

单词 看押

See also:

detain in custody
(literary) sign
escort and protect

External sources (not reviewed)

在船舶后来从以色看押回后,一些仍在船上的行李和其他物品存入伊 [...]
When the vessels were later returned
[...] from Israeli custody, some luggage [...]
and other items still on board were stored at an IHH warehouse in Istanbul.
按照惯例,凡是负责执行逮捕任务看押的警察 人员,其个人身份信息应记录在案。
As a general rule, police officers responsible for enforcing deprivation of
liberty or who have persons deprived of their
[...] liberty in theircustody should be identified [...]
in the appropriate registers.
在海上得逞的索马里海盗行动持续减少,可归因于陆上绑架勒索更为频繁。 陆上绑架勒索这一趋势在 2011 年
[...] 9 月加速发展,当时数名外国游客、援助工人 和一名记者在肯尼亚和索马里被绑架,随后转由索马里海看押(件 4.2)。
The declining success of Somali pirate operations at sea may have contributed to more frequent incidents of kidnap for ransom on land, a trend that accelerated in September 2011, as foreign tourists, aid workers and a
journalist were abducted in Kenya and Somalia before being
[...] transferred tothe custodyof Somalipirates (see annex 4.2.).
这 些 数字反映 的是社会整体情况,对被 剥夺自由的人而 言 通
[...] 常 更 严重, 因 为从艾滋病毒的角是高 风险环境, 因 为 艾滋病毒 [...]
感 染率更 高 , 危 险 行 为 广泛盛 行 ,包括注 射 吸毒和共用注射 器 具 ,以及性活动。
Whereas these figures reflect the situation in society at large, they are normally exacerbated when it comes
to persons deprived of their liberty
[...] since places of detention create high-risk settings [...]
from the point of view of HIV,
because of higher rates of HIV, high prevalence of risky-behaviour, including injecting drug use and sharing of injecting equipment, and sexual activity.
指出司法当局对监狱生活完全没有监督,因为负和被定 罪的囚犯的所有人员都是从内政部借调来的,因此不对司法部负责。
AI noted a complete lack of control of prison life by the
judicial authorities, as all personnel
[...] responsible for guarding remand and convicted prisoners [...]
were on secondment from the Ministry
of Interior and therefore not answerable to the Ministry of Justice.30 22.
(j) 裁 判 司 应 根 据 向 他 提 出 的 意 见,裁 决 被 告 应或 还93
(j) A magistrate should make the decision
as to whether a
[...] defendant should be remandedin police or jail custody on the basis of the submissions presented tohim.
Bottom line: COMAC’s participation in the revival of US
[...] carrier EasternAir Lineslooks likea smart bet to help [...]
its new passenger jet gain traction
in skeptical overseas markets.
就国所有和其他人员而言,采取了哪些措施对性暴力行 为进行监测、预防和惩处?
With regard to all detainees and
[...] other persons in State custody, whatmeasures monitor [...]
and address prevention and punishment of acts of sexual violence?
从2008年9月30 日起,周勇军先在深圳第7 天,然后被转 到深圳第一看守所。
Zhou Yung Jun was first kept in Shenzhen Second Detention Centre for seven days, starting from 30 September 2008.
我们担心 的问题之一——尽管我没有提出这方面的指控——
[...] 当然是发生危机的邻国很容易成为塞拉利昂犯罪分 子潜逃的地点,正如我们以及新的 海盗问题,许多人认为这些问题产生于不如塞拉利昂 [...]
One of the worries we have — although I make no accusations in this regard — is, of course, that neighbouring countries that experience a crisis very easily become the
point of flight for criminals in
[...] Sierra Leone, as we saw withtheseizure of theplane [...]
and the new problem of piracy, which
many believe comes from areas in the neighbourhood that are less stable than Sierra Leone.
( c ) 保 持 良 好 行 为 或
[...] 遵 守 法 纪 的 担 保 ,押 看听 候 审 讯 或 判 刑 [...]
, 以 及 保 释 外 出 以 听 候 审 讯 或 判 刑 。
(c) a recognizance to be of good behaviour or to keep
[...] the peace, a remandin custody pending trial [...]
or sentence and a release on bail pending trial or sentence.
根据应检察官请求由釜山地方法院签发的拘留证,5 名 海盗嫌疑人被
According to the warrant of detention, requested by the prosecutor and issued by the Busan District Court, five suspected pirates were placed under detention at the Busan Detention Centre.
在法警调查贩毒方面,有几次有若干军人被捕并 被,但军方领导人强行将这些人转至军 [...]
With regard to the judicial police investigation of drug trafficking, various
military members were arrested and put in
[...] judicial police jailson several occasions, [...]
but military leaders then forced their transfer
to military prisons where they were immediately released.
在这方面,委员会感到遗憾的 是,新的《公共卫生法》不再包括警方方面的明确规定
In this context, the Committee regrets that the new Public Health Act no longer contains an
explicit provision regarding access to a
[...] doctor duringpolicecustody (formersection [...]
