

单词 看病

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在这个方案,负责孩子 健康的家庭医生或儿科医生会上门给孩 看病 , 以 便建议母亲根据家中条件照料 孩子的健康。
Within the programme, a family doctor dealing with the child or a paediatrician also visit the child at home to give the mother advice for taking care of the child depending on the conditions at home.
他 们得到了保健资金,而医院的情况仍然十分艰难且 人们无法去医看病。
They have been given money for health care, while hospitals have remained in miserable shape and people have had no access.
例如,在墨西哥,由于 可以到初级保健设看病并有 适当转诊机制继续进行治疗,贫穷居民的儿童死亡 率有所下降。
In Mexico, for instance, access to primary care facilities and continuity of care backed by adequate referral mechanisms have contributed to reducing child mortality in deprived populations.
这一节包括如下建议:(i) 维持基金目前的医疗报销金额度和报销比例;(ii) 在基金参加者可继续自 由选择医生和(或)医疗机构的同时,研究可否建立一个参保者就医的首选专业保健网络;(iii) 进一步明 确可报销费用的条文,具体说明哪些费用可报销,哪些费用不能报销;(iv) 修改可报销的就诊费最高额, 提高在法国的就诊费最高报销额,并确定在法国以外的就诊费最高报销额;(v) 将看病单据 的时效期限由 三年缩短为两年;(vi) 开发基金参加者通过在线服务获取有关报销单信息的机会;(vii) 研究享受“生命 卡”服务的可行性;(viii) 制定一项医疗保险基金向受保人通报信息的政策。
The proposals in this section are the following: (i) maintain the current level of benefits paid by the Fund and the present rates of reimbursement; (ii) examine the possibility of a special network of health professionals to which the participants in the Fund could go, while maintaining the participants’ freedom to choose their practitioners and/or hospitals; (iii) improve the clarity of the texts relating to reimbursable benefits by specifying the benefits covered and the risks excluded, (iv) modify the ceilings for reimbursable medical care by raising those applicable to care provided in France and introducing ceilings for care provided outside France; (v) reduce the time limit for claims from three years to two; (vi) develop Internet access to information on the status of reimbursement claims; (vii) study the possibility of using the services available with the French carte vitale; (viii) develop a policy of communication between MBF and its participants.
如 果 社 會 不能 向 經 常看 病 的 殘疾人士提供 這 些 交 [...]
通 便 利,我實在不 明 白 我們的政府如何 履 行 《 殘疾歧 視 條例》中 的 原 則 和 政 策要求 。
If society cannot make transportation easier for people with disabilities
who need medical consultation frequently, I
[...] really fail to see how the Government [...]
can realize the principles of the Disability
Discrimination Ordinance and meet its policy requirements.
2008-2009 年,患病难民在这些诊看病共计 9 897 227 人次,看牙共计 760 674 人次。
During 2008-2009, a total of 9,897,227 visits were made to those clinics by refugee patients for medical and 760,674 dental consultations.
以色列继续采取集体惩罚等一系列非法和严 厉措施非人道地对待巴勒斯坦囚犯和被拘留者,
[...] 包括强迫他们居住在肮脏和不卫生的条件下;不 让他看病;限 制家人探访;长时间隔离监禁, [...]
有些人被独禁时间至少有 10 年;剥夺他们作为 囚犯所享有的教育权;夜间强行搜查牢房;剥夺
Israel has continued its inhumane treatment of Palestinian prisoners and detainees via a series of illegal and harsh measures, such as collective punishment, which includes forcing them to live
in unsanitary and unhygienic conditions;
[...] denial of health care; restrictions [...]
on family visits; solitary confinement for
long periods of time, with some held in isolation for at least 10 years; deprivation of the prisoners’ right to education; forced night-time searches of prisoners’ cells; and denial of due process.
插图中画着一位长胡子教徒,正在病人头顶上方挥舞着一根木棍,还画了一个骷髅和两根交叉的人骨,警告人们这 看病 方 法是非常危险的。
It shows a long-haired holy man waving a
[...] wand over his patient’s head as a [...]
skull and crossed bones warn of danger.
