

单词 看守员

看守员 verb ()

behold v

See also:

看守 v

guard v


watch over

看看 v

see v
look at v


guard v
defend v

External sources (not reviewed)

采取措施实现女犯与男犯分监并只由女 看守员看管
(g) Take measures to ensure that female prisoners are separated from male prisoners and
[...] guarded by female staff only
这种对酷刑和虐待“零容忍”的讯息应通过 包括专业培训在内的方式定期传达给所有安全部队 看守 人 员。
This message of “zero tolerance” of torture and ill-treatment
should be delivered at regular intervals to all security forces and
[...] custodial staff, including through professional training.
经与其他利益攸关方协商,政府已着手开展一项运动,进一步为 囚犯看守人员改善 基础设施和社会福利。
In consultation with other stakeholders, the
Government had embarked upon a campaign to improve further the infrastructure and social
[...] well-being of both inmates and officers.
女囚通常都由监狱女性工作员看守 。 但 是,委员会注意到,如上文提到 的,在涉及到派出所时,缺少足够设施导致出现将被定罪者和审前被拘留者关在 一起的情形。
It noted, however, as mentioned above in relation to police stations, that the lack of adequate facilities led to situations where convicted prisoners were held together with pre-trial detainees.
委员会建议缔约国确保特看守人员 在 与 囚犯接触时随时展示适当的证章,以防 止虐待行为,实现问责。
The Committee recommends that the State
[...] party ensure that members of special intervention [...]
groups display appropriate identification
at all times when in contact with prisoners to prevent ill-treatment and provide for accountability.
最近,毒品和犯罪问题办公室支助了一次培训活动,在各看守技能和做法方面对塞舌尔 90%的监狱工作员进行了培训。
Recently, UNODC supported a training event in which 90 per
[...] cent of Seychelles prison staff were trained in a full range of custodial skills and practices.
7 月中,这一政府被重新任命看守政 府, 将继续履行职能直至巴勒斯坦立法 员 会 投票将其终止,或者直至举行选举。
The government, which was reappointed as caretaker government in mid-July, will continue to function [...]
until there is a vote in the Palestinian
Legislative Council terminating its tenure, or until elections are held.
第二天,我们得知他们把他带到Zeitoun区的比拉勒·伊本·拉巴赫 清真寺,手脚都绑着,由一名非武装 员看守。
We learned the next day that they had taken him to Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque in the Zeitoun district.
截 至 2011 年 1 月 4 日,西岸设有 500 多个障碍——相比之下,2009 年底有 571 个, 2006 年则平均有 518 个,其中包括约 64 个有常设人员的检查站、约 24 个有部分员看守的检查站和 420 个以上没有员看守的障碍物(路卡、土墩、土墙、路 障、关卡和壕沟)。
As at 4 January 2011, there were over 500 obstacles in the West Bank — compared to the 571 that were in place at the end of 2009 and the average of 518 that existed in 2006 —
including approximately 64
[...] permanently staffed checkpoints, some 24 partially staffed checkpoints and over 420 unstaffed obstacles (roadblocks, earth mounds, earth walls, road barriers, road gates and trenches).
在此次活动期间,员会专门为监 看守 组 织了主题为“狱中酷刑和虐待” 的培训班,促进对经济、社会、文化权利,尤其是食物权和健康权的认识,最 后,还开展了促进对农村地区妇女权利认识的活动。
As part of the same series of
[...] activities, the Commission held training sessions for prison staff on the theme [...]
of torture and mistreatment
in prison; conducted an awarenessraising campaign on economic, social and cultural rights, in particular the right to food and health; and ran an awareness-raising campaign on the rights of women in rural areas.
收缴的武器大多是 AK-47 突击步枪,都放在戈马机场的 一个集装箱中,由共和国卫看守。
The collected arms, mostly AK-47 assault rifles, are stored in a container at Goma Airport under the security of the Republican Guard.
请提供资料,说明最高人民检察院和公安部于2009 年中对拘留中心管理情 况进行联合审查的结果,以及采取了哪些具体步骤,处理自联合审查以来在押员在国家看守所死亡的问题。
Please provide information on the outcome of the review of detention centre management undertaken jointly by the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) and the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) in mid-2009, and the concrete steps being taken to address the issue of deaths in State custody since the joint review.
首先,正如 3 月 7 日摩加迪沙内阁会议证实的那
[...] 样,行政部门已经批准并通过下列决定:第一,过渡 联邦政府的任期根据《宪章》将在 2011 年 8 月 20 日 正式结束;第二,议长和议员选举将在 2011 年 7 月 进行;第三,总统选举将在 2011 年 8 月举行;第四, 需要给新政府充分的时间完成剩余的过渡任务,包括 批准宪法和建立选举员会; 第五,将根据行政部门 和安全部门目前的改革立即开始进行议会改革;第 六,新领导人将任命一看守政府,以便建立永久国 家体制。
First and foremost, as confirmed by the Cabinet meeting in Mogadishu on 7 March, the executive branch has approved and adopted the following: first, the formal end of the TFG term on 20 August 2011, in accordance with the Charter; secondly, the election of the Speaker and the deputies to be held in July 2011; thirdly, the election of the President to be held in August 2011; fourthly, the new Government should be given ample time to fulfil the remaining transitional tasks, including the ratification of the constitution and
