

单词 真声最高音

See also:


true voice
modal voice
natural voice

高音 n

bass n
tweeter n


high pitch

External sources (not reviewed)

我们的耳麦通真正的宽频声音和 直观的用户体验提 高 品 质 、始终如一的音频体验,这使它成为您的统一通信解决方案的理想选择。
Our headsets provide a high quality, consistent audio experience with true wideband sound and an intuitive [...]
user experience,
making it the ideal choice as part of your Unified Communications solution.
集数字信号处理与一最先进的声学 技 术于一身,MM-1 首次为您的台式电脑带来真正高保 真音 效 ,为您的电脑提供当之无愧的音响。
By combining digital signal processing
[...] with some of our most advanced acoustic technology, MM-1 brings true hi-fi sound to your desktop for the first time, giving your computer the audio it deserves.
它是一款真正意义上的双高保真扬 声 器 , 可以收缩安装于您的台式电脑中,顷刻间便可让您的 PC 或 MAC 变身为一个卓尔不凡音响系统。
It’s a true two-way hi-fi speaker, shrunk to fit on your desktop, turning your PC or Mac into a superb sound system.
高度精制的PM1更是一款精巧声器, 提供 高 保 真 性 能以及Bowers & Wilkins崭新的碳高音单元
The highly refined PM1 is a compact loudspeaker that offers audiophile-quality performance and features [...]
the new Bowers &
Wilkins Carbon Braced Tweeter.
很多人认为它是全最佳的 扬声器系列,每一款均配备有钻 高音 扬 声 器。
Regarded by many as the world’s finest loudspeaker series, every model features diamond [...]
MDD212M,MDD215音箱的组合150–200平方米的会议厅,KTV练歌房,加上独有特色MDD218S单18寸的低音,这个组合非常适合150–200平方米多功能厅,如果您的项目再大一些的场地,您可选择MDD225双15寸低音的大功率音箱,这 音 箱 的 最 大 声 压 级 达到133dB,这是其它品牌同类产品所不能比拟的,用户可以根据需要增加MDD218S的超低音,这个组在300–450平方米的多功能场地是非常适合的包括以上这些组合不仅能大大的满足用户的预期效果,更值得大家欣慰的是,整个系统的造价 高 , 真 正 是 好而不贵,优而不俗。
MDD212M, MDD215 combination for 150-200 square meters speaker chamber, KTV karaoke room, with unique characteristics, a single 18-inch super-bass MDD218S, this combination is suitable for 150-200 square meters of function rooms, if your project again larger venue, you can choose
MDD225 double 15-inch
[...] high-power super-bass speakers, this speaker to achieve the maximum sound pressure level of 133dB, which is of similar products of other brands can not match, the user can be increased MDD218S subwoofer, This group of multi-purpose venue in the 300-450 square meter is very appropriate, including not only significantly more than the combination of the satisfaction of the user's expected results that should be pleased that the entire system cost is not high, really is good but not expensive [...]
, excellent and impressive.
两个高性能的JBL®凤凰全方位传感器提供准确的高频响应和丰富的中低 声音 失 真最 小 , 即使 高 音 量
Two high-performance JBL® Phoenix full-range transducers deliver
accurate high-frequency response and rich mid- to
[...] low-frequency sound with minimal distortion, even at high volume levels.
其有源扬声器配置融合六个全面集成数字 ICEpower 功放和独特的三路低音反射扬声器构造,可营造清晰、 真 的 声音 , 即使 在 高 音 区也游刃有余,满 最 新 数 字娱乐系统的必备特性需求。
Its active speaker configuration blends six fully integrated digital
ICEpower amplifiers and
[...] unique three-way bass reflex speaker construction to deliver crystal clear, distortion-free sound reproduction, even at the high volume levels that many of the latest digital entertainment [...]
properties demand.
该系列中的每一款产均都配备了声名远播的 Nautilus(鹦鹉螺)导管高音扬声器 : 这是一种高度专业化的音染降低技术,在开创性的 Nautilus(鹦鹉螺)扬声器中首次引入,经过不断改良,已经是各 最 先 进 扬声器的不二之选。
Each model in the range features our famous Nautilus
[...] tube-loaded tweeters: a highly specialised colouration-reducing technology that was first introduced in our pioneering Nautilus speaker and has since been refined and adapted for use in our most advanced speaker models.
声器外形时尚,赋予您天籁般高 保 真音 质 和 层次感。
The sleek speaker design gives little clue about the fidelity and depth of the sound that is about [...]
to come your way.
這不僅可讓您聽到圓潤清晰的音訊和最大 音 迴 響 ,且 真最 低 , 也能讓您自豪的與朋友分享最愛的數 音 樂 , 或收 高音 量 的 外放。
This not only enables you to hear
