单词 | 看出 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 看出 verb —see vtell v看出 —make out看看 verb —see v • look at v Examples:看不出—can't see • can't make out • unable tell
从这些努力中可 以很明显地看出,教 科文组织确实可以发挥宝贵作用,在应对自然灾害领域迅速 地应用科学。 unesdoc.unesco.org | From these efforts, it is clear that UNESCO does have valuable roles to play in the rapid application of science in the domain of natural disaster response. unesdoc.unesco.org |
从介绍非集中化战略实施问题的点击信息上一下便能清楚 地 看出 , 非 集中化不应被理 解为一个中央集权的整体的解体,而应当被看作是一个以系统概念为基础的新机制的建立。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was immediately clear from the information on the [...] implementation of the decentralization strategy that it [...] should not be seen as the dismantling [...]of a centralized bloc, but rather as the [...]establishment of new arrangements based on the system concept. unesdoc.unesco.org |
例如,如果没有这样详细的组织结构图,就不可 能从预算文件提供的资料中明确看出 支 助 理事机构的职能及有关员额已从条约 事务司司长办公室(次级方案 1)调至理事机构秘书处(次级方案 7)。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, in the absence of such detailed organization charts, it was not possible to ascertain from the information provided in the budget document that the functions for supporting the governing bodies, and the related posts, had been redeployed from the Office of the Director, Division for Treaty Affairs (subprogramme 1) to the Secretariat to the Governing Bodies (subprogramme 7). daccess-ods.un.org |
这一点从国际陆上运输在整个 区域内面对着重重困难就可清楚地 看出。 daccess-ods.un.org | This can be seen most clearly in international land transport, which still faces substantial difficulties across the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,从许多有文件记载的案例中,以及从被采访臭氧干事的评论中,可 以 看出 ,在 某些情况下,履约协助方案在促进恢复履约状态方面发挥了非常关键的作用;在另外一些 情况下,虽然也做出了努力,但还是未能实现这一目标。 multilateralfund.org | However, from a number of documented cases, as well as from comments of ozone officers interviewed, it appears that CAP has in some cases played a pivotal role to accelerate the return to compliance, while in others it was unable to achieve this objective as yet in spite of efforts undertaken. multilateralfund.org |
如果从谈判国和谈判组织数目有限及从条约的目的和宗 旨 看出 , 条 约在所有 当事方之间完整适用是每一方同意受条约约束的必要条件,对此种条约的保留如 果是允许的并且是按照规定的形式和程序提出的,而且如果所有缔约国和缔约组 织已经接受,则对其他各缔约国和各缔约组织成立。 daccess-ods.un.org | When it appears, from the limited number of negotiating States and organizations and the object and purpose of the treaty, that the application of the treaty in its entirety between all the parties is an essential condition of the consent of each one to be bound by the treaty, a reservation to this treaty is established with regard to the other contracting States and contracting organizations if it is permissible and was formulated in accordance with the required form and procedures, and if all the contracting States and contracting organizations have accepted it. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,似乎可以清楚地看出,由 于这些技巧产生的 效力几乎与保留所产生的效力相同,应该在专门载列保留定义的《实践指南》的 那一章中予以提及,至少能够更加明确地鉴别这个概念的关键内容,把它们同保 留区别开来,并且在可适用的情况下,针对保留的法律制度得出适当的结论。 daccess-ods.un.org | As they produce effects almost identical to those produced by reservations, these techniques nevertheless deserve to be mentioned in the part of the Guide to Practice devoted to the definition of reservations, if only so as to identify more clearly the key elements of the concept, distinguish them from reservations and, where applicable, draw appropriate conclusions with regard to the legal regime of reservations. daccess-ods.un.org |
从中可以很清楚看出,波 兰有着明显较高的 失业率,图表里这些国家中只有斯洛伐克有 着类似情形。 paiz.gov.pl | It is clear from this that among other European countries, Poland has significantly higher unemployment with only Slovakia sharing a similar picture. paiz.gov.pl |
人的权利与义务研究社代表说,读了关于塞尔维亚的普遍定期审议报告 后 可 以 看 出,塞尔维 亚 的各民族在人权领域 [...] 有 着 不 同 的期望 ,他们 要和平 共处对 这个多 民族国家 来 说 , 仍 是 一项巨 大 的 挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of the Research Society [...] on the Rights and Duties of Mankind (CRED) [...] stated that it emerged of their reading [...]of the UPR report on Serbia that peaceful [...]coexistence among various national entities, which appear to have different aspirations in the area of human rights, remained a major challenge for this multinational State. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,可以从绝对排放的增长率看出 增 长 的速度 是依然很高还是已经被遏制了。 undpcc.org | Finally, the growth rate of absolute emissions gives an idea of whether the rate of increase is still high or has already been curbed. undpcc.org |
