单词 | 真是 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 真是 adverb —truly adv真是 —indeed • (coll.) (used express disapproval, annoyance etc about sth) Examples:真是的—Really! (interj. of annoyance or frustration) 实践是检验真理的唯一标准—Actual practice is the sole criterion for judging truth (item from Deng Xiaoping theory, from 1978)
通过这一指标,我们能够更好地了解每个预算项目的相对重要性,从而更 清楚地掌握每个开支项目真是的财 务影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By this indication, a clearer picture of the true budgetary impact can be grasped under each object-of-expenditure based on a better understanding of the relative weight of each budget line. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果真是為了 學術研究的,或是瞭解選民訴求,我們大可互相協調,資源與數據共享,甚至把研究數據在選舉後全面公開,這不是更有意義嗎? hkupop.hku.hk | If we are really doing academic studies, or genuinely gauging voters' [...] demands, why can't we pool our resources together [...]to collect and share the data? hkupop.hku.hk |
关于这位神秘主义的禁欲者的生平已有不少著述,其实这个人 物 是 否 真 的 存在或者关于她的生平故事是不是杜撰的,我们都无从知晓—— 但 是真是 假 有 什么关系呢? shanghaibiennale.org | Much has been written about the life of [...] this mystic and ascetic and it [...] is not known if this character really existed or if the story of her life is a fabrication – but does it matter if this is true or false? shanghaibiennale.org |
(3) 在简单的反对情况下,这一点也是真 实 的,它只是表明提出者拒绝解释性 声明中提出的解释,而没有提出另外一种他认为比较“正确的”解释。 daccess-ods.un.org | (3) This is also true in the case of simple [...] opposition, where the author merely expresses its refusal of the interpretation [...]proposed in an interpretative declaration without proposing another interpretation that it considers more “correct”. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,真正的罪犯当然是毒枭,在这方面,我们 必须继续积极地努力,甚至以更进取的方式努力,特 别防止新毒品在世界不同地区占领新的市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, we need to continue to work very actively, and even in a more aggressive way, especially to prevent new ways for new drugs to capture new markets in different parts of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于正式的合作要求,司法材料规定,应推定文 件 是真 实 的 ,无论其是否 经过公证,这似乎符合当今时代的一体化和全球化。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the formal requirements of cooperation, the judicial [...] material establishes that documents shall be [...] presumed to be authentic, whether or not [...]they are legalized, which would appear [...]to be in keeping with the integration and globalization of our times. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,还必须建立一个 [...] 有利的国际环境,而这种环境的基础 则 是真 正 针 对 发展中国家的社会经济现实情况,尤其是其合理的 [...]出口利益的贸易体系。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, there must be an enabling [...] international environment based on a trading [...] system that was truly responsive to [...]the socio-economic realities of developing [...]countries, particularly their legitimate export interests. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,许多国家真的开发网络 攻击的能力,这对空间系统是真正的 威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Additionally, many states are developing cyberattack capabilities, which [...] would represent a true threat to space [...]systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 爱沙尼亚,问题与其说是真正意 义上的街头儿童,不如说是被忽视儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Estonia the problem are neglected children, not so much street children in the classic sense. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过游戏,儿童理解彼此间的社会交往和对物理环境的参与可能会引起疼痛和不确定 性,所以“为了把不适看做‘背景噪音’而抑制他们的情绪权重” (Pellis and Pellis2006: 265); 如果在游戏中,儿童伤到了他们自己或被其他儿童伤到了,尽管疼 痛 是 “ 真 实 ” 的,但是它 可能没有在非游戏性环境中严重,以为毕竟,“我们只是在进行游戏”。 ipaworld.org | Through playing, children appreciate that social interaction and engagement with each other and the physical environment may involve some pain and uncertainty, and so ‘dampen their emotional weighting in order for that discomfort to be regarded as “background noise”’ (Pellis and Pellis 2006: 265); if a child hurts themselves or gets hurt by others in play, while the pain is ‘real’ it may matter less than in nonplay contexts as, after all, ‘we were just playing’. ipaworld.org |