[...] rich, clear audio, maximum bass response and minimal distortion, but also you will be proud in sharing your favorite digital music with friends, or listen to tunes out loud.
最新上 市的JBL PRX600系列扬声器,JBL PRO市场营销理查德鲁塞先生这样评价:“我们设计的JBL PRX600系列扬声器,可以用在对演出 声音 响 环 境充满挑战的地方,如 高 环 境 噪声水平或 高 声 压级演出的环境等。
For the latest listing of JBL PRX600 Series speakers, JBL PRO Marketing Mr. Richard Ruse commented: "We designed the JBL PRX600 Series speakers, can be used in sound reinforcement for performances where challenging environment, such as: high ambient noise sound pressure level or high performance [...]
我应该按一定的方式放置我的 Jabra 免提电话以获最佳的声音性能吗?
Should I position my Jabra speakerphone in a certain
[...] way to obtain the best acoustic performance?
3D 立體燈光效果突顯出 DOM Lounge 的 360 度室內牆面,尤其突顯出牆壁飾面 最 先 進 的 高 保 真音 效 系 統。
Accentuating 360 degrees of DOM Lounge’s
interior walls are three dimensional effect lighting that accentuate wall
[...] finishes and cutting edge high fidelity sound system.
使用 Kevlar 驱动单元的每款扬声器均具有 B&W 声名远播的 Nautilus(鹦鹉螺)导管高音扬声器 ,这项开拓性技术抛开并且消除驱动单元后面的 真 声 波 ,从而在正面营造更加纯净的音质。
Each speaker used Kevlar drive units, and features B&W’s famous Nautilus tube-loaded tweeters – a pioneering technology that draws away and dampens distorting sound waves from the rear of the drive units, thereby producing a much purer sound from the front.
164): 如果我使用AC'97音频前面板,我如何连接主板 高 保 真音 频 ( High Definition Audio)接针才能使用前面板音频呢?
164): If I use AC'97 front audio panel with, how do
[...] I connect to the High Definition Audio [...]
header on the motherboard and get front audio work?
最终,您将体验到 Bang & Olufsen 扬声器带来的真正数字音乐的魅力。
Finally you get to enjoy the true meaning of digital music through Bang & Olufsen speakers.
我们深信,第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议和《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》 将通过加声援最不发 达国家的事业和 高 对 其具体情况的了解,为最不发达国 家的可持续发展营造积极势头。
We are convinced that the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries and the Istanbul Programme of Action provide positive momentum for the sustainable development of least developed countries by enhancing solidarity with the cause of least developed countries and increasing awareness of their specific conditions.
支持图像预览,播放窗口大小调整,全屏播放模式,加载状态条提醒,支持鼠标滚轮播放进度/播 声音高 低 , 自动重播,时间缓冲。
Support image preview, playback window resizing, full screen playback
mode , load the status bar to remind , support mouse wheel play
[...] progress/playback sound level , auto replay [...]
, time buffer .
令人遗憾的是,国际和区域方面迄今所作的一切真努力,包括四方在 2011 年 9 月 23 日声明中提出最新倡 议(见 SG/2178),以及其中提出的 2012 年 1 月 6 日的时限,还有约旦为重振双方谈判所作的可贵 努力,都未能取得希望之中的进展,原因是以色列拒 [...]
绝遵守众所周知的明确原则,占领国坚持继续非法地 大力改变实地现状。
It is regrettable that all serious efforts exerted to date by international and regional parties, including the latest initiatives by the [...]
Quartet in its 23 September 2011 statement (see SG/2178), and the time frame it set forth, which will
end on 26 January 2012, as well as the valuable efforts by Jordan to revive negotiations between the two sides, have been unable to make the desired progress, due to Israel’s refusal to respect and adhere to the well-known, clear parameters and the occupying Power’s insistence to continue illegally and aggressively changing facts on the ground.
可以指扬声器的方向性―Q越高,声音 传 播 越窄-这在公众场合扬声器规格中运 最 多。
It can refer to the directivity of a speaker – the higher the Q the narrower the spread of sound – and you will often see this meaning used in public address speaker specifications.
由殿堂级音响名门Mark Levinson®专为LS量身定制的专业环音 响 , 配备有 19 支 高 保 真 扬 声 器 ; 高 达 450瓦的总功率,将动态清晰的顶尖音效推送而出;7.1声道环绕声效营造出绕梁三日的听觉感动,仿佛将车内空间化作维也纳金色大厅的现场。
The professional surround sound tailored for LS by famous Mark
