

单词 眉黛

See also:

upper margin

umber-black dye for painting the eyebrow

External sources (not reviewed)

联合国儿童基金会通讯黛西.赛 瑞姆报道为肯尼亚的游牧家庭儿童提供教育的创新举措。
UNICEF correspondent Daisy Serem reports on an innovative approach to educating Kenya's nomadic pastoralist children.
2002年,德国财政部决定发行一枚邮票以表彰赫本女士,并与 黛 丽 ·赫 本儿童基金会(AHCF)签订了一份合同。
In 2002 the German ministry of finance decided to honor Miss Hepburn with a stamp and entered into a contract with the Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund (AHCF).
當時颱風黑格比引致相關區域的水位上升至1962年 9月 颱風黛襲港以來最高紀錄。
At that time, typhoon Hagupit caused the sea level of the region concerned to rise to a record high since typhoon Wanda hit Hong Kong in September 1962.
同一决议还吁请“科索沃阿 尔巴尼亚族领导人在不预设条件和有国际参与的情况下,立即开展有意义的对 话,按照一个明确的时间表,导致结束危机和通过谈判达成科索沃问题的政治解 决”;要求“科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族领导人和其他有关各方尊重欧安组织核查团和 其他国际人员的行动自由”;“坚决要求科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族领导人谴责一切恐怖 主义行动”;要求科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族领导人“与争取改善人道主义局势、避免 迫眉睫的 人道主义灾难的国际努力合作”(第 1203(1998)号决议,第 5、6、10 和11段)。
The same resolution also called upon the “Kosovo Albanian leadership to enter immediately into a meaningful dialogue without preconditions and with international involvement, and to a clear timetable, leading to an end of the crisis and to a negotiated political solution to the issue of Kosovo”; demanded that “the Kosovo Albanian leadership and all others concerned respect the freedom of movement of the OSCE Verification Mission and other international personnel”; “[i]nsist[ed] that the Kosovo Albanian leadership condemn all terrorist actions”; and demanded that the Kosovo Albanian leadership “cooperate with international efforts to improve the humanitarian situation and to avert the impending humanitarian catastrophe” (resolution 1203 (1998), paras. 5, 6, 10 and 11).
鑒 於本港現 行追討贍養費的機制效果欠佳
,本會促請政府 改 善 追討贍養費的程序,以提高效率,並 且 成立贍養費局為 單親家庭收發贍養費,避免該等家庭因贍養費被拖欠 而 經 濟 出 現 困難,同 時使那些合資格 領 取 綜
[...] 援人士,可 以即時獲得 發放援助金 ,以解眉之 急
That, as the existing mechanism in Hong Kong for the recovery of alimony is ineffective, this Council urges the Government to improve the procedure for recovering alimony so as to enhance its efficiency, and to set up an alimony council to assist in the collection and payment of alimony to single-parent families, in order to prevent them from suffering financial difficulties due to defaulted alimony and enable those people who are eligible
for Comprehensive Social Security Assistance to receive assistant payment immediately, so as
[...] to meet their urgent needs.
境内流离失所者好几个回返地区,包括达西拉大区的 黛 娜 、科洛耶、 蒂埃罗马莱纳和洛伯体盖,以及阿松加地区的布罗塔,属于因人道主义援助准入 受限而最受影响的地区,乍得与苏丹边境沿线的若干地点同样如此。
Several areas of return for internally displaced persons, including Modeina, Koloye, Tiero, Marena and Louboutigue in the Dar Sila region and Borota in the Assoungha area, are among the most affected by limited humanitarian access, as are locations along the border between Chad and the Sudan.
The representatives of Waterfront Project Office of the City of North Vancouver brief members of the delegation on the redevelopment site at Lower Lonsdale.
这是大多数红酒中所有的味道,尤其是金 黛 葡 萄
The aroma and taste of red
[...] wines, particularly Zinfandel, are often partly [...]
described with this adjective.
马尔代夫面临的迫眉睫威 胁,不仅来自伊斯兰激进主义或国内自生的恐 [...]
怖,而且来自根源于邻近地区和整个世界的恐怖主义状况的各种其他威胁,以及 有可能导致国家动荡的各种其他问题。
It is not only the threat from Islamic radicalization or home-grown
[...] terror that is imminent in the Maldives, [...]
but also various other threats that have
their roots in the terror situation in the neighbouring region as well as the whole world and also various other concerns that might lead to unrest in the country.