這似乎是最喜歡的學說現代Parsees孟買,可 以 看出 先 生 Navroji Maneckji阿卡勒的文章在“東方巴比倫和記錄” [...] 5月, 1900年(第八224-28 ) ,它聲稱是嚴格成立於教學的Gathas ;但是,儘管這樣的發展思路真正一神教的拜火教二元論,這些理論不能真正被稱為Avestic所有,但在迄今為止的Zrvana [...]Akarana是一個Avestic任期。 mb-soft.com | This seems the favourite doctrine of the modern Parsees of [...] Bombay, as may be seen in Mr. Navroji [...]Maneckji Kanga's article in the "Babylonian [...]and Oriental Record" for May, 1900 (VIII, 224-28), and it is claimed to be strictly founded on teaching of the Gathas; but although such a development of thought a real monotheism with the Zoroastrian dualism, these theories cannot really be called Avestic at all, except in so far as Zrvana Akarana is an Avestic term. mb-soft.com |
从这些问题可以看出,自 从推行结构性调整方案以提高生产能力以来,农业部门长期存在弊病,同时国家 [...] 撤销机构支持服务,通过大幅降低或取消关税和配额制,在条件尚未成熟的情况 下让小农面临大型跨国供应商的竞争,以及一些发达国家由于过分支持国内农 民,实施粮食“倾销”政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | These weaknesses reflected [...] a persistent failure since the promotion [...]of structural adjustment programmes to support the building [...]of productive capacities; along with a dismantling of institutional support services; the premature exposure of small-scale farmers, through a rapid reduction or elimination of tariffs and quotas, to competition from large multinational suppliers; and food “dumping” by a number of developed countries because of excessive support to their farmers. daccess-ods.un.org |
可以看出,《 公约》第 十一部分和第十二部分相关条款之间的相互关系意味着,它们体现着管理局的重 [...] 要责任和义务,而这些责任与义务须被看作是《公约》所确立管辖权限范围内海 洋管理总框架的一个固有部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | It can be seen that the interrelationship [...] between the relevant provisions of Parts XI and XII of the Convention means that [...]these represent important responsibilities and duties for the Authority, which need to be considered as an integral part of the overall framework for ocean governance within the jurisdictional competences established by the Convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们从概念文件(S/2010/322)所提议题中可以 看出,在法治领域需要开展的工作贯穿各个领域,不 [...] 论是就所涉及的问题还是就其同在国际一级在联合 国内加强这一工作的关系而言,都是如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | As we can see from the topics proposed [...] in the concept paper (S/2010/322), the work to be done in the area of the rule of [...]law is cross-cutting in nature, both when it comes to the issues involved and as it pertains to developing that work at the institutional level in the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
倒是可以清楚看出,所 进行的核查是世界银行和对外经济合作 办公室严肃诚恳地努力了解四氯化碳生产和消费行业的确切情况。 multilateralfund.org | Instead, it becomes clear that the [...] verification undertaken is seen as a serious and [...]honest effort of the World Bank and FECO [...]to obtain an accurate picture of the situation in the CTC production and consumption sectors. multilateralfund.org |
能源数据的提供对大 多数小岛屿发展中国家而言都是一个大问题,但从能说明问题的国家数据中显然 可以看出,只 有那些有水力发电潜力的小岛屿发展中国家的可再生能源所占比例 较高。 daccess-ods.un.org | While energy data availability is a serious issue for most small island developing States, it is evident from illustrative national data that only those with hydropower potential have high shares of renewable energy. daccess-ods.un.org |
下面的 [...] 图表呈现了自1990年每月的失业率,从中我 们可以看出失业 呈季节性变化,在每年的冬 季都会出现失业高峰。 paiz.gov.pl | The graph below represents the monthly rates [...] since 1990 One can see the seasonality [...]whereby every year there is a peak in winter. paiz.gov.pl |
但是,从上述总结中可以看出,许多国家的 一种强烈观点认为,谈判者首先应将原子能机构的目前保障措施视为一个基础, [...] 然后,审视一下哪些措施可适用于《禁产条约》;已有一些可直接适用的有效核 查措施和方法和在作出必要调整后可以适用的其他措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | But as can be seen from the above summary, [...] there is a strong view among many states that negotiators should first look at [...]the current IAEA safeguards measures as a basis and then see which ones could be applicable to an FMCT; and that there are already a number of effective verification measures and methods readily applicable and other measures that could be applicable with necessary adjustments. daccess-ods.un.org |