[...] Levinson® is equipped with 19 high-fidelity loudspeakers; a total power of 450 [...]
watts brings out dynamic and clear sound; 7.1-track surround sound effect creates the hearing sensation
which lingers for many days, which changes the car space into the golden hall of Vienna.
电子通信’指本《规则》所适用的任何人使用经由电子手段、电磁 手段、光学手段或类似手段——包括但不限于电子数据交换、电子邮件、真、短 信服务(SMS)、网络会议、在线聊天、互联网论坛或微博——生 成、发送、接收或存储的信息进行的任何通信,包括为了用计算机或其他 电子装置直接处理而转换或转变为数字格式的文件对象、图像、文本声 音等模拟形式的任何信息。
electronic communication’ means any communication made by any person to whom the Rules apply by means of information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means including, but not limited to, electronic data
interchange (EDI),
[...] electronic mail, telecopy, short message services (SMS), web-conferences, online chats, Internet forums, or microblogging and includes any information in analogue form such as document objects, images, texts and sounds that are converted or transformed into a digital format so as to be directly processed by a computer or other electronic devices.
Bowers & Wilkins 的核心信念传承至今高保真扬声器 的 音 效 如此悦耳,就像是透明无瑕的窗格使您眼前一亮一般,能让原声中每一丝韵味都丝毫无损、原汁原味地流淌出来。
Bowers & Wilkins’ core belief
[...] remains unchanged: that a high-fidelity loudspeaker should [...]
be to the ear what a flawless pane
of glass is to the eye; allowing the clear passage of a sensory image, uncorrupted and faithful in every last nuance to the original.
在国际金融机构和其他标准制定机构中公平地 高 发 展 中国家 声音 和参 与对于有利于穷人的经济增长至关重要。
Greater voice and participation of the developing countries in the international financial institutions and other standard-setting bodies on a basis of equity is essential to sustain pro-poor economic growth.
深圳市中科思创超声科技有限公司是中国声学学会、功率超声学会会员企业,始自于1986年,是中科院声学所、机电部11所技术协作单位,国内首家引进、消化、吸收美国“BRANSON”公司技术再加以创新和 高 , 并 投入批量生产的国 最 早 的 超 声 波 塑 胶焊接设备生产商,曾荣获多项国家级科技进步奖项,其中的多工位全自动超声波封焊机,不仅替代了进口而且填补了国内在该领域的空白;同时超声波焊接这种新工艺在各行业的逐步引入,对以中国汽车零部件生产的国产化为代表的制造业技术升级进程也起到了良好的推动作用。
Ltd. is China's record Acoustical Society, Society of power ultrasound companies, began in 1986, is the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Acoustics, Department of Electrical and technical cooperation unit 11, the first to introduce, digest, absorb the U.S. " BRANSON "coupled with technical innovation and improvement, and put into mass production of the first domestic manufacturer of ultrasonic plastic welding equipment, has won several national scientific and technological progress awards, which cover multi-position automatic ultrasonic welding, not only replaced import and fill the domestic blank in this field; while the new technology of ultrasonic welding gradually introduced in all sectors of the Chinese-made auto parts into the process of technological upgrading of the manufacturing sector representatives also played a role in promoting good .
受有關的操作及安全訓練;在使用長距離揚聲裝置前,必須獲有關單位 最高主管批准(即警司至總警司職級);在實地使用有關裝置時,需要由一
[...] 名督察/高級督察職級或以上的人員批准,及如需要使 最高音 量 範 圍, 必須有另一名曾受訓人員協助觀察現場環境,以確保操作員在安全的情 [...]
The operational guidelines include: officers operating the LRADs are required to receive prior operational and safety training; any use of LRADs should be approved by the highest officer-in-charge of the formation concerned (i.e. an officer of Superintendent to Chief Superintendent rank); any on-site use of LRADs should be approved by an officer of
Inspector / Senior Inspector rank or above,
[...] and in case the highest volume range shall [...]
be used, another trained officer must
be present to assist in observing the actual surrounding, to ensure that the operator achieves the objective of the operation in a safe manner without causing impairment to any persons around.




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