单词 | 眉毛胡子一把抓 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 眉毛胡子一把抓 —carelessany-old-how, regardless of the specific taskSee also:一把抓—manage every detail regardless of its importance • attempt all tasks at once
用Linux 有一阵子了, 玩Linux 久了的人都知道在GNU 的世界里, 不必花费一毛钱, 就有程式可以抓、有文件可以看。 lslnet.com | Linux a while, the people are aware of the long-playing Linux GNU in the world and not spend a dime, it can do procedures and documents can be seen. lslnet.com |
Todd把他的Edible Selby翻到两个胡子兄弟的一页, 并指着说他们做的巧克力是他尝过做好的。 ba-repsasia.com | Todd flips through his Edible Selby book to a page with two bearded brothers and points [...] them out as makers of some of the [...]“tastiest chocolate I’ve ever had. ba-repsasia.com |
兩用化粧掃,一邊可用於梳理眉毛, 另 一 邊 則 可使用於睫毛,將黏合一起的睫毛分開,條條分明。 aster.com.hk | Can separate eyelash to clear and look more [...] sharply. aster.com.hk |
可是,對於一些“大鱷”,一些 [...] 國企、類似國企、代表了金融霸權或地產霸權的公司甚至是其附屬公 司,真是眉毛也不會挑一下。 legco.gov.hk | But for some "big predators", state enterprises or quasi-state enterprises, or [...] companies which represent financial hegemony or real estate hegemony or even [...] their subsidiaries, they will not even frown. legco.gov.hk |
选择那些跟你本身的睫毛差不多长度的假睫毛或者 用 眉 剪 将 他们修剪成一样的长度 , 把 每 一 根 睫 毛 都 从 一定角度稍稍修剪一点点,从而让它们的长度稍有差异。 cosme-de.com | Find ones that are the same length as your [...] natural lashes or trim them with eyebrow scissors, snipping a tiny bit off each lash (at an angle) [...]so they're slightly different lengths. cosme-de.com |
除了这些修建并扩大更多定居点的非法计划外,以色列占领 军 一 直 在 发生死 亡事件的非法定居点附近的巴勒斯坦村庄进行突袭,并 搜抓 18 岁至 40 岁的男子 去接受问话。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to these illegal plans to construct and expand more settlements, Israeli occupying forces have been [...] raiding Palestinian villages [...] in the vicinity of the illegal settlement where the deadly incident occurred, rounding up males between the ages of 18 and 40 to report for questioning. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年 [...] 8 月,肯尼亚警方突击搜查 Mukulu 先生在内罗毕的住所,抓获了他 的一个儿子 Hassan Mukulu。 daccess-ods.un.org | In August 2011, Mr. Mukulu’s residence in Nairobi was raided by Kenyan [...] police, where they captured one of his sons, Hassan Mukulu. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们已经把在胡拉,在 Qazaz 和 Maydan(攻击大马士革的两个恐怖爆 炸),在 Dayr al-Zawr(几天前发生屠杀,武装恐怖团伙在屠杀杀害了 11 个 去上班的劳动者,而这些团伙试图将 这 一 事 件归咎于叙利亚)、阿勒颇(袭击 该市的恐怖爆炸)和叙利亚其他许多地区发生的事件是卑鄙、野蛮的屠杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | We have described what happened in Hula, in Qazaz and Maydan (two terrorist explosions that hit Damascus), in Dayr al-Zawr (a massacre a few days before, in which armed terrorist groups killed 11 labourers who were going to work, and which those groups sought to blame on Syria), Aleppo (a terrorist explosion that struck the city) and many other parts of Syria, as despicable and barbaric massacres. daccess-ods.un.org |
面對機遇,我們必須抓緊機會,把握本身的優越條件,增加我們的競爭力,將香港發展成 為 一 個 人 民幣離岸 中心及資產管理中心。 legco.gov.hk | Presented with these opportunities, we must grasp them and leverage on our unique advantages to enhance our competitiveness, [...] thereby developing Hong Kong into [...]a centre for offshore RMB business and asset management. legco.gov.hk |
同样,当我们采取重建信心的临时措施 把火烧眉毛的事 情解决后,就应该考虑寻求应对金融危机的中长期办法,改善全球性的管理。 docs.china-europa-forum.net | Similarly, once the fire is put out by immediate measures which can restore confidence, the quest for a middle and long term answer to the current financial crisis must lead to a progress in global governance – and be understood as such. docs.china-europa-forum.net |
人是動物的良好的精神狀態,但賦予了自由意志和選擇權,可 以 把 自 己 的 一 方 或 胡 馬 自 達的Anro Mainyus 。 mb-soft.com | Man is the creature of the Good Spirit, but endowed with a free will and power of choice, able to place himself on the side of Ahura Mazda or on that of Anro Mainyus. mb-soft.com |
