

单词 真否定句

See also:


negative (answer)



External sources (not reviewed)

莫教授说,罗太非常愤怒,并说了“没据就提出指控,这个人不是真正的学者,不配当教 授”。
Professor Mok said Mrs Law was very angry
and commented, “Someone who made accusations
[...] without proof was not a real academic and did not deserve [...]
to be a professor.
法案委员会部分委员(包括余若薇议员)建议政府当局考 虑订的条例第88G(1)条及条例草案其他相关条文中删 ""的免就下述作为把过於严苛的责任加诸服务 提供者身上:依据指称侵权通知移除任何材料,或使任何材料 不能被接达,或依据异议通知,将任何材料还原或使任何材料 [...]
Some members of the Bills Committee including
Hon Audrey
[...] EU have suggested that the Administration shouldconsider whethertheexpression "in goodfaith"should be removed from the [...]
new section 88G(1) and other relevant
provisions of the Bill, so as to avoid putting too onerous a burden on the OSP when acting to remove or disable access to any material pursuant to a notice of alleged infringement, or reinstate the material or cease disabling access pursuant to a counter notice.
25 85. 此类策略加之不利的安全条件,使援助组织无法确认援助 否真 送达者的手中,甚至无从确认这些受益者是否存在。
Such tactics, combined with adverse security conditions, undermined the
ability of aid organizations
[...] to verify whether aid was actually reaching the intended beneficiaries or if those beneficiaries [...]
even existed.
[...] 否“为了指明或澄清声明者所认为的一条约或其中某些条款的含义或范围”―― 它与“解释性声明”的定义相对应――是一回事,所拟议的解释即“声明者所认为的一条约或其中某些条款的含义或范围”是否有 效又是另外一回事。
Indeed, it is one thing to determine whether a unilateral statement “purports to specify or clarify the meaning or scope attributed by the declarant to a treaty or to certain of its
provisions” — which corresponds to the definitionof “interpretative declaration” — and
[...] another to determinewhether the interpretation proposed therein is valid, or, in other words,whether the “meaning [...]
or scope attributed by
the declarant to a treaty or to certain of its provisions” is valid.
但是,在人大常委会作出决定之前 ─ 即使我们不谈人大常委会作出 的这个竟 2017 年的特首选举否真真如特首承诺般能够进行 普选,在整个程序、整个过程中,我们也觉得正如同事所说般,只是做一场 戏,看不到曾特首会真心、真意地替我们解决双普选的问题。
However, before the NPCSC made the decision
…… Even if we do not
[...] discuss thisdecision madeby the NPCSC, that is,whether theChief Executive election in 2017 canreally be implemented [...]
by universal suffrage,
we still feel that throughout the entire procedure and process, we do feel that, as mentioned by other colleagues, it was just a show, in which we cannot see any sincerity on the part of the Chief Executive in solving the problem of dual universal suffrage for us.
她还建议本段采用更简 洁、更优雅的措辞,特别是第二句中“《公约》载有” 短语和倒数第的“词;由于后前起草的,还不清楚公众获得记者或 政府提供的信息,而且公众被认为不如专业记者那 么重要。
She furthermore suggested simpler, more elegant language for the paragraph, particularly with regard to the phrase “The Covenant embraces” in the second sentence and the
word “corollary” in
[...] the penultimate sentence; asthe latter sentence wascurrently drafted, it was unclear whether the public had a right to [...]
receive information
from journalists or the Government, and the public was represented as less important than professional journalists.
马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士(联合王国)(以英 语发言):联合王国对俄罗斯和中国 定否在 制止叙利亚境内流血冲突并治进程创造条 件的这项决议草案(S/2012/538)感到震惊。
Sir Mark Lyall Grant (United Kingdom): The United
[...] Kingdom is appalled by the decision of Russia and China to veto the draft resolution (S/2012/538) [...]
aimed at bringing
an end to the bloodshed in Syria and at creating the conditions for a meaningful political process.
毛派干部采用暴力或以暴力相威胁以及 不遵守多元性或法治行动、党的领导层未能针对采用 此类行为的人采取 动,以及无法表明其在长 期明确坚持多党民主的党内意识形态方面进行辩论 ——所有这些都令人怀疑尼共(毛主义)在 12 点谅解 中所承诺的战略选择否真意,或该党领导层是 否有能力确保全党都遵守这项选择。
Actions of Maoist cadres which involve violence or threats of violence and do not respect pluralism or the rule of law, the failure of the party leadership to take firm action against those who commit such acts, and
internal ideological
[...] debates which do not convey a clear long-term adherence to multi-party democracy: all these lead some to question the sincerityof the strategic choice the CPN (M) committed itself to in the 12-point understanding or the ability of its leadership [...]