7a, para. 3 (b)) and that it is not clearly
guaranteed by either the Criminal Code or the Code of Criminal Procedure.
其中许多人是在巴 基斯坦边境附近或从阿富汗逃往巴基斯坦途中被捕的,他们被关押在克哈特和白 沙瓦的监狱中,而另一些人则被是临时的设施中,这些设施在全国 各地为数众多。
Many of these men, seized near the Pakistani border, or while crossing from Afghanistan to Pakistan, were held in prisons in Kohat and Peshawar, but others were held in what appear to be impromptu facilities, which were established across the country in numerous locations.
请提供资料,说明最高人民检察院和公安部于2009 年中对拘留中心管理情
[...] 况进行联合审查的结果,以及采取了哪些具体步骤,处理自联合审查以来在国死亡的问题。
Please provide information on the outcome of the review of detention centre management undertaken jointly by the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) and the Ministry of Public Security (MPS)
in mid-2009, and the concrete steps being taken to address the
[...] issue of deaths in Statecustody sincethe joint review.
它还感 到遗憾的是,没有就侮辱、诽谤和伤害公务员的法律提出建议,而这一法律导致 了一些新闻记者遭到
It also regretted the fact that no recommendation had been made on the law concerning the disrespect, defamation and injury of civil servants, which had led to the imprisonment of several journalists.
(c) 拆卸现时设有通讯室、、大及探访室的大樓,继而建 造 1 座新的多用途大樓,以原地重置这些设施。
(c) demolition of the existing block accommodating the communication room, reception office, gate lodge and visit room and in-situ reprovisioning of these facilities in a new multi-purpose block to be constructed.
当本 集团应占共同控制实体之亏损等於或大於其於共同控制实体的权益(包括任何其他 无收款项)时,本集团不再确认进一步的亏损,除非本集团已产生负债或 代共同控制实体支付款项。
When the Group’s share of losses in a jointly controlled entity equals or exceeds its interest in the jointly controlled entity, including any other unsecuredreceivables, the Group does not recognise further losses, unless it has incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the jointly controlled entity.
安全理事会将通过的关于停止对加沙的侵略和 战争的决议必须重申,必须在真正和有效的国际监 督下继续推动政治进程,以确保将在 1967 年边界内 建立以圣城为首都的独立巴勒斯坦国,根据 1948 年大会第 194(III)号决议找到巴勒斯坦难民问题 的公正和商定解决办法,并释放所有被囚 犯。
The resolution to be adopted by the Security Council on the cessation of aggression and war against Gaza must reiterate the need for the political process to continue under genuine and effective international supervision in order to ensure that an independent Palestinian State will be created within the 1967 borders and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital; that a just and agreed solution will be found to the issue of Palestinian refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 1948; and that all detainees and prisoners will be released.
(b) 达 成 任 何 保 证 、 保 障 或 担 保 合 同 , 特
别 是 在 不 损 害 以 上 一 般 性 的 情 况 下 , 无 论
[...] 是 通 过 个 人 义 务 还 是 通 过取 公 司 费 用 的 所 有 或 任 [...]
何 部 分 、 目 前 和 将 来 的 财 产 与 资 产 、 未 催
缴 的 股 本 抑 或 是 通 过 这 两 种 方 式 或 者 任 何 其 他 方 式 来 保 证 、 支 援 或 确 保 履 行 义 务 或 承 诺 并 偿 还 或 支 付 任 何 个 人 的 债 务 和 任 何 曾 经 是 本 公 司 的 附 属 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 , 抑 或 是 本 公 司 的 其 他 附 属 公 司 或 控 股 公 司 以 及 与 本 公 司 合 作 的 其 他 公 司 的 任 何 保 费 、 利 息 、 股 利 和 任 何 其 他 可 支 付 的 有 价 证 券 。
(b) To enter into any guarantee, contract or indemnity or surety and in particular (without prejudice or secure,
with or without consideration, whether
[...] by personal obligation orby mortgagingor charging [...]
all or any part of the undertaking,
property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company or both such methods or in any other manner, the performance of any obligations or commitments, of, and the repayment or payment of the principal amounts of and any premiums, interest, dividends and other moneys payable on or in respect of any securities or liabilities of, any person including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) any company which is for the time being a subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or another subsidiary or a holding company of the Company or otherwise associated with the Company.
中提及,2008年有14 名被殴打致 死,请提供资料说明具体情况以及后来发生的其他任何案件的情况。
Please include information about the death of 14 detainees caused by beating in detention facilities in 2008 and any others in subsequent years, as referred to in the State party’s follow-up replies (CAT/C/CHN/CO/4/Add.2. p. 7).




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