

单词 省委

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 立法議會議員削減總檢察 部分配所得的資源, 總檢察 部 便 須 另 謀途徑, 以 支省委任法官的薪酬。
Therefore, if Members of the Legislative Assembly reduce the Ministry of the Attorney General’s
allocation, the Ministry would have to find some other ways to cover
[...] the salaries of the provincially appointed judges.
政府在颁布《消除暴力侵害妇女行为法》之后成立了 一个消除暴力侵害妇女行为全国委员会,到目前为止 已成立了 22 个省委员会
The Government has established a national Commission on Elimination of Violence against Women following
enactment of the Law on the Elimination of Violence against Women and
[...] has established 22 provincial commissions thus far.
於二零零七年,李先生獲委任為中國人民政治 協商會議湖省委員。
Mr. has been appointed as a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative
[...] Conference of Hunan Province in China since 2007.
同样,科诺区一名渴望得到最高酋长职位的妇女的候选人资格被否 决,高级法院维持省委书记的决定。
Similarly, a woman aspiring to the position of
paramount chief in Kono district saw her candidacy denied and the High Court upheld
[...] the decision of the Provincial Secretary.
他尤其会见了地区省委员会 的负责人和文化和媒体委员会的 负责人。
In particular, he met with the head
[...] of the Regions and Governorates Committee and the head of [...]
the Culture and Media Committee.
在 2012-13 年度,禮賓處共接待了 13 位內地官員,當中包括中華人民共和國主席、
[...] 全國人民代表大會常務委員會副委員長、中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會副主 席,以及廣省委書記
In 2012-13, the Protocol Division received a total of 13 Mainland officials, including President of the People’s Republic of China, Vice-Chairmen of National People’s Congress Standing Committee, Vice-Chairmen of Chinese People’s Political
Consultative Conference National Committee, and Secretary of the Communist Party
[...] of China Guangdong Provincial Committee.
届时,青省委强卫 书记将率领由政府官员及旅游企业组成的代表团将与来宾分享青海的旅游资源及潜在的投资与合作机会。
Mr Qiang Wei, Party Secretary of Qinghai, [...]
will lead a delegation of government officials and entrepreneurs from the tourism
industry to take part in the seminar.
中国青少年发展基金会副秘书长汪敏女士、安徽省青基会理事长曹勇、共青团安 省委 书 记 王宏、卡夫食品(中国)董事长及总裁戴乐娜(Lorna [...]
China Youth Development Foundation Deputy Secretary-General Wang Min, Anhui Youth League Secretary
General Wang Hong, Anhui CYDF General Director
[...] Cao Yong, and Chairman and President [...]
of Kraft Foods China Ms. Lorna Davis, together
with 70 Kraft Foods employee volunteers, witnessed the unveiling of the brand new “Kraft Hope Kitchen” in the Miaochong Hope School.
2005 年,在 Sangha 成立的预备学校 得到教育部的确认,Sangha 省委员会 致力于合作培训巴卡教师和社区卫生工作 者。
In 2005, the preparatory schools established in the Sangha were recognized by the Ministry of Education, and the Sangha Department council committed to collaborate in training Baka teachers and community health workers.
人权高专办/ 联阿援助团继续支持妇女事务部和各省妇女事务厅提高执行 《消除对妇女暴力法》的能力,包括按照上述法律成立防止对妇女暴力高级委员 会和省委员会以及2010年6 月成立部长决策委员会。
OHCHR/UNAMA continued its support to the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and provincial Departments of Women’s Affairs to strengthen their capacity to implement the law on Elimination of Violence against Women including
through the establishment
[...] of a High Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women and provincial commissions in compliance [...]
with the law and
a June 2010 Council of Ministers decision.
这是太省省委副书 记、省长杨玉龙同志在1月24日与日本Quantum Leaps集团的董事长NOBUYUKI IDE 先生会见时所强调的问题。NOBUYUKI IDE [...]
This issue was emphasized by Mr. Duong
[...] Ngoc Long, Deputy Provincial Committee Secretary, Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee [...]
at the receiving
and working session with Mr. Nobuyuki Idei, President of Japan’s Quantum Leaps Group, who visited and sought any opportunity for investing in Thai Nguyen province (photo) on the morning of January 24 th .
1月31日,太省省委副书记、省长杨玉龙同志迎接并会见了由美国驻越南大使,戴维希尔(David Shear)先生率领的代表团。
On January 31st, Deputy Secretary of
[...] the Party’s Provincial Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Mr. Duong Ngoc Long [...]
met and exchanged
with the Mission leaded by Mr. David, Shear, U.S Ambassador to Vietnam on the occasion of the visit and working session in Thai Nguyen.
