

单词 真假难辨

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

這 一 條 法 律 規 則 有 穩 妥 的 理 由 支 持 , 因 為 在 審 訊 時 除 了 冷 冰 冰 的
[...] 紀 錄 外 , 尚 有 其 他 輔 助 方 法 可 以辨 真 假 。
There is sound reason for this rule of law for at the trial other aids beyond the cold
[...] record help to tell truth from falsehood.
例如,其父亲护照的复印难以辨认 , 且没有他在刚果 民主共和国逗留的日期;他提供了民主与社会进步联盟的一封函件,但并非干事 [...]
For example, the photocopy of his
[...] father’s passport was illegible and did not show [...]
the dates of his stay in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, and the complainant provided a copy of a letter from UDPS, not the original requested by the officer.
位于最令人向往的前甲板,MSC游艇俱乐部是平和及高雅的天堂,拥有私人管家服务和全系列的奢华私人实施,给您带来永 难 忘 的 假 日 体 验。
Located on the most desirable foredecks, the MSC Yacht Club is a haven of peace and refinement, with an
exclusive butler service and complete spectrum of luxury private facilities
[...] to bring you an unforgettable holiday experience.
The case in point is, I think, how to tell
[...] whether such information is true or not.
例如,难辨别 哪 些投入或干预措施对决策过程起作用。
For example, it is very difficult to discern which [...]
inputs or interventions act on the policy-making process.
[...] 对许多国家来说,参加食典委会议具有能力建设的功效;两年期会议可能需要更长的时 间解决所有的议题,将造成实际难 ; 应 认 真 考 虑 政府为准备和参加年度会议做出的巨 [...]
Some delegations highlighted specific reasons for retaining annual sessions: in view of the lack of resources for risk assessment in many developing countries, timely availability of Codex food safety standards was very important for use at the national level; participation in the Commission had a capacity building function for some countries; biennial sessions may need to be longer in order to
address all items of work, which would
[...] create practical difficulties; and the considerable [...]
efforts made by governments to
prepare themselves and participate in annual meetings should be taken into account.
香港是國際的金融中心,也是中國經濟發展的窗口,如果有商業 節目,例如被質疑的亞視節目“走進上市公司”,一旦滲入新聞,資真假難辨,公 司好壞不分,最後擾亂了市場,傷害了香港及中國的投 資者,這便是殺雞取卵的自作孽,而傳媒的“有償新聞”便成為始作俑 者,立法會、廣管局及政府均必須嚴肅處理。
Ultimately, the market will be disrupted causing losses to investors of Hong Kong and China. That is a self-inflicted sin of "killing the goose that lays golden eggs", and "paid news" of the media is the culprit.
[...] 有效的监督结构之外,受害人也往往无法指认侵犯行为的施害者,因为在众多军 事行动者之间难进行分辨,无 论它们是国家部队、国际部队还是私营军事和安 [...]
In addition to a lack of effective oversight structures, often victims were
unable to identify the perpetrators of
[...] the abuses owing to difficulties in distinguishing [...]
between the many military actors, be
they national forces, international forces or private military and security companies.
本报告认识到桑托斯政府在执政以后的第一个月里表示对人权的承诺,并欢 迎加强了大力减少称为假辨认” 、实际上却造成大量法外处决的做法。
The report recognizes the commitment to human rights expressed by the Santos administration during its first months in office and welcomes the
consolidation of the drastic reduction in the
[...] practice known as “false positives”, which resulted [...]
in extrajudicial killings.
但是对重建后的祖先视觉色素的属性以及突变造成的变种的仔细的实验研究提示,这种统计方法使用的核心简 假 定 是 不可靠的,而且让这种方 难 于 发 现 真 正 的 路径。
But careful experimental studies of the properties of reconstructed ancestral forms of visual pigments and variants created
by mutation suggest
[...] that core simplifying assumptions used in the statistical approaches are unreliable and make the approaches [...]
unable to identify the actual paths.
