

单词 真性

真性 adjective ()

real adj


真菌性 adj

fungal adj

一灵真性 n

spirit n
soul n



真确性 n

authenticity n

External sources (not reviewed)

高度精制的PM1更是一款精巧扬声器,提供了高 真性 能 以及Bowers & Wilkins崭新的碳环高音单元。
The highly refined PM1 is a compact loudspeaker that offers audiophile-quality
[...] performance and features the new Bowers [...]
& Wilkins Carbon Braced Tweeter.
导通电阻曲线在整个模拟输入范围内都非常平坦,可确保开关音频信号时拥有良好的线性度和低 真性 能。
The on-resistance profile is very flat over the full analog input range,
[...] ensuring good linearity and low distortion when switching [...]
audio signals.
它专用于一些以快速仿真性能为 主要考量的大型项目中,并且特别适合为嵌入式软件设计团队生成CPU的可执行模型。
It is designed for large projects where fast simulation performance is of primary concern, and is especially well suited to generate executable models of CPUs for embedded software design teams.
2008年,世界卫生组织(WHO)更新 真性 红 细 胞增多症和原发性血小板增多症的诊断标准,添加“有JAK2 V617F或具有类似功能的突变的存在,如JAK2基因的12号外显子的突变”作为主要的标准。
In 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) updated its diagnostic criteria for PV and ET, adding as a major criterion the "presence of the JAK2 V617F or other functionally similar mutations, such as JAK2 exon 12 mutations.
要比較的話,我還是喜愛他們多於Badly Drawn Boy、Turin Brakes等同輩,KOC始終多一點純樸真摯,一種比較平易近人 真性 情。
Compare to their contemporary peers such as Badly Drawn Boy and Turin Brakes, KOC remains to establish a music territory of their own.
香港-2013年1月28日-香港特别行政区政府某重要部门近日与傲讯全通签约,改选OceanFax传真服务器作为新的传真IT工具,取代原有传真服务器,大幅提高无纸 真性 能 ,与电邮轻松集成。
Hong Kong - 28 January 2013 - A key department of the Hong Kong SAR Government recently has signed a deal with OceanX to use OceanFax Fax Server as its new
fax tool, replacing its existing fax server for better performance
[...] of paperless faxing and easy integration [...]
with Email.
[...] 的情况加以观察和评估并考验叙利亚人承诺的真 性,然 后再授权组建一个能够覆盖该国全境的特派 团。
Today’s resolution enables the deployment of an advance mission to
observe and assess the halt to the violence and
[...] to test the seriousness of the Syrians’ [...]
commitment before authorizing a mission
with enough scope to cover the whole territory.
第三,开 放的要求带来了对安性、真实性和 准 确性的关切。
Third, demands for openness bring with them
[...] concerns over security, authenticity and accuracy.
当医生怀疑某人真性红细 胞增多症、原发性血小板增多症及原发性骨髓纤维化时,JAK2 [...]
V617F测试就可能同其他测试一起被要求进行检测,因为常规的实验结果如全血细胞计数, ,可反映出与骨髓增生性疾病(MPD)相关的异常结果,和/或因为该病人的症状和体征暗示可能患有MPD。
The JAK2 V617F test may be ordered [...]
along with other tests when a doctor suspects that a person has PV, ET, or PMF because
routine laboratory results such as a CBC reveal abnormal results associated with these MPDs and/or because the person has signs and symptoms that suggest an MPD.
利用System Studio基于Tcl的脚本接口可以很方便的控制仿真运行,例如分析字长参数对定点 仿 真性 能 的 影响时,可以 使用Tcl脚本逐个选择字长,记录结果。
Using System Studio’s Tcl based scripting interface easily launches and controls different simulations with different word length parameters to explore the fixed-point design space of the algorithm or post-process simulation results.
[...] 法和侵入性挖掘,对耶路撒冷老城及其城墙的完 性 、 真 实 性 和 文 化产生了不利 影响并破坏了毗邻的“尊贵禁地”大院的结构和基础,完全无视 [...]
1954 年《关于 发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的海牙公约》及其议定书和
1972 年《世界遗产公 约》。
Israel, as the occupying Power in the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls, continues through acts and omissions to violate international humanitarian law and relevant United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) conventions by allowing illegal and
intrusive excavations that adversely affect
[...] the integrity, authenticity and culture of [...]
the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls
and jeopardize the structure and foundations of the adjacent Al-Haram Al-Sharif compound area, in complete disregard of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its Protocols and the 1972 World Heritage Convention.
就這 方面,政府會否再與廣東省、貨主商討,能否令有關運作更暢順,令貨櫃車 真的有貨可運,令靈性真正得 以發揮?
In this regard, will the Government hold discussions with Guangdong Province and cargo owners
again so that the operation can be made smoother and
[...] the trucks can really get freight business and enjoy the flexibility?
[...] 制损害其稳定性以及通过这些网络系统存储或传输的资料数据、提供或可获 得的相关服务的可性、真实性、完 整性和机密性的行为。
Member States and other stakeholders should cooperate in enhancing network and information security to enable them to resist actions that compromise their
