

单词 看作

看作 verb

perceive v

看看 verb ()

see v
look at v


把...看作 v

see v

... 看作 v

regard sth. v

External sources (not reviewed)

Viet Nam also saw this as an experience-sharing [...]
exercise, laying the ground for a better protection and promotion of human rights by the authorities.
作为一项自我反省的过程,C/4 的编制也看作是一 个深化教科文组织工作的机会,尤其是 [...]
As a self-reflexive exercise, the C/4
[...] process was also seen as an occasion [...]
for deepening UNESCO’s work, notably through a broad-based
inclusive consultation with particular reference to National Commissions and civil society organizations.
公约》明确规定,每个儿童均应 看作 是 权 利持 有个体,完全有权要求并享有这些权利。
The Convention clearly established that each child must be recognized as an individual rights holder fully entitled to claim and enjoy those rights.
[...] 解为一个中央集权的整体的解体,而应当 看作 是 一 个以系统概念为基础的新机制的建立。
It was immediately clear from the information on the
implementation of the decentralization strategy that it
[...] should not be seen as the dismantling [...]
of a centralized bloc, but rather as the
establishment of new arrangements based on the system concept.
这方面的主要思想是把 福利服务的所有用户看作是潜 在雇员,他们重新进入劳动力市场需要得到协 助,而且也必须得到基于有关人员个人需要的协助。
The main idea there was to view all users of welfare services as potential employees who need to be assisted in re-entering the labour market and must receive assistance which is based on the individual needs of the person.
仅有投诉机制是不够的;它们必须是而且必须 看作 是 独 立和公正 的,并应保证有效、及时和迅捷。
The mere existence of complaints mechanisms is not enough; they must
[...] be, and must be seen to be, independent [...]
and impartial, and should offer guarantees
of effectiveness, promptness and expeditiousness.
委员会认为,把在不带家属工作地点 作看作 为 另 一个艰苦因素,这么做 比采取一种新的单独津贴做法具有几方面优势:(a) 它有助于达到简化和透明目 标;(b) 不构成一项单独津贴,不需要单独的调节机制;(c) 在不带家属工作地 点工作的补偿问题被划归委员会处理并在大会总体职权范围内,这正是它应有的 位置,确保了未来所有变化都将保持统一;(d) 正如主席在开场白中所说,这将 具体切实地支持“一体行动”的概念。
The Commission considered that the proposal to view service in a non-family duty station as another aspect of hardship offered several advantages compared with the introduction of a new, separate allowance: (a) it contributed towards the goals of simplicity and transparency; (b) not being a separate allowance, it would not require a separate adjustment mechanism; (c) it placed the question of compensation for service in non-family duty stations where it belonged, with the Commission and within the overall purview of the General Assembly, and ensured that all future changes would remain harmonized; and (d) it would give practical, concrete support to the notion of “Delivering as one”, as noted by the Chairman in his opening statement.
有人建议,三年期滚动淘汰计划预测模型并非充分地设计出来作为一种指导,因此只 能看作是一种参考。
It was suggested that the model rolling three-year phase-out plan should be considered merely as a reference as it was not yet sufficiently developed to serve as a guide.
虽然在维护国际和平与 安全方面两性平等问题已经越来越 看作 是 一个核心问题,但是妇女在和平进程 中的作用依然被普看作是一个枝节问题,而没有 看作 是 发 展可行的民主机制 和建立具有可持续性和平的一个基本问题。
While gender equality is increasingly recognized as a core issue in the maintenance of
international peace
[...] and security, the role of women in peace processes generally continues to be viewed as a side issue rather than as fundamental to the development of viable democratic [...]
institutions and
the establishment of sustainable peace.
我的个人特使在 2010 年 3
[...] 月访问该区域,听取各方对如何克服目前僵局的看法,同时铭记双方均不准备将 对方的建看作是成 文建议,也不存在强迫双方赞同对方解决争议建议的任何机 制。
My Personal Envoy visited the region in March 2010 to solicit the parties’ ideas on how to move beyond the present impasse, bearing in mind
that neither party is prepared to accept the
