

单词 省市



subprovincial city (having independent economic status within a province)


provincial city

External sources (not reviewed)

(a) 我們與中央政府文化部簽署了內地與香港特區《更 緊密文化關係安排協議書》,亦和其他內 省市簽 署了合作協議。
(a) We have entered into an “Agreement on Closer Cultural Partnership Arrangement” with the Ministry of
Culture of the Central Government and other agreements on
[...] co-operation with different provinces and cities in the Mainland.
省/市范围行动的例子,就是全 环基金/开发署的东亚海域环境管理伙伴关系(见下文第 144 段),其重点是综合 沿海管理。
One example of the provincial/municipal level of action is [...]
the GEF/UNDP Partnerships in Environmental Management for the
Seas of East Asia (see para. 144 below), with its focus on integrated coastal management.
今后两年内,中国将继续加强 执行其现有管制措施,在其省市推 广 提前淘汰行动,继续打击非法消耗臭氧层物质生产、 [...]
For the next two years, China will continue to strengthen enforcement of existing
controls, replicate early phase-out
[...] actions in other cities and provinces, and continue to [...]
tackle illegal ODS production, trade and consumption.
在预定 2013 年 1 月举行省市级选 举的预备阶段,专家组还将检查可能 为全国、省和地方政治领导人提供的支助或这些领导人可能对选举进行的操纵。
In the run-up to provincial and municipal elections scheduled [...]
for January 2013, the Group will also examine potential support
to or manipulation by national, provincial and local political leaders.
这一构成部分在 2012/13 年度预算期间的主要 优先事项是:(a) 协助规划和对外合作部增强其在各省的技术及业务能力,加强
省及社区各级现有规划和协调机制(省协商会议、社区协商会议以及相关部门小 组)实施复苏和发展行动计划;(b)
[...] 加强民间社会组织参与发展战略的制定和实 施;以及(c) 协助政府省、市、地 方各级的机构能力建设,以减轻多发自然灾 害(例如洪水、飓风)的风险和脆弱性并增强应对能力。
The main priorities of the component during the 2012/13 period will be: (a) assisting the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation in enhancing its technical and operational capacity in the departments, and strengthening planning and coordination mechanisms that exist at the departmental and community levels (Tables de concertation départementales, Tables de concertation communales and related sectoral groups) to implement an action plan for recovery and development; (b) increasing the involvement of civil society organizations in the design and implementation of development strategies; and (c) assisting the
Government in building institutional
[...] capacity at the departmental, municipal and local levels to [...]
mitigate risks and vulnerabilities
related to recurrent natural hazards (e.g., floods and hurricanes) and improve their response capacity.
2009年起,住房城乡建设部在部分试 省市 展 开了对新建的国家机关办公 建筑和大型公共建筑进行建筑能效标识工作。
Since 2009, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development [...]
(MOHURD) has promoted building energy efficiency labeling
in newly built government office buildings and large-sized public buildings through pilot projects in selected provinces and cities.
[...] 程――得到本行政区议会的批准;(c)为满足一个以上的省和/或自治市公共利益 而实施的公用工程――得到相关 省/市 议 会的批准(如有分歧,由中央政府决 定);(d) 为满足同一个省内一个以上的市和/或村公共利益而实施的公用工程―― [...]
Public interest is declared: (a) for national interest works – by the Parliament; (b) for local interest works of the territorial administrative unit – by its council; (c) for the public interest of more than one raion and/or municipalities – by their councils, and in case of divergences – by the
Government; (d) for public interest works
[...] of more than one city and/or village in one raion – by [...]
the councils of the cities and/or
villages, and in case of divergences – by the raion council.
(a) 培养各地区在女童和妇女教育现代规划方面的能力,为教育部、地方 省 、 市 镇 )女 童和妇女教育局以及财政部和文化部等其它与教育部门直接有关的政府各部的官员和 [...]