创建一个中央部委 级机构,授予其必要的权力和资源,管理能源安 全并有效规范能源政策和目标、调解国家政治与 国有企业间的利益冲突,这样的要求已迫眉 睫。
There is a pressing need to create a central ministerial-level body with the authority and resources to manage energy security and effectively regulate energy policy and goals as well as reconcile competing interests between the vast state bureaucracy and state-owned companies.
Alice and Dinah spot a waistcoat-wearing [...]
White Rabbit passing by, and Alice gives chase as he rushes off crying that he
is “late for an important date”.
Although still anxious, Audrey is glad her doctor found a solution for her symptoms and is confident she is now on the road to recovery.
在提供军事和安保服务时,雇员在下列情况下方可使用武力或火 器:(a) 保卫自己或公司其他雇员免遭其认为迫 眉 睫 的 非法的死 亡或重伤威胁,属于行使自卫的基本权利;(b) 保卫按照合同受其 保护者免遭其认为迫眉睫的 非法的死亡或重伤威胁;(c) 阻止其 有合理理由认为非法绑架其本人、公司的其他雇员或按照合同受其 保护者的企图;(d) 预防或阻止犯下可能或已经构成死亡或重伤威 胁的罪行。
In providing military and security services, employees may use force or firearms only (a) to defend him/herself or other employees of the company
against what he/she
[...] believes to be an imminent unlawful threat of death or serious bodily injury, in respect of the exercise of the essential right of selfdefence; (b) to defend persons whom he/she is under a contract to protect against what he/she believes to be an imminent unlawful threat [...]
of death or serious
bodily injury; (c) to resist what he/she reasonably believes to be an attempt to unlawfully abduct him/her, other employees of the company or a person whom he/she is under contract to protect; (d) to prevent or put a stop to the commission of a serious crime that would involve or involves a grave threat to life or of serious bodily injury.
切勿让幼犬接触有毒的植物,如猩猩木、杜鹃花、北美杜鹃花 黛 粉 叶、红豆杉、夹竹桃和常春藤等。
Never give her access to poisonous plants such as poinsettias, azaleas, rhododendrons, dumb can, Japanese yew, oleander and English ivy.
縱然主辦相當成功,雪梨奧運留下的影響相對較小,尚未開幕,預算便已超支近三倍,雪梨在會後付出更大代價,當屆奧運前主要規劃者哈 黛 ( Su e Holliday)認為,市政府當初應該多思考後續問題。
The budget almost tripled before the Games had even begun, and Sydney paid an even bigger
price post-Games, with former chief planner
[...] for the Sydney Games, Sue Holliday, stating [...]
that the host city should have focused more on its legacy program.
贝尔菲尔德将其关了起来,自己则搬到了贝尔 黛 尔 的 湖边别墅。
Lord Belfield locked her up in the family seat, and decamped to his lakeside villa at Belvedere.
此外,观众还有幸能在卢 森堡欣赏到英国著名戏剧及歌剧导黛博拉·华纳(Deborah Warner)的最 新作品,由国际知名的美国前卫舞台导 演及剧作家罗伯特·威尔森(Robert Wilson)执导,世界最伟大的芭蕾舞演 员希尔薇·纪莲(Sylvie Guillem)倾 情上演。
Moreover, it is one of the few places that offers spectators the chance to discover the famous British theatre and opera director Deborah Warner’s latest production, one by the internationally acclaimed American avant-garde stage director and playwright Robert Wilson and the world’s greatest ballerina Sylvie Guillem.
于1953年,具有革命性意义的Youth-Dew香水推出之时,雅诗 黛 公 司 已经赢得了不断创新、精于研发、品质优良的美誉。
By the time the revolutionary fragrance Youth-Dew was introduced in 1953, the Estée Lauder Company had already won a reputation for innovation, research and quality.
电影制作人Joel Marsden与黛丽·赫 本儿童基金会执行制片人兼主席Sean [...]
Hepburn Ferrer发布了影片《WORLD VOTE NOW》,并提出这样一个问题:什么样的革命性全球政治运动能够引起欧洲议会、社会党领袖Evo Morales、Hugo
Film maker Joel Marsden and Sean Hepburn Ferrer, Executive Producer and
[...] chairman of the Audrey Hepburn Children [...]
Fund, unveil the film WORLD VOTE NOW and
pose the question: What revolutionary global political movement can resonate with such seemingly opposite entities as the European Parliament, socialist leaders Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez and the U.S. State Department?
[...] he'e("甜草"),作为一个在黛队友和用于治疗胃灼热和其他疾病的药用茶甜味剂。
