单词 | 看不出 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 看不出—can't seeless common: can't make out unable tell See also:看出v—seev tellv 看出—make out
其第 1 款被认为多余;看不出案文 中反映的 “有约必守”原则如何有助于阐明本专题的有关问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its paragraph 1 was considered [...] superfluous; itwas not evidenthow a reflection [...]of pacta sunt servanda in the text helped [...]to elucidate issues concerning the topic. daccess-ods.un.org |
卢森堡看 不出有什么 特别理由 需要在劳 动条件方面 出 台 积极的 [...] 区 别对待措 施 , 因为所有的劳 动者都 得到平等的对待。 daccess-ods.un.org | Luxembourg did not see any particular [...] reason for introducing positive discrimination in working conditions since all workers [...]were treated on an equal footing. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个建议有悖于减轻联邦法院负担的努力, 更何况,看不出来为何联邦法院要毫无例外地审查所有与该问题有关的上诉却不 审查侵犯宪法权利的上诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | The issue of a possible extension of constitutional jurisdiction is not addressed in this report. daccess-ods.un.org |
面向选择小范围招标程序的原因不得而知,因为人们 看不出可事先获得的好处。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The reasons for choosing restricted bidding – without prior expression of interest – arenot known. unesdoc.unesco.org |
至于监察员是否具有提出除名建议的能力,监察组看不出监察 员目前的授权 与一项允许她说明自己是否支持申诉的正式权力之间有多大差别。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to the ability of the Ombudsperson to make a recommendation on a [...] de-listing, the Teamsees little distinction [...]between the current mandate [...]of the Ombudsperson and a formal authority to say whether she supports the petition or not. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我们看不出有任何理由把更多类 别纳入报告名单。 daccess-ods.un.org | We thereforedo notsee anyreason to [...] include additional categories in the report’s list. daccess-ods.un.org |
既然议会大会符合大会第 49/426 号决定所 载的标准,他看不出有任何理由不及时通过这项决议 草案并将其载入委员会在本届会议提交给大会的报 [...] 告之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | As PAM met the criteria set out in General Assembly [...] decision 49/426,he sawno reasonnot to adopt [...]the draft resolution in time for it [...]to be included in the Committee’s report to the General Assembly at the current session. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,总干事看不出有什么必要为这些活动分配更多的资金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Hence, the [...] Director-General does not seethe need to assign [...]additional funds to these activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
27 禁毒办进一步评估认为,不太可能有对设立仅对海盗行 [...] 为有管辖权的新法院的支持,因为在审判工作可能不足以完全占据他们的时间的时 候,如果使法庭空间和工作人员仅从事海盗审判,看不出来会有什么好处。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNODC assesses that trials are conducted in accordance with international standards.27 UNODC further assesses that there is unlikely to be support for the creation of new courts with jurisdiction exclusive to piracy, as it is not apparent that there would be an advantage to be gained by [...] constraining court space and staff to piracy trials at times when [...] there may beinsufficient trials to fullyoccupy them. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,在制定的一揽子计划中, 往往看不出对两性平等问题有多少敏感认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the design of these packages typically shows little sensitivity to gender issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在还看不出危机的程度,因为现已被驱逐的人 道主义组织开展了切实有效的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The magnitude of thecrisis [...] has yet to be seen, thanksto the [...]effectiveness of the efforts of the humanitarian organizations that have now been expelled. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一方面,划痕几乎看不出来,修复印记十分轻松。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | On theother hand, scratches are almost invisible andmarks [...] can be repaired quite easily. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