stability as well as the availability,
[...] authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of stored [...]
or transmitted data and the related
services offered by or accessible through these networks and systems.
对于链接网站,海法不同意,或资助他们的内容,或确认其准确性,可 性 , 真 实 性 , 有 效性,完整性或合法性。
By linking to a certain website, Haifa do not
endorse, or sponsor their content, or confirm their
[...] accuracy, credibility, authenticity, validity, integrity [...]
or legality.
约旦哈希姆王国政府促请联合国要求以色列当局毫不拖延地停止这种单方 面行动并阻止其任何作为或不作为,以免对耶路撒冷老城及其城墙的完 性 、真 实性和文 化遗产产生不利影响,1981 年约旦把这些场所列入联合国教科文组织世 界遗产目录,1982 [...]
The Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan urges the United Nations to demand that the Israeli authorities refrain from such unilateral actions without
delay and prevent
[...] any acts or omissions that adversely affect the integrity, authenticity and cultural [...]
heritage of the Old City
of Jerusalem and its Walls, a site listed by Jordan in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1981 and in the List of World Heritage Sites in Danger in 1982.
国家法人登记处应当核实相关事业 和名称是否符合排性、真实性和统 一性原则。
The National Register of Legal Persons shall verify whether undertakings and names comply with the
[...] principles of exclusiveness, veracity and unity.
4.37 本行或任何資料供應商對任何市場資料或報告之次序、準 性 、 真 確 性 、 可靠性、充裕程 度、時間性或完整性,或其是否適宜作任何用途概不作出保證、聲明或承擔,亦毋須就閣 [...]
4.37 Neither we nor any Information
Provider warrant, represent or guarantee the
[...] sequence, accuracy, truth, reliability, adequacy, [...]
timeliness or completeness of any
of the Market Information or the Reports or whether it is fit for any purpose.
公開密碼匙基礎建設 (Public Key Infrastructure, PKI)
[...] 提供安全可靠的環境在互聯網上進行電子交易,這保安架構主要利用公匙加密技術來保障資訊的保密性、完 性 、 真 確 性 及 不 可否認性。
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) provides a safe and reliable environment for electronic transactions in the Internet. It is a security framework that
uses public key encryption technique to protect the confidentiality,
[...] integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation [...]
of data.
对于以下情况,Skype不进行监控、不承担责任、也不做任何保证: (i) 商家所提供产品或服务的定价、质量、性能、可用性或购买条款和条件;(ii)
与购买商家网站上的产品或服务有关的任何付款交易、发货、退货或售后活动;(iii) 商家网站的可用性;(iv)
[...] 商家网站显示或由其提供的任何广告或其他材料(不包括Skype网站上显示的有关此类产品和服务的任何列表或其他内容)的完 性 、 真 实 性 或 准 确性;(v) Skype网站上指向商家网站的链接。
Skype does not control, is not responsible for and does not guarantee: (i) the pricing, quality, performance, availability or terms and conditions of purchase of products or services provided by the Merchant; (ii) any payment transactions, delivery, returns or after sales activities related to the products or services purchased on the Merchants’ websites; (iii) the availability of the Merchant’s websites; (iv) the completeness, truth or accuracy of any advertising or other materials on, or available from, the Merchants’ websites, nor any listing or other content about such products and
services displayed on the Skype Websites; (v) links to the Merchants’
[...] websites that are featured on the Skype Websites.
执行税务审计时,通过使用 TrustWeaver 的审计门户网站可以使税务审计员访问到您的门户网站,并允许他们随意查看、下载发票并仔细检查发票的合 性 ( 真 实 性 和 完 整性)。
When tax audits occur, make your web portal available to tax auditors, allowing them to easily view, download and double-check invoices for compliancy (authenticity and integrity) by using TrustWeaver’s audit portal.
我的創造力存在於我的極端實用主義中:在這個嚴緊限制的領域,必 性真 是 發 明創造之母,而合法性是可以商量的。
My creativity is in my extreme pragmatism: in this tightly bound realm, necessity is indeed the mother of invention and legality a negotiable position.
恐怖分子和极端团体获取核材料的可 性真实 存在,并可能产生灾难性后果。
The possibility of terrorist and extremist groups
最后,作为文化多性真 正推 动力的文化政策,应该为生产和传播文化物品和文化服务创造有利的条件。
Finally, cultural
[...] policies, which are the true driving force in [...]
cultural diversity, should foster the production and dissemination
of diversified cultural goods and services.
有了這㆔方面的基本 條件,香港才可說是邁出性真正平 等的第㆒步。
When the basic conditions are met in
these three areas, it can then be said that Hong Kong has taken the first
[...] step towards real equality between the sexes.
宗教不容忍的危性真实存 在,其目的是要将整个西部非洲转变为奉行伊斯 [...]
The peril of religious
[...] intolerance is real and present. The [...]