(a) To build regional capacity for modern educational planning for girls and women, by targeting officials and
technical staff of ministries of
[...] education, local level (province, district) education [...]
offices for girls and women and other
ministries directly related to the education sector, such as finance and culture ministries, through
[...] 动包括,消耗臭氧层物质生产者和消费者调查、公众认识活动、针 省市 一 级 政府官员的 消耗臭氧层物质管理和检查培训、完善地方政策以及促进相关地方政府部门间的协调。
The activities that are expected of the local EPBs include a survey of the ODS producers and consumers, public awareness
activities, training to
[...] government officials at both provincial and municipal levels for ODS [...]
management and inspection, improvement
of the local policies and the coordination between related local government departments.
国家管理 局主要负责规划和执行调查研究和跨学科研究,以 使国家省市的标 准与当前的国际人权法相协调。
The Directorate was mainly responsible for the planning and implementation of investigative research and
interdisciplinary studies to
[...] harmonize national, municipal and provincial standards with current [...]
international human rights law.
参与该方案起草的各方面代表有内务部(内政处),选举人口普查办公室, 社会政策及卫生部(残疾人部门政策协调处),邮政机构,西班 省市 联 合会,西 班牙残疾人代表委员会(CERMI)及西班牙国家盲人组织(ONCE),在该草案完成 [...]
后将于 2010 年启动皇家法令的正式批准程序,预计在
2011 年应用于县市级选 举。
On completion of the draft by the working group, composed of representatives of the Ministry of the Interior (the Directorate-General for Domestic Policy, the Electoral Census Office, the Ministry of Health and Social Policy (Directorate-General for Coordination of Sectoral Policies on
Disability), the Post Office, the
[...] Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, the Spanish Committee [...]
of Representatives of Persons
with Disabilities (CERMI) and ONCE, a start will be made in 2010 on the formal processing of the draft royal decree, which is expected to be in force in time for the 2011 municipal elections.
[...] 种族平等政府间论坛,促进将增进种族平等国家政策纳入国家 省市 各 级 方案的 主流。
The Intergovernmental Forum on Promoting Racial Equality (Fórum Intergovernamental de Promoção da Igualdade Racial) was also established to facilitate the
mainstreaming of the National Policy for the Promotion of Racial Equality in the
[...] programmes of states and municipalities.
此外,無論是北京或中國省市也有 捐錢在香 港建立這所大學,更有海外華人、華商、洋務商會等,甚至社會上的 [...]
In addition, be it
[...] in Peking or various provinces in China, people also [...]
donated money to establish this university in Hong
Kong and overseas Chinese, Chinese businessmen, the Hong Kong Union of Chinese Workers in Western Style Employment, and even various trades and industries in the community, such as the Ng Fung Hong or the business community, also made donations.
今后的计划包括:将学院教学纳入公务员特别培训;将学院课 程推广省市一级;编制蒙古的案例研究;以及建立一支专家团队。
The future plans had included the following: the incorporation of the Academy into specialized training
for civil servants; the extension of
[...] the Academy to the provincial level; the compilation [...]
of Mongolian case studies; and
the establishment of a team of resource persons.
多伦市和安省市政雇 员退休计划针对拟出售的Enwave公司股份,依照Enwave、 省市 政 雇 员退休计划与多伦多市之间达成的股东协议,放弃了对于购买献售股东持有的Enwave公司股份的优先取舍权。
In connection with the proposed sale of their interests in Enwave, the City of Toronto and OMERS have waived their right of first refusal [...]
to purchase
Enwave shares from a selling shareholder pursuant to the shareholders agreement between Enwave, OMERS and the City of Toronto.
他介绍了该国电子政务计划的相 关信息,这其中包括在今后数年内在国家 省市 各 级进行信通技术能力 建设的工作。
He shared information on the e-governance plan
of his country, which included ICT
[...] capacity-building at the federal, provincial and municipal levels in the [...]
coming years.
