

单词 眉来眼去

See also:


brows and eyes

眉眼 n

appearance n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 们敦促所有索马里人,无论持何观点和信念,给和平 一个机会,在重建国家的过程中忘记 去 , 放 眼 未 来。
We therefore urge all Somalis, of all
shades of opinion and belief, to give peace a chance,
[...] to forget the past and to look to the [...]
future in rebuilding the country.
VYTAL mei持久化妆可以补救随时间去而 变色 的 眼眉 、 眼 线 、 唇线,让您告别以往的错误,真美再现。
VYTAL mei micropigmentation corrects tattoos that have changed color over time, giving you a renewed look, free of any damages from the past.
甚至加㆖本局未來的最大 黨,即與總督先眉來眼去的民 主黨,亦起不到甚麼作用。
Even with the support of the future
largest political party, that is, the Democratic Party, with whom
[...] the Governor makes eyes, the result is still [...]
the same.
消除中国血液供应存在的威胁, 改变去错误的做法,不仅对于这场灾难的受害者,甚至对于中国,对于全世界的安 来 说 , 都是 迫眉睫的
Addressing the threat
[...] to China’s blood supply and the wrongs done in the past is urgent for current victims of the tragedy, for the safety of China, and for the world at large.
不過, 可惜得很,  生福利及食 物局局長楊永強作為這 場戰役的 總 司 令 , 似乎仍本去 年 SARS 期間,一派 好官我自為之的 傲慢態度, 對禽流感的 威脅不放在 眼內, 只 是一味唱好, 向 大眾說:“本港爆發 禽流感的 機 會 不大”,完 全 罔顧火燒前門, 水眼眉, “ 疫 ” 臨城下的事實 。
But it is a pity that the commander in chief of this battle, the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr YEOH Eng-kiong, who is so arrogant, behaves as if he had fulfilled all his duties, just like what he did during the SARS outbreak last year.
马尔代夫面临的迫眉睫威胁,不 来 自 伊 斯兰激进主义或国内自生的恐 怖,而且来自根源于邻近地区和整个世界的恐怖主义状况的各种其他威胁,以及 [...]
It is not only the threat from Islamic
radicalization or home-grown
[...] terror that is imminent in the Maldives, but also various other [...]
threats that have their roots
in the terror situation in the neighbouring region as well as the whole world and also various other concerns that might lead to unrest in the country.
有時候,坦白說,專業做帳目的人,真的是“挑 眼眉 ” 的 ,要看管他 們,管理他們,別以為會很容易。
People whose profession is working with accounts are smart people and it is no easy task to oversee them and manage them.
执 行秘书向经社会通报了为加强技术合作工作 眼 于 实 际成果的关注重心秘 书处所启动的步骤,其中包括:(a) 更大、更长和更协调一致的能力开发项 目,把重点放在通过加强基于成果的管 来 改 进 绩效;(b) 资源动员战略为 对伙伴关系和捐助方关系采取更加积极主动的做法提供一个框架,并设立一 个伙伴关系和资源调集科;(c) 通过与一些成员国和捐助机构的会议继续努 力加强与合作伙伴的关系;(d) 加强与作为促进和交付能力开发合作伙伴的 一些私营部门对口单位的接触。
The Executive Secretary informed the Commission about the steps the
secretariat had
[...] initiated to strengthen the resultsoriented focus of its technical cooperation work, which included: (a) larger, longerterm and better aligned capacity development projects, with emphasis on improved performance through strengthened [...]
management; (b) a resource mobilization strategy that provides a framework for a more proactive approach to partnerships and donor relations, and the establishment of a Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Section; (c) continued efforts to strengthen relations with partners through meetings with a number of member States and donor agencies; and (d) enhanced engagement with some private sector counterparts as partners in promoting and delivering capacity development.
开发的记录代用券的销售和兑换情况的计算机程序已足 够先进,可以把从
[...] 1989 年(现有档案最早的年份)以来的数据都输入来去。
The development of a computer programme to record sales and redemption of coupons is
sufficiently advanced to enable data to be entered going back to
[...] 1989 (the last year for which [...]
files are still available).
一个会员国主张 教科文组织从全局眼来看待 每一个重大计划的主要优先事项,而部门内以及整个组织的所 有其它优先事项也需要互相支持,共同服务于教科文组织的总体目标。