這類新式磁卡系 統利 用 磁粉的 特 性 , 將 部分的 信 號 變 成 一些不穩 定的信 號,其原理是提款 卡 用 戶 每 次 在 櫃 員 機 完 成 一 次 交 易之後 , 其中一組字的 數個號 碼 可能會 變 動 , 所 以 , 當 匪 徒 盜 取 該 卡 資料, 然後複 製 成 假 卡 提 款 時,由 於 假 卡
只 會 複 製了真 卡 上 某 一 時 刻 的 數 值 編 碼 , 而這個數值 編 碼 並 不 會 變 動
[...] , 那 麼 銀 行 櫃 員 機在 讀 卡 兩 次 後 , 便 能 即 時辨 真 偽 , 假 卡 便 不能那般易於冒 充真卡 。
The concept here is that every time after a bank customer has completed an ATM transaction with his card, a group of digits in the code will change, so even if a criminal element can steal the information of the card and make a fake ATM card, ATMs will still be able to tell that it is a fake card immediately after reading the information for the
second time, because what is
[...] duplicated on the fake card is just the code of the real card at a certain [...]
point of time, which has not changed subsequently.
這事亦證明傳辨識教育 真是十分重要。
This also proves that
[...] education on media literacy is extremely important.
在 預 防 措施方面 , 警 方 經 常 在不同的 場 合 , 以 及 透 過傳媒展示 鈔 票 及 硬幣的 防 偽 特 徵,亦 聯 同 金 管 局 於警區 警
[...] 署 開 放日向公 眾展 覽和提 供 專 人 講 解 , 從 而 教導市民辨 真 假 鈔票和 硬幣。
They also organize joint briefings with the HKMA on open
days at police stations in order to educate the public on ways to
[...] differentiate genuine and counterfeit notes and coins.
经验也可能使得潜在的能难以辨别 — —能力的指征可能 只是经验,或者缺乏经验会使他看上去没有能力。
It can also make potential ability hard to discern—indication of capability might just be experience, or lack of experience might make it appear that there is no ability.
约旦对安全理事会的真诚与和密集的努力寄予厚 望,并赞赏埃及的倡议。该倡议可推动在结束这一悲
[...] 惨局势方面取得进展,为兄弟的巴勒斯坦人民提供援 助,减轻他们的难,恢复认真谈判 ,以实现两国解 决办法——这是确保该地区安全与稳定的唯一途径。
Jordan has great hopes for the sincere and extensive efforts of the Security Council and appreciates the Egyptian initiative, which should serve as an incentive to make progress in ending this tragic situation, by providing humanitarian assistance to the brotherly
Palestinian people, alleviating
[...] their suffering and returning to serious negotiations in [...]
order to achieve the two-State solution,
which is the only way to ensure security and stability in the region.
虽然存在这些巨大困难,马耳他仍继续履行我们真正的难民和 有资格获得人道主义保护的人所承 担的国际义务,而且相对于我国的面积和人口而言, 我们已经给了很多人庇护。
Despite those severe
[...] difficulties, Malta has continued to honour its international obligations towards genuine refugees and persons [...]
qualifying for humanitarian
protection, and has awarded asylum to a very large number of persons seeking it, relative to our country’s size and population.
若存在浮冰和雪, 它们可能会使大量或所有的油类都变得依 难辨, 从而使看到的画面更令人困惑(图 22)。
The presence of ice floes and snow may obscure large amounts or all of the oil and will confuse the picture yet further (Figure 22).
有鉴于平民伤亡人数不断增加,我们重申,我们 呼吁各方严格遵守国际人道主义法的规定,尽一切可 能来保护无辜人民不受暴力影响,并且保护近几个月 来没有幸免难的清真寺和医院。
In the light of the increasing number of civilian losses and injuries, we reiterate our call on all parties to abide scrupulously with the provisions of international humanitarian law and to do everything possible to protect
innocent persons from
[...] violence, as well as mosques and hospitals, which have not been spared from attack in recent months.
在其第 65/245 号决议同一节第 4
[...] 段中,大会满意地注意到秘书处已根据以 往的决议做出了照顾东正教耶稣难 节 以 及法 假 日 开 斋节和宰牲节的安排。
In paragraph 4 of the same section of its resolution 65/245, the General Assembly noted with satisfaction that the Secretariat had taken into account the arrangements referred
to in its previous resolutions concerning Orthodox Good
[...] Friday and the official holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid [...]
但有些反對利他主義的㆟士就會 指出,利他主義往往成為壓迫婦女 假真 理 ,要婦女在這個社會發展過程㆗,心甘情願處 於輔助性的㆞位,為他㆟,尤其是為丈夫、兒子或兄弟犧牲自己的發展潛能。
But people against the notion of altruism may point out that altruism has often been abused to suppress women and to ensure that they are willing to play second fiddle in society and to sacrifice their own development potential for the sake of others, in particular their husbands, their sons or their brothers.
在这假定情况中,难解释 为什么此 类默认接受保留只是因为国家继承就被推翻。
In these
[...] circumstances, it would be difficult to conceive why such [...]
a tacit acceptance of the reservation should be called
into question merely because a succession of States has taken place.