我们看不出来这种方法是可行的,也看不出它将改善澄清保留在国家间条约关系中之效果的过程。 daccess-ods.un.org | It isnot obvious to us that this approach is practical or would improve the process for clarifying the effect of reservations in treaty relations among States. daccess-ods.un.org |
防范酷刑小组委员会发现,在牢房 门前就悬挂有一根电线――看不出有任何具体用途。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SPT found that there was a cable hanging up in front of the cell [...] door – which did not seem toserve any particular [...]purpose. daccess-ods.un.org |
我看不出哪一方能爆发和控制这场比赛,平局有可能是最能出现的结果。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | I don’t seeanyonebreaking out and controlling [...] the game, and a draw is the most likely outcome. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
从肖像和日记均看不出她对于自己的生活质量或奴隶状态有什么看法,也看不出她是否有配偶子女等其他私生活方面。 wdl.org | Neither portrait nor diary entry give any insight into what she thought of the quality of her life or about her servitude, or other aspects of her private life, such as whether she had a spouse or children. wdl.org |
你也不想为了改变运气而降低你赢得胜算吧——反正我不在乎,而且我也实在看不出来在1.1的赔率下做选择的乐趣到底在哪儿? sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | You also don’t want to go for any at shorter odds than you’d normally do, in a bid to change your luck – I don’t anyway, as I don’tsee where the fun is in picking something at odds of 1.1? sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
至于公式、表格是否正确,就完全看不出来了。 oapdf.com | As for the formula, the form is [...] correct, it does not comeout completely. oapdf.com |
不幸的是,在通常的 CORBA 模型中我真的看不出如何做超时,所以我正在使用特定于 ORBit 的做法(hack),有一个同时支持 CORBA 事件和超时的 [...] glib 事件循环。 bsdmap.com | Unfortunately, I [...] don't really seehow todo timeouts with the normal CORBA event model, so I'm [...]going to have to use the [...]ORBit-specific hack of having a glib event loop which supports both CORBA events and timeouts. bsdmap.com |
只 要 该 印 监 是 明 确 地 关 [...] 乎 整 张 票 据 的 ,我看 不 出其实际 位 置 何 在 会 [...]构 成 关 键 的 差 异 。 hkreform.gov.hk | I cannot see that the physical position [...] of the stamped name, so long as it is clear that it relates to the bill as a whole, is a material distinction. hkreform.gov.hk |
虽然他们画的东西是非表象性的,大人们也看不出有什么表象意 义,但对于幼儿来说,却代表了某些事物。 cpsc.gov | Although [...] their drawings look nonrepresentational and are not recognized [...]as representational by adults, they represent something to these children. cpsc.gov |
以「意见B比率」计,甲看不出改变 ,停留在83%,乙看到数据上升一个百分比,丙看到数据上升三个百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | Reader Y can see that the figurehas experienced a rise of one percentage point, while Reader Z can see a rise of three percentage points. hkupop.hku.hk |
输入完成后,选中此表格,然后点击功能区“表格工具”下“设计”选项卡“表样式”功能组“边框”按钮右侧的小三角形,在弹出的菜单中点击“无框线”命令,如图1所示,设置此表格的边线为无边框线,这样,就看不出表格 来了。 oapdf.com | input is complete, select this form, then click the function area "form tool" under the "Design" tab "Table Style" function group "Borders" button on the right of the small triangle in the pop-up menu, click [...] " frame line "command, shown [...] in Figure 1, set the table for the boundless border edges, so comeon cannot see the form. oapdf.com |
全球MOCVD设备大厂维易科(Veeco)日前有消息指出,维易科近期看到来自大陆市场2年来首见的急单,显示大陆晶粒厂再度重启购入MOCVD机台计划,台湾业者认为,从陆厂今年资本支出状况还看不出重启 大举扩增产能的现象,但陆厂的产能扩增将牵动着整体LED产业的供需状况,陆厂若重启扩产脚步,将再度为LED产业的回温投下一变量。 jxlcd.com | Global MOCVD equipment company d permitted (Veeco) had pointed out that the dimensions are permitted to see recent urgent single from the mainland market has seen for the first time in 2 years, according to mainland grain plant restart again buy MOCVD machine plan, Taiwan investors believe, [...] from the land and plant capital spending this [...] year also can'tsee to restartthe phenomenon [...]of massive expansion capacity, but [...]the land plant capacity expansion will affects the overall supply and demand of LED industry, if lu factory expansion has to restart, again for the LED industry, variable temperature dropped back. jxlcd.com |