

单词 看着不管

See also:


look after

看看 v

see v
look at v


regardless of
no matter
no matter (what, how)

External sources (not reviewed)

可悲而又矛盾的是,我不得 不眼睁睁地看着近年 来的破坏性事件如何显现出在 核能利用管理方面存在的内在危险。
It is a sad paradox that we have had to witness
[...] how the devastating events of recent years have revealed the dangers inherent in the use and management of nuclear energy.
我們預期此舉在執法上會有 很大的難度,因為要求酒牌持有人同時 看管 那 些已離開其持牌處 所的顧客,既困難不合理
We envisage grave difficulty from the enforcement perspective, as
it is difficult and
[...] unreasonable to require the liquor licensee to manage customers who have left his licensed premises.
第二类包含国家和区 域性渔业系统着管理措施的生效 不 断 改善,将带来更高程度的遵守协议。
A second category comprises national and
regional fisheries systems
[...] undergoing steady improvement as management measures take effect and [...]
bring about greater levels of compliance.
这意着,人 身自由和人身安全的权利适用于一切对自由的剥夺 不管 是 在 刑事案件中 还是其他情况,如精神疾病和移民控制。
This means the right to personal liberty and security of person is applicable to all deprivations of liberty, whether in criminal cases or in other cases such as, mental illness and immigration control.
李柱銘議員看着我, 我想不用擔 心了,我不是指摘他跟這個問題有利益關係。
I am not criticizing him for having any interest at stake on this issue.
远程监控意着不管您在 哪里,您都可以通过电子邮箱或F TP 查 看 记 录
Remote monitoring means that you can check the logs and screenshots no matter when and where you are in your email or FTP.
人的权利与义务研究社代表说,读了关于塞尔维亚的普遍定期审议报告 后 可看 出,塞尔维 亚 的各民族在人权领域着 不 同 的期望 ,他们 要和平 共处对 这个多 民族国家 来 说 , 仍 是 一项巨 大 的 挑战。
The representative of the Research Society on the Rights and Duties of Mankind (CRED) stated that it emerged of their reading of the UPR report on Serbia that peaceful coexistence among various national entities, which appear to have different aspirations in the area of human rights, remained a major challenge for this multinational State.
不能睁睁地看着更多 资源用于核军备和 扩散,却不去处理这些问题。
Neither can it afford to see more resources spent on nuclear armaments and proliferation while these problems are not addressed.
2009 年亚洲及太平洋经济社会概览》、1 《概览》年底的 更新版本以及即将发布的《2010 年概览着重指出了以下事实: 管看 起来 本区域正在复苏,但目前的反弹是脆弱的 不 均 衡 的。
The Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009,1 its year-end update and the forthcoming 2010 Survey underline the fact that, even though a regional recovery appears to be under way, the current rebound is fragile and uneven.
加㆖到目前看不到任何令㆟信服的 管 制 度和投資風險的責任承擔,本㆟實在不敢 貿然向市民推薦,除非政府提供更詳盡的資料,例如㆒直沒有公開在九㆔年年底委託 顧問公司完成的強制性私㆟公積金可行性報告,並且承諾盡快解決目前所有老㆟家的 退休生活問題。
In view of the absence of any satisfactory monitoring system and commitment to insurance against investment risks, I would be slow to recommend it to the general public unless more detailed information be made available, such as the feasibility study report, which was never published, in respect of a mandatory privately-run provident fund scheme completed at the end of 1993 by a consultant company appointed by the Administration; or unless there are promises that the livelihood problems of elderly people after retirement will be well taken care of.
在这方面,一些委员都认为普遍存在着不愿接受根据接受某一协议的暗示 放弃,但还有一些委员则对特别报告员在报告中的声称表示怀疑,特别报告员声 称说,国家同意受国际协议的约束,规定对严重国际罪行的普 管 辖 , 或者将豁 免排除在外不意味着同意 对其官员行使外国刑 管 辖 ,从而放弃豁免。
In this regard, while some members agreed that there was a general reluctance to accept an implied waiver based on the acceptance of an agreement, some doubts were expressed by others regarding the assertion by the Special Rapporteur in his report that State’s consent to be bound by an
international agreement
[...] establishing universal jurisdiction for grave international crimes or precluding immunity did not imply consent to the exercise of foreign criminal jurisdiction in respect of [...]
its officials, and therefore waiver of immunity.
政府也有回信,表不用害 怕,因為有 聯合委員會、證監會、金管局,以及官員 管着。
The Government also gave a reply, saying that there was no cause for concern because the Joint Committee, the SFC, the HKMA and officials were keeping an eye on this.
可以看出,《公约》第 十一部分和第十二部分相关条款之间的相互关系意味着,它们体 着管 理 局 的重 要责任和义务,而这些责任与义务须 看 作 是《公约》所确立管辖权限范围内海 洋管理总框架的一个固有部分。
It can be seen that the interrelationship between the relevant provisions of Parts XI and XII of the Convention means that these represent important responsibilities and duties for the Authority, which need to be considered as an integral part of the overall framework for ocean governance within the jurisdictional competences established by the Convention.
如果运气好,您可能永远不着看急 诊 室医生。
With any luck, you will never have to see an ER doctor.
例如,作出很大努力使某一地区的全部人口都能得 到供水,但是供水给大多数人口的 管 和 给 被边缘化或被排斥群体的 管 是 分 开 的,因而使被禁止的歧视形式继续存在下去,这一做法虽然符合不获得性标准, 但从人权角度看不能算是良好做法。
