

单词 省长

省长 noun, plural ()

prefects pl

省长 ()

governor of a province

External sources (not reviewed)

在地方分权方面,该部通省长协调政府在地方的行动,并逐步向区域理 事会转移职权,此后这些理事会有权发放出生证等民事状态文件。
In terms of decentralization,
[...] the Ministry coordinates the State’s activities in the regions through prefects, and is gradually [...]
transferring powers
to regional councils, which are henceforth authorized to issue civil registration documents, such as birth certificates.
于 2007 年开始的第一省长直接 选举将前印度尼西 亚政府反对派领袖推省长的位置。
The first direct Provincial Governor election at the beginning of 2007 has put a former Indonesian government opposition leader at the top seat of the Province.
各省和各区的纵向部门和 办公室在技术上隶属于各自的中央部委和机构,而在行政方面,则隶属于各省 长和区长的领导。
Provincial and district vertical departments and offices are technically under the respective
central ministry and agency while they are
[...] administratively under the provincial governors and district chiefs respectively.
联阿援助团协助省省长和 妇女事务署建立和加强了防止暴力侵害妇女行为的省级委员会,并为 13 个省的 [...]
UNAMA assisted provincial governors and departments [...]
of women affairs in establishing and strengthening provincial commissions
for the prevention of violence against women and conducted awareness programmes for members of civil society and officials in 13 provinces.
联合国联合计划框架旨在增强当地合作伙伴的能力,以实现中长期发展规划确定的当地发展 目标,并反映出巴布省长强调 的参与国际发展机构的战略。
The UNJPF aims at strengthening capacities of local
partners to meet local development goals, as
[...] described in the long- and medium-term [...]
development plans, and reflects the strategies
underlined by the Governor of Papua for engagement with international development agencies.
1954 年《预防犯罪法》具有广泛的权力, “授省长批准 对涉嫌犯罪或‘被视为社会危险’者在没有指控或审判的情况下 [...]
This is above and beyond the sweeping powers of the
Law on Crime Prevention Act of
[...] 1954, which “empowers provincial governors to authorize the [...]
detention without charge or trial
of anyone suspected of committing a crime or ‘deemed to be a danger to society’.
专家组在 2010 年的最后报告(S/2010/596,第 276 段)中指出,刚果民主 共和国武装力量南基伍“阿马尼利奥”行动副指挥官 Makenga
上校领导的部队替 Ngezayo 先生出头参与土地纠纷,Ngezayo 先生 2010 年 8 月 27 日向专家组证实
[...] 这一情况属实,但解释说,他是在尝试了其他解决办法(包括向南基 省长 和阿 马尼利奥”行动指挥官请求救援)后才出此下策。
In its final report of 2010 (S/2010/596, para. 276), the Group cited an incident in which troops reporting to Colonel Makenga, the South Kivu deputy commander for FARDC Amani Leo operations, became involved in a land dispute on behalf of Mr. Ngezayo, a fact the latter confirmed to the Group on 27 August 2010, while explaining that he
had exhausted the alternatives, including
[...] calls to the Governor of South Kivu and the Commander [...]
of Amani Leo operations.
然而,新建的海洋保护区改由总统法令 省长批 准来划定。
However, MPAs created more recently have instead been designated by
[...] presidential decree or by provincial governor approval.
When I was Governor I was telling all the employees in the State of Washington, nobody is perfect.
[...] 我负责政治事务、选举援助和宪法支助的副特别代表访问了基尔库克,并 省长、 副省长、省议会 主席和各政治集团的代表就在基尔库克举行省议会选举的前进方 [...]
While no progress was achieved in that regard, my Special Representative and my Deputy Special Representative for Political Affairs, Electoral Assistance and Constitutional Support visited Kirkuk and held consultations
with the Governor, the Deputy
[...] Governor, the Chair of the Provincial Council and representatives [...]
of political blocs on the
way forward with regard to holding the Governorate Council elections in Kirkuk.
一经任 命,他们可以任命或开除当地的行政官员, 包括乡长、市/镇长(市长,大的行政区域的 行政长官)以及前面提到省长。
They have the authority to appoint or dismiss local administrative officers including mayors of rural communes (wójt), mayors of towns and cities
(burmistrz or for large municipalities prezydent),