他们必须竞争对本场比赛的最伟大的球员盖瑞特鲍比·弗格森(GBF) , 一 个 巨 大的那 张 胡子 拉 碴 的脸,保卫他的高得分(#1在宇宙中)到达另一个世界。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They must compete against the game’s [...] greatest player— Garrett Bobby [...] Ferguson (GBF), a giant bearded face who arrives from another [...]world to defend his high score (#1 in the universe). en.seekcartoon.com |
插图中画着一位长胡子教徒 ,正在病人头顶上方挥舞着一根木棍,还画了一个骷髅和两根交叉的人骨,警告人们这种看病方法是非常危险的。 unicef.org | It shows a long-haired holy man waving a wand over his patient’s head as a skull and crossed bones warn of danger. unicef.org |
只要该非政府组织不解决其内部问题,就应当暂缓任何与该组织继续 发展业务关系的决定,暂时保留它,让它在 2004 年春季的下一届会议之前把内部 形势理出 一个眉目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | So long as this NGO fails to settle its internal problems, it would be wise for the time being to defer any decision to renew operational relations, and to [...] maintain its status provisionally, [...] pending clarification of its internal situation, until [...]the next spring session, in 2004. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他们遵循宾克,建筑院子里, 但仍然无 法 抓 住 他,Norby落 入 一 大 桶潮湿的水泥,威高甩出的建设,到后面的垃圾车,和埃迪被困在起重机后,被浑身湿透的胶水。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They follow Bink to a construction yard, but are still unable to catch him, with Norby falling into a vat of wet cement, Veeko getting thrown off the building and into the back of a garbage truck, and Eddie getting stranded on a crane after being drenched in glue. seekcartoon.com |
如果另一个挑 战银狨殖民地的边界,他们将掀起咆哮,降低 其 眉毛 , 嫌他们的嘴唇警告。 zh.northrup.org | If another colony of Silvery Marmosets challenges the [...] boundaries, they will set off a warning by howling, lowering their eyebrows, and smacking their lips. northrup.org |
這些租戶是沒法子不依循羊毛出自 羊身上的定律 , 把加 幅轉嫁公眾用家。 legco.gov.hk | These tenants had no alternative [...] but to follow the law that "fleece comes off [...] the sheep's back" and pass the increases onto the public and their customers. legco.gov.hk |
关于重大计划 I 的总体优先事项,所有会员国都一致 认 为,必须继续把全民教育 (EFA)作为教育部门工作的重中之重 来 抓 , 把 支 持 会员国实现达喀尔目标的工作放到最优 先的位置上。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 33. With regard to the global priorities of Major Programme I [...] (MP I), all Member [...] States agreed on the imperative for Education for All (EFA) to continue to be at the heart of the Education Sector’s work and on according the highest priority to supporting [...]countries in achieving the Dakar goals. unesdoc.unesco.org |
使用Slant斜口眉镊沿着眉毛自然 生长的方向以及弧度镊取。 tweezerman.cn | Tweeze along the natural shape and [...] arch of your brow line with the Slant tweezer. tweezerman.co.uk |
因此,頭髮可能普遍變薄或局部脫髮,其他毛髮如鬍鬚 或 眉毛 亦 可 能局部脫落。 hsbc.com.hk | This may result in a general thinning of hair or in a patchy loss of hair over the scalp and other hair bearing [...] areas such as the beard or eyebrows. hsbc.com.hk |
在国家产量统计和粮农组织预计中有记录的5种杂交鱼类2010年世界产量为罗 非鱼杂交种33.33万吨(中国和巴拿马的奥利亚罗非鱼x尼罗罗非鱼) 、 胡子 鲶 杂交 种11.69万吨(泰国的革胡子鲶x斑 点胡鲶)、巨脂鲤杂交种2.16万吨(巴西的细 鳞巨脂鲤x大盖巨脂鲤)以及巨脂鲤另外的杂交种4900吨(巴西的大盖巨脂鲤x短 盖巨脂鲤)和条纹鲈杂交种4200吨(美国、意大利和以色列的金眼鲈x条纹鲈)。 fao.org | Five finfish hybrids have been recorded with national production statistics and FAO estimates, indicating world production levels in 2010 of 333 300 tonnes of blue and Nile tilapia hybrid (Oreochrom aureus x O. niloticus, in China and in Panama), 116 900 tonnes of Clarias catfish hybrid (Clarias gariepinus x C. macrocephalus, in Thailand), 21 600 tonnes of “tambacu” hybrid (Piaractus mesopotamicus x Colossoma macropomum, in Brazil), 4 900 tonnes of “tambatinga” hybrid (Colossoma macropomum x Piaractus brachypomus, in Brazil) and 4 200 tonnes of striped bass hybrid (Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis, in the United States of America, Italy and Israel). fao.org |
MAYUTORO的卡通是金枪鱼的故事在眉毛 生 长。 cn.moba-app.com | MAYUTORO THE TOONS is a story of [...] the tuna where the eyebrow grows. moba-app.com |