该机构在保护人权方面成效显著:这一点从该机构处理的大量投诉中就可 以看 出。 daccess-ods.un.org | This institution is proving highly effective in protecting human rights, as illustrated by the high number of complaints it deals with. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,在被占领的叙利亚戈兰,以色列在两个种族 的前提下执行两种制度,这一点可以从其偏向犹太 人定居者的水资源歧视性分配中看出 来。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the occupied Syrian Golan, moreover, Israel [...] operated on the premise of [...] two races, two systems, as in its discriminatory allocation of water resources in favour of Jewish [...]settlers. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会建议就民事诉讼程序而言,修改《种族歧视法》,以此作为使联邦反歧视 法统一协调程序的一部分,该条要求申诉者证明能从初步的事实便 可 看出 的歧视,在这一点上,举证责任应转向被告,应由后者证明不存在歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that, as part of its harmonization of federal antidiscrimination laws, the Racial Discrimination Act be amended, as far as civil proceedings are concerned, to require the complainant to prove prima facie discrimination, at which point the burden shifts to the respondent to prove no discrimination existed. daccess-ods.un.org |
从法庭的纪录中可以看出这一复杂案件所产生的大量庭外工作:从审 判开始到现在,分庭处理了 489 项以上的书面请求,迄今已作出 654 项书面裁决。 daccess-ods.un.org | The tremendous out of court workload generated by this complicated case is borne out by the court record: since the start of the trial, the Chamber has dealt with more than 489 written motions and to date has issued 654 written decisions. daccess-ods.un.org |
从下图可以看出,心 血管病、肿瘤,主要是外部原因,是因为过早死亡所 致疾病负担沉重的根源。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following Figure shows that cardiovascular [...] diseases, tumours, and primarily external causes are a source of a high disease [...]burden due to premature mortality. daccess-ods.un.org |
很难看出这对促进科学和实 用艺术的进步有什么作用。 iprcommission.org | It’s hard to see how this contributes [...] to the progress of science and the useful arts. iprcommission.org |
从这些令人 担忧的发展趋势中可以明显看出,必 须通过采取必要的政策使亚太区 域的增长模式重新取得均衡:此种政策应能通过向那些落后群体赋权 的办法来取得共同繁荣。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is clear from these worrying trends that the growth model in the region has to be rebalanced through policies that propagate prosperity by empowering those who have been left behind. daccess-ods.un.org |
在选择的这些具代表性社区时,有以下一些需要考虑的因素:需尽可能挑选环境较为封 闭,流浪猫群落受外界因素影响较小的社区。这样每年安排一次统计工作,收集相关的数据, 并进行持续多年的长期对比,就可以更好 的 看出 T N R 工作的实施效果。 animalsasia.org | On the selection of the control area, consideration should be made as follows: choose a closed community which receives little influence from the outer environment; collect data every year and make comparisons in a long-term range so that we can see the effect of TNR. animalsasia.org |
作为一个联邦政策事项,中央政府必须考虑到印度所有各邦的意见,有的邦 [...] 认为现有的法律已足以处理社区暴力问题,从事件发生率在下降中可 以 看出 这一 点。 daccess-ods.un.org | Being a matter of federal polity, the Central Government had to take on board views of all Indian states, [...] some of which believed that the existing laws were adequate to address [...] communal violence, as seen from declining [...]incidence. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席女士,从你为本次辩论会散发的概念性说明 (S/2012/195)中显然可以看出,许 多联合国实体和机 构在这一领域表现活跃。 daccess-ods.un.org | Madam President, looking at the concept note (S/2012/195) that you circulated for this debate, it is clear that there is a host of other United Nations entities and agencies that are active in this field. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过电子调查结果分析将可以看出, 利 益攸关方如何看待各可选办法在以 下方面的有效性:定期为《荒漠化公约》提供全球评估;设定土地退化未来趋势 的区域情景;设定全球目标和情景;在基于证据的报告的标准方面对国家报告进 行科学审评;提供以政策为导向的建议;就新生问题提供科学咨询意见;提供其 他产出,请利益攸关方说明。 daccess-ods.un.org | 53. The analysis of the e-survey will provided an indication of how stakeholders perceive the effectiveness of the possible options in providing the UNCCD with regular global assessments, in developing regional scenarios on future trends of land degradation, in developing global targets and scenarios, in scientifically reviewing national reports regarding criteria of evidence-based reporting, in providing policy-oriented recommendations, in providing scientific advice on emerging issues, or in providing other output, to be specified by stakeholders. daccess-ods.un.org |