近年来,着重使找家庭医看 病更便 利(目的是减少每个家庭医生所管患者人数),优化家庭医生的工作(例如开 [...]
发一个费用模型,作为报酬的依据),开通一条家庭医生信息热线(号码 1220), 通过个案管理把家庭医生纳入社会体系。
In the recent
[...] years, emphasis has been on improving the [...]
accessibility of family doctors (the aim is to reduce the number
of patients per one family doctor), optimisation of work of family doctors (e.g. developing a cost model to serve as the basis for remuneration), launching of the family doctor information line (number 1220), and integrating of family doctors in the social system through case management.
如果您在澳大利亚的留学时间较长,超过一学年,那么您可能会出于某种原因需 看病 求 医
If you're in Australia for more than a semester, chances are that you'll have to visit a doctor for some reason.
国际社会必须立即采取 有效措施,保证以色列执行第 1860(2009)号决议,使
[...] 其解除对加沙地带的封锁,准许开始重建和经济恢复 的项目,允许医药用品、粮食、农产品、燃料和建筑 材料的进入,准许病人前往医看病 和 允 许平民行动 自由。
The international community must take immediate and effective steps to guarantee that Israel implement resolution 1860 (2009), that it lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip, authorize the launching of reconstruction and economic recovery projects, allow the entry of medical supplies, food, agricultural
products, fuel and construction
[...] materials, permit the sick to reach hospitals and allow civilians [...]
their freedom of movement.
A.M. 显示了非常严重的受伤害症状,她曾多次去少年儿童精 病 诊 所看 病。
They also submitted that A.M. had shown very serious symptoms of suffering harm, she had made repeated visits to the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic.
该卡有 下列好处:(i) 凭卡可把在法国就医的医疗保险单据直接简电通知管理人,这样参保者报销 起来更为快捷;(ii) 它是有权在法国的诊所和医看病就 医 和享有社会保险费用的证明; (iii) 它可以降低管理人的处理费用,也就是减少了教科文组织的开支。
The carte vitale has the following advantages: (i) it enables the direct teletransmission to the administrator of claim forms for services in France, resulting in more rapid reimbursement of the insured party; (ii) it serves as proof of the right to benefits and, consequently, as a guarantee for the reimbursement of medical expenses (prise en charge) incurred in French clinics and hospitals; and (iii) it decreases the cost of processing by the administrator and, consequently, the cost to UNESCO.
在这种有条件的现金交易方案内,向符合条件的穷人和处境不利的家庭 提供直接的现金付款,用来送他们的孩子上学 看病。
Under this conditional cash transfer programme, direct cash payments are provided to eligible poor and vulnerable households who send their children to schools and clinics.
[...] 睡在肮脏的牢房地板上,没有相应的卫生条件、水和食物,不 看病 , 包 括据称 有儿童和青少年被警察弄伤。
The SPT also received allegations of ill-treatment during police custody such as the obligation to sleep on the floor in a filthy cell without proper
access to sanitation, water and food, and the
[...] denial of health care, including for [...]
children and adolescents allegedly wounded by the police.
例如,去公共诊看病必须 出示 居留许可证的规定会使无身份移徙者受到歧视。
For instance, requiring the production of a residence permit in order to access public health clinics will discriminate against irregular migrants.
防止酷刑小组委员会建议,缔约国应按照国际标准,确保囚犯一入狱就接 受专业体检,之后在必要时再接受体检。18 应在保密的情况下,让囚犯能够寻 求专业的医疗援助,不应让看守或其他囚犯阻碍或过滤掉他们 看病 请 求
The SPT recommends that the State party ensure that a health professional examine every inmate as soon as possible after his or her admission and thereafter as necessary, in accordance with international standards.18 Inmates should be able to seek professional medical assistance in confidence and without their request being obstructed or filtered by guards or other inmates.
据当地 公民说,担心被拘留是求看病的障 碍。
According to local citizens, fear of detention is a barrier to seeking medical care.
本国现拥有放射科肿瘤医生120名,事实上至少需要800名医生才能满足患者 看病 需 求
There are only 120 Radio-Oncologist in Bangladesh, which is far from the demand of 800 Radio-Oncologist.