1992年,经过SONG BE省委员会 的批准,槟吉综合商业公司与省级各公司合并,正式命名为SONG BE省进出口贸易公司 [...]
In 1992, Ben Cat General Trading got the
[...] approval from People’s Committee of Song Be province (former name) to [...]
merge with many other provincial
companies into Song Be Import - Export and Trading Company (Becamex). This merged structure had more diversified and extensive scope of activities on the basis of Ben Cat General Trading company.
在商务部与杭州市政府密切合作下,在北京成功举行了本届博览会的新闻发布会,商务部党组成员、部长助理黄海 省委 常 委 、 杭 州市委书记、人大主任王国平、杭州市市长蔡奇、杭州市政协主席孙忠焕、杭州市人大常委会党组书记、副主任于辉达、杭州市副市长沈坚出席新闻发布会,近80家新闻媒体参与专题新闻和跟踪报道。
In close cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce and Hangzhou Municipal Government, under the current was held successfully in Beijing Expo press conference, party members of the Ministry
of Commerce, Huang Hai,
[...] assistant minister of the provincial Standing Committee, Party secretary [...]
of Hangzhou, People³'s
Congress Chairman Wang Guoping, Hangzhou City Cai Qi, Hangzhou Sun Zhonghuan chairman of the CPPCC, the Hangzhou People³'s Congress party secretary, deputy director of the Yu Huida, Hangzhou Vice Mayor Shen Jian attended the news conference, nearly 80 news and the news media participate in a follow-up reports.
那是在2006年,我和时任浙省委书记 的习副主席乘船游览了风光秀丽的西湖。
My previous two meetings with Vice President Xi were both in China - the first time was in 2006 on a boat on the scenic Western Lake (西湖) in Hangzhou when Vice President Xi was the Party Secretary of Zhejiang; and the second time in April this year in Hainan when I attended the board meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia.
毛振华先生曾先后在湖北省统计局 省委 政 策 研究室、海南省政府研究中心、国务院研究室等单位从事经济研究工作,1992年创办了中国诚信信用管理有限公司。
Mr. Mao Zhenhua has successively done economic
[...] research in Hubei Provincial Bureau of Statistics, Hainan Provincial Government [...]
Research Center and Research Office of the State Council.
彼 亦 是 中 國 人 民 政
[...] 治 協 商 會 議 第 九 屆 浙省 委 員 會 委 員 及 香 港 選 舉 委 [...]
員 會 委 員 。
He is also a member of The Ninth Chinese People’s Political Consultative
[...] Conference of Zhejiang Province and an Election Committee [...]
member of Hong Kong.
还为执行机构转达了政策,其中包 括来自各部委的管理人员、各省省长 省委 员 会主席、省议会议员、区长、公社/ 区议会以及 Rattanakiri 省和 Mundul Kiri 省土著人民社区代表。
Such activities are also conducted for the executive body, including the management from all ministries, provincial governors and chairs of provincial boards, members of provincial councils, district governors, commune/Sangkat councils, and the representatives of indigenous peoples’ communities in Ratanakiri and Mondulkiri provinces.
周先生是現任經濟合作組織(OECD)企業管治圓桌會議核心成員、香港工商專業聯會副主席、中國人民政治協商會議浙 省委 員 、香港特別行政區選舉委員會委員及中國財政部會計準則委員會會計準則諮詢專家。
He was a Deputy Chairman of The Hong Kong Institute of Directors from 2001 to 2008 and the Chairman of the PAIB Committee of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) from 2006 to 2008. Mr. CHOW is currently a core member of the OECD/World Bank Asian Corporate Governance Roundtable, a Deputy Chairman of the Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong, a member of The
Chinese People's Political Consultative
[...] Conference - Zhejiang Province, a member of the Election [...]
Committee of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region and an expert advisor of the Accounting Standards Committee of the Ministry of Finance, the People's Republic of China.
2010 年,为使国家委员会和省委员会之间更好地协调,安哥拉对地方专家 进行了武器管理技术培训。
In order to ensure better coordination between the National
[...] Commission and the provincial commissions, Angola trained [...]
local experts in weapons
management techniques in 2010.
然而,委员会对教育的预算拨款过低感到关 注,在接受教育方面仍存在明显的性别和地区差别,特别是在极北省、北部省、 阿达马瓦省、东部和南部省,委员 会感到关注的问题还有:校园暴力的受害儿 童比例极高,高辍学率、受过培训的教师数量不足,教育质量差,缺少教材和设 备,以及缺水和环境设施差等。
The Committee is also concerned at the extremely high rate of children victims of violence in schools, the high number of school dropouts, the insufficient number of trained teachers, the poor quality of education, the lack of learning materials and equipment, and the lack of water and sanitation facilities.
