

单词 看似

看似 ()

look as if

看似 verb ()

appears v

看看 verb ()

see v
look at v

See also:

seem v
resemble adj


similar adj

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 對油公司的商業運作作看似細微 規管的做法,可能會給 其 他行業帶 [...]
來 錯誤的 訊息, 誤 以為有關做法亦將 可能會套 用於 其他行業。
(c) this seemingly micro-management [...]
of their business operations might send a wrong signal to businesses in other sectors
that this approach might be made to apply to them as well.
要解决这种重 大看似棘手 的问题,需要十分干练的就业专家的干预。
The resolution of
[...] such critical and seemingly intractable issues [...]
requires the intervention of highly skilled employment specialists.
肯尼亚承诺,通过利用进口控制 及其看似必要的政策永久保持上文所述的消费量。
Kenya commits to permanently sustaining
the consumption levels indicated above through the use of import restrictions and
[...] other policies it may deem necessary.
间接歧视是以一看似中立 的规定、标准或做法,使某人处 于比其他人不利的地位。
Indirect discrimination shall constitute
putting a person at a disadvantage compared with
[...] other persons by a seemingly neutral provision, [...]
criterion or practice.
看似矛盾 的是,新技术可为妇女和女孩提供很多机会来获得平等参与知识经济 所需的教育和技术技能。
Paradoxically, the new technologies could offer many opportunities for women and girls to gain the educational and technical skills required to participate equally in the knowledge economy.
虽然执行局和大会之间关系方面最重要的话题无疑是编制计划和战略文件,但是,与 大会临时议程(由执行局编制)相关的其他问题和本报告所载项目(C/4
[...] 和 C/5 号文件除 外)从本章广泛管理的角看似乎也有必要进行分析。
Although the most important topic in the relations between the Executive Board and the General Conference is doubtless the preparation of the programmatic and strategic documents, other issues related to the provisional agenda of the General Conference (prepared by the Executive Board) and items
contained therein (other than the C/4 and C/5
[...] documents) also seem in need of analysis [...]
from the broad governance point of view of the present chapter.
根据独立专家的估计,贸易协会呈文和秃鹫基金的其他拥护者提出的 似关 切看似建立 在一种错误的假定上:商场拥有高效的自我纠正机制。
In the estimation of the independent expert, the
[...] EMTA submission and similar concerns by other [...]
proponents of vulture funds appear to
be based on the erroneous assumption that markets have efficient, self-correcting mechanisms.
[...] 政府當局考慮刪除配方粉定義中"看似 是 "和 "滿足年齡未滿36個月的人 的全部或部分營養需要"的提述,並取代為"(a)主要為供年齡未滿36個月 [...]
的人食用以攝取營養而製造、銷售、供應或要約售賣;及(b)外表是粉狀 的奶或類似奶的物質。
Mr Dennis KWOK has suggested the Administration to consider deleting the
[...] references to "appears to be" and "satisfy [...]
wholly or partly the nutritional requirement
of a person aged under 36 months" in the definition of powdered formula and substitute it with "(a) is manufactured, sold, supplied or offered for sale predominately for the nutritional consumption by a person aged under 36 months; and (b) has the physical appearance of milk or milk-like substance in powder form.
有时,它也采 取与其先前届会所做决定相矛盾的立场,或 看似 要 再 次引发矛盾性后果。
It has also, at times, adopted
positions that either contradict other decisions taken by it at prior
[...] sessions, or, again, seem to call for conflicting [...]
应加强打击恐怖主义的全球机制,同时 考虑到恐怖分子会利看似合法的国际机制,以及新 闻媒体很容易受到利用。
Global mechanisms to combat terrorism should be strengthened, bearing in mind
that terrorists made use of international
[...] mechanisms which appeared to be legitimate, [...]
and that media outlets could easily be exploited.
此外,对于那些似乎通过使巴勒斯坦方面的人员死 看似 较 不 重要或较不 严重来贬低巴勒斯坦人生命价值的措辞,我们深表担忧,例如,该报告第 [...]
7 段 的一句话指出,“……估计在冲突中丧生的巴勒斯坦人有 1 300 人,5 300 人受 伤”,同一句在提到以色列的死亡人数时指出,“……14
名以色列人被杀,530 多人受伤”。
Moreover, we are deeply troubled by the choice of terminology that appears to devalue the lives of
Palestinians by making the deaths on
[...] the Palestinian side seem less important or [...]
serious. For example, a sentence in paragraph
7 of the report states, “… an estimated 1,300 Palestinians lost their lives and 5,300 were injured in the conflict”, and in the same sentence, in reference to Israeli deaths, states, “… and 14 Israelis were killed, and more than 530 injured”.
