

单词 看在眼里

See also:

看看 v

see v
look at v

External sources (not reviewed)

在巡视卡什卡里亚州期间探访了 Nasaf 足球俱乐部,不仅眼看到国 家社会经济改革的成就,而且对其给予了肯定。
By visiting the Nasaf football club during his
[...] trip to the Qashqadaryo province, the President not only saw for himself the achievements of the country’s [...] [...]
social and economic reforms, he was also able to give them his seal of approval.
从他的话中可看出, 他除了佩服曹植以外,其他人的才华都 在 他 眼里 , 自我评价非常高。
Legend has it that once, when he was a little drunk in a royal banquet, he said to Emperor Wen:" From Three Kingdoms period to now, there has been only ten decalitres of talents in all.
视力受损有各种不同的原因,例如,在光线不足的情况 看 东 西 能力取决 在眼 内 存 在的一种物质叫视紫红质。
There are a variety of different causes for impaired
vision, for example, the
[...] ability to see in poor light depends on the presence of a substance in the eye called rhodopsin.
为配合科特迪瓦政府,联科行动在该国西部采取 了两项保卫措施,因为我在那里看 到 某 种程度的安 全缺陷。
To accompany the Ivorian Government, UNOCI
has taken two safeguard measures in the western part of
[...] the country, where we see a certain degree [...]
of security deficit.
我们返回太子港后,又访问了 Delmas 33 警署, 我在那里看到,联合国警察和海地警察一起办公这 [...]
On returning to Port-au-Prince, we visited the Delmas 33
[...] police station, where we saw how the simple act [...]
of co-locating United Nations and Haitian
police can enable mentoring, training and the transfer of key skills.
另外位于基尔肯尼(Kilkenny)的爵点玻璃工作室(Jerpoint Glass Studio)是一家小型的家庭工作室在 那 里 你 可以 亲 眼看 到 玻 璃加工的过程,当然还能在精美的工艺品中选一件带回家。
Meanwhile, Jerpoint Glass Studio is a small, family-run glassblowing studio in Kilkenny where you can see both the glass being blown and pick up an individual piece to bring home with you.
在国内外利益相关者眼里,这 些措施由于 定义含糊、执行乏力,是缺乏法律效力的。
These measures
[...] lack legitimacy in the eyes of both Chinese and international [...]
stakeholders because enforcement is inconsistent and unclear.
(d) 从恩塔甘达在 Runyoni 的据点投降的另一名前 M23 军官告诉专家组说, 他眼看到,在刚果 (金)武装部队直升机轰炸兵变人员据点之后,卢旺达国防军 的一个营前来增援兵变人员。
(d) Another ex-M23 officer who surrendered from Ntaganda’s position at Runyoni told the Group that he personally witnessed how one RDF battalion came to reinforce the mutineers after a FARDC helicopter bombarded their positions.
在农民的眼里,这 里是他们的家,经济的来源。
In the eyes’ of the farmers, this [...]
is their land, their home, a place to sustain a living.
一个明确的时间表在眼前——2015 年是实现 千年发展目标的目标日期,明年将召 里 约 会 议二十 周年大会,9 月将举行核安全问题高级别会议,明年 将在首尔举行核安全首脑会议。
A clear time frame lies ahead — the target date for the Millennium Development Goals in 2015, next year’s Rio+20 Conference, [...]
the high-level meeting
on nuclear safety in September and the nuclear security summit meeting in Seoul next year.
在兵变开始时,一名恩杜马保卫 刚果民兵组织前战斗人员眼看到,恩塔甘达将军的车辆一次运送了 60 箱 AK-47 突击步枪弹药和 20 箱 PKM 机枪弹药,此外还有 4 挺 PKM 机枪和 2 个 [...]
RPG-7 火箭筒。
At the outset of the mutiny, one NDC ex-combatant witnessed a delivery of 60 boxes of AK-47 ammunition [...]
and 20 boxes of PKM
ammunition, together with 4 PKMs and 2 RPG-7s, which had been transported in Gen.
防止酷刑小组委员在一些牢房里看 到 ,楼上牢房的排污 系统沿着天花板和墙壁往下渗水。
In some cells, the SPT could see that the sewage system [...]
from cells on the above floors was seeping through the ceiling and walls.
這種借題發揮的行為,市民看在眼 內的
This kind of exploitation of the situation is
[...] obvious to discerning eyes of the people.
舍此以外,我们只能继眼 看着当地局势进一步恶化,一切在 恢 复双方之间的信任和恢复和平进程的努力 都将失败,并且建立在 1967 年以前边界基础上的两国解决方案被进一步破坏, [...]
Barring this, we will only continue to witness the further deterioration of the situation [...]
on the ground, the failure of
any and all efforts to restore confidence between the two sides and to revive the peace process, and the further destruction of the two-State solution based on the pre-1967 borders, with grave consequences for our peoples and the region as a whole.
(S/2010/67)中指出的那样,执行撤离和过渡战略必 须从制定明确和可信的任务开始,以便维护特派在 其所服务的公眼里的信誉。
The implementation of exit and transition strategies must start, as indicated in the concept paper that the French delegation has so kindly shared with us (S/2010/67), by
defining a clear and credible mandate in order to preserve the
[...] prestige of the mission in the eyes of the public it serves.
52 诚然,正如负责管理部的前副秘书长在工作人员-管理层 协调委员会第十九届会议期间在谈到关于大会批准新的内部司法制度时所确认
[...] 的,关于任何提案的一个统一的工作人员-管理层立 在 会 员 国 眼里 带 有 “政治 和道义的力量”,会增加其接受的空间。
It even regretted that the “attempts by MS to amend the Staff Rules constituted a further erosion of the Secretary-General’s prerogatives”.52 Indeed, as acknowledged by the former USG of DM during SMCC XXIX with regards to the General Assembly’s approval of the new internal justice system, a unified staffmanagement position on