[...] heads of the poviats (starosta) and, as mentioned before, the marshal.
法 官 、公共安全 部 门官员、市 长行政 官 员省长和副 省长、地 方行政 机构的 各秘 书长以及国家组织选举委员会成员,在任 何 选举情况下 ,在履行职责期间, 不能成为候选人。
Magistrates, law enforcement officers, administrators and mayors, prefects and sub-prefects, general secretaries of local administrative bodies and members of the National Electoral Organization Commission may not be candidates in any electoral district during their terms of office.
此外,Emerson 公司董事长和总裁,分别担任江苏省和广 省省长 经 济 顾问,分享Emerson在 业务发展和成长中的经验并为地区发展提供建议。
In addition, Emerson’s chairman and president have been appointed as economic
advisors to the Jiangsu
[...] and Guangdong provinces respectively, to share on growth and development [...]
experiences with the local governments.
特别是,联合首席调解人通过把苏丹解放运动-革命 力量(的黎波里派系)成员和路线图系(亚的斯亚贝巴 派系)的一部分合并成一个新运动,成立了由达尔富 尔前省长、达 尔富尔知名政治家 El Tigani Seisi Mohamed Ateem 领导的解放与正义运动(解放运动), 从而在多哈和谈中取得了相当大的进展。
Notably, the Joint Chief Mediator achieved considerable progress in the Doha peace talks through the creation of the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM), merging members of the Sudan Liberation Movement-Revolutionary Forces (Tripoli Group) and part of the Road Map Group (Addis Ababa Group) into a single new movement under the leadership of Eltigani Seisi Mohamed Ateem, a prominent Darfurian politician who was at one time Governor of Darfur.
根据政府与民族解放力量(民解)间的全面停 火协议,民族解放力量的文职领导人进入政府的工 作还在继续,任命了三名民解领导人担任国家土地
[...] 和其他资产委员会的管理工作,当局已要求民解提 名一名布鲁省省长顾问 职位的候选人。
Under the Comprehensive Ceasefire Agreement between the Government and the Forces nationales de libération (FNL), integration of civilian FNL leaders into the Government had continued, with the appointment of three FNL leaders to the National Commission on Land
and Other Assets and FNL had been asked to propose a candidate for the post of
[...] adviser to the Governor of Bururi province.
他在重申苏丹政府与所有联合国机构,尤其是 难民署合作的承诺时表示,由于前青尼罗 省长 Mali k Agar 无视《全面和平协定》中关于安全安排的 规定,其所领导的叛乱导致越过边界进入埃塞俄比 亚的苏丹难民的数量不足数千人,与高级专员报告 的陈述相反。
Reiterating his Government’s commitment to cooperating with all relevant United Nations agencies, especially UNHCR, he pointed out that the number of Sudanese who had crossed the border into Ethiopia because of the rebellion led by former Blue Nile governor Malik Agar in defiance of the provisions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement on security arrangements, did not exceed a few thousand, contrary to what was stated in the report of the High Commissioner.
第二天, Balkh 省的省长 AttaMohammad Noor 先生告诉自由阿 富汗电台说,是巴基斯坦的三军情报局在支持他们。
Now, the next
[...] day, the Balkh provincial Governor, Mr. Atta Mohammad [...]
Noor, tells Radio Free Afghanistan, that it was Pakistan’s
Inter-Services Intelligence that was supporting them.
没有妇女担省长、议 会议长、市长和专 区区长(见表 1)。
There are no women prefects, council presidents, commune mayors or sub-prefects.
代表团会晤了高级政府官员, 包括内阁部长以及国家独立选举委员会(CENI)、各 政党、民族解放力量、民间社会、国际社会和私营
[...] 部门的代表,还访问了布班扎省,在那里见到省 长和地 方选举委员会及民间社会的代表。
The delegation had met with the high-ranking
Government officials, including cabinet ministers,
[...] as well as representatives of the National [...]
Independent Electoral Commission (CENI),
political parties, FNL, civil society, the international community and the private sector.
这些宣传材 料还发送给省长下辖的各办公室和大都市供散发。
These materials are also given to governors’ offices and municipalities for distribution.
该中心由市长和国家副总统Daniel Scioli(布宜诺斯艾利斯省的现省长 ) 一 同揭幕设立,是拉普拉塔市的首个支柱性技术机构。
This center was inaugurated by the city mayor and Vice
President of the nation Daniel Scioli (present
[...] governor of the province of Buenos Aires) [...]
and was presented as the facility of the
first technological pole of the city.