在东耶路撒冷发生的情况更糟,本雅明·内塔尼 亚胡不想把这个问题拿到谈判桌上来,这样,以色列 就能够继续执行它自 1967 年占领东耶路撒冷以来一 直推行的政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even worse is what is happening in East Jerusalem, which Netanyahu would like to keep off the table so as to enable Israel to continue the policy it has adopted since its occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011年,中策組非全職顧問的名單包括前港澳辦副主任陳 佐洱的女兒陳晴、已故港進聯立法會議員許長青的兒子許華傑、全國 政協委員施子清的兒子施榮忻、前基本法委員會副主任黃保欣的兒子 黃友嘉,還有前立法會主席及現任全國人大常委范徐麗泰的兒子范駿 華、全國政協委員胡法光的兒子胡曉 明等,這些都是眾人口中所說的 “富二代”,又或我們所稱的“太子黨”。 legco.gov.hk | In 2011, the list of part-time members of the CPU included Judy CHEN Qing, daughter of CHEN Zuoer, former deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office, Michael HUI Wah-kit, son of the late Legislative Council Member HUI Cheung-ching from the Hong Kong Progressive Alliance , Jaime SZE Wine-him, son of SZE Chi-ching who is a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), David WONG Yau-kar, son of WONG Po-yan, former Vice-director of the Hong Kong Basic [...] Law Committee, Andrew [...] FAN Chun-wah, son of Rita FAN, former Legislative Council President and current member of the National Committee of CPPCC, and Herman HU Shao-ming, son of [...]HU Fa-kuang, member of [...]the National Committee of CPPCC. legco.gov.hk |
有了这款私人助手,只需简单几步,你便可以随意改变你的发型、睫毛、耳环 、 眉毛, 眼罩、配饰帽子、隐形眼镜、嘴唇、项链、腮红、眼镜......它将帮助你确定今天的造型装扮。 hair-master.cn.uptodown.com | HairStyle, eyelashes, earrings, eyebrows, eyeshades, accessories, [...] hat, lens, lips, necklace, rouges, glasses,... Decide [...]what you want to wear today and know how you will look. hair-master.en.uptodown.com |
既然京九鐵路通車,以及 廣深鐵路電氣化的完成日子,已迫在 眉 睫 ,政府也必須當機立斷,立即訂立興建對香 港長遠經濟發展有重大影響的西北鐵路的進度時間表,並作出適當的財務安排。 legco.gov.hk | With the imminent commissioning of the Beijing-Kowloon Railway and the completion of the electrification of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway, the Government must act promptly in laying down a timetable governing the progress of construction of the Northwest New Territories Railway, which will have a significant bearing on the long-term economic development of Hong Kong, and make appropriate financial arrangement for it. legco.gov.hk |
另一项建议是,抓住实 施《联合国土著人民权利宣言》(大会第 61/295 号决议,附件)的机会,把《宣言》的主要原则在区域和次区域两级变 为具体的行动原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another recommendation was to seize the opportunity of operationalizing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [...] (General Assembly resolution [...]61/295, annex) to translate the main principles of the Declaration into concrete operational guidelines at regional and subregional levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
我實在找不到理由相信,將來一個局長把基建及與基建有關的 保育一把抓的時 候,是不會再發生這種不惜一切趕開工的情況的。 legco.gov.hk | There is really no reason for me to believe that similar cases of the authorities doing everything they can in order for works to get started would not recur when a Bureau Director is responsible for overseeing both infrastructure and infrastructure-related conservation projects. legco.gov.hk |
阿联酋航运察觉这个市场的重要性,为确保我们能 够 把 握 并 抓 紧 这最具发展潜力的市场,阿联酋航运今天宣布,公司已经增加委 任 一 個 韩 国代理,以扩大我们的市場地位以及全面发展韩国至印度次大陆、中东、非洲的市场潜力。 emiratesline.com | Emirates is mindful of the importance of this [...] market and to ensure we are well geared to grasp its prospective growth, we have today appointed an additional agency in Korea so as to fully [...]capture our market [...]share and realize the full potential of Korea to ISC, Middle East and Africa. emiratesline.com |
以色列部队还抓走几家人,把他们 集中 到 一 所空房,然后用飞机轰炸,公然违反有关战俘待遇的《日 内瓦第三公约》。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli forces also rounded up several families and led them to an empty house, then bombed them from aircraft in a flagrant breach of the Third Geneva Convention relative to the treatment of prisoners. daccess-ods.un.org |