[...] proposal of the other as written and [...]
that no mechanism exists to oblige the parties
to agree to either proposal for resolving the dispute.
中国基本上避免被外看作 直接就达尔富尔问题向苏丹施压,以符合其长期坚持的 不干涉政策。
For the most part, China has avoided appearing to pressure Sudan directly over Darfur, in line with its longstanding non-interference policy.
因此,各国必须大力谴责一切形式对妇女 暴力行为,不得以任何习俗、传统或宗教考虑为借口回避消除这些行为的义务, 刑事司法系统必须将对妇女暴力行 看作 一 种 与性别有关的问题 看作 是 权 力和 不平等的表现。
Therefore, it is important that States strongly condemn all forms of violence against women and refrain from invoking any custom, tradition or religious consideration to avoid their obligation with respect to its elimination and that the criminal justice system recognize violence against women as a genderrelated problem and as an expression of power and inequality.
归根结底,Zallq/Žac 村局势可以看作是科索 沃人道主义和经济挑战的一个缩影:失踪人员问题悬 [...]
而未决,缺乏和解,经济状况困难,安全和财产问题, 以及所有这些问题对回返进程产生的综合影响。
Ultimately, the situation
[...] in Zallq/Žac can be seen as a microcosm of Kosovo’s [...]
humanitarian and economic challenges: the
unresolved missing persons issues, the related lack of reconciliation, the difficult economic circumstances, security and property issues, and the cumulative effect of all these issues on the returns process.
根據《保護海 港條例》的定義,新渡輪碼頭所佔的地方可 看作 是 因 興 建主幹道所需要的填海以外受影響的水域或「填海區」。
Under the PHO, the area occupied by the ferry pier would be regarded as affected water area, or ‘reclamation’, over and above that already required for the Trunk Road construction.
保护恐怖主义受害人的人权必须看作 主要 依赖各国的一项真正的法律义务,不得借口侵 犯恐怖嫌犯的人权,为过多的且不相称的执行权力 或其他基本政治目的采取紧急措施而滥用。
The protection of the human rights of the victims of
[...] terrorism must be seen as a genuine legal duty resting primarily on [...]
States, not misused as a pretext
for violating the human rights of those suspected of terrorism, for taking emergency measures that provided for excessive and disproportionate executive powers, or for other essentially political purposes.
然而,从整体看,作为一 项法律事务来正式保证这 些权利并不一定能解决暴力侵害妇女会怎样影响到这些权利是如何被实践的、从 [...]
Viewed holistically, however, formally [...]
guaranteeing these rights as a matter of law does not necessarily address how violence
against women can affect how these rights are experienced and, consequently, protected.
与会者还指出,将地雷行看作一个 整体行动领域的观念可能有碍于人们用最有 效的方法利用现有资源。
It was further noted that the whole notion of mine action as an integrated field of practice may have hampered attempts to utilise available resources in the most effective manner.
因此,我们认为,最好将知识产 看作 国 家 和社会帮助促进实现人类经济权利和社会权利 的一种手段。
We therefore consider that an IP right is best viewed as one of the means by which nations and societies can help to promote the fulfilment of human economic and social rights.
可以看出,《公约》第 十一部分和第十二部分相关条款之间的相互关系意味着,它们体现着管理局的重 要责任和义务,而这些责任与义务须 看作 是 《公约》所确立管辖权限范围内海 洋管理总框架的一个固有部分。
It can be seen that the interrelationship between the relevant provisions of Parts XI and XII of the Convention means that these represent important responsibilities and duties for the Authority, which need to be considered as an integral part of the overall framework for ocean governance within the jurisdictional competences established by the Convention.
借助于 Clip
[...] Ghost,您可以将剪辑的起始和结束看作三维 视图中的骨架线框,然后剪辑可手动或 [...]
With Clip Ghosts, you can view the [...]
start and end frames of clips as skeletal wireframes in the 3D view; clips can then be
matched either manually or automatically.
(a) TCL 公司: 建议选择溶剂的易燃性和与昂贵的防爆电学有关的必要条件,以及 基于易燃物质的安装必要条件;申请用于生产很小数量的某种化学品的反应器, 这种反应器是一个非常费力且非常昂贵的工序;建议替代设备的生产能力,它可 能是目前生产水平的四倍;以及为某种化学品申请防爆设备,这些化学品通常不看作是易燃或易爆的。