to ensure that the party as a whole respects it.
(5) 《释义及通则条例》(第 1 章)适用於规程的释义,犹如其适用於任何条例的释义一样,而除非规程 另有规定或出现相反用意有经本条例 规程中时均具有相同的涵义。
(5) The Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) shall apply for the purposes of the interpretation of the statutes as it applies for the
purposes of the
[...] interpretation ofan Ordinance, and all expressions defined in this Ordinance shall bear the same meaning when used in the [...]
statutes, unless
other provision is made in the statutes or a contrary intention otherwise appears.
互抽後腿不是问题,只要大家是用心和真诚,就如民建联 香港”的口号一样,如果真的是真诚,市民 重,其 他政党的议员也会尊重。
So long as Members are devoted and
sincere, just like the
[...] DAB's slogan of "work sincerely for Hong Kong", if one is really sincere, one will surelybe respected by the [...]
public as well as the
Members in other political parties.
据 称 , 储备有 18 亿 元那麽多,我 不知道 局长有否最新的数字 , 但 局长清,实 不 正 确 ,是不 尽 不 实 的,因 为机构可以任 意 使 用 储 备 作 任 何 用 途 , 不作 津 助 服 务的。
It is learned that the amount of reserve is as
high as $1.8 billion, and
[...] I donot know whetherthe Secretary has the latest figure, but can the Secretary clarifythat thissentence in themain reply is inaccurate and untrue, because NGOs may make use of the reserve for any purpose as they like and so, the subvention is not necessarily used forthe provision[...]
of subvented services.
其原因主要是难以基于生物技术的发明(诸如涉及基因及蛋 白质等的发明)否真有工业应用价值。
This has arisen essentially because of the
[...] difficulty ofdetermining whethercertainbiotechnology-related inventions, such as those covering genes or proteins, really have anyindustrial [...]
张学明议员: 主席,局长在答覆的第否定在全港 18 区设立同类 型的中心,但局长在答覆当中似乎有点矛盾的是,他指基层医疗政策非常重 要,政府并会进行一些研究,而局长表示政府和医管局仍在制订有关服务模 式的细节,那些细节究竟是甚麽呢?
MR CHEUNG HOK-MING (in Cantonese):
[...] President, inthe first sentenceofhis replythe Secretary made it clear that these centres would not be set up in all 18 [...]
districts in Hong Kong,
but the Secretary seemed to be a bit self-contradictory in his reply, as he said that the policy on primary health care is very important and the Government would conduct studies in this respect, and the Secretary also said that the Government and the HA are still working out the details of the service model.
如果句真 要,就应当移至与裁决和的条款。
If the sentenceisnecessaryat all it should be moved to the article relevant to awards and decisions.
她重申卡纳克民阵的请求,即要联合国援助新喀里多尼亚,对其迄今取得的 自治水平进行评估,并帮助其前的政策 否真低了其对宗主国法国的 依赖。
She reiterated the request of FLNKS to the United Nations for assistance to New Caledonia to assess the level of autonomy
it had achieved to
[...] date and help itdetermine whetheritscurrent policies had trulyreducedits level [...]
of dependence on France.
提供警告字句的不适用於电视或电台博彩节目,除非电视台或电台 愿意自律,自行展示警告青少年及成年赌博者的少年观众便会 在毫无警告的情况下,持续接收赌博的资讯。
Therefore, unless television and radio broadcasters are prepared to exercise self-discipline and display notices to warn youngsters and even adults, youngsters will continue to receive betting information in the total absence of any warning.
由于不符合指令的潜在后果可能会比较严重,所以许多制造商想让第三方来验证其产品 否真 符合
As the potential consequences of not complying with the Directives may be substantial, many
manufacturers want to involve a third party to verify that
[...] theirproducts reallycomply with the regulatory requirements.
柴契尔的运输政策可用一言以蔽之:「任何男人若超过30岁仍在搭公车,就等於是人生失败」,虽然有些人质疑 否真她之口,但她对运输政策的心态确实相去不远,在任内开放公车民营、降低服务品质、让少数人致富(并非源自公车营运本身,而是民营过程的交易内容)。
Early on in her administration, she deregulated bus service, reducing levels of service and making a few people rich (not from the bus service itself so much as the property acquired in the deal).
物内有引喻、暗示或隐晦语句, 可对某人造成诽谤或侮辱时,认为被针对者得向法院声请通知社长及如已知悉的 着作人,使其明确地以书面声明该等引喻、暗示或隐晦该人士,并 使其对此予以澄清。
Likewise, when a publication contains equivocal references, allusions or phrases which could imply defamation or slander, anyone who believes him/herself to be the
target of such
[...] references, allusions or phrases may apply for a court order notifying the editor and author (if identifiable) to issue, in writing, an unequivocal statement indicatingwhether or not these references, allusionsor phrases do concern him/her, and to clarify them.