为 此,他们应向工会或联合会所省份 省长 提 交工会或联合会章程以及法律规定的 其他文件。
To this end, they shall submit the statute of the
trade union or the
[...] confederation as well as other documents stipulated by the Law to the governorship in the province where the centre [...]
of the trade union or the confederation is located.
为更好地使商业利益与国家外交政策目标保持一致, 2006
[...] 年 8 月,中央领导层召集政治局常委、政府 长、 大使省长、党 委书记、国企高层和中国人民解放军 (PLA)高层,举办了中央外事工作会议,这是近年来 [...]
The need to better reconcile business interests with foreign policy goals for the country led to the
leadership convening the Politburo, government
[...] ministers, ambassadors, provincial governors, party secretaries, [...]
officials from stateowned
enterprises and senior PLA officers at the August 2006 Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference, the largest foreign policy gathering in recent years.
(e) 省议会成员省长委员 会成员、公社委员会、省有关技术部门和有关省 份土著人民代表,在这些省份土著民族代表聚会一堂,在水节(2009 年 11 月)以 来开展宣传活动。
(e) Members of provincial councils and boards of governors, commune councils, relevant provincial technical [...]
departments and representatives
of indigenous peoples from provinces holding meetings of indigenous peoples and where widespread information campaigns have been undertaken since the time of the Water Festival (in November 2009).
省长或警察局长出于维持交通顺畅的目的,可以对集会的持续时间或游 [...]
行路线施加限制,条件是应在收到通知后 24 小时内书面通知组织者这 些限制条件。
The governor or chief of police [...]
may place restrictions on the duration of the gathering or route of the march for the purpose
of maintaining the flow of traffic, provided that he inform the organizers of such conditions in writing within 24 hours of receiving the notification.
我也想感谢魏常务省长的讲 话和盛情款待,不仅是对我自己,也对里克∙斯奈德州长和他的代表团,和来自美国各个州的众多代表的盛情款待。
I also want to thank
[...] Executive Vice Governor Wei for his [...]
remarks along with his great hospitality, not just for myself,
but Governor Rick Snyder and his delegation and the many representatives of our states from America.
82. 赞扬阿富汗政府为此和为执行《国际毒品管制战略》,包括《优先执行 计划》作出的努力,敦促阿富汗政府和国际社会采取果断行动,特别是采取该《战 略》和《阿富汗契约》提出的具体步骤,并通过各种举措,例如为激励 省省长 减少本省罂粟种植而提出的绩优者举措,来制止毒品加工和毒品贸易,并鼓励阿 富汗当局努力在省级制订打击麻醉品执行计划
Commends the efforts of the Government of Afghanistan in this regard, as well as the efforts to implement the National Drug Control Strategy, including the Prioritized Implementation Plan, urges the Government and the international community to take decisive action, in particular to stop the processing of and trade in drugs, by pursuing the concrete steps set out in the Strategy and in the Afghanistan Compact and through initiatives such as the Good Performers Initiative established to provide incentives for governors to reduce cultivation in their provinces, and encourages the Afghan authorities to work at the provincial level on elaborating counter-narcotics implementation plans
2012年7月18日曼德拉94岁寿辰之际,Rucker整整一年多的努力终于亮相:在开普敦维多利亚阿尔弗雷德码头广场旁的诺贝尔和平广场(Nobel Peace Place),南非西开省省长海伦•施莉(Helen Zille)女士为这件艺术品揭了彩。
At Mandela's 94th birthday on July 18, 2012, all the effort that had gone into making the artwork over the year finally came to fruition: the
premier of the South
[...] African Western Cape Province, Helen Zille, unveiled [...]
the bust to the public for the first time at Nobel Peace Place on the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town.
(b) 加大儿童保护委员会的人力、技术和财政资源,确保 省省长 和 儿 童 保护委员会其他成员充分了解自己在保护儿童权利方面的责任
(b) Increase human, technical and financial resources to the Child Protection Committees and ensure that all Governors and other members of the Child Protection Committees are well informed of their responsibilities with regard to the protection of children’s rights




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