to face its responsibilities towards countries affected [...]
by nuclear explosions, especially when it was working to remove radiation from the atmosphere and let itfall to Earth.
我 们 特 别 希 望 能 达 到 以 下〆 第 一 , 我 们 詴 图 建 议 修 订 规 管 供 认 陈 述 及 其 在 刑 事 法 律 程 序 中 的 可 接 纳 性 的 现 有 法 律 和 程 序,而 我 们 觉 得 这 些 修 订 会 更 加 符 合 香 港 社 会 和 个 人 的 利 益 々 第 二 , 我 们 力 求 制 订 一 套 能 协 助 执 法 人 员 在 调 查 刑 事 罪 行 时 查真 相案,而 这 套 方 案 是 同 时 能 为 个 人 的 公 民 权 利 和 自 由 提 供 妥 善 保 障 的 。
In particular, we have set out to achieve two objectives:- firstly, we have sought to suggest
amendments to the current law and procedures
[...] governing confession statements and their admissibility in criminal proceedings, which we feel would better suit the interests of the community and the individual in Hong Kong; secondly we have endeavoured to devise a scheme that assists law enforcement officers to ascertain thetruth in the investigation of criminal offences while at the same time providing proper protection for civil rights and liberties of the individual.
结果表明:与对照组相比,(1)切断海马伞-穹隆通路明显延缓动平衡能力的恢复;(2)切断海马伞-穹隆通路后,银杏类黄酮(FGb)失去了促进脑挫伤后运动平衡能力恢复的作用;(3)原位杂交显示,脑损伤后海马DG(齿状回)和CA3区中生(GA P-43)mRNA的水平明显提高;(4)FGb促进脑损伤后海马DG和CA3区中的GAP-43 mRNA水平的上调。
The results showed that: (1)the recovery of locomotive equilibrium ability was remarkably impeded after
transsection of
[...] fimbria-fornix in rats following TBI; (2) after transsection of fimbria-fornix, FGb could not facilitate the recovery of locomotive equilibrium ability after TBI; (3) the results of hybridization in situ showed that the levelof GAP 43 mRNA in the DG and CA3 region of hippocampus risedremarkably after [...]
TBI; (4) FGb improved the
raised level of GAP-43 mRNA in DG and CA3 region of hippocampus after TBI.
津贴受益人得到了区域专家的指 导,同时进行政策研究,主题是“有利于穷人的政策家行动在助于穷人 改善生计和参与教科文组织的职权领域”。
Beneficiaries of the grants received coaching from regional experts while conducting policy
research on the extent to
[...] which “pro-poor policiesand related national actions are actually [...]
contributing to improved livelihoods
and participation of the poor in areas of UNESCO’s competence”.
(c) 在过渡司法方面,保持过渡司法问题的最高优先地位,广泛传播关于全 国协商的报告,并为迈向实施双重机制,恢复讨论待决问题(法院检察官的独立 性真相解委员会和特别法庭之间的关系,将战争罪、危害人类罪和种族灭 绝罪排除围之外)。
(c) In the area of transitional justice, keep the issue of transitional justice as a top priority, communicate widely the report on national consultations and, with a view to progressing towards implementation of the double mechanism, resume the discussions on pending issues (independence of
the Court
[...] prosecutor, relationship between the Truthand Reconciliation Commission and the Special Tribunal, and exclusion of amnesty for war crimes, crimes against [...]
humanity and genocide).




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