goal is to transform all of West Africa into an Islamic republic based on sharia.
根据《公约》第22条第2 款,以该申诉明显毫无根据为由宣布其不可受理,因为申诉人提出的情况不足以 表明其所称的酷刑风险符合可预性 、 真 实 性 和 个 人性的要求:申诉人没有给出 事实根据,让人相信如果他们被遣返回阿富汗,会有真实的和个人的风险遭到与 《公约》第
6.30 In conclusion, the State party contends that the present complaint should be declared inadmissible (a) under article 22, paragraph 5 (b), for failure to exhaust all domestic remedies; or (b) under article 22, paragraph 2, as being manifestly unfounded, since the circumstances invoked by
the complainants do
[...] not suffice to show that the alleged risk of torture fulfils the requirements of being foreseeable, real and personal: the complainants have not shown substantial [...]
grounds for believing that they
would run a real and personal risk of being subjected to treatment contrary to article 3 if deported to Afghanistan, and therefore the complaint fails to attain the basic level of substantiation required for purposes of admissibility.
鑒於本地的石油產品價格經常加快減慢及各油商調整價格 的步伐趨於一致,而石油產品零售價格往往又未 真 確 地 反 映入口成本價,本會促請政府積極考慮在石油行業引入公平 競爭法及其他有效措施,包括要求競爭政策諮詢委員會關注 本港石油市場可能出現的不公平競爭模式,並委託該委員會 就有關情況作出監察和研究,以增加石油行業的競 性 和提 高產品價格的透明度,從而避免寡頭壟斷,促進公平競爭和 保障商戶及市民免受高油價之苦。
That, as the adjustments of local oil
product prices are
[...] always quick in going up but slow in coming down and the pace of price adjustments by various oil companies tends to be synchronized, while oil product pump prices often fail to truly reflect import costs, this Council urges the Government to actively consider introducing a fair competition law and other effective measures for the oil industries, including [...]
requesting the Competition
Policy Advisory Group to take heed of any unfair mode of competition that may emerge in the local oil market, and entrusting the Group to monitor and study the situation, with a view to increasing competition in the oil industries and enhancing the transparency of product prices, thereby avoiding oligopoly, promoting fair competition and safeguarding commercial clients and the public against high oil prices.
监督厅提出关于审计适用于总部间接费用的标准费用的报告(A/60/682)后, 秘书处审查了这些标准费用,并尽量根据订正费率拟订 2011/12 年度预算拟议新 设员额的经性费用 项下所需资源,如房地租金、办公室用品和设备、商营通信 费用(传真费和 电话费)和信息技术维护服务级协议和基础设施费用的所需资源, 以及非经性费用 项下所需资源,如购买家具和包括计算机和电话在内的办公设 备,以及改建或装修。
Following the report of OIOS on the audit of the standard costs applied to Headquarters overhead (A/60/682), the Secretariat has reviewed the standard costs and, to the extent possible, has applied the revised rates in the
formulation of the
[...] requirements under recurrent costs, such as those for the rental of premises, office supplies and equipment, commercial communications costs (fax and telephone charges) and service-level agreements and infrastructure costs for information technology maintenance and repair; and under non-recurrent costs, such [...]
as those for the purchase
of furniture and office equipment, including computers and telephones, and alterations or improvements, for newly proposed posts in the 2011/12 budget.
(c) 在过渡司法方面,保持过渡司法问题的最高优先地位,广泛传播关于全 国协商的报告,并为迈向实施双重机制,恢复讨论待决问题(法院检察官的独性,真相与 和解委员会和特别法庭之间的关系,将战争罪、危害人类罪和种族灭 绝罪排除在大赦范围之外)。
(c) In the area of transitional justice, keep the issue of transitional justice as a top priority, communicate widely the report on national consultations and, with a view to progressing towards implementation of the double mechanism, resume the
discussions on pending issues
[...] (independence of the Court prosecutor, relationship between the Truth and Reconciliation [...]
Commission and the
Special Tribunal, and exclusion of amnesty for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide).
[...] 2011 年 1 月 14 日提交总统的备忘录建议,政府应毫不拖延地 开展与联合国的第二轮协商,以便就仍然悬而未决的事项达成一致,其中包括特 别法庭检察官的独性、真相与 和解委员会与特别法庭之间的关系以及大赦的问 题等。
In addition, the civil society memorandum of 14 January 2011 addressed to the President suggests that the Government should begin, without delay, another round of consultations with the United Nations in order to finalize an agreement on the issues that remain pending,
including in particular the
[...] independence of the Prosecutor of the Special Tribunal, the relationship between the Truth and Reconciliation [...]
Commission and the
Special Tribunal, and the question of amnesty.




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