(g) 考虑在拟议第118条及(如适用的 话 )条例草案其 他条文中,“ 为 牟利或经 济报酬”的为实质利益, 但不钱或财务性质而 作出的作为(第 5.2项 )
(g) to consider whether the expression “for profit or financial reward” under proposed section 118 and where appropriate, elsewhere in the Bill, could cover infringing acts done for significant advantage which might not be of a monetary nature (Issue 5.2)
我想多加便是 一个解释, 除了第二十四条情况下认他们拥有永久居民身份的资格 外,还可透过立法或酌情权,承认或赋予他们永久居民的身份?
Can there be another interpretation, meaning that apart from Article 24 which provides that under the circumstances, their permanent resident status will be recognized, the Administration can also recognize or grant them permanent resident status by way of legislation or discretion?
到了目的地之后,公孙龙对朋友提起此事,说到:“ 只要个人有一技之长,他就 处, 错呀。
After arriving at his destination, Gong Sun Long mentioned this to his friend and commented:" It is forsure that anyone is useful as long as he has a specialty.
整篇讲辞充满了煽动性的词句,例如将绝对合理的市民接受程度作为根据,讲到 ㆒钱不值,用「无以为生、倾家荡产」等 否定合理的根据。
His whole speech is full of provocative language, for example, the disparaged the absolutely reasonable rationale
of public acceptability
[...] as a nullity, andnegatived this reasonable [...]
rationale with words like"destitute and bankrupt".
委员会响应秘书长呼吁的首要任务是,为即将到 来的两年期定真财务纪律,通过大量持续削减 的预算,利用上一个两年期(2010-2011 年)预算,而 非即将到来的两年期(2012-2013 年)预算大纲作为基 准,衡量否真省开支。
The first task of the Committee in responding to the lead given by the Secretary-General was to establishgenuine fiscal discipline for the forthcoming biennium, adopting a budget with substantial and sustainable reductions, gauging [...]
real savings by using
as a benchmark the budget adopted for the previous biennium, 2010-2011, rather than the budget outline for the forthcoming biennium, 2012-2013.
此责任包括设计、实施及维持与编制公平地呈列财务 报表有关的内部监控,以确保并无重大错误陈述(不论诈或错误引起);选择及应用适当之会计 政策;以及在不同情况下作出合理的会计估计。
This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal
control relevant to the
[...] preparationand thetrue andfairpresentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whetherdue to fraud or error; [...]
selecting and
applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
另㆒个更重要的因素是: 假如亲父监定诉讼条例现有的定真符合㆟权法,则该条例可能在法庭 否定
Another more important factor is that, if the present
[...] provisions inthe APO were really inconsistent with the Bill of Rights, there is a possibility that the Ordinance may be successfully challenged in court.
4.1 缔约方在2008年12月11 日的意见中提到了委员会的一般性政策,该项政
[...] 策规定委员会不评估由国内法院确定的证据或者不审查由国内法院确定的事实, 只限委员会法院否真 并且以并非十分无理的方式解释国内法。
4.1 In its observations of 11 December 2008, the State party refers to the Committee’s general policy of not evaluating evidence or reviewing facts as established by the domestic courts, but
of confining
[...] itself to ascertaining whether the latter have interpreted [...]
domestic law in good faithand in a manner that is not manifestly unreasonable.
除非主席 认为议案的主要内容可有看似更合理的解释,使其不致归入涉及 针对人大常委会本身特性或人大常委会依法作出的行为作出指 控性类别根据主席 铭议员议案不合乎规 程的原则,议案此部分显然也应同样地裁定为不合乎规程。
Unless the President finds that there is a more plausible construction of the substance of the proposed motion which does not justify putting the proposed motion into the category of motions involving accusatory expressions against the character of NPCSC or the acts of NPCSC undertaken according to law, it seems clear that on the principles which the President ruled Hon Martin Lee's motion out of order, this part of the proposed motion should likewise be ruled out of order.
然而……可……包括在”的措辞反映了这一不同 做法的可选性质,而最后的限果没有任何缔约国或缔约组织在下提出反对”则保障在若无任何一个缔约国或缔约组织反对将其列入计算时适用 第 1 款中制定的原则。
The expression “may, however, be included” reflects the optional nature of this divergent practice, whereas the finalqualification “if no contracting State or contracting organization is opposed in a particular case” safeguards the application of the principle established in paragraph 1 should any one contracting State or contracting organization be opposed to that inclusion.




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