4月26日上午省委会,省委书记 梅世忠 省委 主 席 黎青弓与新加坡共和国总统- H.E.Tony Tan Keng Yam 先生跟夫人在越南平阳省会见。
On the morning of 26th
[...] April, at the Provincial People’s Committee Office, Provincial Party Committee Secretary Mai The Trung and Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Le Thanh Cung received [...]
President of the
Republic of Singapore -  H.E.Tony Tan Keng Yam and his wife during their visit in Vietnam.
省委九届十一次全会通过的《中共吉 省委 关 于 制定吉林省国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》指出,要全面加强水利基础设施建设,按照人水和谐、可持续发展的思路,合理开发利用水资源,全面提高水利对经济社会的保障能力。
Provincial Committee of the Ninth Plenary adopted by eleven, "the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee of Jilin Province [...]
on the development of economic
and social development of the proposed Twelfth Five-Year Plan" that we must strengthen our water infrastructure, according to people and water, sustainable development of ideas, rational development and utilization of water resources, improve the protection of water for economic and social capacity.
田中貴金屬工業株式會社(總公司:東京都千代田區、執行總裁:岡本英彌)發表,其與國立大學法人京都大學再生醫科學研究所之岩田博夫教授、兒玉智信研究員,及MARUHO發條工業株式會社(總公司:京都府京都市、執行總裁:奥康伸)共同研發的「使用非磁性合金之腦動脈瘤專用栓塞治療線圈」,已獲入圍為日本經濟產 省委 託 事業「2012年度課題解決型醫療機器等開發事業」之採用對象。
Tanaka Holdings Co., Ltd (a company of Tanaka Precious Metals) today announced that Tanaka Kikinzoku International K.K., which handles imports, exports and sales of the Tanaka Precious Metals, will relocate the head office of its US sales subsidiary (TKI America) from Indianapolis, Indiana to Chicago, Illinois on April 1.
在10月26日的百公斤级LED蓝宝石晶体项目投产暨下线仪式上,贵 省委省 政 府 、贵阳市委市政府及各界领导、合作伙伴、新闻媒体、及GTAT公司总裁兼首席执行官 Tom Gutierrez 共同见证了这颗亚洲最大的蓝宝石晶体,以及皓天光电与下游厂商代表的签约仪式。
On the Grand Opening Ceremony of the 100kg-scale LED sapphire crystal
project on Oct. 26,
[...] leaders from the provincial Party committee and provincial government of Guizhou, The municipal Party committee and municipal [...]
government of Guiyang,
leaders at other levels, partners, media and Tom Gutierrez, GTAT's President and CEO, commonly witnessed this largest sapphire crystal of Asia and the signing ceremony of HTOT and downstream customers.
商务部党组成员、部长助理、国家茧丝绸协调办公室主任黄海 省委 常 委 、 杭 州市委书记、人大主任王国平,中国商业联合会会长何济海,中国纺织工业协会副会长孙瑞哲,中国丝绸协会会长弋辉,杭州市市长蔡奇等有关部门领导以及四川、重庆、内蒙古、江西省市主管部门的负责同志和法国、意大利、德国、英国、荷兰、印度、日本、韩国、马来西亚、香港、台湾等国家和地区的丝绸与女装机构、业内人士领导出席了开幕式并参观了博览会。
The Ministry of Commerce party members, assistant national director
of the Yellow Sea Silk
[...] Coordination Office, Provincial Party Standing Committee, Party secretary [...]
of Hangzhou, People³'s Congress
Wang Guoping, director of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce president He Jihai, China Textile Industry Association vice president of Sun Rui Zhe, China Silk Association Chairman Yi-hui, Hangzhou Mayor Cai Qi and other leaders of relevant departments, as well as Sichuan, Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi Province, municipal authorities responsible comrades and France, Italy, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions, silk and women³'s organizations, industry leaders attended the opening ceremony and visited the Expo.
關於對藝團的資助委員普 遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家; (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把省下來 的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的願景。
Regarding funding support for the
[...] arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated [...]
to the use of arts
development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.
本项目建设后满足内网人事部机关各司局及所属各事业单位的办公人员等415名用户办公的需要,满足专网人事部机关、所属事业单位、中央机关、国务院各 委 、 省 市 人 事厅局等部门的办公人员用户的办公需要,向外网广大企事业单位及社会公众提供服务。
After it is completed, the project is able to accommodate 415 users of various departments, bureaus and institutions of MoP, meet the demand of head office, subordinate institutions,
[...] organizations, ministries/commissions under the State council and provincial personnel departments, [...]
and provide services
for enterprises, institutions and the public via the extranet.




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