any proposal carries “political and
[...] moral strength” in the eyes of Member States, increasing [...]
their scope for acceptance.
泰国要求大家尊重其保留死 刑的权利在泰国民众眼里,死 刑是威慑严重犯罪 的方法之一。
His delegation requested that Thailand’s right
to maintain the death penalty
[...] should be respected; in the eyes of its people, it was [...]
a deterrent against the most serious crimes.
We see here the influence of Egyptian [...]
asceticism, from Anthony the Great (whose life St. Athanasius wrote), and the Macarii
(one of whom left some valuable works in Greek), and Pachomius, to his own time.
看上去 翻新秘书处和会议楼的工程 在眼 前 , 但审计委员会注意到,工 程启动大大晚于原先预期,如表 9 所示。
While it appeared that renovation was imminent on the Secretariat and the [...]
Conference Buildings, the Board observed that
work was starting considerably later than previously anticipated, as demonstrated in table 9.
在看似履约的国家中,37 国与执行委员会订立有国家消耗臭氧层物质或氟氯化碳淘汰 协定:阿尔巴尼亚、阿根廷、巴哈马、孟加拉国、巴西、哥伦比亚、克罗地亚、古巴、厄 瓜多尔、密克罗尼西亚联邦、印度、伊朗、牙买加、约旦、 里 巴 斯 、莱索托、利比亚、 马来西亚、马绍尔群岛、里求斯 、墨西哥、摩洛哥、纳米比亚、尼日利亚、帕劳、巴布 亚新几内亚、菲律宾、塞尔维亚和黑山、所罗门群岛、斯里兰卡、泰国、汤加、特立尼达 和多巴哥、土耳其、图瓦卢、瓦努阿图和委内瑞拉。
18. 37 of the countries that appear to be in compliance have national ODS or CFC phase-out agreements with the Executive Committee: Albania, Argentina, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Ecuador, Federated States of Micronesia, India, Iran, Jamaica, Jordan, Kiribati, Lesotho, Libya, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Serbia and Montenegro, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Tuvalu, Vanuatu and Venezuela.
有些报 道指出在眼看联邦 巩固和发展党候选人就要败选时,在最后一刻送来了大量预 先投下的选票,于是改变了局面。
Some reported that when the USDP candidate was losing, large numbers of advance votes arrived at the last minute to change the balance.
他说,他在军营内遭到了酷刑,但是在审 讯时没有,而且说他被施以溺刑和强制体位,他还记得被带到了一间 放满了蛇的房间,蛇被在笼子里, 看 守 威 胁他说如果不交待他在阿 富汗所做的一切就将笼子打开。
He said that torture took place in the barracks but not during the interrogations, and that he was subjected to drowning and stress positions, and recalled a room full of caged snakes that guards threatened to open if he did not speak about what he had done in Afghanistan.
和朋友一起享受安静的游戏或者在 我 们安静且配备了圆孔海景的图书 里看 书。
Enjoy a quiet game with friends or sit in our
[...] tranquil onboard library with its porthole ocean views and collection of books.
许多国在这里看到了 振兴和保存那些 正在消失但应当保存的传统的可能性,尤其是要 在信息和传播技术和全球化迅速发展的情况下, 保护文化多样性。
Many States
[...] regarded that as an opportunity for them to revitalize and preserve traditions which were often endangered [...]
and which they
considered should be maintained, particularly to preserve cultural diversity in the face of ICT and globalization.
雖然我 們知道根據《基本法》,國防工作由國家中央政府負責,但解放軍所用 的土地有部分的確位處市區範圍,十分珍貴,市民 看在眼 中 的
Although we know that, under the Basic Law, the Central Government shall be responsible for the defence of the SAR, some of the sites used by the PLA Garrison are actually located within the urban areas, and are apparently very valuable.
证词:2012 年 6 月 6 日星期三上午 10 时,在 Qubayr 农场以西不到 1 公里 处的自家里,看到一 大群武装人员乘摩托车和各种汽车驶向 Qubayr 农场,其 中一辆汽车是架设机枪的丰田小卡车。
Stated that on Wednesday 6 June 2012 at 10 a.m., when he was on
his land in the Wadi
[...] al-Hasid area less than a kilometre west of Qubayr farm, he saw a large number of armed men [...]
proceeding to Qubayr
farm on motorbikes and various cars, including a Toyota pick-up truck with a mounted machine gun.
由于我们可能在许多不同的网站上投放广告,我们能够长期记录有关您或其他使用您计算机的 在 哪 里看 到 和 (或)点击过我们展示的广告之类的信息。
Because we may serve advertisements on many different Web sites, we are able to compile
information over time about where you, or others who are
[...] using your computer, saw and/or clicked on [...]
the advertisements we display.
一种被称为“灰色工作”的工作指的是从形式 看 起 来 是合法规范的,但是却 带有不规范的因在里面: 工作时间不符(一般来说他们让你工作的工作时间超过法律所规 定的时间);一部分的工资在“工资单以外”支付(你得到的工资和合同上的不符,会比合 [...]
作中所作的事情(比方上在合同上注明你是一般工人或搬运工,而事实上你是一个专业工人 或是一个酒店的前台工作人员)。
There is the so-called “grey work”, i.e. work which is formally regular, but which includes some elements [...]
of irregularity: different working
hours (often you are made to work more hours than those permitted by law); a part of your payment is not registered on the pay bill (i.e. you receive a wage which is different from the contractual one, it can be higher or, often, also lower); you are taken on with a qualification (for example of simple worker or porter) which is different from the duties you really carry out (as a matter of fact you are a specialised worker or you work at the reception of a hotel).




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