One Member State encouraged UNESCO to approach the principal priority in each major programme from a holistic perspective, whereby all other priorities within the sector and house-wide would need to be mutually supportive and contribute to the overall objectives of UNESCO.
由于教科文组织从去的孤 立主义发展 来 , 因 此该组织需要拓宽和加深其对国家一 级面临的发展挑战以及基层与贫困相关问题的理解,以便将使我们的部门计划更好地与千年 [...]
[...] emerges from its isolationist past, the Organization needs to [...]
broaden and deepen its understanding of development
challenges at the country level and poverty-related issues at the grass-roots level, so as to better link our sectoral programmes to the MDGs and international agenda.
确保评价总是来去帮助 学习,当需要一个终结性评估报告时,最好要对照 相应的标准和对证据的可靠性进行判断。
Ensure that assessment is always used to help learning and that, when a summative assessment report is needed, the best evidence is reliably judged against relevant criteria.
(二 ) 廢物管理問題迫眉睫,過去一年 多以來,環境局在減廢 回收、引入現代化廢物處理設施和及時擴建堆填區這個三 管齊下的廢物管理策略下,一直與立法會和社會各界進行 討論。
(b) Hong Kong faces an imminent waste management problem which has to be dealt with through a three-pronged strategy including waste reduction and recycling, introduction of modern waste treatment facilities, and timely extension of landfills.
最近,我跟政府官員 傾談,他們也真的說差不多是“水 眼眉 ” , 這並不是災難,而是真的有太 多錢。
In my recent talks with government officials, they actually said they were literally "drowned in a sea of funds", not because there was a calamity, but because there was too much money.
普 通 市民不 知 道自己 的權益 , 正 所 謂 “ 水 不 浸眼 眉 便 不出聲 ” , 所以直 至 4 月 1 日後才 懂 得 發 聲 , 於 是 發生了上次這般嚴 重 的公眾恐 慌 。
Members of the public are not aware of their rights, and as the saying goes, "one does not speak out until he is at death's door"; the public spoke out only after 1 April and eventually gave rise to the serious public panic.
正如我在施政報告辯論時亦有提過目前的情況已 是「水眼眉」。
As I have pointed out during the debate on the policy address, the situation now is a pressing one.
其實,做成今日新界交 通運輸㆒團糟,歸根究柢,就是當年設計屯門衛星城市時候計劃錯誤,高估了衛星城 市可以提供的就業機會,完全無準確㆞預計到衛星城市不夠工做,居民便得長途跋涉 往返市區來謀生會帶來嚴重的問題,這個問題在今日來說,已經「水 眼眉 」 , 未來的 大型基本建設,尤其是新機場及海港西移,青衣、大嶼山又多建新的貨櫃碼頭、屯門 又將會發展內河碼頭 等,全部都使客運及貨運的樞紐,尤其㆗港陸路過境交通,重重㆞壓在新界方面,由 荃灣、葵青,以至大埔、元朗以至屯門。
Furthermore, the large infrastructure projects that are going to be built, particularly the new airport, the relocation of the port westward, the new container terminals at Tsing Yi and Lantau Island and the river port at Tuen Mun, will all put heavy pressure on the part of the New Territories stretching from Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing to Tai Po, Yuen Long and Tuen Mun, as the New Territories become the pivot of passenger and cargo transport, especially in the case of the cross-border land traffic between China and Hong Kong.
和以往的1系相比,可見中控台上的扭鈕減少了,而錶板上方,則出現了一道類似 眼眉 的 設 計。
Compared to the current 1 Series, this new coupe will have
cleaner cabin design including fewer buttons on the center stack and an instrument panel
[...] with more of a dual-brow design.
到 SARS 肆 虐 , 港 燈 只 是 叫 用 戶 申 請 電費貸 款 擔 保,對 “水眼 眉 ” 、 陷 於 倒閉邊緣 的 重 災 區 行 業,這些措 施 的 效用接近 “零”。
During the rampant attack of SARS, the HEC had only suggested its customers to apply for loan guarantee for electricity tariffs, but this was virtually useless to the hardest-hit industries which were in deep water and on the verge of folding up.
不過,我們新主席候選人會否打算聘請更多 真正“挑眼眉”、 能看透那些報告的、水準更高的人員呢?
However, will the candidate of the new Chairman plan to recruit more smart and outstanding employees who can discover clues from those reports?