根据欧洲共同体条约等,实际上公共秩 看似 不 构 成各国进行干预的一般 权利,也不能在明文规定的假设范围外援引:“要利用第 [...]
36 条(现第 30 条),成 员国无论在要达到的目的还是在手段性质上,均须限于该条款范围内”。
Indeed, it appears that, insofar as [...]
the European Communities Treaty is concerned, public order does not provide States with
general grounds for intervention and may not be invoked outside the situations expressly envisaged: “In order to avail themselves of article 36 [new article 30], member States must observe the limitations imposed by that provision both as regards the objective to be attained and as regards the nature of the means used to attain it.
一般性意见中含看似无关 但却与说明权 利要素有关的项目是很常见的。
It was not uncommon for general comments to include
[...] items which might seem extraneous, but [...]
were relevant for expressing the dimensions of a right.
13 此外,近年来,发生了许多实际上 看似 宗 教动机 的暴力事件,因此,通过促进不同宗教或信仰团体成员之间的沟通来消除现有的 成见的必要性已经得到重视(见A/HRC/13/40、A/HRC/16/53/Add.1、A/HRC/13/ 40/Add.1 和A/HRC/10/8/Add.1)。
There can be no doubt that activities of intrareligious and interreligious communication in the broadest sense fall within the scope of freedom of religion or belief.13 In addition, the necessity of dispelling existing stereotypes by promoting communication between members of different religious or belief groups has rightly received particular attention in recent years, given the many incidents of religiously motivated violence (see for example A/HRC/13/40; A/HRC/16/53/Add.1; A/HRC/13/40/Add.1; and A/HRC/10/8/Add.1).
看似进行 惩罚的行 动中,位于科索沃北部、经科索沃当局颁发许可证的服务供应商运营的三个发射 [...]
In what appeared to be retributive [...]
action, three transmitters operated by service providers licensed by the Kosovo authorities,
located in northern Kosovo, were attacked, including with explosives.
它遵循上文述及的次序,其中突出强调了广泛一致的领域、多个或数个会员国及其 利益攸关方似乎赞同的领域,以 看似 意 见 不统一还需进一步开展对话的领域。
The summary follows the order described above, highlighting areas of broad convergence, areas where many or several Member States and other stakeholders would appear to agree and areas where there is no apparent convergence of views and more dialogue is needed.
此外,針看似低階且不具特別敏感性角色或權限之資源或員工的先進目標性攻擊,仍可開啟重要資訊 [...]
In addition, advanced targeted
[...] attacks against seemingly low level resources [...]
or employees without particularly sensitive
roles or permissions can still open the door to vital information and huge consequences.
随后,男孩正面临由诺曼的疏远 看似 错 乱 的叔叔,先生​​Prenderghast(约翰·古德曼)谁告诉他的侄子的愿景是,他很快就必须采取了定期的仪式,以保护镇的一个标志。
Afterward, the boys are confronted by NormanXCHARXs
[...] estranged and seemingly deranged uncle [...]
Mr. Prenderghast (John Goodman) who tells
his nephew that the vision is a sign that he soon must take up his regular ritual to protect the town.
但隨著地鐵系統不斷發展,每天持續載運數百萬旅客,犧牲地理距離的真正代價日益顯著,儘管路線蜿蜒,貝克依然使用直線呈現;各站之間在地圖上幾乎等距,可是有些車站其實極為相近,導致許多乘客習慣換乘路線才抵達目的地,卻不知道步行其實更快,或是搭乘在地圖 看似 最 短的路線,實則並非最便捷的選項。
Beck used straight lines in place of the city’s snaking routes, and almost equidistant spacing between stations when some are strangely close to one another. The end result is that many London Underground users change lines to reach their destination when walking would be much quicker, or take routes that appear shortest on the map, but in fact aren’t the most speedy option.
其真正目的是秘密进行引渡,所采 用的类似程序一看似为不 同目的,但可在具体情况下取得等效的结果”。
Their true purpose, kept secret, is to obtain an extradition by using a parallel procedure which generally has another purpose but which, in the particular case, achieves the same result.
(A) 在本細則第 143
[...] 條的規限下,董事會可不時決定向股東支付董事會 根據本公司的財務狀看似合理 的中期息。尤其是 (惟在不影響前 [...]
述條文的一般性的情況下) 倘在任何時候本公司的股本分為不同的 類別,董事會可就本公司股本中的遞延付息股或非優先權利股,以
及就具有優先收息權利的股份支付中期息,並且只要董事會真誠地 行事,則若因就遞延付息股或非優先權利股支付中期息而致使優先 權利股的持有人蒙受任何損失,董事會毋須對該等持有人負有任何 責任。
(A) The Board may subject to Bye-Law 143 from time
to time pay to the shareholders such interim
[...] dividends as appear to the Board [...]