然 而,委员会仍关切地感到,尚无与全国统计和普查机构相协调的数据收集和分析 系统办法,继续阻碍提供按省市及 其 他相关变量数,诸如,性别、年龄、残疾 儿童和土著儿童等详细分类的透明且可靠的数据。
The Committee, however, remains concerned that the absence of a systematic approach to data collection and analysis in coordination with the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses continues to impede the availability of
transparent and reliable data,
[...] disaggregated by provinces and municipalities as well as by other [...]
relevant variables such as
gender, age, children with disabilities and indigenous children.
中国还先后颁布了《安全生产法》、《矿山安 全法》等法律法规,建立了国家省 、 市 、 县四级安全监管体制、垂直管理的煤 矿安全监察系统和安全生产应急救援体制,保护劳动者的生命安全。
China has also successively promulgated the Law on Safety in Production and the Law on Safety in Mines, which protect the lives of workers by setting up safety-oversight mechanisms at the national, provincial, municipal and county levels, vertically administered mine-safety supervision systems and emergency rescue mechanisms for safety in production.
环保部环境监测总站省、市、县环境保护部门的监测站开展了以下四种类型的监测工作: 监测环境质量、污染源监督性监测、突发环境污染事件应急监测、为环境状况调查和评价等环境 [...]
The CNEMC of MEP and monitoring
[...] stations of EPBs of a provincial, city, and county level carry [...]
out the following four types
of monitoring work: monitoring ambient environmental quality, compliance monitoring of pollution sources, monitoring under an emergency situation, and monitoring for environmental performance evaluation and other environmental management.
政府機構」 指 任何政府機構(或其行政分部),無論是否為國家 省 、市 或地 方機構,及或無論是否屬於執行、立法、行政或司法機 [...]
構,包括但不限於任何機關、機構、局、辦公署、委員會、 法院、部門或任何其他機構
Governmental Authorities” any government (or
political subdivision of it),
[...] whether on a state, provincial, municipal or local level [...]
and whether executive, legislative,
administrative or judicial in nature, including (without limitation) any agency, authority, board, bureau, commission, court, department or any other instrumentality
本 公 司 及 其 若 干 於 中 國 成 立 的 附 屬 公 司 已 為 若
[...] 干 僱 員 參 與 由 中 國 政 府 的 有省 市 社 保 管 理 單 位 營 辦 的 多 項 定 額 [...]
供 款 退 休 金 計 劃。
The Company and certain of its subsidiaries established in the PRC have joined a number of defined
contribution pension schemes
[...] organised by the relevant provincial and municipal social insurance [...]
management bodies of the PRC
government for certain of their employees.
每年,我们都会接待数百个来自 省市 的 中 国官方商业代表团代表,而上千名的中国官员和企业代表也到我们的管理学院接受培训。
Every year, we welcome hundreds of officials and business
[...] delegations from many provinces and cities in China.
如部分研發工作須在香港境外(內地除外)進行,必須事先徵求創新科技署批 准,並說明理由(例如有關國家省/ 市 / 海 外科研機構已與政府或本地大 學/研發中心簽訂了科技合作協議/諒解備忘錄)。
Where certain R&D tasks need to be conducted outside Hong Kong (other than the Mainland), prior approval from
ITC must be sought with
[...] justifications (e.g. countries/provinces/cities/overseas research [...]
institutes which have entered into
technology collaboration agreements/ Memorandum of Understanding with the Government or local universities/R&D Centres).
2008年被认定为市级企业技术中心;2009年被认定为大连市知识产权试点单位;2010年被认定为省级企业技术中心;2010年被认定为国家高新技术企业;通过了ISO9001标准质量管理体系认证;连续二十年 省市 工 商 局授予重合同守信用单位;连续多年被大连市工商局认定为免检企业。
The institute is confirmed as Municipal Enterprise Technological Centre of Dalian in 2008 and Provincial Enterprise Technology Centre in 2010; it is confirmed as National Hi-Tech Enterprise in 2010; it is confirmed as Dalian IPR Pilot Enterprise in 2009; it has got ISO9001 Certificate of the system of quality certification; it is awarded with
"contract-abiding and
[...] trustworthy" enterprise by provincial and municipal Industrial & Commercial [...]