[...] 协定,包括沙姆沙伊赫谅解,并执行四方提出的以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突的永久性 两国解决方案路线图,9 又强调指出必须全面执行 2005 年 11 月 15 日订立的《通行进出协定》和《拉 法口岸商定原则》,以便巴勒斯坦平民能够在加沙地带 来去 自 由 和自由出入加 沙地带
Stressing the need for full compliance with the Israeli-Palestinian agreements reached within the context of the Middle East peace process, including the Sharm el-Sheikh understandings, and the implementation of the Quartet road map to a permanent two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,9 Stressing also the need for the full implementation of the Agreement on Movement and Access and the Agreed Principles for the Rafah Crossing, both
of 15 November 2005, to
[...] allow for the freedom of movement of the Palestinian civilian population within and into and out of the Gaza Strip
一个额外的控件提供了具有专业外观的 眉 样 式 来 区 分你的界面区域。
An additional control provides access to the
[...] professional-looking header styles to separate [...]
areas of your interface
格鲁吉亚外交部对 4 月 24 日推迟召开事件预防和应对机制加利会议以及欧 洲联盟监察团(欧盟监察团)今后不参加机制会议 来 的 迫 在 眉 睫 的 威胁深表关 切。格鲁吉亚方面着重强调事件预防和应对机制的重要性,认为它是消除当地紧
Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia regarding the postponement of the April 24 Gali meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms
眼望去,这 如诗如画的福州景点就像一个巨大的海龟。
This picturesque tourist sight of Fuzhou resembles a gigantic turtle.
[...] 理的,档案监管链可能会中断,这可能会导致档案在法院失去作为证据的可接受 性,在公众眼中失去可靠性。
In addition, if the transitional centres are not professionally managed by archivists, the chain of custody of the records can be lost and this can lead
to the loss of acceptability of the records as evidence by courts and
[...] the loss of credibility in the eyes of the public.
采用的唯一机械化设备包括 矿工来去除积 水的以石油为燃料的小水泵。
The only mechanized equipment being used consisted of small petroleumfuelled water pumps used by the miners to remove accumulated water.
是 否 有 很 多 這 類 簽 署 人 知 道 加 上 或去 這 些 字 眼 對 他 們 的 個 人 法 律 責 任 有 何 影 響 , 我 們 同 樣 表 示 懷 疑 。
Again we doubt if many of these signatories are aware of the effect upon their personal liability of the addition or omission of these words.
我 覺 得 很 奇 怪 , 為 甚麼教育界 的 人士會對 教育這 樣沒有信心 , 我剛才聽了十多位 同 事發言 , 其 中 兩 位 來 自 教 育 界 的 同 事 都認為 教育是 10 年 、 20 年的事,可能他們聽慣 了 “十年 樹木, 百 年 樹 人 ” 的 說 法,因此, 認 為用這方法 來 應 付現時“水眼眉” 的 情況是 不 妥 的 。
Maybe they have grown used to the saying "it takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to rear a person" that they think that this is not the right method to handle the current urgent situation.
作為㆒個負責任和有作為的政府,不能老是糾纏於論述問題的 因由,而不盡快採取實際有效的措施,解救 眉 之 急 ,這樣 去 只 會 令㆟懷疑政府是否有 誠意去解決問題。
A responsible and competent government will not become entangled endlessly with studying the causes of a problem of burning urgency while failing to act expeditiously and effectively to solve the problem.
尼加拉瓜和解和全国统一政府自上述决议通过 来 , 去 年 起 更加深化、将来 也继续深化它同古巴人民和政府的政治、经济、商业和合作发展关系——不论在 [...]
双边一级或通过我们拉丁美洲和加勒比区域现存的各种一体化和合作机制,特别 是通过美洲人民玻利维亚联盟/人民贸易协定和加勒比石油组织。
Over the past year since the adoption [...]
of this resolution, the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of Nicaragua
has strengthened and will continue to strengthen further its political, economic, commercial and development cooperation relations with the people and Government of Cuba both at the bilateral level and through the various cooperation and integration mechanisms that exist in the Latin American and Caribbean region, in particular the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America — Peoples’ Trade Agreement and Petrocaribe.




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