(a) TCL company: The flammability of alternative solvents proposed and the associated requirements for expensive explosion-proof electrics and installation requirements on the basis of combustible substances; the request for reaction vessels to make certain chemicals in fairly small quantities which represent very laborious and expensive processes; the capacity of the proposed replacement 8 equipment that may be about four times the current production level; and the request for explosion-proof equipment for certain chemicals that are not normally considered as flammable or combustible
请国际金融机构和区域开发银行审查和调 整借贷和赠款程序,以确保将老年 看作 是 发展的资源,并在其政策和项目中考 虑到老年人,以此作为帮助发展中国家和转型经济国家实施《2002 年国际行动计 划》的努力之一。
International financial institutions and regional development banks are invited to examine and adjust their lending and grants practices to ensure that older persons are recognized as a development resource and are taken into account in their policies and projects as part of efforts to assist developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the implementation of the International Plan of Action, 2002.
这种在未经允许的情况下,从科索沃南部派遣阿族准军事分子的行为,被科 索沃北部的大多数居看作是占 领领土企图。
The unsanctioned act of sending ethnic-Albanian paramilitaries from South Kosovo was perceived by the majority population of North Kosovo as an attempt to occupy the territory.
此外,一些国家政府开始对移民采取明显的大力压制政策, 本地居民越来越把移看作就业 市场上的威胁和公众服务使用的竞争对手。
In addition, some Governments have initiated distinctly aggressive policies towards migrants, and native populations increasingly perceive migrants as a threat in the job market and as competitors for the use of public services.
在竞 争法和竞争政策的实质性制定方面,经济发展和竞争法有时 看作 是 两 个需要整 合的独立进程。
Regarding substantive design of competition law and
policy, economic development and competition law
[...] were sometimes seen as separate processes [...]
that needed to be integrated.
这些上网安排的初始投资以及员工和维护的某些持续成本, 看作 是 一国 培训和教育基础设施的一部分。
The initial investment in these access arrangements and some part
of the continued costs of personnel and
[...] maintenance can be seen as part of a country’s [...]
training and education infrastructure.
Abreu 表示,葡萄牙和西班牙之间以及葡萄牙和摩洛哥之间未就大陆架边界 一事达成一致,这并不被任何相关国 看作 是 在 规则 46 和议事规则附件一和附 件三的意义上存在争端。
Mr. Abreu stated that the lack of agreed continental shelf boundaries between Portugal and Spain and between Portugal and Morocco was not considered by any of the States concerned as reflecting the existence of a dispute in the sense of rule 46 and annexes I and III to the rules of procedure.
我们还注意到,伊朗带着偏见解读该协定,存心 把看作是进行无限度浓缩的理由,断然拒绝制裁和 原子能机构的视察,并且作为避免同 E3+3 讨论其核 计划的托辞。
We have also noted Iran’s biased reading of the agreement, choosing to view it as a justification for unlimited enrichment, a definitive rejection of sanctions and IAEA inspections, and an alibi to avoid discussing its nuclear programme with the E3+3.
她感谢建立了高级专员办事处的各国,呼吁这些国 家把办事看作有用 资源,并建议同意人权理事会 [...]
应对某些参数引起重视的俄罗斯联邦代表与她就该 问题进行谈论。
She thanked the countries that hosted an OHCHR country office and
[...] urged States to see such offices as [...]
useful resources. She invited the representative
of the Russian Federation, who had expressed the view that certain parameters should be brought to the attention of the Human Rights Council, to discuss the matter with her.
不应将这类罪看作普 通 犯罪,特别是由于这些罪行常常发生在受害者处于国家监禁的情况下,而国家 应保护人民身心健全的权利。
Such acts should not be considered ordinary offences, especially since they often occur in settings in which the victims are under the custody of the State, which is supposed to protect people’s right to physical and mental integrity.




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