如果我們讓他們加入醫 療界,這個誤會將會加深,使市民會真的在不知不覺㆗找錯醫生,因為他們不知道原來找 了㆒個另類醫學的醫看病,還 當他是㆒個專科的西醫。
If we let them join the Medical Functional Constituency, it will deepen the misunderstanding and members of the public will really find the wrong doctors unwittingly because they do not know that they have actually gone to a practitioner of alternative medicine and mistake him for a specialist practitioner in western medicine.
此时,她们的办公室没看病的人 ,诊所很安静。
Their office is empty, and the clinic is quiet.
2002 年采用了资助初级保健组织的不同方 法――为所有在初级保健组织登记的患者每人每年支付一定资金,患者无须在每看病后向医生付费。
The Government also introduced a different method of funding for Primary Health Organisations (PHOs) in 2002 – per capita annual funding for all patients enrolled with a PHO instead of a fee-for-service payment made to the doctor after each patient visit.
委员会还表示关切的 是,即使存在医疗设施,由于费用关系,仍然存 看病 难 的问题,导致婴儿、五 岁以下儿童和孕产妇死亡率极高,疫苗接种率极低。
The Committee is also concerned that when structures do exist, due to user fees health care is not readily accessible resulting in alarming levels of infant, under-five and maternal mortality and low vaccination coverage (art. 12).
当患者的健康状态得以稳定,他们不再需要经 看病 或 去 医院就医。
When a patient's state of health is [...]
stabilised, they can visit the doctor or hospital less frequently.
首先,投资者/投机者在选项必须完全懂得欣赏它的价值,判断是否有特别的选项是 看病 贵 ”或“便宜”,及买进或卖出相应。
Firstly, the investor / speculator in options must know perfectly appreciate its value, to judge whether a particular option is "expensive" or "cheap" and buy or sell accordingly.
据1月23/30日发表在《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,在一项包括了4百多万名患者的研究中,有近20%的住院病人会在出院后30天内有过至少一次急症护理,其中去急诊 看病 的 病 例 占 了出院后又回到医院接受急症护理病例的约40%。
In a study that included more than 4 million patients, nearly 20 percent of hospitalizations resulted in at least 1 acute care encounter within the 30 days following discharge, with emergency department visits accounting for about 40 percent of post-discharge hospital-based acute care use, according to a study appearing in the Jan. 23/30 issue of JAMA.
另外值得关注的是,民族宗教分歧持久存在,情况尤以洛法州为重,12 月在该州 的佐尔佐尔,两个社区之间爆发了暴力冲突,导火线是一个巫医被邀请到这两个 社看病。
Also of concern are enduring ethno-religious divides, particularly in Lofa County, where violence broke out between two communities in Zorzor in December, prompted by the invitation to a witch doctor to practice in the communities.
老年人和退休人员保护法》还规定了针对第三年龄人们的福利待遇,如: 在医院和私人诊所接受保健服务、购买医药用品 看病 和 牙 科就诊以及参加娱乐 活动时享受打折优惠,乘坐车船飞机等交通工具享受打折优惠,此外还享受社保 机构给予的优待。
Benefits under the Comprehensive Act on Protection for Older Persons and Retirees include discounts on bills for treatment in hospitals and private clinics, the purchase of medicines and surgical materials, medical and dental consultations, recreational activities, discounts for air, land and sea transport, and benefits provided by the social insurance and security institutes.
据发表在3月20日刊《美国医学会杂志》上的一则研究披露,在去急诊部门( ED ) 看病 时 提 出了同样主诉的病人中,那些根据急诊离院时的诊断而最终被诊断为可由初级医疗部门进行治疗的病人有相当大的比例仍需要即刻的急诊治疗或住院,研究结果不支持使用离院诊断作为劝阻使用急诊部门的政策的基础。
Among patients with emergency
[...] department (ED) visits with the same presenting complaint as those with visits ultimately given a primary care-treatable diagnosis based on the ED discharge diagnosis, [...]
a substantial proportion
required immediate emergency care or hospital admission, findings that do not support use of discharge diagnosis as the basis for policies discouraging ED use, according to a study in the March 20 issue of JAMA.




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