Bureau for many years;
it is assessed as Inspection Exemption enterprise by Dalian Municipal Industrial & Commercial Bureau for years.
同 时,严才力阁 下作为清洁
[...] 饮水供 应 和 农村环境卫生 技术小 组负责人, 在全国省/市开展 环境卫生运动。在发起 2008 年国际环境卫生运动时,他会见了 [...]
发展伙伴,并向 其 解 释 了 农村发展部 促 进清洁 饮 水 供 应 和 环境卫
生的战略 和政 策,还鼓励改善柬埔寨王国农村地区的环境卫生。
Meanwhile, His Excellency Yim Chhayly, Head of Clean Water Supply and Rural Sanitation Technical
Team, has conducted sanitation
[...] campaigns in various provinces/cities nationwide during a [...]
launch of international sanitation
2008 and met with and explained to the development partners the Ministry’s strategies and policies to promote the clean water supply and sanitation and encourage the better implementation of the rural sanitation in rural areas of the Kingdom of Cambodian.
此外,CEPA在2004年1月1日實施以來,香港特區政府在內地多 省市 舉 辦一連串的「香港周」大型推廣活動,目的是加強兩地在CEPA框架下的經貿合作和交流及展示香港在國際金融、旅遊、物流、專業服務等方面的資源和優勢。
In addition, the HKSAR Government has been organizing a series of large
scale "Hong Kong Week" promotional
[...] activities in different provinces and cities of the [...]
Mainland since the implementation of CEPA on 1 January 2004.
龙赛鼎酒庄第三代掌门人Tino Rossetti先生向到场的媒体嘉宾及各地进口葡萄酒代理商介绍了龙赛鼎酒庄的历史与发展,并表示愿意同中国各 省市 代 理商一同打造在国内最具影响力的意大利托斯卡纳知名葡萄酒品牌—“卡连诺”。
Tino Rossetti, the 3rd-generation owner of Rossetti Vineyard introduced the history and development of the Vineyard to the media VIPs and wine import agents of all parts present on the occasion, and expressed his willingness to co-build the most influential domestically Italian Tuscany well-known wine brand - Corliano with agents of different provinces and cities all over China.
本项目建设后满足内网人事部机关各司局及所属各事业单位的办公人员等415名用户办公的需要,满足专网人事部机关、所属事业单位、中央机关、国务院各部委 省市 人 事 厅局等部门的办公人员用户的办公需要,向外网广大企事业单位及社会公众提供服务。
After it is completed, the project is able to accommodate 415 users of various departments, bureaus and institutions of MoP, meet the demand of head office, subordinate institutions, central
organizations, ministries/commissions under the
[...] State council and provincial personnel departments, [...]
and provide services for enterprises,
institutions and the public via the extranet.
出席该会议包括:FNC的全部领导者、各分配中心的经理、胡志明市科学自然大学教授兼干细胞专家的范金玉硕士、NK Nutrition行政总裁张式秒红医生硕士、胡志明市工商厅代表、合伙医院代表、忠诚客户及来自 省市 之 逾 3000位分配商代表。
Attending the event, there are presences of the whole FNC Leaders, Directors of Distribution Centers, Master Phan Kim Ngoc – Expert in Stem Cell Technology, Lecturer of Natural Science University of Ho Chi Minh City, Master Truong Thi Dieu Hong – CEO of NK Nutrition, representative of Industry and
Trade Department of Ho
[...] Chi Minh City, Directors of partner hospitals, royal customers, and nearly 3000 dynamic distributors representing the provinces and cities.
As the construction of provincial, municipal and county-level surveillance [...]
platforms started as early as 2004, provincial-level
acquisition servers are deployed to upload province-specific surveillance information to the ministerial surveillance platform via the software for nationwide cyber cafe monitoring.




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