to be justified by the position of the Company
and, in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing), if at any time the share capital of the Company is divided into different classes, the Board may pay such interim dividends in respect of those shares in the capital of the Company which confer to the holders thereof deferred or non-preferential rights as well as in respect of those shares which confer on the holders thereof preferential rights with regard to dividend and provided that the Board acts bona fide the Board shall not incur any responsibility to the holders of shares conferring any preference for any damage that they may suffer by reason of the payment of an interim dividend on any shares having deferred or non-preferential rights.
但是,见微知著。诸如遵循时间表的小措看似无关紧要,但是,和其他小措施合起来,就能发 [...]
Yet great things started from small
things: a small measure such as keeping to a
[...] schedule might not seem important but, [...]
along with other small measures, could have a great impact.
刑事事项和打击洗钱或清洗国际犯罪所得及防止资助恐怖主义行为国际 合作法》规定,那些受其规定管辖的机构应监测所有下列交易:那 看似 不 可 疑, 但在复杂或异常情况下发生的交易;那 看似 没 有任何经济理由或合法目的的交 易,尤其是可能涉及洗钱活动和那些根据正式通告需要特别监测的交易。
The Act on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters, Prevention of the Laundering of Money or Securities Constituting the Proceeds of International Crime and Prevention of the Financing of Terrorism provides that those subject to its provisions shall
monitor all transactions
[...] that, although not suspicious, take place under complex or unusual conditions and seem to have no economic [...]
justification or legal
purpose, and especially transactions likely to involve money-laundering operations and those requiring special monitoring according to official communications.
我们根据公司采取的政策和程序,努力避免工作场所有偏袒 看似 偏 袒 的行为。
We strive to avoid
[...] favoritism or the appearance of favoritism [...]
in the workplace in accordance with the policies and procedures adopted by the Company.
一位能令人信服地將這兩看似矛盾 的領導才能集一身的候選人,將會 在2008年的總統選舉中勝出─不僅有能力為美 [...]
國公民改變國家面貌,而且同樣重要的是,讓 世界人民也看到變化。
The candidate who can convincingly
[...] reconcile these seemingly contradictory dimensions [...]
of leadership is the candidate who
will win the presidency in 2008 — and with it the ability to transform the nation, both in the eyes of U.S. citizens and, just as important, in the eyes of the world.
多數人心目中,公園夜間似乎確實危險,家長也曾告訴我們,日落後絕不要待在公園內,如此說來,架設圍 看似 完 全 合理,但若進一步思考,卻未必符合邏輯,儘管公園在夜間可能引來罪犯,卻無證據顯示若公園在夜間關閉後,罪犯就不會在其他區域犯案,因此設置圍籬時,形同認定公園會神奇地將正直民眾變成壞蛋。
Though it may be that parks are likely to attract criminal elements at night, there is little evidence that crimes committed in parks at night wouldn’t be committed elsewhere if parks were closed.
該等前瞻性陳述,包括我們相信2010年在半導體行業看 似是一 個好的年頭及這是重要的一步使我們邁向持續盈利之路和“2010年第一季度指引”等 [...]
These forward-looking statements, including [...]
statements concerning our belief that 2010 will be a good year for the semiconductor
industry and an important step on our journey toward sustained profitability, and statements under “First Quarter 2010 Guidance” are based on SMIC’s current assumptions, expectations and projections about future events.
四栋大小型制各不相同的小看似随 意 地散布在整个场地中:居中横跨于船坞之上的是底层大部架空的会所;二层是一个内向透明的四进三院结构,四进不同功能的实体由四片相互倾斜的不规则屋顶所覆盖,两两之间由狭长的庭院分隔或联系。
The quadruple volume's spaces of different functions are covered with four irregularly shaped roofs with two pairs connected with or separated by a narrow courtyard.
将高度复杂的美中关系人性化或落到实地,从我们领导人之间的互动到我们商人、学者、艺术家和运动员之间的互动--将使一 看似 庞 大 、复杂和遥远的关系感觉更近和更真切。
Humanizing or bringing down to earth the highly complicated U.S.-China relationship- from the interactions among our leaders to those among our
businessmen, scholars, artists and
[...] athletes - will make a seemingly vast and complex [...]
and distant relationship feel closer and more tangible.




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