the establishment of
[...] the election commission; fifthly, parliamentary reform to commence immediately in line with the ongoing reform of the executive branch and the security sector; and sixthly, a caretaker Government to [...]
be appointed by the new
leadership to move the country to permanent statehood.
看守政府办公室 2010 年 12 月 31 日的来信介绍了该办公室对联合国尼泊尔 特派团(联尼特派团)2011 年 1 月 15 日撤离后应如何处理有关武器及军队的监察 和解决争端机制等问题的看法,并请求将联尼特派团使用过的重要文件和设备转 移给特别员会或指定的机制。
The letter dated 31 December 2010 from the
[...] office of the caretaker Government provides information on how, from its point of view, issues relating to the monitoring of arms and armies and dispute-resolution mechanisms should be handled after the withdrawal of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) on 15 January 2011, and requests the transfer of essential documents and equipment used by UNMIN to either the Special Committee or a designated [...]
[...] 题的会议上讨论指出的那样(见 S/PV.6760),联合国 也必须提高自身的能力,更好地帮助 员 国 保 障那些 因管理松懈、无看守而使恐怖分子得以随心所欲地 自由进出的边界的安全。
As we discussed in last month’s Security Council meeting on illicit cross-border trafficking (see S/PV.6760), the United Nations
must also improve
[...] its ability to help Member States to secure porous or unguarded borders that allow [...]
terrorists to travel with impunity.
刑事诉讼法》、看守所条 例》等法律法规明确规定刑事拘留和逮捕的适 用条件、程序、期限和羁押场所,保障被羁押 员 的 控告权、申诉权。
Laws and regulations such as the Criminal Procedure Law and the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China Governing Detention Facilities provide clear conditions, procedures, time limitations and places of custody for criminal detention and arrests, and safeguard the right of detained persons to bring complaints and appeals.
他们的意见是,法典员会应遵守其 风 险分析原则, 并根据科学作出决定。
In their
[...] view, Codex should abide by its risk analysis [...]
principles and base its decisions on science.
持有“守派”观点的员包括 离任的吴丁昂敏乌副总统和他的一些内阁同 僚(见下文第五点)。
It has been associated with the departing vice president, Tin Aung Myint Oo, and some of his colleagues in cabinet (see Section V below).
各国代表团尤其重点提及以下实际措施:促进 海洋科学研究;制订研究活动的行 守 则 ; 进行环境影响评估,包括在一般环境影 响评估的框架内制订评估对海洋遗传资源的影响的准则;建立合作和分享海洋遗传 资源研究产生的信息和知识的机制,包括让发展中国家的研究 员 更 多地参加相关 研究项目;建立海洋保护区;讨论分享惠益的可行方案,包括协助获取样本的方案; 审议国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源涉及的知识产权问题(A/65/68,第73段)。
Notably, delegations highlighted the following practical measures: the promotion of marine
scientific research; the
[...] development of codes of conduct for research activities; environmental impact assessments, including the development of guidance on assessments of impacts on marine genetic resources within the general environmental impact assessment process; the establishment of mechanisms for cooperation and the sharing of information and knowledge resulting from research on marine genetic resources, including by increasing the participation of researchers from [...]
developing countries in relevant
research projects; the establishment of marine protected areas; discussions on practical options for benefit-sharing, including options for facilitating access to samples; and consideration of the intellectual property aspects of marine genetic resources beyond areas of national jurisdiction (A/65/68, para. 73).
(现在的内部监督办公室)对 2000--2001 年的参与计划进行了审计,发现计
[...] 划的管理情况符合决议 30 C/50 的规定;遵守了关于接收、批准和对申请采 取后续行动的新的内部程序;紧急援助的规定与程序得到了 守 ; 向 会 员国 提供的信息准确、完整。
As we requested, the Inspector General (now IOS) carried out an audit of the 2000-01 PP, and found that the programme was administered in conformity with 30 C/Resolution 50; that the new internal procedures for the reception approval and follow-up of requests were followed; that the criteria and
procedures for emergency
[...] assistance were respected; and that information provided to Member States was accurate [...]
and complete.
因為太急促 的引入年齡㆖限,可能會引致現時數以千計 看守 員 失 業,也有可能對私㆟大廈看 守和管 理方面,製造勞工大量短缺的難題。
Introducing an upper age limit too hastily may result in
the unemployment of
[...] thousands of watchmen and may also give rise to a problem of serious labour shortage in the guarding and management [...]
of private residential buildings.
第六员会主席请各员国要特别注意“有关问题,例如在国内实施和解释国际法的法律和实践、 加强和改进该领域技术援助和能力建设的协调和一致性的工作、评价这种援助 的机制和准则、增强捐助方一致性的方式方法、受援国 看 法 等 等” (A/C.6/63/L.23)。