为所有信标登记的所有告警信号中 90 为假信号
[...] 这要付出极其高的代价 406 MHz 信标的虚假 告警率很高 但 99 可通过电话解决 121.5/243 MHz 信标的假告警 会干扰来自需要援助的人真 实的遇难告警
The 406 MHz beacon has a high false alarm rate, but 99 per
cent are solved by a
[...] telephone call. False alarms of 121.5/243 MHz beacons can interfere with real distress alarms [...]
from people in need of assistance.
觀過知仁,我相信每㆒位「心水清」的市民都能夠 辨 出 哪些 ㆟ 真 正服 務社會,致力為港,哪些只懂空喊口號,做政治表演的政客。
I believe that every citizen "who
has a clear head" will be able to
[...] differentiate those who really want to serve our society [...]
and work for the betterment of
Hong Kong from those politicians who only know how to stage political shows and shout empty slogans.
由于采用独特的电压模式驱动模式,可以补偿 BEMF、总线电压和电机绕组变化,在 L6480 模型中能实现这真正的 1/128 步辨率微步进功能。
Thanks to a unique voltage-mode driving mode, which compensates for BEMF, bus
voltage and motor winding variations, the
[...] microstepping of a true 1/128-step resolution is achieved [...]
in the L6480 model.
把這兩年的數字比較, 持真槍犯案的數字是下跌了,但持類似手槍物體犯案的數字則上升了六成,
[...] 原因會否並非是警方成功堵截槍械流入本港,而是警方在判 真假 槍 械 的標 準和能力,在這兩年間起了變化?
Is it due to the reason that there have been changes in
the standards and capabilities of the
[...] police in judging genuine and fake pistols [...]
rather than the success of the police in
intercepting the smuggling of firearms into Hong Kong?
[...] 不依赖尼日尔当局提供的一份物品清单和少量照片(见图六),由于照片质量欠 佳,难精确辨认其中一些物资。
The Panel has not physically seen the materiel and has had to rely on a list of items provided by the Niger authorities
and photographs of limited quality (see figure VI)
[...] which has made it difficult to identify some of the [...]
materiel precisely.
长期使用抗生素有许多潜在的副作用,其中包括日光敏感、过敏反应、耐药菌繁殖引起肠道菌群变化、酵母菌感染,以及增 难辨 梭 菌 结肠炎的患病风险。
Prolonged use of antibiotics has numerous potential side effects, including sun sensitivity, allergic reactions, altered
intestinal flora with colonization of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, yeast infections and
[...] the risk of C. Difficile colitis.
审计委员会认为,全联合国在下列四个领域仍然存在问题:(a) 制定的目标
[...] 有时不清晰;(b) 预期成绩与对应目标之间的联系有 难 以 辨 认 , 甚至根本不存 在;(c) 绩效指标往往有缺陷;(d) [...]
外部因素的说明过于含混,以致失去作用(见 A/65/5 (Vol.I),第 202 段)。
The Board concluded that problems persist in four areas across the United Nations: (a) the formulation of objectives sometimes lacked clarity; (b) the link
between accomplishments and
[...] objectives was sometimes difficult to identify or practically [...]
non-existent; (c) indicators of
achievement were often flawed; and (d) external factors were stated in terms that were too vague to be effective (see A/65/5 (Vol. I), para. 202).
(c) 政府當局會否發出任何指引 政府當局會否發出任何指引 政府當局會否發出任何指引 政府當局會否發出任何指引,讓市民能夠分辨 ,讓市民能夠分辨 ,讓市民能夠分辨 ,讓市民能夠辨「真正的 」註冊醫生與並非註冊 「真正的」註冊醫生與並非註冊 「真正的」註冊醫生與並非註冊 「真正的」註冊醫生與並非註冊 醫生的㆟士?
(c) whether the Administration will issue any guidelines to enable the public to distinguish "genuine" medical practitioners from those who are not registered?
[...] 使用这条命令自动判断和发现数据库中的数据时,需要非常熟悉系统的维护人员或开发人员 参与恢复,由于数据库中存在大量的垃圾数据,需要由维护人员或开发人 辨 别 真 正 需 要的 数据。
When use this command to automatically determine and find data in the database, the maintenance guy which is very familiar with the system or the developer may need to be involved in the recovery process, because
there are a lot of junk data in the
[...] database, the real data needs to be identified by the maintenance [...]
personnel or the developer.




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