布卢发送张伯伦在世界各地的雪橇,并试图让爱德华多·福斯特的烟囱滑下来,试图证明,圣诞老 人 是真 实 的,在这个过程中,成本可可她在商场圣诞老人的工作;布卢学先生Herriman只给一个目前大家(这是部分的原因,他试图证明圣诞老 人 是真 的 ) ,并在他的自私出更多的礼物,在一个颇为有趣的方式试图使Herriman手。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Bloo sends Wilt on a sleigh ride around the world and tries to get Eduardo to slide down the Foster’s [...] chimney, trying to prove [...] that Santa is real, and in the process, costs Coco her job at the mall as Santa; Bloo learns that Mr. Herriman is only giving one present to everyone (which is part of the reason that he tries to prove Santa real), and in his [...]selfishness tries to [...]make Herriman hand out more presents, in a rather interesting way. seekcartoon.com |
尽管在生物学上来 [...] 说只有一个种族,但种族歧视是一种社会建构产物,由于社会已经设定了该术语 的意思,其影响和后果是真实存在的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even though biologically there was only one race and racial [...] discrimination was a social construct, its impact and [...] consequences were real because society [...]had given the term meaning. daccess-ods.un.org |
若 因 為 對 於 有 哪 些 事 實 能 被 證 明 為 真 實 存 有 任 何 不 明 確 的 因 素 這 個 理 由 或 任 何 其 他 理 由 , 使 最 終 能 夠 被 證 明 是 真 實 的 事 實 會 構 成 某 幾 條 罪 行 中 的 哪 一 條 或 哪 幾 條 罪 行 存 有 疑 問 , 被 告 可 被 控 觸 犯 所 有 有 關 罪 行 或 當 中 任 何 一 條 或 多 條 罪 行 , 而 因 此 而 定 出 的 任 何 數 目 的 控 罪 可 在 同 一 時 間 審 理 ; 或 另 外 被 控 觸 犯 當 中 的 任 何 一 條 或 多 條 罪 行 , 作 為 其 中 一 個 可 供 選 擇 的 控 罪 。 hkreform.gov.hk | If by reason of any uncertainty as to the facts which can be proved or if for any other reason it is doubtful which of several offences is constituted by the facts which can be proved, the accused may be charged with the commission of all or any of such offences, and any number of such charges may be tried at once, or the accused may be charged in the alternative with the commission of any such offences. hkreform.gov.hk |
由于我们在莫罗尼是非驻地机构,并且与该国的沟通出现严 重问题,所以这是真正的挑战。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This is a real challenge as we are non-resident in Moroni and have serious communication problems with the country. unesdoc.unesco.org |
委员会认为,实现透明度和参与,有助于增 [...] 强受害者和其他有关各方对调查进程的信任,使他们能够进一步感觉到,正在进 行的调查是真实可信的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is of the view that transparency and participation help build the confidence of victims and other interested [...] parties in the investigation process, including fostering a sense [...] that credible and genuine investigations are [...]taking place. daccess-ods.un.org |
我最近在 1 月 24 日至 26 日举行的联 合国促进两性平等和妇女赋权实体执行委员会第一 [...] 次常会上强调,对刚果民主共和国来说,暴力侵害妇 女仍然是真实存在的严重祸害,这严肃地提醒我们国 [...] 际和平与安全遭受破坏的十年以及这十年所留下的 余毒,而我国是这种情况的替罪羊。 daccess-ods.un.org | As I recently stressed at the first regular session of the Executive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, held from 24 to 26 January, for the [...] Democratic Republic of the Congo violence against [...] women remains a real scourge, a dark [...]reminder and a sinister legacy of a decade [...]of ruptured international peace and security, of which my country was the expiatory victim. daccess-ods.un.org |
辩论是真正的 互动,就如何进一步讨论提出 了许多相关的想法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The debate was truly interactive and [...] generated many relevant ideas on how to take the discussion further. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的意见的前提是,对于大多发展中国家来说,尽管执行专利制度的成 本 是真 实 的 和立 即的,但对影响国民健康的疾病的新治疗方案发展所带来的益处却是长期的。 iprcommission.org | The premise of our recommendations is that for most developing countries any benefits in terms of the development of new treatments for diseases that afflict them will be, at best, long term, while the costs of implementing a patent system are both real and immediate. iprcommission.org |
此責任包括設計、實施及維持與編制 及 真 實 兼公平地呈列財務 報表有關的內部監控,以確保並無重大錯誤陳述(不 論 是 否 因 欺詐或錯誤引起);選擇及應用適當之會計 政策;以及在不同情況下作出合理的會計估計。 asiasat.com | This responsibility includes designing, implementing and [...] maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from [...]material misstatement, [...]whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. asiasat.com |