For centuries, the tribes of Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil used stevia,
which they called ka'a he'e ("sweet herb"), as a
[...] sweetener in yerba mate and medicinal [...]
teas for treating heartburn and other ailments.
在做了彻底的身体检查之后,黛丽 的 医生怀疑她患上了甲状腺功能低下(或甲状腺功能机能减退),并要求她做甲状腺功能检查。
After a thorough physical exam, her doctor suspected Audrey may have an underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, and ordered thyroid function tests.
家用电器:所有世界领先的制造商在波兰 都有工厂,包括惠而浦(弗罗茨瓦夫)、 伊莱克斯(有几个工厂在西里西亚和下西 里西亚)、博士和西门子(罗兹)和黛 喜(罗兹)。
have plants in Poland, including Whirlpool (Wrocław), Electrolux (several plants in Silesia and Lower Silesia), Bosch and Siemens (Łódź) and Indesit (Łódź).
[...] Docomo、高纬环球、德意志银行、杜邦、菲利普莫里斯国际集团、雅诗 黛 , 以 及更多著名的跨国公司。
Sanno Park Tower building tenants include NTT Docomo,
Cushman & Wakefield, Deutsche Bank Group, Du Pont, Philip
[...] Morris, Estee Lauder and other well-known [...]
multinational tenants.
黛丽在 战斗中尽量少吊链的容器,它是基达的锯切好的股骨28秒(他吹嘘,他可以在12秒内削减),但无济于事,只好删除,因为他们投掷炸弹埃尔加,虽然发生这种情况,Milo和葡萄树作为挂钩提请·洛克和Helga和米洛崩溃的气球降低高度,他的船,但指挥官背叛埃尔加和杀害她扔气球,以“减轻负担”,而米洛推出针对他在战斗中鲁尔克超过在规模,实力和经验。
During combat Sweet Audrey and try to cut [...]
the chain hanging the container where it was Kida with a saw that could cut Sweet
as a femur in 28 seconds (He bragged that he could cut it in 12 seconds) but to no avail and had to removed because they were dropping bombs Helga; While this happens, Milo and Viny are used as hooks to draw the attention of Rourke and Helga and Milo crashes his ship into one of the balloons to lose height, but the commander betrays Helga and kills her by throwing the balloon to “lighten the load” while Milo is launched against him in a fight Rourke surpasses in size, strength and experience.
亚历山大·沃雷沃兹,俄罗斯联邦,莫斯科国立国际关系学院;勒内·瓦尔克,爱沙尼亚, 塔尔图大学,法律系,以及爱沙尼亚,爱沙尼亚国防学院;马克·温加尔,美利坚合众国, 纽约市立大学;艾琳娜·托罗哈·马特伍,西班牙,巴塞罗那大学;萨拉·珀西,大不列颠 及北爱尔兰联合王国,牛津大学;普拉塔普·查特吉,美利坚合众国,美国进步中心;艾 琳·卡布雷拉,哥伦比亚走读大学;撒贝罗·古梅兹,南非,比勒陀利亚,安全研究所;帕 特里夏·阿里亚斯,智利,发展研究中心 黛 博 拉 ·阿凡特,美利坚合众国,加利福尼亚大 学(欧文)。
Alexander Volevodz, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russian Federation; René Värk, Faculty of Law, University of Tartu, Estonia and Estonian National Defence College; Mark Ungar, City University of New York, United States; Helena Torroja Mateu, University of Barcelona, Spain; Sarah Percy, University of Oxford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Pratap Chatterjee, Center for American Progress, United States; Irene Cabrera, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogota; Sabelo Gumedze, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria; Patricia Arias, Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo, Chile; Deborah Avant, University of California, Irvine, United States.
在消费业领导者雅诗黛(LESI EUR Cotelle)集团担任市场推广及出口要职之后,他又转到莲娜丽姿(Nina Ricci)日本分公司并担任了10年的欧洲区董事以及行政总裁。
François previously served as European director and CEO of Nina Ricci subsidiaries in Japan for 10 years, following marketing and export sales roles at Lesieur-Cotelle Group, a leading consumer goods company.
最后「空」就更加精彩 - 钟国栋除了曾经当过皇家香港辅助空军 (现今的政府飞行服务队) 的荣誉司令,他更曾经乘坐辅助空军的 Islander 双引擎飞机在 1973 年飞进热带风黛蒂 (Dot) 的中心,与美国空军的 Hercules (大力士) WC-130 运输机进行同步观测。
Lastly but not the least, "sky" was even more fascinating - apart from having served as the Honourary Commander of the then Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force (now the Government Flying Service), Mr Bell had flown into the centre of Tropical Storm Dot on an Auxiliary Air Force's twin-engine Islander in 1973, making observations at the same time with a Hercules WC-130 transport aircraft of the US Air Force.




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