For instance, a substantial effort to extend access to water to the entire population in a given area, but which perpetuates prohibited forms of discrimination by providing separate taps for the majority population and for a marginalized or excluded group, while meeting the criterion of accessibility, cannot be considered a good practice from a human rights perspective.
着重指 出了科索沃社会的重大排斥问题,并指出,受排斥是各种各样的人都会遇到 的遭遇,他们都有可能成为科索沃 看不 见 的人”,包括长期失业者、弱势儿童及 青少年、农村妇女、科索沃罗姆族、阿什卡利族和埃及族人以及有特殊需要的人。
The report highlights the sheer scale of exclusion across Kosovo society, noting that exclusion is a condition experienced by a wide range of people who risk becoming Kosovo’s “invisible population”, [...]
including the long-term
unemployed, disadvantaged children and youth, rural women, the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities and people with special needs.
法院说:“管辖权不意味着没有豁 免,而没有豁免不意味着管辖权
The Court said, in
[...] part: “[J]urisdiction does not imply absence of immunity, while absence of immunity does not imply jurisdiction.
而松开管螺纹连接意着管 螺纹处可能会发生泄漏。
Loosening the pipe connection could mean leakage at the pipe thread.
如果移民局决不将外国人驱逐,或如果申诉人决 不 选 择这样一种解决方法, 则在申诉人入境的必要手续完成之前,必须将其置于拘留移民地 看管 , 此外别无他法”。
Should the Office of Immigration decide not to deport the alien or should the appellant not choose this solution, there remains no other alternative than to hold him in custody in the place of detention for immigrants until the necessary requisites for his admission to the country have been completed.
虽然无看管,他 爬上了底的婴儿车和轮 不 知 情的母亲,离开商店时,他爬出来的婴儿车,并最终结束了在交通。
While unattended there, he crawls into the bottom of a stroller and is wheeled [...]
out by an unsuspecting mother, leaving the
store, he crawls out from the stroller and eventually ends up in traffic.
刑法》第 361 条于 2001
[...] 年作了修改(第 59 号修正案),该条现在的规定 是,未不满六岁的儿童进行适 看管 , 将 其置于危及其生命、损害或有可能损 害其健康和福利的困境的行为属刑事犯罪。
Section 361 of the Penal Law was amended in 2001 (Amendment 59), and now determines that
leaving a child under the age
[...] of six without appropriate supervision, in circumstances that endanger [...]
the child’s life, hurt
or might hurt the health or well-being of the child, is a criminal offence.
着管理和结构改革 成果的巩固,重点将转向监督和评估各项结构和管理改革的实施上,并进一步完 善改革进程,以提高进一步的援助提供能力。
With the
[...] consolidation of the management and structural reforms, [...]
the focus will now shift to monitoring and assessing the
implementation of the various structural and management changes, and fine-tuning processes to improve further delivery capacity.
那么,这是否意着不管用什 么方法都应该让血压降到120/80以下呢?
So does this mean we should all be shooting for a blood pressure of less than 120/80, regardless of the means?
因此,本集团期着看到结 果文件阐述如何以最佳方式运用各种政策手段 以加快社会经济发展这一问题,同时考虑到需要采取政策工具包的方式 不 是通 用方式对待发展。
The Group therefore looks forward to the outcome document addressing how the various policy options can best be applied to accelerate socio-economic development, taking into account the need for a policy [...]
toolkit approach rather
than a one-size-fit all approach to development.
正如Brewster等人指出的那样,移动滚动条所产生的反馈可以是非常细微的,其结果是即使你 不 转 睛 盯 着看 也 会非常有可能会错过你要找的部分,尤其是当重要的内容是在屏幕左边的时候你几乎必然要错过。
As Brewster et al. point out, the feedback of the moving scrollbar
can be quite small, hence is easy to
[...] miss even if you are looking at it, which, given [...]
the important information is on the
left of the screen, it is highly unlikely you will be.
女性工作人员的能力建设措施应当包括可以进入负责制定与女性囚犯待遇看 管工作 相关的政策和战略的重要职责高层职位。
Capacity-building measures for women staff shall also include access to senior positions with key responsibility for the development of policies and strategies relating to the treatment and care of women prisoners.
图3这种不规范的页面数据,如果让Excel处理起来就会出现这样的结果(图4) 看着 是 不 是 感 觉很乱,所有的东西都错位了,一般的人会感到速手无策的。
Figure 3 pages of this non-standard data, if Excel will appear to deal with such a result (Figure 4), looking at not feeling great confusion, everything has been misplaced, the average person would be Super hands-free policies.
9 月份的首脑会议将是一个至关重要的机会,可 能有两种结果:一种是首脑会议将达成到 2015 年实 现千年目标的、具有历史意义的全球发展行动计划; 另一种是我们将站在一看着进展与目标越来越远, 数百万人被剥夺基本的食物、教育和平等权,国际除 贫集体行动的可信度受到无可弥补的损害。
The summit in September will be a vital opportunity to which there are two possible outcomes: either the summit will result in an historic global development action plan to deliver the MDGs by 2015, or we will stand by and watch as progress slips further and further behind target, millions are denied the basic rights to food, education and equality, and the credibility of collective international action in the fight against poverty is irreparably undermined.
我要强调的是,面对不断变化的世界中的现实,我 不 能 再允许自己奢侈地 无所作为,看着国际安全面临新生的威胁和危险。
Let me stress that faced with the realities of a changing world, we can no longer allow ourselves the luxury of staying inert and merely witnessing the evolution of new threats and menaces to international security.




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