他争辩说,提出来 佐证其庇护申请的法院文件是真实的 ,缔约国没有适当考虑他原来的律师就文件 [...] 真实性提出的意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | He argues that the court documents presented in support of his asylum [...] application are authentic, and that the [...]State party did not give due regard to the [...]submissions presented by his previous counsel on the authenticity of the documents. daccess-ods.un.org |
為不公平的計劃提出理由充分 的反對,從而積極保障自己的權 益,政府當局應考慮與《公司條 例》第168BI條一致的建議,即 法院可規定提出某項計劃的公 司從其資產撥款彌償股東在對 有關計劃提出反對時所招致/ 將會在提出反對時招致的訟 費,但條件是法院須信納反對的 股東是真誠行事和具合理理由 如此行事。 legco.gov.hk | (d) To encourage minority shareholders to be proactive in protecting their own interests by raising well-founded objections to a scheme which they considered unfair, the Administration should consider a proposal in line with section 168BI of the Companies Ordinance ("CO") that the Court might require a company proposing a scheme to indemnify out of its assets against the costs incurred/to be incurred by the shareholder in raising an objection to the scheme, if the Court was satisfied that the objecting shareholder was acting in good faith and had reasonable grounds for doing so. legco.gov.hk |
不過,根據筆者的觀察,只有無線衛星台的「出口民調 」 是真 正 在票站出口進行,屬於國際社會慣用的票站調查。 hkupop.hku.hk | Nonetheless, according to the author's observation, only TVBS [...] carried out the poll at the exit of the polling [...] station, which truly belongs to the [...]international standard of an 'exit poll'. hkupop.hku.hk |
每一个问题在自己设定的时间期限内都有自己的解决方案,立即消除假想的,而 不是 真正的弱点可以显著提高满意度,并在这一具体挑战的时间期限内加强对体系的使用。 wipo.int | While each problem may have its own solution within its own [...] timeframe, the immediate elimination of [...] perceived, as opposed to real, weaknesses may [...]significantly increase satisfaction and intensify [...]use of the system within the timeframe of this special challenge. wipo.int |
问题不仅涉及和平与安全以及全球性自然灾害,如何改进 这些领域也是真正的全球性治理挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Not only are problems related to peace and [...] security and natural disasters global in nature, but improvements in those [...] areas are also truly global governance [...]challenges. daccess-ods.un.org |
p. 500;“如果该上诉人在我们领土之外没有被给予自由,而是即将被送回意大利[很可能在那里 会因政治活动而受到刑事指控 ],那实际上 就 是真 正 的 引渡,而意大利政府并未请求、巴西政 府也未决定准许引渡。 daccess-ods.un.org | p. 500; “If the petitioner, outside of our territory, were not left at liberty but were to be sent to Italy [where criminal charges for [...] political activities were likely], there [...] would really be carried out a true extradition which [...]the Italian Government has not [...]requested and which the Brazilian Government has not decided to grant. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果发展中国家因不是成员或 [...] 不能为旅行自筹经费而不参与小组委员会的会议,此类会议的结果就不太可 能是 真正的 共识,有关问题可能会在委员会年度会议上重新讨论,从而放慢委员会的 [...]工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | If developing countries do not participate in subcommittee meetings, because they are not members or are not able to fund their travel costs, the [...] outcomes of such meetings are less [...] likely to represent a true consensus and the [...]issues may be reopened at the annual session [...]of the Committee, which would slow down its work. daccess-ods.un.org |
只要初级情绪大体上被控制住,游戏就提供了表达初级情绪的机会;初级情绪通过 “好像”因素而被“拙劣地模仿”(在这个游戏中呈现的情绪“好像 ” 是 “ 真 的 ” ),而这样 做没有真实的后果。 ipaworld.org | It offers the opportunity to express primary emotions as long as they are substantially controlled; primary emotions are ‘parodied’ in play by the ‘as if ’ element (‘as if ’ the emotions being presented in this play are ‘real’) yet without the real consequences. ipaworld.org |
如同最近在 Khirbat Salim 和 Tayr [...] Filsi 发生的事件一 样,这种军事化是真主党 在平民地区附近以及沿主要交通干道进行的,对黎巴嫩 [...] 平民、联黎部队以及该区域的和平与稳定造成了严重风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | As in the recent incidents in Khirbat Salim [...] and Tayr Filsi, this military build-up is [...] carried out by Hizbullah in close proximity [...]to civilian areas and along main traffic [...]thoroughfares in a manner that presents serious risks to the Lebanese civilian population and to UNIFIL, as well as to the peace and stability of the region. daccess-ods.un.org |