The Chair of the Sixth Committee invited Member States to pay particular attention to “issues such as their laws and practices in the domestic implementation and interpretation of international law, strengthening and improving coordination and coherence of technical assistance and capacity-building in this area, mechanisms and [...]
criteria for evaluating
the effectiveness of such assistance, ways and means of advancing donor coherence, perspectives of recipient States etc.” (A/C.6/63/L.23).
為使住戶留意這項新服務,收集箱最好放在管理員櫃檯或有職 看守的 地方。
To draw attention of the residents to the new collection service, the collection box should preferably be put near the counter or other attended location.
[...] 出了具体建议:建立全面的监测、控制和监督系统、分阶段综合评价,每个员 遵守现行 养护和管理措施的情况、加强问责制、将非约束性市场措施转化成具有 [...]
Specific recommendations were made on the development of a comprehensive monitoring, control and surveillance system, a
structured, integrated approach to
[...] evaluate the compliance of each member with the conservation [...]
and management measures in
force, greater accountability, transformation of non-binding market measures into binding measures and expanding the scope of the current statistical document programme.
政府负责处理可能由第三方对教科文组织、其工作人员或地区中心雇用的其他人员提出的任 何索赔,并使教科文组织和上述人员不因地区中心根据本协定开展的业务所引起的索赔或债务而 受到损害,但经教科文组织和政府商定,属于上述 员 严 重 玩忽 守 或 蓄 意行为不当所造成的索 赔或债务除外。
The Government shall be responsible for dealing with any claims which may be brought by third persons against UNESCO, against members of its staff or against other persons employed by the Regional Centre, and shall hold UNESCO and the above-mentioned parties harmless from any claims or liabilities resulting from operations of the Regional Centre under this Agreement, except where it is agreed by UNESCO and the Government that such claims or liabilities arise from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of such persons.
(b) 其次,《热核实验堆协定》规定,所赋予的特权和豁免不得减损或影响 热核实验堆组织、总干事和工作员 遵 守 《 热 核实验堆协定》第 14 条所载条例 的义务,这些条例即东道国在公共和职业卫生和安全、核安全、辐射防护、许 [...]
(b) Secondly, the ITER Agreement establishes that the privileges and immunities granted shall neither diminish nor affect the duty of
the ITER Organization, the
[...] Director-General and members of staff to comply with the regulations [...]
set out in article 14 of
the ITER Agreement, namely, applicable national laws and regulations of the host State in the fields of public and occupational health and safety, nuclear safety, radiation protection, licensing, nuclear substances, environmental protection and protection from acts of malevolence.
这方面的主要思想是把 福利服务的所有用户看作是潜在 员 , 他们重新进入劳动力市场需要得到协 助,而且也必须得到基于有关人员个人需要的协助。
The main idea there was to view all users of welfare services as potential employees who need to be assisted in re-entering the labour market and must receive assistance which is based on the individual needs of the person.
他说,他在军营内遭到了酷刑,但是在审 讯时没有,而且说他被施以溺刑和强制体位,他还记得被带到了一间
[...] 放满了蛇的房间,蛇被关在笼子里 看守 威 胁 他说如果不交待他在阿 富汗所做的一切就将笼子打开。
He said that torture took place in the barracks but not during the interrogations, and that he was subjected to drowning and stress
positions, and recalled a room full of
[...] caged snakes that guards threatened to [...]
open if he did not speak about what he had done in Afghanistan.
同 樣 , 在 安 大 略 省 , 加 拿 大 樞 密 院 或 安 大 略 省 行 政 局 的 每 一 名 議 員 、 加 拿 大 參 議 院 或 眾 議 院 或 立 法 議 會 的 每 名 議 員 、 每 名 法 官 及 每 名 太 帄 紳 士 、 每 名 大 律 師 及 事 務 律 師 及 每 名 見 習 律 師 、 每 名 在 法 律 上 合 資 格 並 正 在 執 業 的 醫 生 及 獸 醫 、 每 名 死 因 裁 判 官 、 每 名 執 法 者 , 包 括 治 安
官 、 任 何 感 化 院 的 院 長 、 監 獄 或 懲 教 機 構 或 拘 留
[...] 所 的 監 督 、 獄 卒看 守 人 、 治 安 人 員 、 警 [...]
務 人 員 、 消 防 員 及 法 院 人 員 等 , 均 沒 有 資 格 出 任 陪 審 員 。
Similarly, in Ontario, every member of the Privy Council of Canada or the Executive Council of Ontario, every member of the Senate, the House of Commons of Canada or the Assembly, every judge and every justice of the peace, every barrister and solicitor and every student-at-law, every legally qualified medical practitioner and veterinary surgeon who is actively engaged in practice and every coroner, every person engaged in the enforcement of law, including
sheriffs, wardens of any penitentiary,
[...] superintendents, jailers or keepers of [...]
prisons, correctional institutions or lockups,
sheriff's officers, police officers, firefighters and officers of a court of justice, etc, are ineligible to serve as jurors.




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